"There's more?" The old man was startled at first, but then he became more happy, and he was so cheerful that he didn't close his mouth for a while.

Although I don't know what materials Han Li will come up with next, it is human nature to keep the good stuff behind. I couldn't help but look at Han Li's eyes with even more anticipation!

Although Han Li had some doubts about the shop owner's weapon refining methods, he could not find a more reliable weapon refining master for a while, so he had to hesitantly place Mo Jiao's materials on the table one by one.

However, he also thought in his mind that if the old man couldn't even recognize the original form of these materials, it meant that there was something wrong with the other party's knowledge and methods! At most, it can be refining the hard shell in front of it.

As for the good things on Mo Jiao, it is better to find other skilled weapon refiners!

Since Han Li had such a plan, he naturally paid more attention to the old man's expression and actions.

As a result, when the old man was holding a cup of tea and took a sip, when he saw the pile of materials that Han Li had brought out, he took a sip and sprayed all the half a mouthful of tea on the ground in front of him. All.

"This is the dragon's skin, its horns, its fangs, and these are its eyes! Oh my god, did senior kill an evil dragon on his own?" The white-haired shop owner lost his composure in horror and stared at the eyes with incredible eyes. Something, he kept mumbling to himself.

No wonder I am so surprised this time! Not to mention the monsters of heaven and earth like dragons, they have disappeared from the nearby world of immortality for a long time. Even if there were such an evil dragon that looked like a second-level evolution, it would be comparable to a monk in the late stage of Foundation Establishment.

In addition to the monks in the pill formation stage, how could the ordinary monks in the foundation building stage be his opponents! And if many monks take action at the same time, the pile of dragon-like materials in front of the opponent will be too complete! A whole dragon was almost dismembered and transported directly.

Could it be that he had swallowed it all by himself, without giving any chance to other monks? Or does this person have some extraordinary means that can kill this dragon by himself?

The old man touched and pinched these materials excitedly while thinking wildly.

Only then did I really feel in awe of Han Li!

The shopkeeper recognized these items at a glance, which was somewhat beyond Han Li's expectation.

He thought that even if the other party could recognize these things, it would probably take a lot of effort. Now that he could identify the material so easily, Han Li had some confidence in him.

"Innkeeper Xu, I'm relieved that I recognized it so quickly. Then please ask Mr. Xu to start refining it!" Han Li said politely after thinking about it in his mind.

"Okay! Okay! Don't worry, senior. When Xu was learning the art of dragon, he refined it with his father once, so he is absolutely sure!" The old man nodded and responded, holding an ink dragon in his hand. The sharp claws are still not willing to let go!

Han Li was a little amused when he saw this scene.

However, he also understood that this old man was probably the kind of person who was obsessed with refining weapons. Otherwise, no matter how good the materials were, he would not be so out of character. But in this way, Han Li felt much more at ease, which showed that this person's weapon refining level should be pretty good.

So, the old man took these materials and led Han Li into the backyard!

Half a month later, Han Li finally walked out of the store door, looked back, and slowly left with a smile on his face.

As soon as he left Fangshi's no-fly zone, Han Li raised his hand, and a small and exquisite white boat jumped out of his sleeves and floated several feet in front of him, swaying gently.

After Han Li looked at it with fond eyes, he flicked his fingers and a cyan magic spell hit the boat. Suddenly the canoe slowly grew in size, and after a while it became a real canoe that could carry several people. When Han Li saw this scene, he swayed slightly and got on the boat. Then there was a flash of white light, and Han Li and his boat disappeared from the spot at the same time, appearing more than ten feet high in the air!

"This Divine Wind Boat, which is made from the fins and tail of the Mo Jiao, is really an incredible flying magic weapon. Although it is not as large as the Hidden Moon Sect's Tianyue Divine Boat, and it has no defensive capabilities at all, it In terms of speed alone, it should be a very rare flying magic weapon. In this way, we no longer need the leaf-shaped magic weapon that is as slow as a turtle crawling!" Han Li stood at the front of the boat and whispered to himself , with a slight smile on his face.

When Han Li suddenly injected his spiritual power from his feet into the hull of the boat, the divine wind boat suddenly burst into white light, turned into a white rainbow, and flew out. Its speed is so fast that it can make ordinary cultivators stunned!

Han Li sat in front of the boat, closing his eyes lightly, feeling the rush he had never experienced before.

