A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 2488 The True Immortal Comes to the World Zhenhai Palace

"My fellow Taoist has a keen eye, and he actually saw that there was something wrong with my little girl? When she was escaping from me, she was hit by my enemy with a unique secret technique. Although I blocked most of the attack, part of it still fell on her. Her body is on her body. My Taoist friend has great supernatural powers and can see the problems in her body. I wonder if there is a way to cure this little girl." The human-faced dragon said hurriedly, no longer caring about anything else.

"Didn't Fellow Taoist try to save him?" Han Li asked in return.

"My enemy's unique secret technique is originally a mutual restraint with my magical power. If I take action, my daughter's situation will become worse. If fellow Taoist is willing to help, Tu will be forever grateful." Tu bite said with a wry smile.

"The situation inside your beloved's body is indeed not an insurmountable problem for me. I can even help fellow Taoists regain their magical powers in the Mahayana stage, but in exchange, I also have a condition." Han Li touched his chin , said calmly.

"Brother Han, if you have any request, just say it. As long as I can do it, I won't hesitate." The face of the human-faced dragon changed slightly at first, but after letting out a breath, he immediately spoke.

"Brother Tu, there is no need to be so serious. The following conditions are not difficult to achieve. I just hope that my Taoist friends can help me find a place on the nearby seabed afterwards." Han Li said with a chuckle. "That's it?" Tu Zhi was startled when he heard this, and his expression relaxed.

"Haha, fellow Taoist, what kind of conditions do you think I will put forward?" Han Li smiled slightly.

"Oh, it's just that Tu was overthinking just now. With the magical power that fellow Taoist showed just now, even when I am at my peak, I will never be my opponent. Under the current situation, there is no need to deceive me verbally. Well, if this is the only condition, I agree." The human-faced dragon agreed immediately.

"In this case, fellow Taoist and your wife will come to the flying boat, and Han will immediately cast a spell to restore the two of them to their original state." Han Li nodded and said without thinking.

The human-faced dragon looked at the extremely huge black boat without any hesitation. After thanking him, he flew lightly to the boat with the girl in purple.

Following Han Li's instructions, the Inkling Holy Boat immediately resumed its original route and continued to sail through the air with a shudder.

The next day, in the cabin hall of the giant ship, the human-faced dragon was chatting with Han Li with a grateful expression on his face, while the girl in purple stood behind him looking great.

Patriarch Huashi and Zhu Guoer also stood respectfully aside.

"Fellow Taoist, your magical powers are indeed unpredictable. I thought that even if my daughter and I could be cured, it would take at least several months. I didn't expect that Brother Han could do it in just one night. If Zhenhai Palace still sends people here now, , I can kill them all by myself." The human-faced dragon said happily to Han Li.

"It's nothing but a small trick. What kind of force is this Zhenhai Palace? Those sea beasts are nothing in front of us, but they are irresistible to some practitioners of the Fusion Realm." Han Li touched his chin and asked road.

"Zhenhai Palace is a large-scale force founded by my archenemy. In addition to him, the Grand Palace Master, there are two other Mahayana Palace Masters, and hundreds of the powerful sea beasts I saw before are the palace elders. As for the ordinary sea beasts, we can't calculate them." When the human-faced dragon heard Han Li's question, his expression changed slightly, but he still told the truth.

"Oh, the Zhenhai Palace is really quite powerful. The Taoist disciples' cultivation level has declined greatly. Why didn't the Mahayana in the palace personally take action to pursue him?" Han Li nodded and asked again.

"Tu has a grudge against Zhenhai Palace, but he has made friends with Qingjiao Palace, another major force in this sea area. After I used a secret technique to escape from that opponent, I sent a message for help. Thanks to my friends from this palace, I attacked Zhenhai Palace in a timely manner. Only by dragging the enemy and the other two Mahayana Palace Masters can they escape until now. However, the sea route to the Green Dragon Palace has been completely blocked by the sea beasts of Zhenhai Palace, so they had to escape in this direction." The human-faced dragon calmly said replied.

"It turns out there is such a twist. The Green Dragon Palace is named after the Green Dragon. Could it be that the leader is a strong man from the Green Dragon clan?" Han Li blinked and asked.

"Fellow Daoist Han guessed it right. The two palace masters of Qingjiao Palace are indeed Mahayana masters of the Qingjiao clan, and they are close friends of life and death. Although there are only two Mahayana masters in this palace, their magical powers are not as high as those of the three in Zhenhai Palace. The Palace Master is comparable, and the overall strength of the two parties is still about the same. By the way, when we were in Yuncheng that day, fellow Daoist Han was only at the realm of refining the void, and he had already advanced to the Mahayana realm after not seeing each other for such a long time. It's really amazing how fast he advanced. It’s unbelievable. The qualifications of fellow Taoists are so high that they are probably only comparable to those senior masters from ancient times." Tu Zhi said with a sigh, still a little shocked by Han Li’s advancement to the Mahayana.

