A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 2385 The True Immortal Comes to the World and the Battle of Shura (5)

An even weirder scene appeared.

The crystal light of the five-mouthed long sword flashed, and a wave of law appeared. The two mountain peaks trembled and suddenly shot back.

When the explosion sounded again, two mountain peaks appeared vaguely in the sky above Han Li and crashed down fiercely.

Han Li's spiritual thoughts urged him repeatedly, but he was unable to communicate with the two treasures and asked them to stop. For a moment, it seemed that he was completely disconnected from the two extreme mountains.

Han Li's heart was frightened, but no change of color appeared on his face. The giant ape he transformed suddenly raised his two big hands, and patted away towards the two extreme mountains with five fingers.

The moment the two big hands clapped out, the silver light flashed in the palms, and layers of silver patterns emerged, with dozens of layers superimposed at once.

"Boom" and "Boom" came two earth-shaking loud noises!

Two hurricanes rose into the sky in front of the giant ape, and a tsunami-like vibration rose in the void nearby.

But the two extreme mountains stopped abruptly under the push of two astonishing huge forces, but immediately disappeared into the void with a flash of silver light.

The moment Han Li touched the two extreme mountains with his palms, his mind regained contact with the two treasures, and he immediately put them away without saying a word.

At this time, the old man surnamed Yi in the distance still let the five crystal swords float in front of him and remained motionless in his original posture. He did not take this opportunity to launch any more attacks.

The giant ape transformed by Han Li once again raised his head and glanced at the old man in the distance, and suddenly said something that made his face change slightly:

"The magical power of time, you can actually activate the power of this law. But it should be exerted with the help of external force, otherwise you would not be able to use it so reluctantly."

"Hmph, the Law of Time is such a powerful magical power. Even if it can only be used superficially, it is enough to be invincible. My fellow Taoists recognized it at a glance. Could it be that they have seen the same power of the Law somewhere before. "The bird-headed monster transformed by the old man asked with a fierce look in his eyes and a cold snort.

Then he pointed a finger in front of him, and the five-mouthed crystal sword buzzed and trembled for a few times, and then the law wave that appeared suddenly disappeared from the vicinity.

The giant ape transformed by Han Li stared at the five crystal swords. After sweeping away his spiritual thoughts, a look of understanding appeared on his face. He sneered and said in human language:

"Han has indeed seen the same magical powers in other places before. But this time when I came to this world, I thought that only those Shura spiders could use some magical powers of time, but I didn't expect that you can also do this. . It seems that fellow Taoist has stayed here for a long time, and has won the trust of these Shura spiders, so it is impossible to get such a huge benefit! However, if fellow Taoist thinks that this little time magical power can be used as a basis, but Big mistake."

The words just fell!

The giant ape beat his chest with both hands, and the purple-gold light on his body shone brightly. His figure suddenly grew huge again, and in the blink of an eye he became a hundred feet tall.

What was even more astonishing was that when the giant ape opened his mouth again, a flash of light flashed out of his mouth, and several colorful balls of light suddenly spewed out.

After these light balls circled around the giant ape, a clear roar suddenly came from them, and several powerful auras dispersed. After another flash, they transformed into a celestial dragon, colorful phoenix, and Qingluan. Lei Peng and other huge phantoms came.

The giant ape himself raised his head and let out a long roar, and layers of purple-gold scales suddenly emerged from his body. On both sides of his shoulders and under his ribs, two other ferocious heads and four long purple-gold arms grew out of a blur.

After the six eyes of the three giant ape heads opened at the same time, light flashed on their foreheads, and each of them sprouted a short pale silver horn.

After Han Li knew that his opponent could actually use the power of time, he finally did not hesitate to use the Brahma Saint's True Demonic Art, transformed into the Holy Body of Nirvana, and activated it to the extreme in one go.

After Han Li's three-dimensional Nirvana transformation, his physical body was almost so powerful that even a Mahayana existence would be just terrifying. The three heads grinned, the six arms blurred, and suddenly countless phantoms appeared and struck at the opposite side.

Suddenly, the roar started loudly!

Dense golden fist shadows emerged in the void, and then disappeared in a blur under the flash.

The next moment, the old man surnamed Yi experienced great fluctuations around him, and golden fist shadows surged out layer by layer, turning into balls of golden light and smashing towards the center.

The old man surnamed Yi turned pale with fright, and let out a long and piercing cry from his bird's head. He pinched the spell with both hands as fast as wheels, and the five crystal swords in front of him suddenly spun rapidly.

After a blur, the five crystal swords turned into a five-color crystal light curtain, tightly protecting the old man's body from head to toe. At the same time, as soon as the faint runes were scattered, the previously disappeared law fluctuations appeared again. And out.

In an instant, within the area covered by the power of law with a radius of more than ten feet with the old man as the center, all the fist shadows that appeared stopped in the void, but the subsequent attacks hit the former without being affected.