According to his estimate, even if the divine wind boat was flying at half speed, it would only take more than an hour at most to return to the cave. Then, he prepared to arrange the inverted Five Elements Formation with greatly reduced power, so that he could practice with peace of mind without any risk!

While Han Li was thinking about this, he suddenly felt a powerful spiritual power coming from the ground under him and rushing towards his divine wind boat! Although I don’t know what it is, but based on the huge spiritual power I feel, if it hits the boat, it will definitely destroy the boat and kill everyone!

Han Li was shocked and angry, and suddenly opened his eyes! Then the boat under him suddenly doubled in speed, and suddenly jumped to another place dozens of feet away.

At the same time, a huge yellow beam of light passed directly through the place where Han Li was originally staying, and flew far away without scattering. This made Han Li's face darken!

"Could it be that someone knew that he was going to pass by here and ambush him here in advance?" Han Li, who was frightened and angry, couldn't help but think this way. Then, he immediately took out two green and red balls from his body and touched them gently.

There was a muffled sound.

Suddenly, a thick blue-red smoke emerged from the two balls at the same time, quickly surrounding Han Li. And it was still expanding, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a huge blue-red cloud with a diameter of more than ten feet wide, causing Han Li's figure to completely disappear into the clouds.

With the protection of this blue-red cloud, Han Li felt a little relieved and calmly looked at the ground!

After seeing the situation on the ground clearly, Han Li's mouth opened wide and he couldn't close it for a long time. Because, there are actually people fighting in groups on the ground!

Four or five monks in the foundation-building stage, as the disadvantaged party, were fighting against nearly a hundred enemies who surrounded them. And their opponents, all expressionless and lifeless, were actually puppet beasts like tigers and leopards. There were also some puppet machines mixed in, which were similar to the puppet archers in Han Li's hands.

Although these puppets move slowly one by one, they seem to be very easy to deal with. However, every time a puppet is knocked down or destroyed by these monks' magic weapons, several new puppets will come out of the woods on one side to add to it. Among them, let the number of sieges always remain the same.

And the offensive of these puppets is also very fierce!

As long as those machine beasts open their big mouths occasionally, they will shoot out huge light beams as thick as a bowl. They are exactly the same as the one that almost hit Han Li, except that their light beams are colorful, representing different attributes.

Look, Han Li was accidentally injured by them!

As for those puppets, they are even more powerful! There are bow and arrow puppets similar to Han Li's puppet archers. They shoot finger-thick five-color light arrows directly from the long bows in their hands. Although the power is not as powerful as the light beams of the machine beasts, they are better because they are endless and eternal. Not stopping.

If those monks hadn't worked together to support a huge shield, they would have died under the indiscriminate bombardment of light beams and light arrows.

But what troubles them the most is the melee puppets wielding swords and guns. Not only are these dolls wearing heavy armor, but the swords and guns in their hands are all shining. They are all genuine low- and mid-level magic weapons.

Although there were only a dozen of them, they surrounded the light shield and stabbed with swords and spears, until the shield was crumbling and the light and darkness were unstable! If there weren't two monks always there with protective shields on their hands constantly replenishing their mana, I'm afraid it would have been defeated countless times.

It's not that the monks really have nothing to do with these puppets!

After all, these few of them are immortal cultivators after establishing the foundation. Not only do they have strong magical powers, but the magical weapons in their hands are also amazingly powerful. In just a short period of time, thirty or forty puppets were beaten to the point where they could not move.

But no matter how powerful the magic weapons in their hands are, the puppets in the woods seem to be endless, and they are constantly being replenished, fighting a war of attrition with them. The more these monks are beaten, the colder they get in their hearts!

Han Li, who was hiding in the blue and red clouds in mid-air, was also stunned! It seems that no one has noticed his existence at this moment. It seems that the beam of light was just an accidental injury!

Finally there was a monk who couldn't control his anger. He suddenly added several layers of protective spells to his body, and waved a flag-shaped defensive weapon in his hand. He broke away from the big shield and flew out. It seemed that he wanted to escape from here!

When several other monks saw this, they couldn't help but cursed.

But no sooner had their cursed words been spoken. A super beam of light about ten feet in diameter suddenly shot out from the forest and hit the monk in mid-air in a flash. The man didn't even make a sound, but turned into a ball of fire and fell to the dust. I don’t know whether I will live or die.

(No more nonsense, it’s a critical moment, please vote for me! I will continue to stay up late to code words for you! You can see another chapter in the morning!)

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