A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 2530 The True Immortal Arrives The Destiny Card

"Are you serious?" The face of the little red human body was always changing, but after hearing something the dark-skinned young man said, he immediately lost his voice and looked at Han Lilai up and down with a strange look.

Han Li narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling a little surprised in his heart, but he didn't say anything.

"That's all I can say. Whether you believe it or not is of course up to you fellow Taoist." The dark-skinned young man curled his lips and looked indifferent.

"Okay, I will believe you again. Friend Daoist Han, I can be your spiritual servant for a while, but you must take me with you when you ascend to the fairy world. As for when you return to the fairy world, if you can help me find the birth crystal orb , I can still be your spiritual servant for a while, and you can control it for tens of thousands of years. As for the spiritual servant contract, it must also be signed with the Demon Contract." The red villain spoke with his eyes flashing red.

"As long as Fellow Daoist Fire is willing to be banned, I will naturally lose you." Han Li replied with a smile.

As soon as Moguang saw that the matter was settled, he stopped talking nonsense and immediately opened his mouth and sprayed a ball of black air as black as ink into the air.

After the black air condensed for a moment, it turned into a black and ghostly leather scroll, which slowly fell down.

"I have written all the contents of the contract on it. If you two see that there is no problem, you can write your name or mark with blood essence, and at the same time, separate a ray of spiritual thought to attach it.

As soon as he finished speaking, the dark-skinned young man first sprayed a ball of essence and blood into the black leather scroll, which dispersed in the wind and turned into a strange symbol imprinted on it.

Then he made a seal with one hand, and a stream of blood spurted out from his eyebrows and disappeared without a trace.

Han Li made a move with one hand, and the black leather scroll came over in a blur. He lowered his head and looked at it carefully several times before nodding calmly.

The content written in the contract was not much different from the agreement, and some parts were even more relaxed than originally imagined.

It is said to be a contract, but in fact it is more like a covenant of checks and balances.

But looking like this made Han Li feel a little more at ease.

He raised a finger and forced a drop of blood from it to fall on it.

On top of this drop of essence and blood, there was a faint wisp of blue light. As soon as Fang fell on the black leather scroll, two golden ancient words 'Han Li' were immediately transformed in their place.

Han Li flicked his wrist and threw the black leather scroll to Huoxuzi again.

Huoxuzi, the fire spirit beast, just glanced at it and then cast a spell on it carelessly.

"Pfft" sound.

The black leather scroll blurred and dissipated into the void directly into a puff of blue smoke.

In this way, the contract with the devil was completed seemingly easily.

"The matter here has almost been settled. You two, please come back to the human race with me. I believe that with the help of these two Taoist friends, Han will definitely benefit a lot in the future." Han Li said with a slightly calm expression.

"Hehe, now that we have signed the contract, the two of us must act as agreed. Wherever our fellow Taoist goes, of course we will follow." The dark-skinned young man chuckled.

"Okay, let's set off immediately after taking care of the last thing." Han Li nodded.

"One last thing? Are you talking about the guy who has been hiding down there listening to us since just now?" Huoxuzi said with a glare.

As soon as he finished speaking, a light suddenly shone brightly somewhere on the ground below, and a five-color light array emerged out of thin air.

Almost at the same time, the low altitude below Han Li and others fluctuated, and a white rainbow penetrated and shot straight towards the light array.

Moguang, the devil from outside the world, seemed to have known about this for a long time, and immediately shot out with a backhand without any haste.

There was a loud "boom".

The light array on the ground was swept away by some strange force, and immediately burst into pieces.

Bai Hong immediately circled around and revealed his true form nearby, and it turned out to be another "Ming Zun".

It's just that the aura on his body was several times weaker than before, and the look he looked at Han Li and others was even more ugly.

"It turns out to be fellow Taoist Ming Zun. It seems that the person who died earlier is just an incarnation of your Excellency." Han Li didn't feel anything strange when he saw Ming Zun appear, but asked calmly.

"Incarnation? What incarnation can hide from you Mahayana powerhouses? The previous Mingzun was also me, but it was just a part of me. I didn't expect that after planning so hard for so long, I ended up taking advantage of you, Daoist Han." Mingzun. After his expression changed several times, he slowly replied.

At this moment, this Mingzun is extremely upset!

Although he detonated the magic circle in Tianwai Tianzhong before, he was directly hit and seriously injured by such a part of the backlash power. Otherwise, he would not have waited until now to rush over. He could only watch Han Li kill Ma Liang. The final act of this true immortal.

This surprised him greatly!

Fortunately, he has always been scheming, and although he knows that he is in a bad situation, he still doesn't show panic on his face.

