A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 2011 The Battle of the Demon Realm, The Battle of Yitian (7)

The giant goat-headed beast was sizing up the combined beings in the battle group, its eyes rolling around.

To it, even though there were countless people from both the human and demon armies below, only these few could barely pose a threat to it. The two combined beings from the human race were the familiar auras that sealed them back then.

As for the auras emanating from the Demon Clan's venerables, they were equally disgusted.

If it had been at the peak of its magical power before, it would have swallowed both sides without any hesitation. However, due to the old wounds in the body that have not gone away, and being sealed for so many years, its magic power is less than half of its normal strength, but it does not dare to Such a reckless and random move.

The beast was muttering subconsciously, but Fairy Lin Luan's scolding sound suddenly reached its ears. At the same time, the blood talisman in its head was stimulated, and it suddenly began to swell slightly again.

The severe pain that was almost deep in the soul that he had just tasted in his head seemed to burst out again at any time. This made the sheep-headed beast tremble, and then without any hesitation, he suddenly opened his mouth wide and a puff of yellow mist came out. The strange wind went straight towards the demon army that was attacking the city below and rolled away.

In an instant, the sky and the earth were darkened, and yellow dust flew into the air.

The demon beasts that were rolled up by the yellow phoenix were easily torn into pieces one by one by the terrifying power contained in them, without the slightest resistance.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of magical beasts and hundreds of demonic knights were killed in the strong wind.

"Hmph, Hexi, you dare to help the human race against our holy race. Then you will be buried with this city today." Seeing this situation, the black-armored man was furious, and after shouting with a cold snort, he suddenly turned over with one hand. , took out a dark leather bag, and then moved his arm, and a golden flying fork several inches long appeared in his hand.

With a flick of the eye, this thing suddenly turned into a giant one hundred feet in size.

The giant man transformed into black armor grasped this with both hands and slashed at the hurricane below.

A stream of green blade light fell straight down from the sky like a waterfall. In a flash, it cut the yellow wind below and sent a dazzling thorn light into the ground.

There was a loud "rumbling" sound!

The entire earth trembled, and a huge crack thousands of feet long appeared out of thin air.

After the strong wind struck here, it immediately dissipated and nothing remained.

As for the thrown black leather bag, after a thunderous roar, two thick silver arcs suddenly popped out of it. In a flash, they turned into two giant wolves wrapped in silver lightning.

Each one is three to four feet long, with a pair of silver thunder wings on its back. When one flaps, it emits a shrill roar and pounces towards the giant sheep-headed beast.

Seeing this situation, the Hexi giant beast flashed a look of disdain on its face, and clapped it away with a giant palm without saying a word.

A hundred-foot-long yellow giant palm appeared in the sky above the two giant wolves like a hill. Just falling down, the bodies of the two seemingly extraordinary monsters were crushed and exploded in an instant.

The big man in black armor was startled. Without thinking much, the golden giant fork in his hand suddenly rushed out and slashed out again. The huge blade flashed and slashed out again. At the same time, with a spell in his heart, the two black giant hammers also transformed into layers of phantoms. It smashed wildly at the giant beast.

The giant goat-headed beast was attacked one after another by the big man in black armor, so naturally he took it as a provocation to him. A fierce light flashed in his eyes, and the two bat wings behind him flapped in front of him. After a slight blur, he suddenly transformed. Two groups of black and yellow clouds formed, and the huge body was submerged into them.

The huge blade light and dense hammer shadow struck Huang Yun, only making a series of muffled sounds, but they were unable to destroy the defense at all.

The big man in black armor was horrified. He raised the golden fork in his hand and made a quick seal with one hand. Balls of silver thunder fire suddenly appeared around his body, and he was about to activate the ejection to attack the enemy.

But at this moment, the sky above his head suddenly fluctuated, and a huge furry fleshy palm appeared out of thin air and pressed down on the big man.

Before his palm fell, a huge force surrounded the big man.

The big man in black armor felt his shoulders sink, and his body immediately slowed down as if a huge mountain was pressing on him. At the same time, the void nearby suddenly became as tough as fine steel, making it extremely difficult to move his fingers.

Since the black-armored man is a demon lord who has achieved great success in the later stages of the demon clan, his knowledge and magical powers are naturally far beyond those of ordinary demon monks. He was immediately frightened and angered, and shouted loudly, and the thunder and fire that appeared all around him burst into flames. , the surrounding void was violently exploded.

The big man himself appeared with a single black giant elephant on his back, raised his nose and roared, and an astonishing aura rose into the sky.

The black-armored man who was originally suppressed was suddenly covered in black light, and his physical strength seemed to have doubled. He ignored the huge strength of his body and transformed into hundreds of phantoms, all of which were the same, and shot away in all directions in a flash.

But the huge fleshy palm in the air just trembled slightly, and it immediately fell like lightning as it swelled in size, and a yellow wave rolled away.

Most of the phantom was rolled into it and instantly turned into nothing.

