A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 220 Fountain of Spiritual Eyes

After the female disciple went to pick up the spirit beast, Han Li waited quietly at the reception desk, only looking at the restrictions around him from time to time.

Except for the top of the mountain where Han Li is located, the rest of the Spirit Beast Mountain is divided into habitats for spirit beasts of different sizes by colorful prohibition formations.

Every restricted and closed place is a taming place for a kind of spiritual beast. Except for the rotating disciples of Qilin Pavilion, no one else is allowed to enter. This is because they are afraid that strangers will disturb the spirit beasts, or that the untamed spirit beasts will harm outsiders.

Therefore, although the entire Spirit Beast Mountain looks quiet, in fact, at least there are nearly a thousand different spirit beasts living there. The scale is not amazing!

The female disciple didn't keep Han Li waiting any longer. After a meal, she walked out of a restricted area with a fist-sized beast in her arms and went straight to Han Li.

"This is the double-eyed rat. You need one low-level spiritual stone per day to rent it!" The female disciple gently stroked the soft fur of the little beast with her hand and said respectfully to Han Li.

"Okay, here are three spiritual stones. I can use them for three days!" Han Li said to the woman calmly.

"Three days later, as long as Uncle Master lets go of the double-pupiled rat, it will return to Qilin Pavilion on its own. During this period, I hope Uncle Master can treat this beast kindly. This bag is its favorite soil pear fruit. Uncle Master will take the time to You can feed me a few." The girl took the spirit stone, handed the spirit beast to Han Li, then took out a small white bag and said to Han Li.

Han Li nodded slightly and took it with a calm expression.

Then, under the woman's respectful gaze, his royal weapon flew away.

Han Li flew northwest in the air.

As Han Li hurried on, he couldn't help but look at the cute double-eyed rat in his arms.

At first glance, I really thought this little yellow beast was a field rat. Same small size, same yellow fur and slender tail.

The only difference is that he has a pair of big eyes on his face that are completely different from those of the earth rat. Even though this is the only difference, it immediately makes this beast extremely cute!

Especially in its eyes, there are faint flashes of five-color light, which makes this beast even more mysterious.

Even a person like Han Li, who is used to being indifferent, couldn't help but stroke the beast a few times when he saw its cute appearance, and he started to think about raising one!

However, Han Li also knew that even though this little beast was so docile now, it was actually a genuine first-level mid-level monster.

In addition to a pair of magical eyes, this beast also has a pair of steel teeth that can chew copper and iron, and a pair of front claws that can penetrate gold and stone. It’s not as harmless as it seems!

Thinking of this, Han Li fiddled with the beast's little ears again, and after seeing it twitching interestingly a few times, he couldn't help but smile. It seemed that the childlike innocence that had been buried deep in his heart for a long time came up again.

Han Li flew with this beast for a whole day, and finally stopped at the outermost area in the northwest of the Taiyue Mountains.

Continuing more than a hundred miles north from here, you will enter the territory of the Yuanwu Kingdom, which is the territory of the Tianxing Sect, the great sect of cultivating immortals in the Yuanwu Kingdom, and has also set up a market, faintly confronting the market in the Yellow Maple Valley from east to west.

Two hundred miles to the west is the junction of Jianzhou and Xizhou, the smallest state and county in the Yue Kingdom.

This state is also the only state where no one from the seven major sects is stationed. Because in addition to the high loess slopes in this state, there is an endless desert, which accounts for more than three-quarters of the entire Xizhou. The total population of the entire state is only about 100,000, so there are no resources and manpower available. In this way, he will naturally not fall into the eyes of the seven major sects.

There are two reasons why Han Li chose to open a cave nearby.

First, this place is located in a relatively desolate area of ​​the Taiyue Mountains. It borders the Yuanwu Kingdom on one side and is close to Xizhou on the other. These are places where few fellow disciples and other immortal cultivators pass by. This way, no one will disturb him. Practice.

Secondly, this place is not far from the Tianxing Sect’s market. If he wants to sell some medicinal materials or buy something, it should be easy to make a deal here without anyone recognizing him!

With these two thoughts in mind, Han Li chose the place where the aura was not the best. Unlike the caves of other foundation-building disciples, they are all densely concentrated in a few areas with the strongest spiritual energy.

After Han Li landed, he put a slender rope prepared in advance around the neck of the double-eyed rat to prevent it from running too fast and losing the little thing. Then, he took out a round yellow fruit from the small cloth bag and gave it to the little beast to chew on.

