A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1983 Battle of the Demon Realm Fierce Battle with Three Demons (Part 1)

"As expected, among the demons I killed earlier, some of them must have a close relationship with you. Only this kind of bloodline secret technique could have caused me to be planted with a tracking mark unknowingly. However, your state of mind just now was unavoidable. It's so unstable that even the bloodline mark was activated. Otherwise, Han might have noticed the existence of fellow Taoist." Han Li said with a slight smile, waving his sleeve at the cyan air mass, and a ball of silver fireball shot out. , turning the cyan air mass into ashes.

"Based on your cultivation, you must not be unknown among the demon clan, so please state your name first." Silver Fairy said with a trace of murderous intent flashing in her eyes.

"Hmph, I am the Blood-light Saint Ancestor, Venerable Sitting Li. Human being, it was you who killed my grandson. Today I must cut you into pieces with a thousand knives and extract your soul to refine it." Although the one-horned old man faced The two Fusion Stage cultivators did not show any fear. Instead, they stared at Han Li with blazing eyes and said.

"Really? It depends on whether you have the ability." Han Li laughed and didn't take it seriously at all.

No wonder! With his magical power, he really didn't take much notice of a demon who was in the early stages of integration.

"But you alone want to fight with the two of us. Brother Han, there is no need to talk nonsense with him. This devil appears here alone now, which is a good opportunity to strangle him."

Silver Fairy's piercing words made her move, and the two silver hooks in front of her suddenly transformed into dense shadows of silver hooks, trying to crush them away from the opposite side.

Seeing this, Han Li also chuckled slightly. The words of the silver light fairy were exactly what he wanted. He immediately rolled down his sleeves and waved out the silver ruler in his hand again.

Under the dazzling silver light, a shadow dozens of feet long shot out again. In a flash, it arrived in front of the one-horned old man first and slashed him down without ceremony.

Seeing this, Venerable Li roared low, and the long black stick he was holding in one hand suddenly swung, and suddenly transformed into a heavy wall of black sticks, protecting his body from the wind and rain.

As soon as the silver ruler slashed at the stick shadow, it bounced away with a shudder, and was shattered and scattered inch by inch under a strange force, unable to break through the stick shadow's defense at all.

At this time, countless hook shadows also shot out one after another, but a burst of silver light flashed from the surface of the unparalleled strong stick shadow, but they all disappeared in a flash.

After the final two clear blasts, the two silver hooks popped open and revealed their original shapes.

Seeing this, Fairy Yinguang's jade face sank, and the magic in her hand changed.

After the two silver hooks circled, they suddenly turned into two silver rays of light and flew into the sky. They disappeared in a flash and disappeared into the void.

The next moment, the sky suddenly fluctuated violently, and the vitality of heaven and earth within a radius of dozens of miles suddenly and strangely mobilized. In an instant, countless white and red runes surged out from the void, and after a few turns, they condensed into Two hazy light groups as big as acres.

A ball of white light flashed silently, and a ball of red cloud rolled, but with a loud roar, and at the same time, it sank and pressed downwards.

When the one-horned old man saw the momentum of the two rays of light, he was also shocked. He shook his hands, and the shadow of the stick in his hand suddenly turned into a black hurricane and swept directly towards the two groups of rays of light in the air. It looked like he was going to break it with one blow.

But at this moment, Han Li in the distance suddenly rubbed his hands together calmly, and the short silver ruler in his hand disappeared strangely and suddenly in a flash of light.

The next moment, there was a faint flash of light behind the one-horned old man, and a short silver ruler quietly came out. In a flash, it turned into streaks of lightning and shot out, as fast as thunder and lightning.

Unprepared, the one-horned old man was suddenly wrapped in this layer of silver steel, and was entangled several times in one breath like lightning.

The one-horned old man let out a roar, and the black light on his body radiated, as if he wanted to burst the silver horse, but for a moment it was clear that this was just wishful thinking.

At this time, the black hurricane formed by the stick shadow suddenly collided with the light in the sky.

After a loud noise like the earth was shattering, the whole sky was shaking.

The black hurricane suddenly turned into two identical giant pillars, smashing into the two masses of light, and the lower half seemed to be submerged.

But after the two groups of light dispersed, a bright white crescent moon and a red sun emerged from them.

The two objects emitted a dazzling light and were wrapped around the two giant pillars, trapping them temporarily.

Even though the one-horned old man roared incessantly and his arms surged with great strength, he could not pull out the two black giant sticks at all, as if the treasure had taken root in the crescent moon and the red sun.

When Han Li saw this scene, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he also looked at the old man.

The silver horse that originally wrapped the old man suddenly buzzed loudly, and silver runes of different sizes appeared on the surface. It generated a huge force and rushed toward the powerful master, and Most of its body-protecting black light was instantly suppressed.

When the one-horned old man saw this situation, even though he was extremely reluctant to part with the treasure in his hand, he had no choice but to throw away the giant stick in his hand, but then a fierce light flashed in his eyes, he quickly made a seal with his hands, and shouted loudly.

