A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1991 War in the Demon World Fury

Although the original brutal and murderous expression of the Tiangui can still be seen on the head's face, there is still a hint of horror in the wide-open eyes.

It was as if the heavenly ghost had seen something unbelievable at the moment its head was cut off, making it look like it was refusing to rest in peace.

"Brother Han, that demon that escaped..." Fairy Silver Light glanced at the head of the Heavenly Ghost and asked in surprise.

"Don't worry, Fairy, that man and the other three ghosts have been killed by me." Han Li revealed a smile, his sleeves suddenly shook, and a ball of black light flew out from it, wrapped in A small blue door several inches in size.

Astonishingly, it was the Xiu Demon Heavenly Ghost Sect that the bald-headed demon clan had previously released!

Today's ghost gate is small and exquisite, its light is extremely dim, and it seems to be somewhat damaged.

"Great. Once this demon is eliminated, there will be no chance of us missing any traces. This time, we were able to annihilate all three demon lords, all thanks to Brother Han's amazing magical powers. If not for that girl Linglong I mentioned something about fellow Taoist Han to me back then, and I really can’t believe that your time since you started cultivating Taoism is only a mere two thousand years." Fairy Silver Light was overjoyed and said in amazement.

"I'm just lucky. The skills I cultivate happen to have a restraining effect on most of the demon ghosts. If compared with other Taoists of the same level, the magical power may not be much stronger. But the fairy agreed in the first place. Don't forget to deal with me." After a few humble words, Han Li suddenly said with profound meaning.

"Brother Han, please rest assured. Since I promised my Taoist friend in the first place, I am naturally somewhat confident. Linglong and I are from the same clan, so it is not too difficult to send a message to our Taoist friend. It's just that now Linglong is following Xiao Ao. I can’t get in touch with the seniors for the moment.” Fairy Silver Light said with a chuckle.

"Then Han, I would like to thank the fairy. If there is something that needs Han's help in the future, fellow Taoist Yin Guang, I will do my best." Han Li replied with a smile.

"This is just a simple effort. Brother Han doesn't need to be too polite!" Fairy Silver Light's eyes lit up when she heard Han Li's words and she replied happily.

Han Li's magical power far exceeded this woman's imagination, and was not inferior to that of a monk in the later stages of integration. For such a powerful monk to accept a favor, it would naturally be of great help to her in her future cultivation journey.

After the two discussed for a while, they immediately cast spells to wipe away all traces of the nearby fighting. Then they escaped together again and continued to shoot away in the direction of Yitian City.

The sleeves of Han Li's hands turned into a faint blue rainbow, and he flew slowly through the air. It seemed that he had completely recovered from the fight just now, but in one of his sleeves, his five fingers were on a milky white Touching gently on the wooden box.

Deep in his eyes, a thoughtful expression flashed from time to time.

This wooden box was one of the trophies he got from the bald demon clan by using the Xuantian Broken Blade again.

At first, he didn't pay much attention to this thing, but after discovering that neither his mind nor his spiritual eyes could invade this box, he naturally became very curious.

But there was obviously a very powerful restriction placed on the wooden box, which could not be broken easily even with his magical power and formation skills. Han Li put the object away and hurried back. .

Now my fingers are caressing the surface of the wooden box, and I can clearly feel the warmth coming from the box.

But after just one cup of tea, the temperature of the wooden box suddenly dropped sharply, and it suddenly became extremely cold and mysterious.

Han Li was a little surprised, and naturally became more and more interested in the forbidden things in the wooden box.

However, we are still on the way, so naturally it is not the time to carefully study the restrictions on the wooden box. We can only wait until we get to Yitian City first.

Han Li was thinking about this in his heart, and suddenly a drop of blood popped out from each of his five fingers. In a flash, it turned into several bloody runes and disappeared into the wooden box.

To be on the safe side, he used the restraint technique he learned from a certain foreign race and placed another layer of extremely mysterious restraints on the surface of the wooden box.

Then there was a flash of blue light in his sleeve, and the white wooden box disappeared and was put into the storage bracelet. Then Han Li controlled the light with all his heart.

With the current cultivation levels of him and Yin Guang, they flew millions of miles away in a matter of seconds, and in the end there was no trace of them anymore.

And almost at the same time, in a newly built magic city thousands of miles away, in the hall of a giant triangular tower about several thousand feet high, a loud roar suddenly rang out, followed by ice-cold words, extremely angry. came out of it!

"What's going on! An accident happened when three Demon Lords were transporting something. Do they really want to be thrown into the Demon Transformation Pond?"

The speaker was a handsome young man wearing a blood robe who was sitting on the main seat in the middle of the hall. His face was filled with an expression of extreme shock and anger. He was clearly the incarnation of the Blood-light Saint Ancestor who came to this world. .

Although this incarnation only had the cultivation level of the later stage of integration, a huge demonic shadow more than ten feet high suddenly appeared behind him in a rage.

