A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 2060 The War of Demon Realm Infiltration

Half a quarter of an hour later, a long roar suddenly erupted from the dense forest near the demon fortress, followed by a flash of green light, and more than a hundred huge wooden figures tens of feet tall emerged from the forest out of thin air, walking like flying. Rush straight to the fortress,

Following closely behind these giants, thousands of Wood tribesmen also rushed out on various flying magic weapons.

Emerald green wooden spears and bows and arrows appeared in their hands one after another. When they raised their hands, countless green lights shot towards the fortress densely.

Both wooden spears and arrows increased in size several times the moment they were released.

The protective light curtain of the demon fortress suddenly erupted into countless dazzling balls of light, and there was a continuous loud noise.

At this time, the more than a hundred giant wooden men also rushed to the fortress. With a flick of their hands, they turned into huge hammers that flashed with white light and struck down the light curtain.

The sound of "Bah!" was loud!

The fortress's light curtain was shaken violently, and within a moment it was shattered inch by inch.

The whole process only lasted for a few breaths. Only then did the ordinary demons on the fortress react. Suddenly, screams of warning sounded one after another throughout the city. Pieces of black light also poured out from the city. It rained. It seemed to cover all the Wood Clan below.

Suddenly, a fierce battle broke out in front of the fortress.

The black and green light intertwined and flashed, intertwining into a huge light network over the fortress, roaring and flashing non-stop.

Those giant wooden figures may seem clumsy, but each of them is as hard as steel. Ordinary demon attacks can hit them, but they will leave some pits and shallow marks, but cannot really hurt them at all.

In a short time, they took the lead in making huge gaps in the city wall and rushed in without fear.

These wooden men seemed to be born with great strength. When the giant hammers transformed into their hands danced, all the demons in front of them were hit with their flesh and blood flying. They led other wooden people into the demon group in one breath.

However, this move also angered the high-level beings among the demons. A high-level demon shouted loudly, and several low roars suddenly came from several huge buildings in the fortress. The rhinoceros monster rushed out.

The bloodshot eyes of these super monsters opened their mouths, and beams of white light burst out wildly, hitting these wooden giants in a flash.

Suddenly, more than a dozen wooden figures stumbled and almost fell to the ground!

Where they were hit by the light beam, there were many burnt holes.

The next moment, the other wooden giants rushed towards these giant beasts with fists clenched in their hands.

Not to be outdone, these super monsters lowered their heads and turned into a gust of wind and flew away, fighting with more than a hundred wooden giants in an instant.

Amidst the deafening roar, the two were indistinguishable for a moment.

At the same time, thousands of feet above the ground, an old man and a middle-aged man and woman from the Wood tribe were confronting four demons in red armor.

"Hmph, let me tell you how you became so courageous. It turns out that you have invited reinforcements. But it's better to kill this old guy. I don't think there will be any higher-level Wood Clan nearby." A face The high-level demon with black bristles on his head and the appearance of a huge bear glanced at the old man. Instead of panicking, he said with a hint of ferocity.

Upon hearing what this demon said, the expressions of the pair of Wood tribe men and women changed slightly, but the old man's expression remained unchanged as usual, and instead he replied lightly:

"You are just a few of the gods! Your tone is a bit too loud. Let me measure your magical powers before speaking."

"If the four of them can't do it, what about me?"

There was a loud "rumbling" sound, the space fluctuated, and a black shadow appeared in the middle of the four high-level demons, looking coldly at the opposite side.

It turned out to be a man in a soap robe with a cold face, two horns on his head, and a pair of small triangular eyes that exuded a hint of cruelty.

After the old man from the Wood tribe opposite him swept his mind away, his heart suddenly sank.

This newly appeared high-level demon is actually a person in the late stage of Void Refining. He is two levels higher than his early stage of Void Refining. There is a high probability that he is no match for him.

Although there was no way to see the specific cultivation level of the Demon clan man in the pair of Wood clan men and women, they could still feel that the aura they exuded was somewhat stronger than that of the old man, and their faces suddenly became ugly.

"Inspection envoy, I'm glad you're here. Otherwise, we'd be in big trouble. These Mu tribesmen are the leaders of the nearby resistance forces. I need you to help me." The bear-looking man The demon bowed respectfully to the soap-robed man and said.

"Hey, are they just these three guys? With such a little cultivation, I can kill them all with one hand. Don't worry, since I have met you, I won't let them run away again." The man with two horns He laughed wildly, his face full of disdain.

"Two fellow Taoists, the situation is not right! I will try my best to entangle this old demon in a moment, and you will immediately lead the others to retreat. As many as you can escape!" The old man of the Wood tribe took a deep breath, barely suppressing the fear in his heart, and raised his lips. Already moving, he quickly sent a message to the man and woman.