There were only a dozen of the fastest flying shadows, escaping into the void hundreds of feet away, and then destroyed themselves in a flash of light, leaving only one shadow that had transformed into a black-armored man.

But the demon looked back at the terrifying scene of the huge flesh palm falling, and his expression suddenly became extremely gloomy.

At this time, the two yellow clouds on the opposite side turned into two huge bat wings and retracted.

The figure of the giant sheep-headed beast appeared again. With a bend of its legs, it was about to jump directly towards the big man.

With the huge body of this beast, when it moves, even without using any magical powers, it is as if a huge mountain is directly pressing on its top.

The big black-armored man was shuddered in his heart, and he did not dare to continue directly. He just swayed his body and transformed into hundreds of phantoms again. His hands kept urging the thunder and fire to move forward.

Although it seems like a big disadvantage, it actually suffers a lot.

Seeing this, Master Qinglong on the side frowned, and then a stern look flashed on his face. He turned his hands over, and each of them emerged with a green flying sword, one with two cyan dragons imprinted on its surface, and one with a cyan dragon imprinted on its surface. Golden peacock.

A flick of the wrist!

The two flying swords immediately let out a clear cry and soared into the sky. After circling above their heads, one of them turned into two phantoms of green dragons, and one of them flew out with a bright golden halo. A golden phoenix phantom.

As Master Qinglong cast a spell, the two green dragon phantoms and the golden peacock phantom immediately flew toward the black-armored man with brilliant lights.

Obviously, the supreme elder of Yitian City has decided to use the terrifying strength of the breath beast to kill the black-armored man here.

As long as this Demon Lord with the deepest cultivation level can be killed, even if there are two more mysterious Demon Lords, this battle will still have a good chance of winning.

The black-armored man was naturally furious when he saw this scene. However, under the threat of the giant beast, he was unable to do anything to Master Qinglong for a while. Instead, he couldn't help but be in danger one after another because of the other party's attempts to entangle him.

Just when Master Qinglong was overjoyed, and the black-armored man was forced to retreat by Lian Lai, roaring angrily, thousands of astonishing and vicious auras suddenly shot up into the sky from the direction of the Demonic Sea.

The originally dark Demonic Sea suddenly turned blood red!

Under bursts of wild roars, a group of demon troops shrouded in strange blood light flew out of the demon sea calmly. Everyone exudes this terrifying death aura, with blood-colored spiritual lines all over their bodies. Their faces have no expression at all, but their bodies are a little blurry, as if they are not entities, but like war ghosts who have just stepped out of the underworld.

"Haha, let's see how this ferocious beast of yours can still show off its evil deeds? Hurry up and set up the formation of the Blood Hades Guards, and trap this Hexi Beast and this person alive in the Blood Hades formation. Jialun War Demon, give it to me Start attacking the city!" When the black-armored man saw this army whose aura was very different from that of ordinary demons, he couldn't help but look ecstatic and immediately gave two orders loudly.

Upon hearing this order from the black-armored man, the demon army named 'Blood Transforming Underworld Guards', after a tall demon general drank a low drink, their bodies scattered and turned into a large blood cloud. Come on, in a few flashes, the giant beast, Master Qinglong and even the black-armored man himself were involved.

In an instant, there were loud shouts of killing and explosions one after another.

Almost at the same time, a series of screams erupted from the army of Warcraft that was desperately rushing towards the city.

Thousands of seemingly ordinary low-level monsters suddenly shot out from the army. In a few flashes, they all rushed outside the silver shield protecting the city. Then, with a flash of light on their bodies, they transformed into A giant demon with three heads and six arms.

It is those group of Jialun War Demons who have never shown up since the beginning of the war!

Since the beginning of the war, these war demons have used secret techniques to transform into low-level monsters and hide in the army of monsters. Now they are approaching silently and close to the city wall, only to be shouted down by the big man in black armor. , revealed his true form and suddenly launched an attack on the city!

Two of the three monster heads of these war demons sprayed out various attacks such as fireballs, wind blades, etc. The six arms were replaced with giant hammers, pointed cones, and other strangely heavy weapons, dancing into a ball of dazzling eyes. To restrain a violent storm of attacks.

Even though that layer of silver light shield is extremely magical, it was already crumbling under the fierce attack of the demon army. Now, the Jialun War Demon concentrated its power to attack some places, and finally broke in more than a dozen places with crisp sounds. And open.

The Jialun War Demon suddenly rushed to the top of the city with a ferocious look, and aimed at the humans on the top of the city, they started to kill!

How could these human warriors and middle- and low-level monks be the opponents of such a group of monsters? They screamed in agony and retreated in fear.

Even if some high-level monks who led the team wanted to step forward to stop them, they fell to death in an instant under the siege of several Jialun War Demons.

These invaded city walls instantly became a mess!

When the human guards in other places witnessed this scene, their morale was greatly reduced, and everyone looked horrified.

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