A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 2414 The True Immortal Comes into the World Peeping

On that day, Han Li spent more than ten days and finally helped Yuelong, a Mahayana from the Feiling Clan, to refine the two kinds of polar crystals, gold and wood, without any danger.

Yuelong was overjoyed and had no intention of going back on the reward he had promised. He generously gave Han Li a piece of the newly refined Jiyuan Crystal, and tried his best to persuade him to stay in his cave for a while. .

Han Li naturally declined, and continued to seize the time to hit the road. He led the others to the weakest point in the abyss space, where he directly used the Xuantian Spirit-Slaying Sword to cut open the space barrier, and activated the entire space barrier. A demonic holy boat broke in.

Now Xue Po heard Han Li's words and replied with a smile:

"This space is indeed very wonderful. It seems that this close friend of the senior must also be an extraordinary being. Could it be that he is also a Mahayana senior."

"The fairy guessed wrong this time. Although my best friend is not weak in cultivation, when he broke up with me last time, he was only in the Void Refining Stage. Now he is definitely not able to enter the Mahayana. However, in the combined realm, it is It is somewhat possible. After all, she is now under the disciple of a Mahayana scholar." Han Li replied calmly.

"Under the Mahayana sect, the realm of fusion! It's really enviable. Back then, in order to advance to fusion and go one step further, the juniors endured a lot of hardships. Even now, even the true body has been sealed on other continents." Xue Po heard this. , and sighed with a strange expression.

"Hey, fairy, why should you be too conceited? It's just that your chances were a bit poor back then. After rescuing the original body, it's not impossible to go further." Han Li laughed twice.

"I hope that's true." Xue Po smiled bitterly.

Han Li smiled slightly and said nothing. Instead, he turned his hand over and suddenly a light black jade slip appeared in his hand, and he placed it gently on his forehead.

It was the map of the Abyss that he got from Qing Yuanzi back then.

Han Li quickly turned his mind several times in it, and after scanning the terrain near the swamp, he was able to identify his location, which turned out to be not too far from Qing Yuanzi Cave.


After he put the jade slips away, he immediately urged the black boat to roar and shoot away in a certain direction.

One day later, when the black giant boat was approaching the area where Qing Yuanzi Cave Mansion was located, Han Li, who was sitting cross-legged on the bow of the boat, suddenly opened his eyes with a look of surprise on his face.

"What a strong fluctuation. This...this...is the fluctuation of a great tribulation. Could it be that someone is nearby to survive the tribulation? Calculating the time, it seems that Qing Yuanzi should also encounter the tribulation during this period. Could it be that he is not the one..."

After Han Li murmured a few times, his expression changed for a while. He made a seal with one hand, and the huge black boat under him suddenly buzzed and stopped in the air with a shudder.

The next moment, he stood up, stamped one foot, and the surface of his body emitted light, and immediately turned into a blue rainbow and walked away.

At this time, a loud voice came from the sky above the giant boat.

"You stay here and take good care of the spirit boat. I'll go over and take a look first."

The words were still echoing high in the air, and Qinghong disappeared into the horizon in a few flashes.

At this time, Zhu Guoer, Xue Po and others hurriedly walked out of the cabin and looked in the direction of Han Li in surprise.

With Han Li's magical power, he used all his strength to activate the escape light, and his speed naturally reached an incredible level.

However, the fluctuation he just sensed was not really close to where it was. It took him a full cup of tea before he could see the black calamity clouds in the distance and vaguely hear the roaring sounds.

"No, there are other Mahayana existences."

After flying forward for a moment, Han Li, who was out of sight, suddenly narrowed his eyes and felt a chill in his heart.

Qinghong circled, and the light disappeared. His figure suddenly appeared in mid-air, and he gazed thoughtfully towards the distant calamity cloud.

"One, two, three, there are so many Mahayana beings staying there. Judging from their undisguised auras, it is obvious that they have bad intentions towards the person who has overcome the tribulation. I just don't know, that person who has overcome the tribulation Is it Qing Yuanzi? If not, there is no need to wade through this troubled water." After looking at it for a moment, Han Li murmured a few words with a strange look on his face.

After he lowered his head and thought for a while, he suddenly slapped his head with one hand and opened his mouth to spit out a ball of green essence.

This essence circled in front of him and then condensed into a blue crystal ball.

However, Han Li made a seal with one hand and closed his eyes, but blood marks suddenly appeared between his eyebrows, and a ball of black energy emerged out of thin air. After condensation, a pitch-black vertical eye emerged.

Black light flashed!

A slender black thread shot out from the vertical eye, and then disappeared into the void in front of him.

The next moment, the surface of the cyan crystal ball glowed with light, and a clear and unusual picture slowly emerged.

Han Li closed his eyes tightly, then opened them again, and looked carefully at the screen on the crystal ball.

