A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 2361 The True Immortal Comes to the World Lingtian Fortress

The sword light flashes wildly!

As soon as more than a thousand feet of silver lightning flashed, several uplifting wind pillars were cut in half into several pieces, then dispersed into gusts of violent wind.

The fist wind is silent!

Golden light flashed in the center of some wind pillars, and giant whirlpools as big as acres appeared, and they spun quickly.

Those wind pillars were shaken and pulled, and they were sucked in by the golden whirlpools born in their own bodies, and turned into invisible forces that collapsed and were destroyed.

Under the joint efforts of two Mahayana stage beings, such astonishing power was unexpectedly defeated and retreated.

After leaving the stormy sea, the Black Spirit Holy Boat immediately sped up and flew directly out of the canyon.

In the subsequent journey, Han Li and his party never encountered any other major dangers, and finally flew into the spirit realm of the Eldar tribe half a year later.

Standing high on the giant boat, Han Li and others could already see a natural city wall composed of lower and continuous peaks in the distance.

Behind these giant city walls, a giant peak tens of thousands of feet high can be vaguely seen reaching into the sky.

On the mountainside shrouded in clouds and mist, a series of triangular prismatic towers can be seen hidden on it. They are densely packed and seem to be spread across the entire huge mountain.

"Ahead is the famous Lingtian Fortress of the Spirit Clan! In fact, it is more appropriate to say it is a fortress, rather than a city. Its function is similar to that of the Tianyuan City of our two clans. It is specially used to prevent aliens from invading the Spirit Clan. Territory. However, it is different from us using a super magic circle to cover the entire clan domain, leaving only an exit like Tianyuan. Most of the areas around the Spirit clan are dangerous places, which are not suitable for large armies to travel at all. As long as a few important things are If the place is well guarded, the Spirit Clan will be safe and sound. Therefore, the Spirit Clan does not only have one such fortress, there are seven in total." Mo Jianli was explaining to Han Li on the giant boat. narrating.

"Even though the defense of this fortress is extremely tight, it should be easy to bypass it with our ability. Or does Brother Mo think it is better to enter the Lingtian Fortress openly?"

"We have not made an appointment with the Spirit King in advance, and the Thunder Sky Talisman is really not a trivial matter. It is not appropriate to make a big fuss. We just need to quietly go to the Spirit King." Mo Jianli has obviously thought about this for a long time. , after hearing the words, he replied without thinking.

"Brother Mo's words make sense, then let's bypass this fortress and sneak into the Spirit Clan quietly." Han Li nodded, not having any different opinions.

Others regarded the two as horse heads, so naturally they didn't dare to have any objections.

Then the direction of the giant boat changed and it flew to one side.

Almost at the same time, in a prismatic building on the huge mountain behind the "giant city wall", a beautiful woman who looked to be in her thirties was standing in front of a white wall with an astonishing number of talismans imprinted on it, her eyebrows slightly raised. A wrinkle.

During her surveillance, a strange fluctuation suddenly flashed through a pattern on the white wall. Although it was extremely weak, it meant that an artifact containing some amazing spiritual pressure had indeed appeared in the area in front of the fortress, otherwise it would not have happened at all. As shown on this 'Brochart',

Thinking of this, the beautiful woman immediately shouted an order to the door.

Immediately, an Eldar guard wearing armor walked in, bowed to the beautiful woman and said:

"Greetings to the Lord Heavenly Supervisor!"

"Go and take a look at the Huoli No. 3 area. There are some abnormal fluctuations there!" the beautiful woman ordered without hesitation.

"Yes!" The Spirit Race warrior immediately agreed respectfully, then bowed his head and pushed out of the house.

After a while, a group of over a hundred Spirit Clan guards left the Lingtian Fortress and went straight to the area where the Black Spirit Holy Ark was previously to explore.

At this time, the Black Spirit Holy Boat had already led Han Li and his men to a place a million miles away, so these guards naturally returned without success.

After the beautiful woman finally heard the result, her eyebrows furrowed again.

For some reason, although the fluctuation discovered this time was not too inconspicuous, and it was probably just a misdetection, there was a faint feeling of uneasiness in his heart, and he could never calm down.

Maybe he really should take a good rest.

After thinking about it carefully, the beautiful woman attributed the matter to the fatigue of her long-term supervision work, and finally put it behind her head with a bit of self-deprecation.

On the other side, Han Li and others were flying quietly over a dark body of water.

For some reason, Han Li actually put away the Holy Ark of Ink Spirit, and only activated the body-protecting spiritual light to the maximum, turning it into a light curtain as big as an inch, covering Yinyue and others.

Mo Jianli, alone, supported a smaller light curtain and flew by himself.

Outside the light curtain, wisps of light yellow mist were lingering outside the light curtain, and there were some weird sounds coming directly from the black water surface and affecting the light curtain.

Amidst the strange sounds, the two light curtains twisted and deformed from time to time, or shook violently, as if they were resisting the continuous influence of some huge force field.

Suddenly, a scream sounded from below, and under the black water surface, a black shadow rose into the sky at an incredible speed and shot straight towards the light curtain supported by Han Li.

