A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1995 The Battle of Demon Realm: Stalemate

These huge bricks are extremely large, each one is as shiny and smooth as jade, and they are obviously specially refined things.

Not only did they block the gap instantly, but when the monk in the air used a special method to urge them, the light flashed between each piece, and the size was seamlessly bridged, as if they were born as one.

Not only that!

At the same time that the gap in the city wall disappeared, some huge buildings hundreds of feet high in Yitian City appeared. Suddenly it became slightly blurred, and numerous runes densely appeared on the surface.

The runes circulated for a while, forming mysterious magic circle patterns of varying sizes in an instant. Then, with a roar, these buildings magically transformed into super huge earth and stone puppets.

Each one has a vague face, only a giant one-eyed appearance, but it has all hands and feet.

In a room-sized depression at the exposed navel of these giants, several human monks could be faintly seen stepping on the Seven Stars, holding strange magic weapons in their hands and moving something, with nervous expressions on their faces.

These giants looked up to the sky and roared, and immediately jumped into the air. In a few long steps, they reached the top of the city wall, and without hesitation, they suddenly rubbed their hands together.

A gust of cold wind blew up, and countless blue light spots emerged out of thin air in the cold wind, and gathered into the palm of his hand.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of feet long crystal ice spears appeared one by one like giant pillars of the sky. They were grabbed by the giant puppet's hands and thrown downwards.

The sound of explosion is loud!

In a flash, the ice spears turned into streaks of deep blue light and disappeared from the giant's hands.

But the next moment, the super monster was about to rush into the sky in front of the huge wall of Yitian City. The space fluctuated violently, and thousands of dazzling blue lights shot out from the void in a strange way. In a flash, they turned into ice spears worth hundreds of feet. Holes pierced through the super monster's hill-like body one after another, and then exploded.

The strange cold power contained in the ice spear was transformed by some kind of magical power. After the explosion, it immediately turned into a cloud of blue mist with several acres. Under the cover, the originally severely damaged monsters were frozen into it and turned into a tower. A crystal white blue iceberg.

Their body-protecting spiritual light cannot resist them at all!

There was a loud thunderclap.

Hundreds of huge red thunderbolts as thick as water tanks broke through the thick demonic energy in the sky without any warning, and struck down hard.

The crisp crackling sounds continued one after another, and the iceberg shattered inch by inch under the terrifying power of the thick thunder and lightning.

All the super monsters were instantly killed on the spot, and not even their souls could escape.

In a secret room inside the earth and stone puppets of those huge architectural changes in Yitian City, some costumed human race god-forming monks looked relaxed and let go of the objects in their hands.

They were actually pieces of shining red talismans, with countless gold and silver runes imprinted on the surface. They looked mysterious and unusual.

But as soon as these talismans were separated from the fingers of these human monks, they became dim and dissipated into puffs of blue smoke.

All the power was lost in an instant!

Almost at the same time, the human warriors on the city wall began to retreat quickly towards the city after exhausting the power of the weapons in their hands.

Instead, groups of human monks wearing four-color shirts began to appear densely on the city top, and offered up various magic weapons that flashed with spiritual light, turning into pieces of five-color light, toward the city. The army of low-level monsters that had already rushed to the front of the city wall blasted away.

Wherever the light passed, low-level monsters were annihilated in ashes.

The power of magical weapons is indeed far superior to the weapons of human warriors. So many monks took action at the same time. Even though there were not many high-level beings among them, the momentum was enough to change the situation and make the sun and the moon tremble.

As for the low-level monsters without the cover of super monsters, even though the number was staggering, most of them were wiped out in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that the army of super monsters and low-level monsters were frustrated, the Vientiane Demon Cavalry behind them was not affected at all, but the speed of the demon cloud doubled, and it came rolling in with howling sounds.

The human monks on the city wall, under the orders of the senior monks headed by them, changed the tilt direction of the magic weapon's power without hesitation.

Under the flash of spiritual light, the magic weapons roared towards the magic cloud in the distance like stars in the sky.

"Puff" and "puff" made several muffled sounds!

The demonic cloud rolled violently, and large black runes surged out one after another. They swirled around high in the sky, forming huge black runes.

As soon as the magic weapon like raindrops fell on it, a roar came from the talisman array, but it only shook slightly, and it was all caught in an instant.

But at this moment, the demon knight in the magic cloud suddenly raised one hand, and the black energy rolled down from his hand, condensing a black long knife several feet long, and slashed wildly high into the sky.

Countless ten-foot-long black blades turned into streaks of black light and rolled out wildly from the demonic cloud.

A huge explosion resounded throughout the sky.

The moment hundreds of thousands of human magic weapons came into contact with these black blades, they were cut in two, fell and exploded, and turned into balls of light of various colors that filled the sky, lighting up the entire sky.