After a while, the two-eyed beast, which had eaten all the earth pear fruits, became energetic. After calling out "Shush" twice, he jumped into the grass on the side with a "swish" and disappeared.

Han Li followed the rope slowly and calmly.

Han Li stood under a steep mountain peak, looking at the huge mountain wall on the opposite side that was more than a hundred feet high, and was in a daze!

Because the rope in his hand extended straight into the opposite mountain wall through an extremely narrow gap.

It was already the afternoon of the second day. After nearly two days of hard searching, when this double-eyed rat came near the mountain peak, it suddenly started running wildly. After hurriedly bringing him all the way to this place, he got directly in along the gap.

Han Li looked at the tight string on his hand, and his curiosity aroused. He thought about it and immediately patted the storage bag. The silver giant sword appeared in Han Li's hand.

Han Li grasped the rope tightly with one hand and waved the silver sword like the wind with the other hand. In the blink of an eye, like cutting tofu, the narrow gap in front of him widened into a rough entrance that could be drilled by one person.

After he dove in, he immediately released a protective shield around him, then cut through the rocks step by step along the rope, and moved forward slowly. All the scattered crushed lime soil was blocked by his water attribute shield, allowing him to still keep his body clean and tidy.

After this kind of physical work continued for more than an hour, a simple stone path dozens of feet long gradually took shape. When Han Li struck down with his sword again, there was a sudden "crash" sound, and the stone wall was finally broken open.

Han Li was overjoyed when he saw this. He used all his strength and slashed a few times, completely splitting the stone wall, and then walked out in one stride.

A natural cave of more than ten feet in size appeared in front of him. As soon as Han Li entered the place, a strong spiritual energy rushed towards him, which shocked him!

However, he couldn't help but look along the rope in his hand, and saw that the thin rope extended all the way to the middle of the cave. There was a miniature spring with gurgling water, and the double-eyed rat was lying here. In the middle of the water bed that was several feet in size, he was swimming around happily.

"This is?"

Han Li was really surprised this time, because almost all the rich spiritual energy in the cave came from this spring.

He walked over in a few hurried steps, picked up a pool of spring water, and observed it carefully.

"This is the spring of spiritual eyes, it's absolutely correct!" Han Li confirmed his guess without much effort.

"Although the spiritual energy contained in the spring is not as exaggerated as the rumors, and the spring is very small, it is indeed a spring with rare spiritual eyes in the world." Han Li put his hands into the water and murmured in disbelief. Said to himself

Then he closed his eyes again, feeling the traces of spiritual energy emerging from the water, and his face couldn't help but be filled with surprise.

Speaking of spiritual springs, we have to mention the spiritual veins and spiritual eyes in the world of immortality!

The spiritual energy between heaven and earth is not evenly distributed in the world, but is stronger in some places and thinner in other places. So over time, large or small spiritual veins will generally form in places with strong spiritual energy.

A large spiritual vein may stretch for tens of thousands of miles, while a small one may only be a few miles in size. The narrow one is really pitiful. But no matter the actual size, once these spiritual veins are formed, they will automatically emit a faint spiritual energy, allowing the local spiritual energy to circulate endlessly and never dry up.

But also in different places of these spiritual veins, the spiritual energy produced is not consistent. Those places with the densest aura stagnation are of course the most suitable for immortal cultivators to meditate and practice, so they are called "spiritual eyes" by the immortal cultivator community.

The so-called "spiritual eyes" are generally invisible and colorless, and their existence can only be understood through the feelings of immortal cultivators. Whenever a place is called a spiritual eye, it means that this place is the place with the most spiritual energy nearby. There is no doubt about this!

Although generally, the spirit eye is invisible and is simply an alternative name for a location. But if the aura of the spiritual eye is too dense and can be maintained for a long time, it will gradually produce entities and form spiritual eye objects, such as spiritual eye beads, spiritual eye stones, spiritual eye springs, etc. There is even the most advanced tree of spiritual eyes in the legend.

The physical appearance of these spiritual eyes is very rare. Both of them are only possible after tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, coupled with chance and coincidence.

Therefore, the spiritual energy emitted by these spiritual eyes is much stronger than ordinary spiritual eyes. Meditating and practicing near it will definitely have the miraculous effect of speeding up your practice.

The best spiritual eye objects can even allow practitioners to speed up their practice by nearly 20 to 30%. Moreover, once these physical objects are formed, the Tree of Spiritual Eyes and the Spring of Spiritual Eyes can be moved away artificially using magic power without losing their effectiveness.

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