A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 2464 The True Immortal Comes to the World to Get the Treasure

An earth-shattering bang!

The entire light curtain suddenly dented, and as soon as white marks appeared on the surface, it was about to shatter with a crisp sound.

At this moment, the palm of the Tianding real statue holding the small tower suddenly glowed with white light, and quickly disappeared into the light curtain, causing the cracks that had just appeared on the surface to quickly heal as before.

With a "bang" sound, the concave part of the light curtain suddenly returned to its original state, and the green hill was forcefully flicked away.

Han Li frowned when he saw this, and with one move of one hand, he put the mini-hill back into his sleeve.

"Brother Han, this real statue of Tianding is very unusual. It complements the small tower. I tried all kinds of methods but could not break the restriction imposed by the two." Bingpo on the side was shocked when he saw this situation. Han Li almost shattered the light curtain on the small tower with a casual blow, but he quickly explained. "In this case, let's destroy the statue first." Han Li's eyes flashed with a stern look, but he said lightly.

A low growl.

Han's three-dimensional watch flashed with golden light, and his body rose up wildly. In an instant, it transformed into a golden-haired giant ape that was more than ten feet tall. At the same time, there was a terrifying wave behind him, and a ferocious form with three heads and six arms emerged.

"Puff" twice.

As soon as the giant ape turned its two giant hands, green and black hills suddenly appeared in his hands, and in a flash, they became as tall as several feet.

The giant ape shook its arms and threw the two hills again with a terrifying force.

But this time the target is the statue of Master Tianding.

As soon as the two hills took action, they immediately turned into two blurry masses of light and shadow, green and black, and with a stinging sound that almost tore the eardrums, they arrived in front of the statue in a flash.

With a flash of crystal light, the light curtain that originally only enveloped the small tower swelled and immediately turned into a giant crystal shield, enveloping the entire statue in it.

At the same time, the statue that was originally motionless suddenly trembled on its own with the long sword behind it.

"Chichi" came two sounds!

Two white rays of sword energy rolled out from the statue, and with just a flash, they struck the oncoming hill with lightning speed.

"Boom" and "Boom" were two loud thunderous sounds.

The two hills just trembled slightly, and the two sword lights were crushed and destroyed with terrifying force, but their own force was also offset by most of them.

When the two hit the light curtain again, the statue suddenly emitted a white light.

After the light curtain is slightly concave, it will rebound and open in the same way.

But at this time, the golden-haired giant ape had already taken a step and disappeared into the void in a flash.

The next moment, when one of them appeared vaguely in the sky above the light screen, two plush fists were clenched slightly, and a layer of purple-gold thorns suddenly appeared and they struck downwards.

In an instant, dense purple-gold fist shadows appeared with a whistling sound, hitting the light curtain like a heavy rain.

At first, the shadow of the fist flashed and disappeared into the light screen, but as more attacks landed on it. The light screen's absorption suddenly became sluggish, and most of the subsequent attacks could only be resisted by relying on one's own tenacity.

Suddenly, there was a loud crackling sound on the surface of the light curtain, and groups of purple-gold fist shadows exploded. At the same time, they themselves began to flash wildly.

When the giant ape above saw this situation, a stern expression flashed across his face. He suddenly closed his fists and quickly performed a pinch with one hand.

The three-headed and six-armed Brahma Sacred Dharma form behind it turned into a solid golden body as soon as the golden light on its surface condensed. As soon as its arms moved, six golden hands simultaneously pressed down into the void of the light curtain below.

There was a roar.

Six golden balls of light emerged out of thin air above the light curtain, and then flashed together at the same place, transforming into a giant golden vortex.

Countless golden inscriptions floated out of this whirlpool, and at the same time bursts of Sanskrit sounds were heard, and they fell menacingly downwards.

At this moment, the eyes of the real Tianding statue flashed with white light, and suddenly two crystal lights spurted out, heading straight for the whirlpool in the air and slashing away.

But there was just a loud roar in the golden vortex, and a huge force surged out of it, slamming into the already shaky light screen.

"Pfft" came out!

Arrays of white patterns suddenly appeared on the surface of the entire statue, and an even more dazzling white light emitted from them. Even after the light curtain trembled violently, it still barely withstood the huge force in the air.

But the golden vortex kept spinning crazily, and the huge force rushed down like waves, with no intention of stopping.

Such a terrifying attack, even though the statue was extremely mysterious, how could it really be able to withstand it.

However, after a few breaths, the white light on Tianding's real statue disappeared, and all the patterns disappeared in a blur, and after a "crack", countless cracks appeared on the surface, and everything collapsed inch by inch.

Without the support of the statue, it is even more impossible to withstand the huge force coming from the air with only the restriction of the golden tower itself.

Almost immediately after the real statue of Tianding came to an end, the small golden tower let out a muffled sound and released a crystal light curtain that also collapsed and disappeared.

At this time, the giant ape transformed by Han Li laughed loudly, and moved his big fluffy hand down in the air.

