A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1970 Battle of the Demon Realm, Magic Bats

With a loud "rumbling" sound and a flash of black light, a huge war boat suddenly appeared while rising wildly.

This war boat was only a few tens of feet in size at first, but in the blink of an eye it turned into a huge mountain. The three black masts were as high as three giant pillars, with a black mast hanging on each of them. There were several black monsters with teeth and claws faintly imprinted on the thick sail, which were lifelike, and an astonishing evil aura rose into the sky.

What's even more shocking is that the boat suddenly enlarged to such a huge size that objects of different shapes actually appeared in the centers of the magic formations on the giant boat's body as spiritual lights flashed.

Some of these objects are spheres and some are in the shape of tubes, but no matter which surface they have, extremely complex runes are imprinted on them. At first glance, it is those artifacts that are simple to activate and purely pursue powerful power.

However, with so many artifacts, it would probably take hundreds of monks to fully activate them.

But compared to these artifacts, the three translucent five-color crystal pillars standing on the top of the cabin are the most eye-catching things.

These three crystal pillars are not only as thick as a water tank, but also hundreds of feet long. Other artifacts are simply incomparable to them.

While Han Li was looking at the huge war boat carefully, the ancestor of the Long family had already checked the spiritual milk and storage bracelet in his hand and put them away. Then he glanced at the huge war boat and said calmly:

"The raw materials used to build a giant boat are worth hundreds of millions of spirit stones, not to mention the labor involved and the time and effort it takes to build this giant boat. If this boat is really put for sale, the price If you don’t double it, I won’t even consider it.”

"Han naturally knows that this transaction has given fellow Taoist a slight advantage, but the spiritual milk and materials obtained by fellow Taoist can definitely not be bought outside as spiritual stones. Well, anyway, this transaction is finally over. If this is done successfully, Han will not stay here any longer. When fellow Taoist decides to enter the Demon Realm in the future, all he has to do is go to Tianyuan City and leave me a message in advance. I will definitely attend the appointment on time!" Han Li said with a chuckle, And with one hand, he shrunk the behemoth in the sky countless times, and once again reduced it to a size of several inches and put it into his sleeves.

"As long as the human race can withstand the first few waves of demon attacks and keep the calamity under control, we will definitely not give up the trip to the demon world, and I will definitely inform fellow Taoist Han in advance. After all, with your current practice, , it is definitely a big help in this trip." The ancestor of the Long family said with a smile on his dull face.

Han Li nodded after hearing this, but then his eyes flickered to an empty place nearby with a strange smile. He immediately cupped his hand, and the green light turned into a blue rainbow. Po Kong left.

When the ancestor of the Long family saw this, his expression changed slightly, but he stood still and did not sigh until the green rainbow completely disappeared at the end of the horizon.

But at this moment, the space that Han Li had swept across before leaving suddenly fluctuated, and a figure appeared in a flash of distortion. It turned out to be a man in black robes. It was another Supreme Elder of the Long family.

At this moment, he looked at the horizon where Han Li had disappeared with a gloomy face, and said in a deep voice:

"Brother Long, it seems that he has discovered my existence a long time ago. My newly cultivated set of hidden magical powers cannot be easily detected even by fellow Taoists, but it cannot be hidden from his eyes and ears. This person has not practiced special skills. The great magical power is to possess some kind of treasure that can break through concealment."

"Indeed, but it is also possible that this person's spiritual power is stronger than mine. It is reasonable for this person to practice so fast and have one or two heaven-defying talents. But in any case, with this person joining If so, the strength of the human race that has entered the Demon Realm will be strengthened, and they will not be too inferior to those of the Holy Orders of the Spiritual Race." The ancestor of the Long family nodded and replied expressionlessly.

"But Brother Long, we don't know much about this boy Han's background, and he may become an unstable factor in our trip to the demon world." The man in black robe said with a frown.

"Huh, knowing too little is nothing. How much can the other guys we invited really know? As long as they can help us achieve our goal. Even though this demonic calamity is a big calamity for this clan, But it is not a God-given opportunity for us and other combined beings. This trip can only succeed and cannot fail, otherwise we will really be able to stay in the combined state in this life and will not be able to make any progress." The ancestor of the Long family held his hands in his sleeves, his face He said with a stern look.

"What Brother Long said makes some sense, but before that, we still need to be able to withstand the attack of the demons." The man in black robe agreed readily, and turned to look at the giant city and said.

"I have gathered the strength of thirteen aristocratic families to build this stronghold. They can defend and attack each other. They are the horns of each other. I ask myself that no matter the number of high-level monks or the defensive ability, it will never be inferior to the three imperial cities. Yes. Even if the demonic calamity this time is much more terrifying than the rumors, we should still be safe and sound." The ancestor of the Long family said confidently.

