A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 2349 The True Immortal Comes to the World and the Secret Treasure Reveals

"Destroy your cultivation! Are you going to do this?" Han Li's eyes flashed slightly, looking a bit disbelieving.

"If I didn't destroy most of my cultivation, Baohua wouldn't have just banished me to the wasteland and settled the matter as easily as that. After all, I was the person she trusted most back then, but I gave her a fatal blow behind her back. The attack. This time I was able to save my life, which is beyond expectation." Yuan Cha explained lightly.

"I see. It seems that the relationship between you and Baohua was really extraordinary. Under such circumstances, she was actually willing to let you go." Han Li nodded, showing a thoughtful look.

"Fellow Daoist Han, I offended you back then. Now that my level has fallen, I am no longer your match. Now that we have met, how do you plan to get rid of me? Are you trying to avenge the death of me?" Yuan Cha looked at her. He asked slowly, finally showing a hint of strangeness.

"If Baohua hadn't punished you, I would really be interested in repaying you for what happened back then. Now, this kind of thinking has faded a lot. Not only has your cultivation level plummeted, but your state of mind has also collapsed. Can you maintain Your current cultivation level is considered good. If you want to re-enter the Mahayana realm, there is no hope in this life. Considering that you were once a Mahayana ancestor, I will not do anything excessive to you. Just cut yourself off. Just an arm. If you do this, I will force you to cancel the grudges I made back then." Han Li was silent for a moment and then said in a deep voice.

"An arm? It's so simple, no problem!" Yuan Cha was startled when he heard this, but then he replied with a wry smile.

As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly raised an arm, opened her mouth and sprayed it, and a white light flew out and circled around the arm.

The entire arm suddenly fell down to the shoulder level silently, but there was not a drop of blood on the wound, which was as smooth as a mirror.

With a "poof", Yuan Cha pressed his other hand in the air, and the severed arm was pressed down by an invisible force and disappeared into a rain of blood all over the sky.

"Is it time for me to leave now?" Yuan Cha asked with a paler look on his face after destroying one of his arms.

"Okay, you can go." Han Li nodded without any intention of embarrassing the other party.

"I'd like to thank you Taoist friend a lot. There will probably be no chance for you and me to meet each other again in the future." Yuan Cha's face moved, and after giving a slight salute to Han Li from a distance, his body blurred and turned into a blue mist. The escaping light broke through the air and left.

At this time, the woman who was escaping from the light had a faint black light emerging from her injured shoulder, and a brand new arm was suddenly re-formed in the intertwining black energy. However, even if the arm can recover on its own, it is inevitable that the energy in the body will lose again.

"Brother Han, you really let her go like this. Aren't you afraid that she will have the opportunity to retaliate again in the future?" Yinyue had just stood quietly on the flying boat from the beginning, and now she couldn't help but ask.

"Baohua is willing to give her a way to live, but I can't go ahead and kill her. Who knows, how much love remains between them from the past. Baohua can let go of what happened in the past so lightly. , it can be seen that the relationship between the two is far beyond what outsiders can imagine. I will come to the demon world again in the future, but it is not good to make the relationship with this demon world saint ancestor too rigid. As for revenge, Yuan Cha will return to the Mahayana realm in the future. There is little hope, and my heart has turned into ashes. I am afraid that I will not even think of this idea. And her cultivation level will not be able to return to the Mahayana realm, and her life span will be running out. I don’t have to worry about anything." Han Li shook his head. replied.

"That's true. Even if she really had this intention, how could she take it into account with Brother Han's ability? But the younger sister is still a little emotional! When we were in the human world, a ray of this woman's soul almost made you and me both at the same time Buried in Kunwu Mountain, now I have ended up like this." Yinyue looked at the direction where Yuan Cha's escape light disappeared and sighed softly.

Of course she didn't really sympathize with the former Demon Clan Saint Ancestor, but the contrast between before and after was too great, and she couldn't help but feel a little complicated in her heart.

"Whether Yuan Cha poses a threat to us, don't worry too much. But we'd better take out the Weeping Spirit Secret Treasure as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary complications." Han Li said lightly.

"Brother Han's words are reasonable!" Baohua naturally had no objection.

So after the flying boat buzzed, it turned around again and shot away in the original direction.

Half a day later, the flying boat carrying the two of them appeared above an unusually flat ice field.

But the strange thing is that in the center of this ice field, there is a small light green lake that should not have appeared in the first place.

The small lake looks like it is no more than a few thousand acres in size, but the surface is billowing with heat, and from time to time there are bowl-sized blisters emerging from the lake.

On the edge of the lake, there are some low black and green shrubs growing, as if showing a miracle in the ice field.

The flying boat blurred and appeared at low altitude beside the lake.

Han Li stood at the front of the flying boat and looked at the lake for a few times, then suddenly smiled and said, "It's interesting."