"Han has had several great opportunities in recent years to advance to his current level so quickly. In terms of deep foundation, how can it be compared with a Mahayana like Brother Tu." Han Li said politely.

"Fellow Taoist is too humble. By the way, where does Friend Daoist Han want Tu to help find? It's not a big lie. Even though I can't say that I know every inch of this sea area, I have been to some slightly special areas several times. ." Tu Zhi looked solemn and finally asked about the matter.

"What I'm looking for is just the coordinates of a seabed. As for the specific location... Hua Shi, come and tell it to fellow Taoist Tu. Hua Shi is a water spirit beast who has successfully cultivated. Through his words, I think it will make fellow Taoist understand more clearly. Share it." Han Li turned to the Patriarch Hua Shi and ordered.

"Yes. Senior Tu, in fact, the coordinates of the seabed we are looking for are from the revelation given by the ancient altar. The specific location characteristics are..." After Hua Shi agreed, he walked out respectfully and immediately explained in detail.

Although the approximate coordinates of the entrance to Xiaolingtian are known through the ancient altar, due to the vastness of the underwater world, only a slight deviation may be thousands of miles away.

Even with the help of Patriarch Hua Shi, who is proficient in water attributes, finding the entrance is probably not an easy task.

Therefore, when Han Li saw Renmianjiao, an old Mahayana acquaintance from the sea, he did not hesitate to help.

With help, I believe it shouldn't be too difficult to find the exact coordinates.

As for the so-called Zhenhai Palace, it is only a mere three Mahayana people. Even if it is stronger than some ordinary people of the same level, it will be offended if it is offended. Han Li will not take it too seriously with his current magical power.

After some discussions between Tu Jie and Patriarch Hua Shi, they quickly determined a seabed location that was suitable for the entrance to Xiao Lingtian.

After the Black Spirit Holy Boat exploded, its escape speed increased several times, and it shot straight towards that location.

Two months later, over a sea area covered with coral reefs, a huge black boat stood motionless in the sky.

Thousands of mid- to high-level puppets are scattered around this sea area, patrolling back and forth.

Deep under the sea, more magic crystal puppets are looking for something.

Ancestor Huashi, Tu Jie also joined these puppets, also constantly searching for something with his spiritual thoughts.

Han Li sat cross-legged on the front deck of the giant boat, quietly closing his eyes and concentrating.

Zhu Guoer seemed to be standing by the side honestly, but from time to time she poked her head towards the sea, which naturally could not be concealed from Han Li's ears.

"Why are you so anxious, little girl? This is one of the most likely locations calculated by the two of them. No matter what the result is, it won't take long for news to come back." Han Li said lightly without opening his eyes.

"Senior Han, Guo'er is just worried that this time it will be in vain. The two seniors also said that they are very confident in the previous two places, but they are also without gain." Zhu Guoer stuck out his tongue and muttered in reply. .

"The sea area is so large and the underwater world is so complicated. It is not normal to make several mistakes. But I have a hunch that something should be gained this time." Han Li replied with a slight smile.

"Senior's magic power is as high as the sky. Since I have a premonition in my heart, I'm probably not wrong." Zhu Guoer was delighted when he heard this.

"But before that, we need to get rid of some uninvited guests." Han Li narrowed his eyes and suddenly stared in a certain direction.

At the same time, on the sea millions of miles away, strange sea beasts suddenly appeared. The big ones were like mountains, and the small ones were several feet in size. They were so densely packed that they were almost spread over a hundred miles. Every inch of it.

And on top of a giant green turtle at the front, a bearded man wearing a jade crown stood on top, commanding an army of sea beasts to roll towards the direction of the Black Spirit Holy Ark with an expressionless face.

A little behind the giant green turtle, a giant seahorse and a dark blue octopus followed closely.

"Sure enough, that person is not far ahead. Huh, you dare to interfere in my affairs. I am really impatient. Start preparing the beast formation. I will use this formation to trap this land Mahayana alive in it. ." The long-bearded old man's face turned ferocious, and then he suddenly gave an order.

A long horn sounded from the army of sea beasts behind, and after a surge of beasts, they immediately kept changing positions in the team as they marched. After a few breaths, although the beasts were still in a commotion, a rather mysterious magic circle was slowly forming.

Such a huge army of sea beasts naturally quickly alerted a group of soldier puppets that were patrolling nearby. A moment later, they flew towards them in a menacing manner.

"Stop, my master is working in front. All outsiders are not allowed to move forward, otherwise they will be killed." Fang Yi, a dozen puppets, stopped in front of the sea beast army, and the leading silver-armored puppet shouted coldly. .

"Just a few puppets, seeking death." The bearded man on the giant turtle's face darkened.

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, a dozen sea beasts with powerful auras behind him opened their mouths at the same time, and streaks of light and balls of thunder and fire burst out wildly. After just a few flashes, amidst the thundering roar, they burst into flames. All these puppets were reduced to pieces.

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