"It turns out that Taoist friend used the soul-splitting technique. No wonder Han didn't notice anything wrong beforehand. However, Taoist friend's self-destruction of the magic circle not only failed to deal with the true immortal, but even I survived it. . In this case, should Brother Ming give me an explanation?" Han Li looked at Ming Zun and said solemnly.

"Whatever fellow Taoist wants to explain, just ask, as long as I can do it, there will never be any words of refusal. The reason why Ming made such a move before was for the sake of the entire spiritual world. Besides, if it hadn't been for the previous great formation Self-destruction, even if Fellow Daoist Han has unfathomable magical power, I'm afraid it's impossible to kill this true immortal." Ming Zun replied with a wry smile, but secretly he immediately raised most of the mana in his body, and at the same time several treasures were also hidden in his sleeves Zhong grabbed it with both hands.

"Brother Ming, don't worry. Han won't let you do something you can't do. I only want your head. No matter what you say, I almost made me a sacrifice for the magic circle before. Everything is true. After I kill you, your great achievements will be praised by the people in the spirit world." After Han Li heard this, a trace of sarcasm appeared in the corner of his mouth.

Upon hearing this, Mingzun's expression suddenly changed. He raised his hands without saying a word, and more than a dozen blood-colored beads shot out. He made a seal again, and with the sound of wind and thunder under his feet, a pair of wind and thunder wheels the size of a head emerged. At the same time, there was a "puff" sound from behind, and a pair of snow-white wings more than ten feet long appeared out of thin air.

I saw a flash of lightning under his feet, a fierce flap of his wings behind his back, and immediately passed away in the wind as a blur in his original place.

When the sound of breaking through the sky came again, it suddenly appeared in the void thousands of feet away, and immediately ran away towards the horizon without looking back.

When Han Li saw this, he snorted and moved his arms. Just when he was about to do something, the magic light next to him suddenly shot forward and shot out of the void, and a black wind suddenly rose.

The dozens of blood-red beads were just a flash, and they were all caught up in the wind, followed by continuous "bang" and "bang" sounds.

These spheres exploded into bloody flames in the wind, without any power being released.

"Brother Han, leave this person to me and fellow Taoist Huo. The two of us have just signed a contract with the devil, and it's time to show off in front of Brother Han." Mo Guang retracted his arm and said with a smile. .

"Okay, since the two Taoist friends are interested, Duoduo will have a hard time with it. This person is also a person with a lot of history, so you two should be careful." Han Li was startled when he heard this, and when he glanced around, he seemed eager to try. After taking one look at the little crimson-looking man, he immediately agreed with a change of heart.

"Haha, fellow Daoist Han, don't worry. Even if I can kill this person, it's enough for me." After Huoxuzi laughed, he rolled on the spot and turned into a strange red dragon more than ten feet long, spitting out clouds. The fog chased away.

The dark-skinned young man next to him smiled lowly, shook his shoulders, and shot out in a flash of black line.

In the blink of an eye, the three of them disappeared into the distance.

Han Li suddenly narrowed his eyes, flicked his sleeve, and a golden beetle about a foot long flew out.

"Jin'er, you come with me too. Don't let them discover you." Han Li ordered.

The golden beetle nodded slightly at Han Li, and its body shrank ten times in a flash. After another blur, it turned into a faint shadow and chased after him.

Only then did Han Li look away with a relieved look. He pondered for a moment, turned his hand over, and suddenly a golden storage bracelet appeared in his hand. Great joy comes.

After a roll of glow in front of him, a dark green vial, a silver-white gourd and a slightly broken jade tablet appeared out of thin air.

After Han Li swept over these things with his spiritual thoughts, he grabbed the silver-white gourd in his hand, opened the bottle cap, and flipped it over. Two golden pills suddenly came out from everywhere. .

"True Soul Pill! I didn't expect that this True Immortal would have some remaining pills on his body besides the one he had taken before. I think the pill that was found from Yang Lu earlier was also obtained from him." Han Li He murmured, unable to hide the excitement on his face.

But he immediately waved his sleeves, and the two golden elixirs and silver gourds disappeared in his hand.

After Han Li moved his arm again, he grabbed the dark green vial in his hand. After playing with it for a while, he put it away with a solemn expression. His eyes turned and fell on the broken jade token with a few blood stains. .

"Birth card?"

"It shouldn't be the birth card of the real immortal I killed, otherwise it would have been completely broken. But if it belongs to someone else? It's a bit weird that the lower world still has such a broken birth card. Could it be that the owner of this birth card is Can it be done in the spirit world?" Han Li said with a frown as soon as he sensed the aura on the sign.

"If Fellow Daoist Han wants to know the truth, it is not that difficult. As long as you use a secret technique to cast a spell on the card, you can know whether the owner of the life card is in this world." Taoist Xie suddenly said this.

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