"Mr. Zhu, you must not fight head-on with this old demon. If you have a chance, you must leave soon." The man and woman from the Wood tribe were shocked when they heard this, and the man hurriedly sent a message to warn him. ,

The old man nodded solemnly and said nothing more. Instead, he moved his sleeves and more than a dozen green wooden balls flew out. In a flash, they turned into dense green light balls and shot towards the opposite side, covering all the five demons. .

"court death!"

The soap-robed demon's face turned cold, and he shouted loudly. His horns suddenly glowed red, and countless red threads spurted out from them. Each one hit all the cyan light groups accurately, and disappeared in a flash. Passing through.

But before a smile appeared on the demon's face, there was a crisp sound like cracking porcelain!

All the cyan light groups exploded in a flash and emitted an extremely dazzling spiritual light.

For a moment, the five demons, including the soap-robed demons, closed their eyes subconsciously as they felt pain.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the figures of the pair of Wood clan men and women were slightly blurred, and then they turned into two blue rainbows and shot towards the back. At the same time, two completely different roars, one strong and one soft, also came from their mouths. issue.

The five demons were unconscious for only a moment, and they immediately returned to normal in a moment. Seeing this clarity, they were all furious.

"I'm going to cut you into pieces, extract your soul and refine your soul. The four of you will chase those two guys back, and I will handle this old guy personally." The man in the soap robe roared, rubbed his hands together, Waves of dark demonic energy rushed out of the body, swirled and condensed, and faintly formed a two-headed demonic appearance.

It's just that the demon-like body was blurry, and the general shape could only be seen. However, after a strange buzzing sound, the demon-like body fiercely pounced on the old man opposite.

The old man of the Wood tribe was unusually calm. He opened his mouth and let out several more yellow sword lights like yellow bamboo, turning into a sword curtain to protect himself tightly. He looked like he was not seeking merit but seeking no faults.

Even though the demon was extremely vicious and had the upper hand as soon as it came into contact with the sword light, it could not immediately break through the sword light and kill the old man.

Seeing this, the other four god-level demons glanced at each other hesitantly, then turned into black wind and rushed towards the two distant green rainbows.

At the same time, the Yiganmu tribesmen below who were swarming in attack heard two roars. They were surprised at first, but then they changed their flight direction without hesitation, reversed the direction and fled away.

But this time, the demons were unwilling to let the Wood people leave easily. They rushed out of the fortress with strange screams and chased after the Wood people in a dark way.

The more than a hundred giant wooden figures were entangled by those giant demon rhinoceros and could not escape at all.

There was chaos inside and outside the demon fortress.

No one noticed that while there was a mess below, a faint green shadow emerged from the "node" thousands of feet high in the sky, and the light shrank and revealed its original shape.

It was Han Li who had used the stealth escape technique.

This node was covered by a layer of dark demonic energy, and there were more than a hundred armed demons in more than a dozen war boats guarding the edge of the demonic energy.

They were obviously much more elite than the demons in the fortress below, and had no reaction to the battle below, and always stood there solemnly.

Now, these demons were naturally shocked when they saw an outsider suddenly appearing in front of them.

But before they could react and take any action, Han Li just flicked his sleeve, and dozens of small cyan swords flew out in a swarm. In a blur, they turned into hundreds of green swords and disappeared across the void. trace.

The next moment, these demons and their chariots were shattered into pieces by the cyan sword thread.

At this time, Han Li suddenly opened his mouth again, and a ball of silver flame spurted out, and exploded on its own, turning into countless silver flowers and shooting away across the sky.

As soon as the demons and the wreckage of the speeding car were contaminated by these silver flames, they suddenly disappeared in the air with a "pop".

Han Li then made a seal with one hand, and layers of gray clouds of five colors emerged from his body. With a movement of his body, he rushed directly into the billowing demonic energy in a flash.

Strangely enough, as soon as the demonic energy that seemed to be some kind of restriction came into contact with the gray glow of Han's three-dimensional watch, they disappeared in a flash.

In the blink of an eye, Han Li pierced through the demonic energy, and the demon "node" as big as his mother appeared in front of him.

This node was completely dark, and bursts of demonic energy swarmed out from time to time.

When Han Li saw this scene, his face changed, and for the first time he showed a solemn expression. However, after thinking about it for a moment, he suddenly clenched his teeth and patted his body with one hand.

Black energy rolled over his body, and a simple-looking magic armor immediately appeared on his body.

At the urging of his hand, countless black runes surged out from the armor, completely wrapping his body in it.

Han Li suddenly rolled to the ground, and his body emitted an extremely bright glow, transforming into a huge celestial phoenix with long feathers of five colors.

This Tianfeng exuded an extremely majestic aura. As soon as its wings flashed, the nearby void rippled gently, and the black wind blowing in the face suddenly dispersed and disappeared.

The giant sky phoenix moved and plunged into the huge black hole.

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