A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 2274 The True Immortal Comes to the World Spiritual Tide

Han Li pondered for a moment, then suddenly flicked his sleeves high into the sky. The light above his head flashed, and three hills of about ten feet high appeared out of thin air.

As soon as the spell was pressed, the three hills roared and fell around the crystal platform!

"Boom", "Boom" and "Boom" three loud noises!

The three hills fell hard to the ground, and rose up with a flash of light. In an instant, they turned into a huge existence of more than a hundred feet, as if they were real mountain peaks, firmly protecting the crystal platform.

After doing all this, Han Li did not make any other unusual behavior. He just sat cross-legged and closed his eyes to rest.

He sat cross-legged from noon to evening, and then from evening to morning...

Taoist Xie and Yinyue, who were on two distant mountain peaks, had been silently watching Han Li's actions, but the expressions on their faces were different.

Taoist Xie's expression was calm and calm, but there was a hint of worry between Yinyue'er's eyebrows.

Two hours later, when the first ray of sunlight just bloomed from the nearby hills, Han Li opened his eyes, slowly made a hand seal with one hand, and a huge aura immediately rose from his body to the sky, and behind him There was a flash of golden light, and the several-foot-high form of the Holy Brahma appeared.

Han Li shouted in a low voice, and the body of the Brahma Saint behind him flashed with golden light, and turned into a huge body of more than a hundred feet. At the same time, his six eyes opened, and each of his six hands formed a different seal.

After a series of rumbling sounds, strong winds rose in the sky and dark clouds gathered.

Han Li, who was sitting cross-legged on the crystal platform, turned a blind eye to all this and just raised his hand to shoot a spell below him.

In an instant, the entire giant platform buzzed together, and the spiritual patterns on its surface began to flow as if alive, forming hundreds of pattern formations of different sizes, and the mountains flickered in and out of light.

The vitality of the nearby heaven and earth shook violently, and countless five-color light points emerged densely in the void. From a distance, there was no end in sight, as if filling the entire heaven and earth, the momentum was so huge!

Han Li, who made this series of actions, kept his eyes closed and showed no expression on his face as he fell into trance again.

But as the array of patterns on the crystal table flickered, the aura on his body gradually increased almost every moment.

Although this enhancement is very slow and almost unnoticeable even if you don't look carefully, the increase over time is still astonishing.

As for the three-headed and six-armed figure behind Han Li, as his aura increased, his body also slowly expanded. Almost every hour, his body increased by ten feet.

After a whole day like this, the Dharma Appearance has grown to a height of more than ten feet, and the originally golden shadow-like body has become thicker and thicker.

Time passes little by little!

Han Li stood still on the crystal platform, but the aura on his body was slowly increasing at a constant speed, as if it would continue forever...

Half a month later, the aura on Han Li's body unknowingly became so powerful that even the combined monks were frightened. The dharma form behind him became three hundred feet high, and under the flickering of his body, it became as solid as a solid body. Extremely thick.

And high in the sky, black pot-bottom-like dark clouds covered the entire sky, preventing even a trace of light from the sun and moon from being revealed.

The entire basin became even more bleak, giving people a gloomy feeling.

Only those light spots transformed by the vitality of heaven and earth are still floating quietly in the void, but they have also grown from the size of beans to the size of eggs at some point.

From a distance, it looks like countless giant fireflies are floating motionless in the air, emitting a soft spiritual light.

Han Li finally opened his eyes. The blue light in his pupils was flashing, as if two balls of blue lightning were beating in his eye sockets. Without saying a word, he suddenly slapped the Tianling Cap with one hand. In a flash of golden light, a person several feet high appeared. The golden Nascent Soul suddenly emerged.

Although this Nascent Soul has a petite body, its little face is tense. As soon as Fang appeared, he immediately raised his little hand and flew high into the air.

A thunderclap!

There was a flash of silver light in the dark clouds in the sky, and a thick arc of electricity struck down from the sky.

The golden Nascent Soul narrowed his eyes, but he did not dodge but opened his mouth slightly, and a stream of blue clouds flew out.


The huge electric arc hit the bottom without any obstruction, but after a flash, it was sucked into Yuanyingquan's small mouth like a giant whale sucking water.

Then the golden Yuanying's hands suddenly rubbed together, and there was a thunderous sound on his body. Countless electric arcs shot out, condensing into huge silver thunders, and shot out in all directions with a muffled sound at the same time.

After a series of roars, Lei Wen disappeared into the surrounding void out of thin air and disappeared.

The next moment, an invisible force exploded in the surrounding void, causing a commotion in the originally stationary five-color light ball nearby.

The densely packed light balls began to circle and dance in a wild flash.

Not only that, after the golden Yuanying sat cross-legged in the air, he made a seal with one hand, and the powerful aura emanating from the body below suddenly rose up, and a terrifying spiritual pressure that seemed to be able to crush everything instantly descended over the basin. Another round of rotation.

With the giant platform as the center, a huge invisible vortex suddenly appeared in the air, tearing the light balls floating around crazily into the sky, and then turned into silky clouds and sprayed down downwards.

