When Han Li saw Mo Caihuan acting like this, he knew that now was not the time to ask about the whole story, so he stopped mentioning the matter. In this way, Mo Caihuan led him to a small shop on the next street and stopped.

"Here?" Han Li was a little stunned and looked at Mo Caihuan with questioning eyes.

"Yes, this is it! My mother and I started a small business. I just wanted to earn some spiritual stones so that I could buy some elixirs for my mother to suppress her injuries. Mo Caihuan's face turned red and he said a little embarrassed. Then, He took the lead and walked in.

Han Li smiled when he saw this and followed in without saying anything.

"Mom, do you see who I brought here?"

As soon as Han Li stepped into the store, he heard the sound of Mo Caihuan offering a treasure! Then came another woman's voice that was familiar to Han Li, but seemed a bit old.

"Who else can come? Since your Uncle Zhu died, only Aunt Xianglian from next door will come to see us!"

Yes, this voice is Yan's voice, although it is much hoarse than before!

"No, senior brother is here. I met senior brother in the castle!" Mo Caihuan shouted excitedly.

"Senior brother? Aren't several of your senior brothers passed away a long time ago! Could it be that your kid is out of his mind?" Mrs. Yan was obviously worried.

At this time, Han Li had clearly seen the situation in the store.

A small room of six to seven feet, with several sections of wooden counters, on which dozens of low-level talismans were neatly placed, as well as some worthless raw materials. There is also a wooden door leading to the inner room. Behind the counter, there is a woman lying on a bamboo Taishi chair, looking worriedly at the ink color ring in front of her.

It's the Yan family I haven't seen in nearly ten years!

It's just that at this time, her face is much older and sickly, and the shadow of the beautiful woman from before can only be seen between her eyebrows.

Han Li's entry naturally caught Yan's attention, but when he saw Han Li clearly, he was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but want to stand up. But it was obvious that this was not something she could do when she was seriously ill. She only straightened up half of her body and fell down again. Seeing this, Mo Caihuan on the side hurriedly reached out to support her.

"Are you Han Li?" Yan took a few breaths of labored breath, and was as surprised as Mo Caihuan, but despite his shock, there was a hint of expectant joy.

Han Li naturally knew what the other party was thinking, but after a moment's hesitation, he walked over and said with a slight salute.

"Hello, Fourth Master!"

"You...are you still willing to recognize me as your master's wife? Don't remember what happened back then!" After hearing Han Li call her "fourth master's wife," Mrs. Yan's face flashed with joy, but she still said in disbelief.

"I won't talk about who is right or wrong between Master Mo and me in what happened back then, but the master-disciple relationship between Master Mo and me is genuine, so I should still call you master's wife. ." Han Li said calmly.

"As for the issue of the antidote later, let alone mention it! Am I not standing here properly?" Han Li said nonchalantly. Indeed, with his current status as a monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage, he naturally no longer needs to bear grudges against a few worldly people, and he will certainly not take into account the conflicts of interest between him and his mistresses, such as Yan.

"Yes, with your talent, you must have lived a good life in the world of immortality! It's not like me and your master wives, who have all become losers... cough..." Mrs. Yan just sighed a few words, and then her face suddenly changed. The blood was red, and he coughed for a while.

"Mom, are you okay! Senior brother..." Mo Caihuan panicked and hurriedly stroked Yan's chest, looking at Han Li with eyes full of pleading.

"Let me take a look!"

Han Li couldn't stand Mo Caihuan's plaintive gaze, so he sighed softly, stretched out his hand, and grasped the pulse of Yan's wrist. But after a moment, he let go with ease, and then said:

"It's nothing, it's just that the old injury from that year has resurfaced, and it seems that I haven't had a good rest in the past few years, and it's caused by too much hard work!"

"Is it easy to cure?" Mo Caihuan asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, if I had dealt with these old injuries ten years ago, I would have been really tricky! But now it's just a piece of cake!" Han Li said comfortingly, then he took out a needle box from his storage bag and used it on Yan. A set of acupuncture techniques. Let Yan stop coughing immediately!

"From now on, take one pill every day, and you will be completely healed in a dozen days!" Han Li took out another vial, handed it to Yan, and said confidently.

Yan felt no discomfort in her whole body, and the illness she had suffered for many years was gone forever. At this time, she seemed to be rejuvenated and seemed to be several years younger. Now after taking the bottle, she felt even more excited. She didn't know what to say.