The golden vortex and the two hills suddenly disappeared in a flash. At the same time, the golden small tower was also rolled up by a suction force and fell steadily into the hands of the giant ape.

The treasure that Fairy Bingso had been unable to take out for so long ended up in Han Li's hands so easily.

There was a flash of golden light.

The golden-haired giant ape appeared near Bing Po. With one hand, he quickly shrank in size and returned to his human form in the blink of an eye.

"Fortunately, I have got the things. Fellow Taoist Bingpo, take a look and see if there are really the treasures you need." Han Li glanced at the things in his hands with only his spiritual thoughts, and handed them over in a hurry. .

"The restriction was broken this time only by the efforts of fellow Taoist. How dare I choose the treasure first? Brother Han should just choose three things from them first, and then I can choose what I need." Bingpo He was obviously still in shock. When he saw Han Li's move, he hurriedly waved his hands and declined.

"I have read the contents inside. Except for the jade slip that records secret techniques, which can be used to learn a thing or two, the other treasures are of little use to Han. I will just copy the contents of that jade slip later. "Fellow Bingpo Daoist, you don't have to worry about anything." Han Li chuckled, and with a flick of his wrist, he threw the small golden tower in his hand directly to the opponent.

"Thank you, Brother Han, for your generous gift. I will remember this kindness in my heart, and I will definitely repay you generously in the future." Seeing Han Li do this, Fairy Bingpo felt a little relieved and said with great gratitude.

Then she used her spiritual thoughts to examine the seven or eight treasures in the golden pagoda. With her spiritual thoughts, she took out a red jade slip out of thin air, grabbed it, and immediately handed it to Han Li.

"Since this jade slip is of some use to Brother Han, there is no need to make any more copies, just take it." The woman said.

"Since fellow Taoist said this, Han will be disrespectful." Han Li's eyes flashed slightly, but he didn't refuse anything. He rolled up his sleeves and took the red jade slip.

Seeing this, Fairy Bingpo smiled sweetly.

"The matter here is over, let's leave. If the magic circle outside is destroyed by someone, it will be a lot of trouble to get out again." Han Li pondered for a moment and said this.

"Brother Han, wait a moment. My sister has not been here in vain all these years, and she can already control some of the restrictions in Tianding Palace. I will go to the central magic circle to activate some things that have been set long ago. In this case, wait and see If the blood and souls are united, my little sister can close the Tianding Palace at any time and teleport us all out easily." Bingpo replied with a smile.

"This is a good idea. Fellow Taoist, let's do it." Han Li naturally had no reason not to agree and nodded immediately.

So the two of them immediately escaped from the light and flew out of the hall along the same route.

After a meal, the two figures reappeared at the teleportation formation where Han Li entered earlier.

Han Li made a seal with one hand, and when he saw the magic circle buzzing and glowing with death, a smile appeared on his face.

As soon as the two of them entered the formation, their figures disappeared.

Outside the blood-colored stone tablet like a huge mountain, three figures were gathered near several huge silver inscriptions on the stone tablet, talking with solemn expressions.

Surprisingly, it was Xiao Ming and the others.

These three Mahayana ancestors from the Blood Sky Continent finally broke into this space after going through a lot of hardships outside.

"Fellow Taoist Qingping, are you sure that this is the entrance to the center? You can't be mistaken about the location. Otherwise, we have tried various methods, but why can't we open it?" Xiao Ming asked Taoist Qingping in a deep voice. .

"It's definitely not wrong. It's just that the method of entry seems to have been tampered with. Most of the original methods have become ineffective. Although Pindao also knows some silver script, he can't be said to be very proficient. So, Pindao Taoist Taoist, try one more time. If it still doesn't work, use brute force to break it. Although this may directly touch other restrictions, we don't care about these many." After a moment of uncertainty on Taoist Qingping's face, he gritted his teeth. said.

"Okay, fellow Daoist Qingping, please do your best. If it doesn't work, we can work together to break through the central entrance." Xiao meditated for a while and nodded.

Madam Wanhua naturally has no objection to this.

So Master Qingping took a deep breath, moved his hands and fingers, and quickly moved the magic weapon like a wheel, and at the same time muttered something in his mouth.

The four huge silver inscriptions on the stone tablet in front of them began to glow brightly, and began to swim along some strange trajectory with the sound of the spell, but the speed was extremely slow, crawling almost inch by inch.


After a cup of tea, Taoist Qingping gave a low drink and pointed a finger at a certain point on the stone tablet.

After the four silver inscriptions were blurred, they suddenly merged into one place like lightning and transformed into a huge ball of silver light.

As the mantra in the Taoist's mouth became more rapid, the silver light group quickly spun up.

But in just a few breaths, there was a burst, and the light ball shattered into pieces, transformed into four silver inscriptions and flew back to its original position.

It was as if the Taoist had just cast spells, but all of them were useless.

When the three of them saw this, their faces all became a little ugly.

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