A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 2526 The True Immortal Arrives and Kills the Immortal (Part 1)

"You don't know about the bottle spirit? Humph, it seems that you probably have nothing to do with the traitor. In this way, it is a surprise to be able to take back the bottle body. As for the matter of the bottle spirit, a mere existence in the lower world does not know about it. Qualifications. After I catch you and search for your soul, I will send you to Jiuquan." Ma Liang's face was gloomy for a while, but he finally said with a sneer.

As soon as he finished speaking, the dark green vial in his hand disappeared in a flash, and the bloody seal in the other hand was thrown out.

After a few "puffs", the blood mark disappeared out of thin air, but eight rivers of blood fell from the sky. After a roll, they turned into eight five-clawed blood dragons again, and rushed towards Han Li menacingly.

In this true immortal's view, eight blood dragons that were comparable to Mahayana beings were more than enough to deal with Han Li and the other two.

Silver lightning flashed in Crab Taoist's eyes, and after rolling on the spot, he turned into a golden giant crab with a thunderbolt from the clear sky.

The crab just waved its two giant turtles fiercely, and two thunderballs the size of houses went straight towards the two blood dragons and smashed them away. After a flash, it turned into a ball of lightning and rushed past.

Amidst the roaring and thundering sounds, the golden giant crab and the two blood dragons immediately fought together.

Han Li took a deep breath and slapped the green bottle on his chest to make it disappear. The surrounding blue sea of ​​swords buzzed, and countless blue sword lights intertwined and flickered, turning into a mighty sword array that covered a hundred acres.

He pointed a finger into the void of the sword formation, and immediately a ball of green light emerged from the center of the sword formation, and it grew wildly.

After a long dragon roar, a giant blue dragon hundreds of feet long rushed out of the green light.

This dragon was covered in emerald green, and as it swung its head and tail, every piece of spirit flashed with a cold light. As soon as Fang appeared, he rushed towards the nearest blood dragon with his teeth and claws bared.

Seeing this, the blood dragon opened its mouth without hesitation, and a bloody beam of light spurted out, hitting Panlong's huge body with great accuracy.

But there was only a flash of cold light on the dragon's body, and countless sword energies intertwined and flickered, and the blood-colored light beam was destroyed in one fell swoop. However, there was no trace of scar left on the body where it was hit.

Seeing this situation in the distance, Ma Liang's expression changed slightly, but before any specific thoughts emerged in his mind, the green dragon in the distance had already entangled with the blood dragon with a roar.

I saw blood mist billowing in the void over there and the sword energy was everywhere. In just two breaths, the blood dragon was torn into pieces by the green dragon, but the other five blood dragons nearby also took the opportunity to rush in, and the same thing happened. After roaring, all kinds of blood spells came overwhelmingly.

The green dragon showed no fear at all, but swung its giant head suddenly, and its scales once again released countless terrifying sword lights as it rolled away.

At this time, the blood dragon that had just been torn apart reappeared in the nearby blood mist, and charged forward viciously.

The green dragon was equal to one against five. Even though the sword energy it released was extremely powerful, it was instantly covered with scars. After tearing another blood dragon apart with a desperate method, it also transformed under the pressure of countless blood rays. Opened by the explosion of little crystal lights.

The remaining blood dragons were so happy that they turned around and rushed towards Han Li to swoop down.

But when Han Li saw this, he expressionlessly made a seal with one hand, and the green sword array in front of him blurred and disappeared out of thin air.

The next moment, there was a cry of swords below several blood dragons, and the blue sword array appeared in a flash. There was a dragon roar in the center, and another green dragon rushed out from it, and in the blink of an eye, it was entangled with five blood dragons. Fight together.

Han Li stood still and did not move. He seemed to be able to block the five blood dragons with ease, but it took him almost half of his mana to keep the entire sword formation intact.

Although this Qingpan Sword Formation has become extremely powerful as its level of cultivation has improved, the amount of mana it consumes has also increased several times compared to before.

This is also the reason why Han's magical power and spiritual power are far superior to those of the same level of Mahayana. After being replaced by an ordinary Mahayana to use this sword formation, there is no more power to use other magical treasures.

When Ma Liang saw this, his eyebrows stood up, he pinched it with one hand, and suddenly began to mutter something.

There was a rumble in the sky above Han Li, and countless bloody lights gathered together, transforming into a phantom of a blood-colored seal as big as a mountain peak.

After a law wave rolled down, the blood-seal phantom immediately crashed down on Han Li with a rumble.

"As expected, your true energy now is incomparable to what it was before. You can't even condense the other four Blood Spirit Puppet Giants." Han Li was not surprised but overjoyed. After a loud laugh, he suddenly shook his sleeves, Three hills flew out from it, and after suddenly gathering together, they suddenly turned into an extremely gorgeous three-color mountain peak.

Han Li uttered the word "rise", and immediately the three-color mountain peak rose wildly in the wind. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a giant mountain towering into the sky. The top of the mountain just flashed, and a ball of dazzling glow and blood-stained phantoms burst out and collided with it. Together.

