A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 2343 The True Immortal Comes to the World Narration of the True Immortal

"Hey, self-destruction? If you can get rid of it like this, the fairy world will not always list the art of refining as a forbidden art. It seems that you don't know that once you start practicing this secret art, you can only go all the way. You cannot stop halfway forward. Judging from your current second-level realm, if you do not reach the third-level realm of divine refining within ten thousand years, the sea of ​​divine consciousness will definitely be unable to accommodate such a huge power of divine thoughts. , thus self-destructing and forgetting. In this situation, even if you seize the body and rebuild it in advance, you have no chance of survival." The man sneered and said something that made Han Li's heart sink.

"Ten thousand years! Fortunately, at least I still have some time to plan a rescue plan. But the third level..., isn't there only three levels of this divine refining technique?" Han Li's eyes flashed a few times, and he said: He took a breath and asked back.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to believe everything he said just based on what the other party said, but he still heard some doubtful things from it.

"Three levels? Who told you that this Divine Refining Technique only has three levels? Oh, I understand. You only got the first half of the cultivation method of the Divine Refining Technique, but you did not get the entire cultivation method. The entire Divine Refining Technique The technique should be at the seventh level. You have only cultivated to the first two levels. If you want to survive, fellow Taoist monks still have a long way to practice!" The man was startled at first, but then he said with some clarity.

"Thank you for your advice, but I don't know the cultivation methods of the later levels that you can understand!" Han Li sighed and suddenly asked this question again.

"Although the art of refining the gods is not a rare magic in the fairy world, it is not comparable to ordinary goods. In addition, the fairy world has always prohibited the teaching and trading of this magic. In addition, Pindao himself is a patrol envoy. So it's a pity that I don't know the second half of the cultivation method. But fellow Taoists, there is no need to be too anxious. As long as you can master the third level of divine refining, then the time when your consciousness will be in crisis again will at least be gone. It will be postponed for another 30,000 to 40,000 years. With such a long time, given your qualifications, you should have the opportunity to ascend to the immortal world and find another solution." The man replied with deep meaning.

"It is so easy to ascend to the Immortal Realm. If it were really possible, we and other Taoist friends who are trapped in the Mahayana stage in the lower realm would not be like this." Han Li couldn't help but smile bitterly when he heard this.

"Haha, that was before you met Pindao. Don't forget, there is a real immortal in front of you. If I am willing to help you, you will be at least 20 to 30% better than before. The above is almost enough to successfully ascend to the immortal world." The man said with a low chuckle.

"As a true immortal, if I am willing to give you a few words of advice, there is indeed a slight possibility that this junior will be able to ascend to the immortal world. However, when senior summoned this junior, he would not just want to help me." After Han Li was silent for a moment, he said Then he suddenly sighed and said.

"You are a sensible person! If you are of no use to me, although I will help you strangle that Cun Mu, I will never go to any lengths to teleport you here. The reason why I do this is I plan to use your strength to help me do something. As a reward for helping me, I will provide some methods to cultivate to the third level of divine refining as soon as possible and survive the tribulation of ascension. I wonder, what do you think?" The man asked. He didn't mean to hide anything, he just said it frankly.

"Senior, if you want to find someone for help, Taoist Brother Baohua, as the Saint Ancestor of this world, should be more suitable. Why do you have to find this junior?" Han Li was not surprised, but he asked calmly.

"Hey, if the ordinary Mahayana from the lower world can help the poor, why would I have to suffer here for so many years? I would have looked for the local Mahayana who had seen the seal many years ago." The man said lightly. .

"Senior, what you mean by this is..." Han Li felt a chill in his heart, and his face became a little solemn.

"Now that everything has been said here, Pindao is not going to hide anything anymore. The reason why I found fellow Taoist Han is actually because you have the ability to practice divine refining and other heaven-defying magical powers. Other lower realm Mahayana, even if Even if my strength and cultivation are several times higher than yours, I still can't help me at all." The man slowly said something that made Han Li stunned again.

"What, the senior is looking for me because the junior has the art of spiritual refining!" Han Li was really confused.

"That's right. Although Pindao is now sober, I haven't mentioned it to you yet, but I think you can probably guess a bit about the current predicament." The man said with a wry smile.

"Senior said this. This junior is really a little confused about what happened back then. I hope senior can give me some advice. Is the mother of the borer we are killing now, the soul in her body no longer the soul of the vicious insect back then? Of course, if it's inconvenient for you, senior, forget it." Han Li hesitated for a moment before asking cautiously.