A surprising scene appeared

The originally gigantic body of Master Li suddenly swelled up again. Two balls of flesh bulged out from both sides of his shoulders. After making a shocking sound of crunching and chaos, he transformed into two bodies. The head is the same as the one in the middle.

Behind him, four other flesh balls appeared strangely, and in the flash of black light, they transformed into two other dark demonic arms.

The one-horned old man unexpectedly transformed into a three-headed and six-armed monster in an instant, and black demonic energy billowed out from his body. The aura was twice as powerful as before. The cultivation level that was originally in the early stage of integration suddenly increased to about the middle stage of integration.

As for the demon whose cultivation had greatly increased, a ferocious look appeared on his face. He flipped his six hands and six black demonic swords appeared. As soon as the sword light flashed, countless black threads burst out like a big net.

The silver horse that originally covered it was chopped into countless pieces amidst the sound of "chichi" breaking through the air.

When Han Li saw this, his expression changed, and he made a move with one hand without thinking.

The originally broken silver pieces of the sword, with a flash of inspiration, were about to condense again as before.

But within this moment of delay, the three-headed and six-armed Master Li suddenly broke away from his restraints and disappeared on the spot.

The next moment, another place dozens of feet away fluctuated, and a black figure flashed out.

The demon roared loudly, and the demonic energy on its body rolled, and black and bright demonic lines emerged. Then its body expanded at an incredible speed, and turned into a giant of more than a hundred feet. Then it waved its six arms, and a black light flashed, The six giant swords suddenly disappeared, but several big hands poked out like hills.

Two of them rushed towards the crescent moon and the red sun, and two of them rushed towards Han Li and the Silver Fairy respectively.

Carrying gusts of demonic wind, the momentum is astonishing!

The fingers of the last two palms flickered and changed, and they pinched and executed magic spells endlessly.

At the same time, there were two heads on the left and right sides of the demon, with its eyes closed and its mouth slightly open. There were black runes hesitantly speaking, and the sound of a spell could be heard faintly.

The crescent moon and red sun formed by the two silver hooks indulged in mysterious abnormalities, but under the grasp of the monster with greatly increased cultivation, it could no longer lock the two black giant sticks. With a tremor, they turned into two phantoms and shot away. With just a flash, they fell into the hands of the two captured demons.

When the two are combined, they become a giant black stick.

Almost at the same moment, Han Li felt the sky in front of him darken, a giant black palm came in front of him, and at the same time, a fishy smell hit his face.

There was no strange color on Han Li's face. Golden light flowed around his body. With a move of his sleeve, a palm came out and transformed into a big golden hand and flew into the air.

Before the formal contact was made, there was a thunderbolt on the surface of the phantom of the golden palm, and countless golden arcs shot out. In a flash, the fingers interlocked and collided with the giant black palm.

With a thunder, countless golden threads flickered and bounced, and the magic hand was destroyed by a blow like a nemesis!

The Silver Fairy on the other side did not dare to directly receive the blow from the old man whose cultivation had suddenly increased greatly. The moment the magic hand reached her body, her body turned into a breeze and disappeared.

The demonic hand struck the void, causing a surge of black energy.

The old man with three heads and six arms transformed into his real body. When he saw that the attack just now was ineffective, the face in the middle suddenly became more ferocious. The other two heads stopped speaking spells in their mouths, and the two palms that were making spells suddenly rushed towards Han Li and Yin Guang. The fairies are each a little empty.

Two piercing screams burst through the air from the fingertips, and two blood streaks shot out, and disappeared in the void in a flash.

Han Li, who was originally expressionless, suddenly lost his expression. He suddenly waved one hand in front of him, and a black hill suddenly appeared, seven to eight feet high, completely blocking his figure behind it.

It is Yuan Magnetic Mountain!

The next moment, a bloodshot flash appeared in the void a few feet away, and with just one move, it stabbed hard into the black hill.

With a "pop" sound, the blood streaks hit the mountain peaks. After a flash of blood, they sank into it and went several feet deep before disintegrating and disappearing.

Han Li's expression changed slightly.

Naturally, no one knows the strength of Yuanciji Mountain's defense better than him. After this treasure has been refined several times with countless rare materials, even ordinary heaven-reaching spiritual treasures cannot leave any scratches on it.

But it almost pierced through in front of me. It can be seen that the power of this bloodshot is terrifying. No wonder even after the old demon transformed, he had to prepare carefully before he could display it.

However, although this attack was nothing to him, with Silver Fairy's cultivation level, I'm afraid it would be difficult for him to receive this attack.

Han Lifang thought like this in his mind, then he heard a muffled groan from the other side. He quickly glanced around and saw Fairy Yinguang holding her shoulder with one hand, trembling and taking a few steps back. go out.

In front of him, a red shield, a flag, and a jade tablet turned into three groups of rays of light, but each one's light was dim, and they all seemed to be severely damaged.

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