A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 2535 The arrival of the true immortal and the return of the bottle spirit

With the speed of the three people, they naturally reached the center of the giant island in an instant.

Looking from a distance, a seemingly ordinary mountain peak appears in front of us.

Suddenly there was a muffled sound above the mountain peak, and a milky white light pillar shot into the sky.

Then the scenery ahead cracked open like a mirror, revealing two emerald green peaks and an aura-filled valley.

The milky white light beam shot out from the valley.

"Lingxiao Tianzhu!"

When Han Li saw the light pillar appear, a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

When he came last time, this spiritual pillar only appeared after the restriction was broken.

How come this pillar emerged from the Valley of Bitter Spirits on its own before people arrived?

Han Li's mind was spinning rapidly, and when he was thinking about the truth, he suddenly heard a buzzing sound on his body, and a ball of blue light shot out from his sleeves. After a blur, it turned into a blurry shadow and shot out from the distant beam of light. go.

Han Li's expression changed drastically. He reached forward with a big hand and fished it out. At the same time, an invisible force rolled up and instantly trapped the green light hundreds of feet away.

After the green light converged, it was the green vial.

But at this moment, countless dark green runes appeared on the surface of the vial, and the whole body was almost transparent and trembling wildly, as if it was trying desperately to break free from its confinement.

Almost at the same time, a shrill scream suddenly came from the milky white light pillar not far away, and a ball of yellow light flashed inside, shooting towards Han Li like a meteor.

Han Li's heart trembled, and without even thinking about it, his other big hand rushed down to grab it from a distance.

Immediately, the sky above the yellow light fluctuated, and a giant golden hand several feet tall appeared out of thin air. With only a slight opening of its five fingers, it grabbed the yellow light below like lightning.

Suddenly there was a loud hissing sound in the yellow light!

Countless black hairs shot out from it, and the seemingly indestructible giant golden hand was instantly riddled with holes. After another tremor, it turned into dots of aura and disappeared.

And the yellow light blurred again, and appeared directly next to the green vial across a distance of several miles.

After the yellow glow dispersed, another light yellow vial emerged from it.

The shape of this vial is the same as that of a green vial, but the color is light yellow, and the light flowing all over its body is flashing, giving people a strange feeling that it is not real.

As soon as this object appeared, it immediately rushed towards the cyan vial impatiently, as if it was planning to merge directly into one.

"Bang" sound.

The cyan vial suddenly became radiant, and a layer of dark green light appeared out of thin air, flicking the yellow vial open.

The yellow vial rolled out several feet in a row before regaining its balance with light.

Two dots of yellow light flashed on the body of the bottle, and two black eyes the size of peas appeared strangely, with a very anthropomorphic look of surprise.

Then the yellow vial moved again, and there was another rush around the cyan vial, but no matter what method was used, it was pushed away by the dark green light pattern, making it impossible for it to really rush close to the cyan vial.

The pair of black eyes on the yellow vial couldn't help but flash wildly, showing an extremely anxious look at first.

At the same time, not far away, Han Li, who was using some kind of immortal magic technique, breathed a long sigh of relief when he saw this.

Integrating the imitation into the body of the Sky Palm Vase, the method of temporarily controlling the bottle is indeed very effective for the bottle spirit. No wonder Ma Liang, an immortal from the lower world, will be given the imitation treasure. In all likelihood, the Nine Yuan Dao Ancestor also has it. It's like planning.

Han Li was thinking this in his mind, but his face showed no expression at all. After a sway of his body, he moved directly towards the two bottles.

Saint Ancestor Yuanmeng, who had been following behind, was also stunned by this unexpected scene.

He and the other two ancestors have been taking turns guarding the Kuling Island for tens of thousands of years. How come they didn't know that there would be such a rare treasure on the island.

Although the yellow vial cannot truly transform yet, it is obviously truly spiritual, and its value may not be as high as the ordinary Xuantian treasure.

As for why Han Li knew that this treasure was here and that it was closely related to another treasure on his body, the ancestor of the demon clan did not want to think about the reason any more.

Instead, he felt warm in his heart and wanted to follow Han Li and move forward.

But at this moment, there was a thunderous sound nearby, and Taoist Xie stood in front of him at some point. Countless silver arcs came out of his body, and he looked at him coldly without saying a word.

Saint Ancestor Yuanmeng's heart trembled, and he paused for a moment. His purple eyes glanced at Han Li's back in the distance, and then at the expressionless face of Taoist Crab in front of him. He looked hesitant, and for a moment he didn't think about whether he really wanted to push through.

Although he has not fought against Han Li after he advanced to the Mahayana, he was able to save his life in his hands when he was in the combined stage. It seems that after he has advanced to the Mahayana, his strength will be far more terrifying than the rumors say, plus he has such strength. It is also different from the ordinary Mahayana pseudo-immortals who are watching covetously from the side.