But not only that, the demon knight below the talisman array shouted and threw the black long blade in his hand directly, and turned into black light and disappeared into the huge talisman array in the air.

These talisman arrays screamed loudly, and after the black light flashed wildly, giant black blades condensed in the center, dozens of feet long, and stood up straight. With a slight flash, they rushed towards the city wall. A sudden slash.

The black light of the giant blade circulated, and black bolts thousands of feet long shot out from above with a trembling motion. In a flash, they reached the top of Yitian City Wall and slashed away silently.

A huge pressure like the beginning of the world suddenly emerged.

The human monks who were covered by these terrible spiritual pressures were in chaos. Many monks immediately fled and wanted to escape from the place, but it was already too late!

With a flash of the black horse trainer, all the human monks turned into a shower of blood.

And these city walls were cut in half under the roar, revealing a large open space more than a hundred feet wide.

Tens of thousands of monks fell to death under this blow.

All the human monks on the top of the city suddenly panicked. Some gritted their teeth and continued to attack the demon talisman formation, while others hurriedly took out their defensive magic weapons and sacrificed them in front of them.

After this blow, the black giant blade at the center of the talisman array buzzed and turned into dots of black light and disappeared out of thin air.

A cold whistle roared out from a giant demon boat again.

When the demon knights in the demon cloud heard this, evil spirits appeared on their faces. With a low roar, they suddenly sat down on the demon knight, and then turned into dazzling black lights that shot out.

At a distance of several miles, these demon knights passed by in just a few flashes.

The various attacks that landed on them were also deflected by a layer of black light shield emerging from their armor. Only a few demon knights who were hit by too many magic weapons at the same time would scream and be knocked off their mounts.

In the blink of an eye, one hundred thousand Elephant Demon Cavalry arrived in front of the protective light curtain of the city wall, and their hands went crazy with various heavy weapons, emitting countless astonishing black lights and slashing at these protections.

The monsters sitting on these demon knights also showed their magical powers, either spitting out pillars of fire from their mouths, or pushing their horns down, and huge wind blades shot out...

With so many astonishing attacks, the entire Yitian City's defense could only last for a few breaths, and it immediately became too unstable to support.

These All-Seeing Demon Cavalry were able to forcefully attack the city of Yitian City with just such a wave of impact, but the magic weapon attacks of those low-level human monks could not do anything to these demons at all.

The huge earth and stone puppet of the human race seemed to have only the power of the previous attack. After the attack, it returned to its original tall building form.

But in one of the giant towers with a height of 1,000 feet, there was a sudden sound of clear chirping, and then the nearby space fluctuated, and thousands of human monks suddenly appeared in the surrounding void.

Their expressions were solemn, and their bodies swayed for a while. They formed a huge magic circle with the giant tower as the center. They stood still for a moment with their heads lowered and raised their hands while mumbling something.

The five-color spells transformed by the spiritual power turned into countless spiritual rays and poured into the giant tower. The five-color light on the surface of the giant tower was dazzling for a while, and then there was a loud buzzing sound.

In response to this, the open ground outside the Yitian City wall suddenly shook, and the ground cracked open. Dark passages appeared out of thin air, followed by groups of bronze bronze figures about two feet tall. Swarming out of it.

These bronze men were wearing heavy clothes, holding long swords and halberds, or carrying strong bows and crossbows. Some bronze men were riding some famous bronze spirit beasts, and some even drove vehicles ten feet tall. The long cyan chariot charged directly at the demon knights with an expressionless expression.

Seeing this situation, the leader of the demon clan in the giant boat seemed a little startled, but then he snorted and let out a sharp roar again.

Tens of thousands of demon knights immediately faced these puppet armies as soon as their ferocious looks were revealed.

One side is brave and unafraid of death and hard to be harmed by weapons, while the other side is ferocious and has astonishing strength.

After the two armies fought together, they became entangled for a while.

Taking advantage of this opportunity to breathe, dazzling rainbows also appeared on the huge wall of Yitian City. The light dimmed and turned into thousands of high-level human monks, tall and short. With a loud drink, countless treasures surged out. And out, joined the battle group...

Although the human race's bronze puppet army was obviously no match for the Vientiane Demon Cavalry, some high-level monks immediately brought the situation to a stalemate after joining. Even with the desperate support of the low-level monks on the city wall, they gained a slight upper hand.

But the strange thing is that the leader of the demon clan in the giant boat in the distance did not send the Galen War Demon Legion behind to join the attack.

It was not until several hours later that both the Vientiane Demon Cavalry and the human army suffered certain casualties that a low sound of gongs was suddenly heard.

Upon hearing this, the demon knights withdrew from the battle group without hesitation, and formed tight formations to slowly retreat towards the giant boats.

At this time, those Jialun War Demons flew forward for a distance with expressionless faces, staring at the human army with cold eyes.

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