"Han Li..." However, Yan's words of gratitude only started and were interrupted by Han Li's words.

"Can you tell me now what happened that year and how you got to Yan Ling Castle?" Han Li still wanted to find out.

After hearing this, Ms. Yan's face showed a look of sadness, and she slowly talked about what happened back then!

It turned out that when Han Li eliminated Ouyang Feitian, who dominated the villa, for the Mo Mansion, the Jingjiao Society, who had been prepared for it for a long time, got a big advantage and took up most of the territory and profits. However, the reaction of the other overlord of Lanzhou, Wusemen, was not slow and swallowed up the remaining half of the profits. In this way, Lanzhou has formed a situation where two heroes stand side by side!

But since the balance of the Three Kingdoms has been broken, naturally one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers!

As a result, Jingjiaohui and Wusemen led by Mo Mansion took over, only to realize that they had done something wrong! We really shouldn't let Ouyang Feitian die like this! The strength of the Five Color Sect far exceeded what it showed on the surface, and they actually defeated the Jingjiao Society in one battle.

Subsequently, the Jingjiao Society was uprooted, and the Mo Mansion was blocked by a large number of masters from the other side. In desperation, the girls had no choice but to break out of the siege and escape for their lives. As a result, the second wife, Li, and the fifth wife, Wang, died in the breakout. The rest of the women immediately separated and fled as soon as they broke out of the siege.

Yan was being hunted all the way with Mo Caihuan, and when both mother and daughter were about to die, a middle-aged man who called himself Yan Zhu rescued Yan, and with the consent of mother and daughter, Yan was rescued. They were brought into Yanling Castle and became mortals who moved to Yanjia Castle.

Yan Zhu was just a low-level disciple in the Qi refining stage at Yan Ling Castle, with limited abilities, but he was very good to Yan and his daughter.

In order to repay the kindness of saving her, Yan remarried this man a year later. As Mo Caihuan became more and more beautiful and attractive, Yan Zhu simply announced to the outside world that Mo Caihuan was a widowed man whose unknown residence was unknown. He had been married outside and had entered the castle after killing her husband. In this way, when did Mo Caihuan have a sweetheart, when did he let her get married, and then clear her name.

In this way, Yan's mother and daughter lived a stable life in the castle for two years, but unfortunately, Yan Zhu had an accident while performing a family mission and was buried outside. Now Yan's mother and daughter were helpless again. It was impossible to leave the castle. They had no choice but to continue to depend on each other in Yanling Castle alone. They used the spiritual stones from the above to build this small shop. They have been in a miserable state. Operating.

If this continues, although the store's income will not be much, it will finally be able to buy Yan's medical treatment and medicine, and keep his injuries under control. But some time ago, the wholesale shop that had been supplying low-grade talismans to their family suddenly stopped supplying them, putting Yan's shop in danger of going bankrupt.

What kind of person is Mr. Yan? He immediately saw the problem. After a little analysis, the person behind it was found.

It turned out that a certain monk who lived nearby took a liking to Mo Caihuan, whom the two often passed by his door. He actually ignored the rumors about Mo Caihuan's husband and made a request to take Mo Caihuan as his concubine. Naturally, Mrs. Yan would not agree, and as a result, the monk left in anger.

So, the person behind this was naturally ready to come out!

When Han Li met Mo Caihuan on the street today, it happened to be the time when Mo Caihuan went to find his supplier and had a big quarrel with him.

Yan spoke slowly and in detail, while Mo Caihuan added a few sentences from time to time. Han Li almost understood the whole story! However, when he heard that Mo Caihuan was forced to take a concubine, he couldn't help but chuckle twice.

Unexpectedly, there are still people vying for the little fairy from back then! However, let alone the fact that we haven’t seen this little goblin in these years, she has really grown into a big goblin, the kind of person who is so enchanting that you will not pay for your life!

"Han Li, after so many years of practice, you must have advanced to the ninth level or above!" Yan asked politely after looking at Han Li again. She has lived in Yanling Castle for these years. Even if she cannot practice, she still knows a lot of common sense in the world of immortality.

"It's not bad! Master's wife wants me to resolve the entanglement of that monk. This person is a trouble, right?" Han Li said straightforwardly after smiling slightly.

After hearing this, Mrs. Yan felt a little embarrassed and a little relieved! From Han Li's tone, he seemed willing to help.

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