Although he has always had a high self-esteem, he never believed that he could really defeat the opponent. Winning the treasure was even more of a daydream. On the contrary, he might anger the opponent rashly and create a real life-or-death enemy for himself. .

After careful consideration in his mind, the ancestor of Yuan Nightmare sighed secretly and gave up other thoughts. He just stopped in place seemingly calmly and watched Han Li's actions.

The ancestor of the demon clan didn't know how much of an opportunity he had missed.

The psychic treasure in his eyes is actually a treasure that the Taoist ancestors of the immortal world attach great importance to.

If he knew the true origin of the Sky Palm Vase, even if there was a one in 10,000 possibility, the ancestor of the Yuan Demon Clan would never have watched the bottle fall into Han Li's hands.

At the same time, Han Li approached the two vials very carefully, with an unusually solemn look on his face.

Although the other party was just an incorporeal bottle spirit, after seeing how easily the other party dispelled his secret technique just now, he had already become extremely cautious and never dared to treat the other party as an ordinary spiritual being.

After the yellow vial failed to rush to the cyan vial for more than ten times in a row, it finally stopped this senseless and crazy behavior. Instead, it stopped in the void nearby, and a pair of black eyes stared at Han Li.

It has a bit of doubt and a bit of solemn expression.

Seeing this situation, Han Li breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as this bottle spirit doesn't attack and escape alive as soon as they meet, everything below will be much easier to handle.

With this thought in his mind, he flicked one of his sleeves, and a golden talisman burst open silently inside.

Suddenly a thick green mist rolled out of his sleeves, and after a surge, it submerged all the void in the surrounding area.

The situation between Han Li and the two vials was completely obscured by the thick mist. Even with the magical power of the ancestor of Yuanxiang, his spiritual thoughts could not penetrate through.

Seeing this situation, the ancestor of the demon clan's face changed slightly, and he was secretly glad that he really didn't do anything just now.

Not to mention anything else, just having the opponent's magical power that can directly block his spiritual thoughts will definitely give people a huge headache.

Time passed little by little, and there was still no sound coming out of the blue sea of ​​mist, and the mist remained motionless.

Seeing this, Yuan Yan naturally frowned, but he couldn't really trust Han Li to stay alone on the island.

He simply thought for a moment, summoned the three black dragons with one hand, and sat up cross-legged on their huge bodies to meditate. .

This wait lasts for seven days and seven nights!

Just when Yuan Xiang felt impatient and began to consider whether to go to the sea of ​​fog to check, an unusually cheerful roar came from the sea of ​​fog.

The green mist began to billow and surge again.

There was a flash of light, and a green rainbow flew out from it.

The figure flashed again

Han Li appeared in front of Yuan Xiang in high spirits. After taking a look at him, he said with a smile on his face:

"Oh, fellow Taoist hasn't left yet, but Brother Yuan has been waiting for a long time."

"Hmph, this island is in the sea of ​​demon origin. How can we leave you, a foreigner, alone here? You have finished handling the matter. Now that you have the treasure in hand, why not leave quickly." Yuan Yan stood up from the giant dragon. , said angrily.

"Fellow Taoist, I have no intention of staying here any longer. Hehe, I don't know how long it will be before I see you next time." Han Li yawned, feeling happy in his heart. Not even half a point less.

Then he didn't talk much with the ancestor of the demon clan in front of him. After greeting Mr. Xie, the two of them flew away on the way they came.

Yuan Xiang's face became unusually gloomy as he watched the two people fleeing away.

In the secret room of the black ship, Han Li was playing with a small emerald green bottle in his hand, with a smile on his lips.

After a long time, he put the vial away and closed his eyes again to sit up and meditate.

As for his process of conquering the bottle spirit, and what happened in the sea of ​​fog for seven days and seven nights.

No matter whether Han Li later returned to the human race or later ascended to the immortal world and finally became the supreme being in the immortal world, he never revealed anything about it to anyone.

Many of his friends and disciples secretly speculated for a long time without getting the real answer.

A few months later, over a bottomless canyon in the Demon Realm, a huge black boat was quietly suspended in mid-air. Han Li and Taoist Crab flew out of it, side by side, looking down at something.

"From here, you can go to the Moko Realm, which is the closest to Dragon Island. Fan Baozi said vaguely. He said that there would be an envoy from Dragon Island to pick us up in this realm, but he didn't reveal the exact details. Position, this is a bit troublesome." Han Li murmured with a wry smile, then made a gesture with one hand and pointed towards the black giant boat.

Immediately, the Jimo Ling Holy Boat buzzed and shrank rapidly, flying into Han Li's sleeves in a flash.

After Han Li grabbed the air with one hand, a green sword mark appeared on his arm, and a dark green wooden sword suddenly appeared in his hand, and he slashed downwards.

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