Android version book lovers, please wait impatiently!

Today, the Android version of the "Magic Sky" mobile game has begun public testing. At the same time, everyone's exclusive server has been opened, allowing brothers and sisters to gather together in a lively manner.

Method for downloading the exclusive server for book friends: Add Wangyu’s public authoritative signal, use the authoritative friend-adding function to search for the public account “Wangyu” or: “wang——yu——”, you can also add the public service account “Wangyu official website”, or You can use your mobile browser Baidu to search the 'Wangyu official' website, and these can be downloaded. Only the "Devil's Notes" successfully downloaded from these pages will be the exclusive server for book lovers.

Haha, I hope everyone can have fun in the world of "Magic Sky" and make more friends among the same generation!

Tap the screen to use advanced tools Tip: You can use left and right keyboard keys to browse between chapters.

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