A flash of light flashed across Han Li's Nascent Soul and physical body, and silvery spiritual lines appeared at the same time.

Fang Yi, a roll of five-color rays of light, touched their skins, and the silver spirit patterns suddenly shone brightly, and they all disappeared into it silently.

The ball of light was continuously drawn into the huge vortex above the basin, and the huge funnel-like vortex spurted out rays of light from the other end and rolled down from the high altitude, continuously pouring into Han Li's Yuanying and his physical body.

As time goes by, the surface of Yuanying's body gradually becomes brighter, while the skin of the physical body underneath becomes more crystal clear and smooth. .

However, within one meal, one of the two was covered by a golden halo, while the other's whole body was as crystal clear as white jade.

But at this time, the ball of light formed by the vitality above the basin was finally swept away, making the vast void become empty.

When Han Li Nascent Soul saw the five-color spirit glow in the whirlpool break, his little face sank. He didn't see any movement, but behind the giant-like golden dharma image, a low groan came from a head, and then six palms pinched it. After the battle broke out, golden light dripped down from the palms of their hands, and a golden ball of light the size of a face emerged from each of them, and they were swung high into the sky at the same time.

Six balls of light shot out instantly and gathered together in the sky, turning into a giant golden ball of light.

Nascent Soul's fleshy little hands just shot into the air, and the giant ball of light flashed twice, then exploded with a rumbling sound.

Countless golden runes surged out, and with a quick roll, they turned into another huge golden vortex, which instantly overlapped and merged with the original vortex.

The three-headed and six-armed Dharma form kept humming in his mouth. He swung his six palms again, and the golden light flashed. Six golden light pillars as thick as water tanks suddenly spurted out menacingly, hitting the bottom of the vortex in the air, and making no sound. Submerged in it.

There was a loud buzzing in the golden vortex, and the volume instantly increased to a huge size.

In just a few breaths, the golden vortex turned into a giant bucket-like thing, covering almost one-third of the basin beneath it.

Seeing this, Han Li Yuanying's face suddenly showed a look of joy, and he made another small hand to move towards the golden vortex.

Suddenly the buzzing sound in the golden vortex subsided, and instead came the sound of heavenly Sanskrit sounds. At the same time, huge suction forces that seemed to be able to tear the sky apart rolled out of it and turned into waves. Sweeping away in all directions.

The next moment, the entire sky roared together and quickly dispersed to the surrounding horizon!

After a few breaths, there were roars from the horizon that were even more astonishing than the previous roars, as if stormy waves were rolling in from farther away.

As soon as the inspiration flashed, a flash of gorgeous color first appeared on the nearby horizon, but then the roar suddenly became louder, and the boundless tide of gorgeous spiritual energy surged forward.

Seeing this, Han Li Yuanying's expression moved slightly, and the blue light in his pupils immediately flashed, and he immediately saw clearly the true face of the spiritual tide in Lushan.

It was actually the dense gathering of countless five-color light balls that formed an astonishing celestial phenomenon.

A hint of joy appeared on Yuanying's little face. After taking a deep breath, the six hands of the huge Dharma behind his back shook a few more times. Suddenly, more than a dozen golden light pillars shot into the golden vortex, making the vortex faint again. After it rose, several more waves of huge suction came out.

Under such huge force, the waves in all directions only flashed wildly for a few times before reaching the sky above the basin and being submerged into the golden vortex one after another.

Suddenly, above the crystal platform, a thick, almost viscous glow rolled down again.

Silver spiritual patterns flowed down the surface of Han Li's Nascent Soul and physical body, and he sucked in the spiritual clouds one after another without ceremony.

Their bodies were like bottomless pits, as if no matter how much energy of heaven and earth they could be sucked in.

The huge whirlpool in the sky this time almost tore the vitality of heaven and earth within tens of thousands of miles from the air. Therefore, the spiritual tide in the sky was endless for a while, giving people a feeling that it would never exhaust. .

However, even though Han Li's Nascent Soul and physical body were many times more powerful than beings of the same level, under such a violent suction situation, they were still saturated at the same time soon.

If he continues to inhale it, his Yuanying and physical body will not only be unable to temporarily strengthen the effect, but will most likely explode and die.

Therefore, after Yuanying groaned, the spiritual patterns on his body disappeared in a flash, and the patterns on his body below also faded away quickly.

At this time, the originally motionless Brahma Saint opened his mouth three times, sucked hard, and effortlessly swallowed all the energy of heaven and earth pouring down from the air into his belly. The golden light of his body flashed slightly, and he immediately breathed out of thin air. A huge one.

As a result, although Han Li's Yuanying and his physical body no longer inhaled the power of heaven and earth's vitality, the Brahma Saint Dharma Appearance took over the work of the two of them unceremoniously and inhaled all the spiritual clouds rolling down into his body.

(After being reminded by a book friend, some loopholes were found in Chapter 2173, so it was revised. Haha, interested book friends can read it again!)

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