"Brother Han, this is where the secret map is shown. It does look very different from other places. But after so many years, haven't there been demons passing by who have discovered the existence of this secret?" Baohua was curious. asked.

"The Weeping Spirit Saint Ancestor is a demon clan Mahayana, how can the treasures he left behind be discovered by ordinary high-level demon clans? Moreover, even if other demon clan Mahayana existences come here in person, if there is no copy of the secret treasure map, I'm afraid I won't find anything either." Han Li smiled and suddenly waved one of his sleeves towards the lake.

Let’s break the air together!

Four crystal bricks shot out in an instant, and after spinning around, they emitted five colors of light and floated motionless above the lake.

Han Li made a secret with one hand, and with the other hand he pointed a finger at an understated point on the surface of the silk lake, and at the same time he said the word "open".

There was a "boom"!

Countless runes surged out from the four crystal bricks, and then circled and danced, suddenly condensing into a five-color light array the size of an acre.

Before Han Li could activate anything with his spell, the light array began to rotate rapidly. There was a muffled sound in the center, and a gray beam of light spurted out. After a flash, it disappeared into the lake and disappeared.

In an instant, the space in the lake fluctuated!

The surface of the lake, which was originally just microwaves, suddenly surged wildly, and a black vortex appeared out of thin air below the light array, from which countless strands of black threads rolled out from time to time.

"This is the entrance to the Weeping Spirit's Secret. It's indeed quite secretive! However, if you want to really get the treasure inside, I'm afraid you'll have to spend some effort." Yin Yue said with a hint of excitement after witnessing all this.

"Let's go, even if there are some restrictions inside, how can it really stop you and me." Han Li also smiled slightly and said nonchalantly. Then with a flash of inspiration, the flying boat disappeared without a trace.

The two of them moved directly and floated down towards the black hole on the lake.

The two of them fell into the whirlpool, and the five-color light array that was originally suspended on the lake roared, and it was transformed into four crystal bricks and shot into the black hole.

The black air swirled wildly in the whirlpool on the lake surface, then turned into a gust of wind and disappeared.

Time passed little by little.

There is still nothing unusual about the surface of the lake, as if it will remain like this forever.

After an unknown amount of time, Han Li and Yinyue were walking slowly side by side in an unknown maze under the lake.

Around the two of them, thick columns were densely scattered everywhere.

These pillars are more than ten feet high, with black air lingering on the surface, and faint sounds of ghosts crying and wolves howling.

If an ordinary monk hears these sounds, his consciousness will probably sink on the spot and he will become top-heavy.

But there was only a faint flash of light on the surface of Yinyue's body, and the protective light blocked these sounds directly.

As for Han Li, everything was as usual, and he actually looked at these columns as if they were nothing.

Above the column, there was a dark mist, covering everything.

Suddenly, the black energy condensed on several stone pillars near the two of them, and several blurry shadows appeared and jumped out. Judging from the appearance, they were clearly several ferocious giant wolves.

Han Li's steps did not stop at all, but when the three giant wolf shadows rushed in front of him, a gray glow flashed,

The three giant wolves disappeared as soon as they got involved.

On the other side, the shadows of two giant wolves pounced on Silver Moon's head, but the same wolf roar came out, and a huge silver wolf beast appeared out of thin air.

The silver wolf beast just opened its huge mouth and swallowed the two black wolf shadows in one gulp. After another shake, they also disappeared strangely.

The two figures did not stop at all, and flashed between several columns in a swaggering manner, and gradually moved away.

"Brother Han, this is the first batch we have solved." Yinyue suddenly asked.

"It's the seventh batch," Han Li replied calmly.

"The Weeping Spirit Patriarch is so famous, so the restrictions imposed by him should not be of this level. Let alone the previous restrictions that would stop a Mahayana Patriarch like Brother Han, even when facing a fusion cultivator like Little Sister, I'm afraid It's not of much use." Yin Yue said with a smile.

"If you think so, I'm afraid you are really going to fall into the trap of the Weeping Spirit Ancestor." After hearing this, Han Li replied leisurely.

"What, what Brother Han is referring to..." Yinyue was really surprised, and at the same time a little confused.

"Do you really think that these pillars are placed here just to emit some insignificant evil sounds and transform into a few phantom beasts that are not in the Void Refining stage?" Han Li said with a smile.

"Do these columns have any other special meaning?" Yinyue immediately understood the meaning of Han Li's words and asked in surprise.

"You'll know after you take a look at this thing." A smile appeared at the corner of Han Li's mouth. Suddenly he raised his arm and grabbed the nearby void with his five fingers.

"Bang" sound.

Suddenly, silver spiritual flames suddenly rolled up between his fingers, pulling something out of the void in one fell swoop, and then he closed his fingers together to grasp it tightly in his heart's hand.

Yin Yue's beautiful eyes suddenly became round, and she stared at the palm wrapped in silver flames without letting go.

Han Li smiled slightly, raised his palm, and slowly loosened his fingers.

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