"I believe this very much, otherwise I wouldn't have cooperated with Brother Long. Now that this kid has left, let's go back and deal with things. The magic spots are getting bigger and bigger now. It is estimated that in three or four months, The real demons have really broken through the world. We still have to be alert and deal with it." The man in black robe said with a solemn expression.

"Well, let's go. I am indeed refining a furnace of important elixirs." The ancestor of the Long family nodded, and then swung down his big sleeve, and a golden cloud flew out, covering his body. Then, it turned into a ball of golden light and shot away in the direction of the giant city.

Seeing this, the man in black robe made the same gesture with one hand and turned into a black wind and rolled away.

At the same time, Han Li, thousands of miles away, was also speeding away into the distance.

More than two months later, Han Li finally returned to Tianyuan City through the teleportation circle.

At this time, the entire city was under martial law, and all the prohibitive arrays were half-open.

If Han Li hadn't been a fusion cultivator, he might not even be qualified to use the teleportation circle at this time.

Han Li turned a blind eye to everything murderous in the city.

Instead, he returned directly to the high tower where Master Hai and other disciples lived, and handed over the giant boat to several disciples, asking them to lead hundreds of people to get familiar with this treasure first. After all, the Zhongqingtian Giant Ship originally requires a certain number of people to exert its true power.

This can be regarded as a pressure-saving method that Han Li used for his disciples to save their lives.

Otherwise, based on their cultivation in the Nascent Soul stage, it is a matter of opinion whether they can survive the evil calamity completely.

After handing the giant boat to his disciples, Han Li immediately returned to the top of the tower and started practicing behind closed doors again. But this time, he asked his disciples to pay attention to the situation of the magic spot and report its situation regularly every day.

As time passed day by day, the atmosphere in Tianyuan City naturally became tense day by day.

The several demonic spots near Tianyuan City were not only thousands of miles wide at this moment, but also became dark and shiny. Even from a closer place, one could clearly see the dark demonic energy billowing inside.

However, the several magic spots in Tianyuan City are not that huge compared to those in other areas of the human race. It is said that the largest magic spot appeared near the new Spirit Emperor. The magic spot has stretched for a million miles. , the area is actually more than a hundred times the size of Tianyuan City Demon Spot.

When Han Li heard the news, he could only sigh and put the matter behind him.

On this day, near a dark demon spot that was thousands of miles away from Tianyuan City, two golden flying boats several feet long were cleverly hidden in a dense forest more than ten miles away.

On these two war boats, there are two golden-armored heavenly guards and several black-armored guards on each side.

These people had been waiting here for an unknown amount of time, talking in low voices with somewhat solemn expressions.

"Brother Chen, I've been feeling restless these past two days, and my eyelids are twitching. Could it be that the evil tribulation is about to break out in the past few days!" A man in golden armor, with arms full of sinews, asked with some uncertainty.

"Fellow Daoist Jin, it's not just you. Ever since I was sent here to monitor the movements of the magic spot, I have been on tenterhooks. However, fortunately, we are only responsible for monitoring. As soon as the magic spot is broken, we can immediately activate the teleportation circle and directly teleport It's not really that dangerous to go back to the city." Another short old man replied with a wry smile.

"Well, I also know that there should be no fear of life, but it still looks like this, and it seems that the mood is not enough. However, we were sent here by lot, which is extremely unlucky for the two of us." The big man said Grinning, he replied helplessly.

"Hey, staying in the city will be extremely safe. But as long as we successfully complete the mission, the rewards of this trip will be extremely considerable. I think taking this risk is nothing." The old man shook his head and said.

"That's right. This time the elders will take out those pills. They are indeed extremely rare and very useful to us... No, what are they..." The big man couldn't help laughing when he heard this, but the next moment, other Looking at the sky in the distance, the man suddenly stood up from the golden boat, and his expression changed drastically.

"What, has the magic spot changed?" Seeing this, the old man was heartbroken and hurriedly turned around to look in the same direction.

The other black-armored guards looked at the sky in the distance, and their faces turned pale and bloodless.

I saw a large void below the magic spot in the distance, and suddenly there was a violent twisting and shaking, as if the entire sky was about to turn over.

But at this moment, there was an earth-shattering roar, and from the rolling demonic energy in the demon spots, countless demon bats that were over ten feet long suddenly appeared.

Their fur was as red as blood, and they had black horns on their heads. As soon as they opened their mouths and sprayed out, waves of sound waves surged towards the twisted void below.

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