This demonic figure is blood red all over and has more than a dozen strange horns on its head. At the same time, there are several thick and invisible tentacles on its body. It dances wildly and looks like a giant octopus.

And the terrifying aura emanating from this demonic figure was even more like a real thing, squeezing the walls of the entire hall and making a creaking sound, as if it would collapse at any time.

The black-armored guards standing in the hall all knelt on the ground with changed expressions in front of this aura, lowering their heads and not daring to look at the Blood Light Saint Ancestor.

Only two high-level demons were still standing upright not far from the Blood Light Saint Ancestor. However, seeing this Saint Ancestor looking like this, they couldn't help but look at each other.

"Lord Xueguang, I wonder what happened to make you so angry?" One of the men wearing a silver silk robe asked in surprise.

"I asked three of my subordinates to go out to do something with a very important thing. As a result, the ray of spiritual thought left by this Saint Ancestor on that thing was isolated by someone using a secret technique. It seems that those three guys must have gone something wrong. Otherwise, such a thing would never have happened." The anger on the Bloodlight Saint Ancestor's face quickly disappeared, but he still said in an unusually gloomy tone.

"It's happening! Logically speaking, it's impossible. If the three demon lords are traveling together, they can protect themselves even if they face the monks who are in the late stages of the integration of the human race. As for the Mahayana monks of the human race, they penetrated into the holy world thousands of years ago. After being injured by several saint ancestors, she probably won't come forward at this time." Another beautiful middle-aged woman in pink clothes with watery eyes also asked in surprise.

"It is indeed incredible that three people died at the same time. But if someone knew the news in advance and took away the treasure, it is not impossible. And this Holy Ancestor just tried to contact them with secret techniques, but there was no response. Come on, go and check for me whether there is a Demon Lord-level soul fire that has been extinguished in the Divine Soul Palace." The Blood Light Saint Ancestor nodded with a gloomy expression, and suddenly gave an order loudly.

"Yes, Lord Saint Ancestor!" A nearby black-armored guard immediately agreed respectfully, and then silently exited the hall.

Seeing this, the Blood Light Saint Ancestor leaned back on the chair, his eyes narrowed and he stopped talking.

The pair of male and female demons next to him naturally knew that the Holy Ancestor was in a bad mood, and they did not dare to say anything easily at this time.

The whole hall suddenly became silent!

After a long period of eerie silence, the black-armored guard appeared at the door of the hall again and hurried in.

"Reporting to the Holy Ancestor, the soul fires of three demon lords in the Divine Soul Palace have been extinguished one after another!" The demon guard half-knelt on the ground and replied with some panic.

"Three?" The blood-light Saint Ancestor's narrowed eyes suddenly widened, releasing an astonishing thorny light.

At the same time, a muffled sound of "crack" came, and the handle of the chair held by one of his palms instantly shattered into dust.

"Yes, Lord Saint Ancestor. According to the personal verification of the person in charge of the Soul Palace, it was Venerable Lan and three other adults who extinguished the Soul Fire together a few days ago!" the guard replied cautiously.

When the Blood Light Saint Ancestor heard this, his face turned livid.

When the man in silver robe and the beautiful middle-aged woman next to him witnessed this scene, they couldn't help but look at each other with the same shock in their hearts.

However, both of them could naturally tell that the Blood-light Saint Ancestor was furious because of the death of the three demon lords. It would be better to say that he was furious because of the things they had lost.

This made the two high-level demon lords have various speculations about that thing.

"You two will set off immediately with a team of blood-light crystal guards and immediately find the place where these three people fell. Even if it is really a Mahayana monk who takes action, it is impossible not to leave any traces of the struggle. You will give up every inch of the land there. Search carefully inside and out, and be sure to find out who from the human race is responsible and the whereabouts of these human monks. You two only need to concentrate on being responsible for this matter. As soon as there is news, send a letter to inform me!" Bloodlight Saint Ancestor After thinking for a while, he finally made up his mind and gave the order.

"Yes, Lord Xueguang!" The pair of high-level male and female demons immediately bowed and responded.

Half an hour later, a billowing blood cloud flew out from a certain floor of the giant tower. Inside, there were faintly visible ferocious demons wearing crystal blood armor. There were more than a hundred of them. In an instant, they flew out of the demon city and disappeared. trace.

More than a month later, near a huge human city built near a lake, two extremely invisible rays of light shot out from the sky. After a few flashes, they suddenly landed on an unknown mountain nearby.

These two figures, one with a fluttering silver shirt and the other with a green robe, were Han Li and Fairy Yin Guang who had traveled hundreds of millions of miles to reach the vicinity of Yitian City.

But at this moment, when the two of them looked towards Yitian City, their gazes were condensed, and their expressions were very solemn!

I saw tens of thousands of black giant ships floating in the void in the distance in the direction of the wilderness on a certain wall of Yitian City. And among these war ships, they were densely packed, and everywhere they fell were filled with ferocious monsters riding various large and small monsters. knight.

These monsters are covered in black clouds and are wearing animal armor. They are obviously very different from ordinary monsters!

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