Immediately there was a loud sound in the air, like a mountain shaking, and the three-color giant mountain suddenly sank to the ground, and actually resisted the fall of the blood-seal shadow, making it suspended in the sky without being able to fall.

At the same time, the law waves emanating from the blood seal rolled down, covering the void below.

Han Li felt a chill in his body, and his magic power suddenly became somewhat ineffective.

Faced with this situation, Han Li did not show any panic. He just shouted in a low voice. A dark green sword-shaped light group appeared on his arm, and another wave of law burst out from it.

There was a muffled sound of "poof", and the two forces of law collided together like two huge waves, but they collapsed and died at the same time in an instant.

Han Li's body trembled slightly, and the magic power in his body returned to normal.

"Yuanhe Wuji Mountain, the treasure of Xuantian!" Ma Liang couldn't help being a little stunned when he saw this result, and then he couldn't help getting angry.

If it were in his heyday, how could a mere unfinished incomplete Wuji Mountain and a Xuantian Treasure be able to defeat his All Souls Blood Seal so easily.

With his true energy greatly damaged, he really can't exert much power of the blood seal now.

Just when the immortal hesitated for a moment and was about to use other supernatural powers to attack, Han Li grabbed the void with one hand. After a flash of blue light in his hand, a dark green wooden sword emerged out of thin air, and he took a big step forward. As soon as he took a step forward, the Brahma Saint Dharma Image behind him immediately jumped forward and disappeared into his body.

The next moment, there was a clear cry in Han Li's body, and after a flash of light, several light clusters of different colors flew out at once. After a few rounds, they turned into different kinds of true spirits such as Tianlong, Phoenix, Qingluan and so on. film.

Each of these phantoms exuded different terrifying auras, raised their heads and neighed at the same time, and then disappeared into the Han Dynasty again.

Han's three-dimensional watch suddenly released a dazzling purple-gold light, and his body suddenly rose up. Golden scales and silver spirit patterns surged out from his skin. At the same time, there were golden lights on both sides of his shoulders and under his ribs. Tuan Kuang flashes uncertainly.

After a loud shout came out, a ferocious demon god over a thousand feet tall, with three heads and six arms, immediately appeared in the void.

This demon god was born with a single horn, and his six eyes flashed with silver light. Except for the dark green wooden sword that was also huge in one hand, the other five hands were empty.

It was the third-level transformation of the Holy Body of Nirvana that Han Li had cultivated to the extreme.

Obviously, he knew very well that using ordinary magical powers and treasures to deal with this seriously injured true immortal was a waste of effort, so he used his own pressure-pressing methods as soon as he took action.

From the moment Han Li took out the Xuantian Spirit-Slaying Sword to the time he completed his transformation, it only took a moment. The demon god he transformed into shook his wrist, and the dark green wooden sword in his hand immediately buzzed, and a row of silver runes appeared on its surface. And out.

The energy of heaven and earth in the entire sky trembled, and countless five-colored light points emerged out of thin air, and surged toward the dark green wooden sword like a tide.

Seeing this scene from a distance, Ma Liang's face darkened. He shook his sleeves without hesitation, and seven or eight silver talismans shot out. After shaking in the wind, they turned into seven or eight silver talismans such as a giant sword, a giant axe, and a giant sword. The giant soldiers, once again blurred, turned into a sheet of cold light and rolled towards Han Li.

At this moment, Han Li, who had three heads and six arms, took action first. He swung the dark green giant sword in front of him and slashed forward.


An extremely long crescent-shaped dark green sword light flashed out from it, but after only a slight flicker, it suddenly condensed into a thin dark green line, and a powerful wave of terrifying laws burst out from it. .

After several "bang" and "bang" sounds, the dark green thin line flashed through the silver light, and the seven or eight silver giant blades transformed into the talisman inside exploded and were destroyed, unable to stop them in the slightest.

The dark green thin line moved so fast that it almost seemed like teleportation. In just two flashes, it arrived in front of Ma Liang. From it, a strange cold force first appeared, making the blood in this true immortal's body feel almost frozen. Che's weird feeling.

Ma Liang's pupils shrank, but he didn't make any evasive action. He just waved his sleeve in front of him. After a blur, it turned into a black shield and blocked it in front of him. At the same time, he opened his mouth and used a handle. A small sword as white as jade spurted out.

With a "pop" sound, when the dark green thin line struck the black shield, it just paused for a moment, then silently pushed it away from everything in the middle, and met the flying white sword head-on.

After another muffled sound was heard, a strange scene appeared.

As soon as the white sword and the dark green thin line came into contact in front of Ma Liang's body, they stood still for a moment.

The next moment, there was a crisp sound, and the white sword shattered into pieces without any warning, while the dark green thin line disappeared in a flash without any sound.

At the same time as the small sword shattered, Ma Liang's face turned red for a while, and he couldn't help but opened his mouth and spurted out a ball of golden blood.

"How dare you destroy my Yuan-Zhanbing Immortal Sword? I will never let you fall easily." Ma Liang's face was full of shock and anger. He seemed to be surprised by the destruction of the small sword, and at the same time he fiercely charged at Han Li said.

This small white sword seems to be very important to him.

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