Han Li raised his eyebrows slightly, then raised a finger and flicked downwards with an expressionless expression.

There was a loud "bang" sound.

The black shadow seemed to have been hit hard by the shadow head of a giant hammer. After a pause, it was shot back three minutes faster than before.

It turned out to be a small beast that looked like a tortoise but not a turtle, and looked like a toad but not a toad.

It has sharp armor on its back, a thick and short neck, and its entire body is black and yellow in color.

Han Li's bullet seemed to be an understatement, but it contained extremely terrifying power. Even if a top-level treasure was hit head-on, it would probably burst into pieces on the spot.

And the little beast fell hard onto the black water, and immediately regained its balance. It didn't seem to have suffered much damage, but after letting out a cry of pain, it jumped directly into the water and disappeared. I don’t dare to have the slightest idea of ​​creating an aerial light curtain again.

In this dark water, there are not too few of these little beasts. Almost every once in a while, one or two will jump out and directly attack the light curtain in the sky, but they are all blocked by Han Li and Mo Jianli's magical powers. It fell with a hard blow.

However, the escape speed of Han Li and his group was not too slow. After three or four hours, they finally flew out of the black water, and endless green mountains appeared in front of them.

"Finally, we have truly sneaked into the spiritual realm. The natural poison in the black water lake just now is secondary, and some strange treasures can be directly isolated. But those black toad beasts are really troublesome! Their attack is not high, but Each of them has rough skin and thick flesh, and amazing endurance. Once they are entangled, it is difficult to get rid of them even if they are in the combined stage." After Yin Yue took a long breath, she said with a smile.

"If Fellow Daoist Han's holy boat can still be used on the black water, there is no need to worry about the harassment of these black toad beasts. Unfortunately, this boat happens to be restricted by the black water ban. If it is used reluctantly, it will become extremely slow. On the contrary, It's not as fast as physical flight." Mo Jianli replied with a chuckle.

"Not only my Black Spirit Holy Ark, I'm afraid that most of the flying treasures in the world will also have their escape speed greatly reduced if they reach this black water. Coupled with the harassment of the Black Toad Beast, it is worthy of being called a dangerous place. No wonder the Spirit Clan doesn't Set up any monitoring points in this direction."

"But doing this made us feel much more relaxed. It only took such a short time to sneak into the spiritual realm without anyone noticing. It's a pity for those black toad beasts to have such strong strength. , itself has no value at all. If it had been replaced by other similar strange beasts of the same level, I'm afraid we would have gained a lot." Mo Jianli touched his beard and said with a smile.

"The black toad beast itself has no demon elixir, and its skin and flesh cannot be used to refine utensils or be used as medicine. It cannot attract the attention of interested people at all. I believe that if it were not so, there would be no more of this rare and strange beast left, and we can wait until we encounter it. Okay. Now that we are all here, this trip can be considered half a success. Next, we only need to go to the central area of ​​​​the Spirit Tribe and find the Spirit King. Of course, the following itinerary should be based on secrecy, and as a last resort , it’s better not to expose your identity easily." Han Li said confidently.

Ancestor Hua Shi and others naturally responded respectfully, and Mo Jianli also nodded in agreement.

So in the next moment, Han Li released the Holy Ark of Demonic Spirits again, but first he used one hand to seal the magic and cast a spell on it, which actually reduced the size of the treasure dozens of times, turning it into a length of more than ten feet. , and at the same time, its appearance has also changed drastically, and it looks very similar to an ordinary flying boat.

Then Han Li flicked his sleeves, and several magic crystal puppets that were in the Void Refining stage appeared in front of him. After a burst of crystal light circulated on their bodies, their aura suddenly became very similar to that of the Qi Ling clan members.

"As long as we don't encounter too much trouble on the way, everything will be handled by these puppets like me first. We just need to stay in the Holy Ark and recharge our batteries!" Han Li smiled at the others. said.

"Wonderful! This method is really good. The people of the Weapon Spirit Clan were originally transformed from objects into spirits. There are not many flaws in how puppets such as Daoist Friend Han transformed into people of this tribe." Seeing this, Mo Jianli clapped his hands and laughed, then turned around As soon as the shape moved, it floated into the holy boat first.

The remaining Yinyue, Zhu Guoer and others looked happy and flew into it.

The last remaining Han Li, his body was blurred and turned into a shadow and submerged into the flying boat.

A moment later, the black flying boat trembled, then roared through the air and flew away.

Almost at the same time, somewhere in the middle of the Eldar tribe, two foreign Mahayana men with slightly dark skin and similar faces were whispering mysteriously in a restricted and isolated attic.

From some of their occasional conversations, there were several shocking words such as "Spirit King" and "Thunder Sky Talisman".

At the same time, in the mysterious forbidden area where the Eldar tribe was heavily guarded, a tower as white as jade stood impressively.

On an altar table on the top floor of the tower, five feet long crystal jade tablets were suspended in the void, with golden electric wires circling on the surface, and making low roaring sounds from time to time.

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