The picture was filled with pitch-black mist and flashing purple-gold lightning, and nothing else appeared.

Han Li frowned slightly and pressed the spell in his hand slightly.

Suddenly, the picture in the crystal ball started to rotate rapidly. After a while, some trees, mountains and other scenery began to appear, as if a normal person was quickly scanning everything nearby.

Han Li's expression suddenly changed, he executed a spell in his hand, and the rotating image in the crystal ball also stopped.

In the picture, there is an endless sea of ​​blood-red fog.

And in the sea of ​​fog, above a huge sparkling archway, three men in different costumes stood upright.

Han Li focused his gaze and could tell at a glance that the three Mahayana auras he sensed were emanating from these three men.

These three people, except for the two-foot-tall giant man, stood still with his arms folded. Of the other two, one was driving a huge archway to carry them through the blood mist.

Wherever he passed, five-color runes surged, forcing the strange mist to retreat.

The last person dressed as a young Taoist priest had three huge python-headed shadows appearing behind him. Three different colors of red, yellow and green glow were sprayed out from his mouth. As soon as the blood mist came into contact with the three-color glow, they melted out of thin air. Disappeared.

But in the depths of the boundless bloody sea of ​​fog, countless huge black shadows were flickering, and balls of blood surged out from them, seemingly fighting against the power of the archway and the three-color glow.

When Han Li looked at Yong Shen, the giant man suddenly noticed something. A bright light flashed in his eyes, he raised his head and swept away to one side, and shouted loudly:

"Who is secretly spying on me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the giant man moved his arm, and a big black hand swung away in the direction he was looking at like a violent wind.

"Boom" a loud noise!

An area of ​​acres of void on one side exploded with a twist.

Then, billowing black clouds carrying gusts of hot wind rolled out in all directions, smashing the nearby blood mist into pieces.

It was impossible for Huang Yuanzi and Taoist Sanquan not to notice such a big movement, and both of them glanced over in surprise.

"What's going on? Fellow Taoist Immortal, did you find something?" Huang Yuanzi took a deep breath, stopped the archway, and asked gloomily.

After two days of non-stop cracking operations day and night, nearly half of the restrictions on the large formation in front of him have been broken. He doesn't want anything to happen to him at this time.

"Someone was casting a spell to spy on us, but I broke his secret spell with one punch." The giant man replied calmly.

"Is it the little girl who presided over the formation before?" Huang Yuanzi asked slowly with a look on his face.

"Probably not. That junior's cultivation is no more than refining the void. I took the opportunity to punch him in the air earlier. Even if he didn't die, he would have been seriously injured. How dare you use magic to spy on us again." The giant man shook his head. Say it with certainty.

"So, it's a new guest. How's your cultivation level? Can you detect it?" Huang Yuanzi frowned and asked.

"I just broke the opponent's spell, how could I detect the opponent's specific cultivation level. But the secret technique he used was very brilliant, far beyond that of that little girl, and his level is probably not too low." The giant man showed a dignified look. .

"So, there is trouble. This person may also be a Mahayana being. Could it be that Qing Yuanzi invited a helper?" Taoist Sanquan heard this and couldn't help but said.

"Help? Well, probably not." Huang Yuanzi's expression changed slightly, but after thinking for a while, he shook his head and said.

"Oh, how come your friend is so sure?" Taoist Sanquan raised his eyebrows and asked with some confusion.

"It's very simple. If we were the helpers invited by Qing Yuanzi, would we show up at this time?" Huang Yuanzi said slowly.

"That's true. If it was Qing Yuanzi's helper, he would either directly preside over the Eighteen Heavenly Evil Formation to deal with us from the beginning, or he would never be able to hide it. When we finish breaking the formation, the real energy consumption will be the largest. Only then did he take action to plot against him." Taoist Sanquan tilted his head and thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

"Then could this person be one of the other Mahayana men living in seclusion in this Diyuan space?" Taoist Sanquan asked again after rolling his eyes a few times.

"Hey, other Mahayana in Diyuan? It shouldn't be the case. Qing Yuanzi is willing to go through the tribulation at this time. Naturally, he has grasped the reason why all other Mahayana in Diyuan are no longer at this time. Those guys were all killed by Qing Yuan half a year ago. Yuanzi used various excuses to lure out Diyuan, and no one will return to this dimension within a year or two." Huang Yuanzi replied with a sneer.

"If that's the case, it's hard to say whether the person coming is an enemy or a friend. And now that we are trapped in this magic circle, we are in a bad situation." The giant man said expressionlessly.

"Indeed, it is true. I originally wanted to delay the use of the mother-in-law corpse thunder for two more days, but it seems that I have to use it now. Fellow Taoist Sanquan, please prepare, we will forcefully break this formation immediately. Let's take a look first Let’s talk about what the purpose of a person is.” Huang Yuanzi took a long breath and said viciously.

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