Outside the five-color light curtain, there was a loud rumbling sound, and the balls of golden light exploded instantly, turning into rounds of violent impact, and rolled away in the direction of the light curtain. But as soon as these attackers approached the five-color light curtain, they all froze in the void.

For a moment, a ring-shaped invisible wall seemed to appear outside the five-color light curtain. Both the golden fist shadow itself and the attacks caused by the explosion were all blocked out.

The power contained in the golden fist shadow is really amazing, and under the wild swing of the giant ape's six arms, the number is far beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

In just two or three breaths, the impact caused by the explosions all around almost turned into layers of dazzling golden waves, and the waves kept impacting everything in the center.

A terrifying spiritual pressure that even made the old man surnamed Yi tremble was rapidly gathering around him.

The old man suddenly turned a little blue.

At this moment, the five-color light curtain began to tremble slightly, and the solid golden fist shadows around it shone unsteadily, and a crunching sound was heard.

This time, the old man could no longer remain indifferent. After a low drink, the two methods changed. The fluctuations emitted by the light curtain in front of him suddenly shrank, reducing the area covered by the light curtain by nearly half. At the same time, he opened his mouth again. , spurting out several balls of green blood.

After a flash of blood, these blood essences turned into several green runes, and each one blurred into the light curtain and disappeared.

After a buzzing sound, the originally trembling light curtain suddenly returned to stability.

The somewhat collapsed void around him also returned to normal, and for a time the golden waves pressing around him were blocked.

The old man surnamed Yi breathed a sigh of relief after witnessing all this, but he continued to mutter something in his mouth.

Faint runes emerged from the light curtain, and it seemed as if five sword shadows were about to appear again.

But on the opposite side, the giant ape transformed by Han Li suddenly stopped waving one of its arms, and then flipped over. After a flash of green light in his hand, a dark green long sword appeared with several light silver marks imprinted on its surface. Unknown ancient text.

The wrist flicked slightly!

A layer of crystal light suddenly flashed on the surface of the dark green wooden sword, and at the same time, the vitality of heaven and earth within a few miles around trembled, then turned into wisps of gorgeous light and poured into it.

After the dark green wooden sword blurred, it suddenly grew in size in a wild flash. In an instant, it turned into a giant of a hundred feet, and with the strength of the giant ape's arm, it slashed out into the void on the other side without hesitation.

With a "Puff" sound, the gold and silver runes fluttered, and a giant silver crescent moon shot out from the dark green wooden sword. After a flash, it passed through the dense fist shadows and was directly enveloped by the power of the law. in the void.

A strange scene appeared!

The silver crescent moon just had a flash of inspiration, and it actually passed through the law-shrouded void without seeing it, and in the eyes of the old man surnamed Yi, whose face turned pale, it struck the five-color light curtain like lightning.

There was a loud bang!

The giant crescent moon just trembled, then exploded with dots of silver light.

Another more powerful force of law tore apart the law of time contained in the light curtain with a single scroll, and turned into a ball of silver halo that completely exploded.

In an instant, the two forces of law were intertwined and intertwined. Amidst all kinds of weird screams, the halo quickly grew like a snowball, becoming as large as several acres in the blink of an eye.

All kinds of violent fluctuations appeared all around, and huge dragon-like hurricanes were transformed out of thin air, almost stirring up most of the sky.

After the giant ape made this attack, the originally huge mountain-like body shrank by more than half with just a flash of light. However, the aura on his body did not decrease at all. On the contrary, after a sharp look flashed on his face, all his arms flashed. After stopping, all six palms grasped the dark green giant sword, and with a low roar, they waved the object in their hands again. There was a sound that broke through the air!

This time, what flew out from the dark green wooden sword was no longer a silver crescent, but a green mist of sword energy.

However, the moment the sword energy flew out, a shaking Pinggong appeared directly above the silver halo. After circling, it suddenly turned into a huge blade ring.

This blade ring is about a mile in size, with both sides of the edge seemingly extremely sharp, the whole body is emerald green, and it emits strong law fluctuations.

The three heads of the giant ape flashed black light at the same time, and each of them showed a demonic eye as black as ink. Then they raised their arms at the same time, and pointed a finger solemnly into the void in the distance, and at the same time uttered a terrifying sound. The word "cut".

There was a "pop" sound!

As soon as the silver runes appeared on the surface of the blade ring, they suddenly disappeared in a blur high in the sky.

But immediately the silver halo below fluctuated, and the emerald green blade ring emerged silently, just in time to cover the silver halo from the middle.

The cold light flashed, and the halo shrank suddenly, turning into a phantom and disappearing.

There was a loud roar in the middle of the silver halo, but a green line slowly emerged, and an extremely weak white light spurted out from it.

The entire halo was split open from the middle by the blade ring and divided into upper and lower parts.

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