"Although what happened back then is a bit unbearable to look back on, it won't be a big deal if I tell you a little bit about it. When the mother borer was wreaking havoc in the lower realm, she was noticed by the supervisory immortal envoy from the upper realm, and he sent me and another The patrol envoys worked together to eradicate this demon from the lower realm. Of course, although it was very difficult for us immortals to get to the lower realm at that time, we could still do it through some special means..." After a moment of silence in the alms bowl, the man's voice slowly rang out. .

Being able to hear a participant in the ancient legend personally recount his experience of that year was certainly not an experience that every Mahayana being could have. Han Li naturally became very energetic and listened attentively.

"Although I didn't expect that just when the two of us were about to completely kill the mother of borers, a huge change in the starry sky would happen and directly affect each interface. After a while, I was attacked by the treasure and The power of the interface that is suppressed by the secret technique! As a result, the situation was reversed. After our magic was suppressed, we were almost devoured by the mother of borers. Later, in desperation, the two of us could only adopt a lose-lose method and self-destructed at the same time. We used some kind of fairy secret technique to severely damage the mother of borers. Of course, by that time, we will no longer be able to break the immortal body of the mother of borers. We can only resort to possessing two high-level demons. We built this huge seal and left some words of advice. At that time, we had already discovered that after the great change in the starry sky, the two of us lost contact with the fairy world, and there was no way to return according to the original method. To the fairy world. So, with the help of the demon Mahayana identity, we quietly explored some famous interfaces in the lower world. It turned out that this great change in the starry sky affected all interfaces, making the power of the interfaces increase almost ten times more than before, and indeed we found After finding no way to return to the fairy world on our own initiative. In desperation, the two of us had no choice but to return to the sealed place in this world, set up this small magic circle, and let the soul escape into it and begin to fall asleep. At that time, we could only We can hope that some friends and close friends in the fairy world can still think of us and try to break through the interface to rescue us. In such a long period of time, the two of us will temporarily wake up once every more than a thousand years, but every time I was extremely disappointed. After such a long time, one of my companions got a little desperate and finally had some arguments with me. As a result, after several arguments and after waking up, she suddenly restrained me. , sealing Pindao’s true soul in this container.”

The man's voice echoed on the altar, and there was finally a strange fluctuation in his words.

"She herself took the Yuqing lamp oil that the magic circle used to keep her soul immortal, and went to find the sealed mother of borers. As for what will happen, when you see the mother of borers, you should also You guessed it to some extent. If Pindao hadn't been more thoughtful and left some Yuqing lamp oil in advance, I'm afraid he would have died an unknown number of years ago. As for why she did this, I think about it. Most likely, he wants to use the body of the mother of borers to cultivate into a true body, and then try to break through the power of the interface and return to the fairy world. Of course, there may be other ideas. But that is not something that a poor man can know. ." The man finally told a rough story of what happened that year.

"It turns out that so many things happened back then, no wonder senior has been trapped here. Could it be that the help senior asked me to help you regain freedom from this magic weapon?" After hearing this, Han Li thought quickly. It kept turning, but asked calmly.

"Hehe, although Pindao was originally sealed in this black sandalwood bowl, after years of self-destruction, he has gained most of his freedom. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to help you not long ago. What I want you to do is actually It is the powerful power of divine thought that allows you to increase the power of your divine skills to help me activate a treasure talisman in my hand. Once this talisman is activated, it can send a message to a friend of mine in the fairy world regardless of the power of the interface. I believe that based on my friendship with him back then, once he knew about my current predicament, he would try his best to save me and return to the fairy world." Somewhat beyond Han Li's expectation, the man said solemnly.

"Senior, do you have a talisman that can lead you directly to the immortal world?" Han Li couldn't hide the surprise on his face when he heard this.

"Don't be too surprised. Ordinary talismans, of course, cannot do this. The talisman in my hand came from the hands of a famous immortal king in the immortal world. There are very few spread to the outside world, and under normal circumstances , Ordinary low-level immortals are unable to inspire such a treasure talisman due to insufficient spiritual power. That’s why I approached fellow Daoist Han." The man said helplessly.

"Senior is saying that with the power of spiritual thoughts amplified by the junior's current divine refining skills, this treasure talisman can be activated!" Han Li asked with a frown.

"Although your power of spiritual thoughts is considered powerful now, far exceeding that of beings of the same level several times, it is still slightly inferior to other people when they were at their peak. What I mean is that after you have reached the third level of spiritual refining, you can It's possible to do this." The man replied with a chuckle.

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