After a while, a cold-looking young man in blue, an old man with white beard and hair, and a beautiful young woman in green came out one after another. They chose different locations with great understanding and cut into the forest in front.

Han Li waited for nearly a quarter of an hour, and when no one showed up, he sorted out his belongings one last time, followed the behavior of the previous people, found a direction that no one had gone in before, and snuck quietly. Go in.

Han Li didn't know that not long after he entered, the ugly man Zhongwu he had just met yesterday appeared in front of the passage. He looked at the dark road up the mountain, "Hey hey" and sneered a few times, then released a dozen yellow dots from his body and flew into the forest, and then he followed them calmly.

At this time, outside the forbidden area and at the entrance to the forbidden area, the people left behind from the seven major sects looked in the direction of the forbidden area with some worry. Han Li's Master Li was inside.

But he doesn't know whether he is worried about his disciples' ability to complete the mission, or whether he is more worried about his own bets!

And the situation of another Danjie Taoist priest from Qingxu Valley is not much better! Speaking of which, ever since the old monster Qiong from the Hidden Moon Sect got involved in the bet, this person no longer had the confidence he had when he first made the bet, and suddenly seemed a little worried about gains and losses.

It's no wonder that the blood-threaded dragon's inner elixir was really hard to come by. It cost him almost all his fortune to get it. If he loses to others so easily, no matter how high his mental quality is, this Taoist priest will probably be heartbroken and unable to sleep for several years!

The Taoist priest secretly took a look at the only person in the crowd who looked calm, the young woman Nishang Fairy who was leading the group of the Hidden Moon Sect.

The only woman among the seven masters of the alchemy stage, she has never shown the slightest worry since the disciples of the seven sects entered the forbidden area. She has been chatting and laughing with others. She seems to be concerned about the disciples sent by the Hidden Moon Sect this time. She was so confident that she didn't need to worry about it at all.

The more the Taoist priest saw the girl smiling, the more worried he became. When he thought of the confident look on Old Monster Qiong's bet, he felt that his Blood Thread Jiao Neidan seemed to have flown out of his pocket and become someone else's!

As he thought about it, the look of worry on his face became more intense! People who don't know, really think that he is worried about his disciples in the forbidden area!

After a while, the Taoist priest finally couldn't bear it anymore. When others were not paying attention, he quietly approached Master Li who was standing in another place and asked with a worried look on his face:

"Donor Li, the disciples you Huang Maple Valley sent this time should be very skilled! We and other two factions will really lose to the old monster Qiong! But the poor Taoist disciples from the Qingxu Sect who entered the forbidden area are still invincible. Some confidence!"

"What do you mean? Do you, Taoist brother, look down on our Yellow Maple Valley?" Master Li's face became unhappy when he heard this.

"Haha! Of course not. The poor Taoist just feels a little weird about the disciples sent by the Hidden Moon Sect this time, and I really feel uneasy!" The Taoist laughed and explained with a forced smile.

"That's true! Li has also noticed that something is wrong. In the past few times, the disciples sent by the Hidden Moon Sect were so young, and they were male and female disciples in pairs! Do you think that the trip to the forbidden area is just for a kid? Is it going to work for every family?" Master Li said with a stern face, it seems that he has been worried about this bet.

After hearing what Master Li said, the Taoist priest nodded repeatedly, and seemed to agree very much with what he just said.

"But don't worry, Brother Taoist. Since Li dares to place a bet, he must have some confidence in the disciples of our sect. Their strength will not be inferior to the disciples of your noble sect." Master Li looked at the Taoist priest with a profound look and said. , said slowly, his voice full of pride.

"Haha! When the donor said this, I felt a lot more at ease! Then I won't bother you." After the Taoist got the answer he wanted, his expression suddenly relaxed, and then he left with a smile. He returned to the original place and began to meditate, preparing to wait for the results to come out in a few days.

After Master Li watched the Taoist priest leave, he suddenly snorted softly, and then murmured to himself in a voice that could only be heard by himself:

"Fuyunzi, don't think I don't know what you are thinking! Don't you just hope that our two families can defeat the Hidden Moon Sect together, and then your Qingxu Sect can overwhelm our Yellow Maple Valley. Hehe! Although! I don’t know what great disciples from the Qingxu Sect have entered the forbidden area, but this time, even the top three disciples known as the top three in the Qi Refining Period, Ben Gu sent them out in a swarm. Otherwise, do you think I would fight this with you? Bet?"

As Master Li spoke, there was a cunning look on his face. The worried look before was no longer visible. He was clearly an old fox who was hiding his secrets.

Naturally, Han Li didn't know about the intrigue between the two alchemy-level monks outside the forbidden area. He was now blocked by a giant brown wild boar.

This wild boar is exactly the same as an ordinary wild boar except for the color of its skin and its extremely large size, which is several feet tall.

But when Han Li saw this beast, he immediately recognized it as one of the most common low-level monsters on the ring mountain, the "Pushing Mountain Beast". In addition to its thick skin and strong strength, this monster could only A natural "stoneskin" with extremely low intelligence is not difficult to deal with!

At this time, the "Mountain Pushing Beast" snorted a few times, then flashed yellow light, covered its entire body with a layer of white flowery rock-like armor, and then charged towards Han Li menacingly.

Han Li remained calm and waited for the beast's impact. When it was only seven or eight feet away from him, he waved his right hand, and with a flash of his body, he turned behind the beast.

The huge body of the "Pushing Boar" still rushed forward three to four feet away from where Han Li was standing. Then he let out a breath, and the entire body from the tip of the nose to the tail was neatly divided into two halves, and the colorful internal organs flowed out. All over the place. It was actually completely cut open by Han Li using a silk magic weapon!

Han Li gathered up the invisible thread, looked at the dead "Pushing Boar", shook his head, and immediately jumped up the tree and left the place. Because he knew that the bloody smell of this monster's corpse would soon attract a large number of other monsters with sensitive senses of smell, so it was better for him to escape as soon as possible!

Han Li had entered the dense forest of the crater for several hours. But in such a short period of time, he encountered four monsters.

Of course, Han Li killed three of the lower-level ones in one fell swoop. But that mid-level flying-feathered peacock, whose colorful long feathers could detach from the body and automatically pursue, injure and defend itself, gave Han Li a headache. Fortunately, although it is a bird, it is not very fast. So later, he simply used his body skills and threw him away without a trace in one breath, thus avoiding this unnecessary battle.

Now, Han Li was sighing constantly while jumping on the tree like flying!

Now, he finally knew how many monsters there were in the crater.

At present, he is still on the periphery, and most of the monsters he encounters are lower-level monsters, which are easy to deal with. But after a while, when they get deep into the belly of the crater, I am afraid that mid-level and upper-level monsters will appear in piles. At that time, except for fleeing, Han Li really can't think of any other way to escape.

No wonder there is so little information about the hiding place of the elixir in the materials! I'm afraid that the disciples who entered this mountain before spent most of their energy just avoiding these monsters, and the rest of their time could only go to a few more places to check. This does not ensure that every exploration will be fruitful!

"It seems that there is not much hope that I can collect enough elixirs!" Han Li thought depressedly.

The direction Han Li was running towards was a hidden cave where "purple monkey flowers" often grew.

According to the data, this place shouldn't have much value. Because the cave here was only picked once more than a hundred years ago, the ones inside now should be just seedlings that are still very early to mature, and they cannot be used for medicine.

"Seedlings?" Han Li couldn't help but chuckle when he thought of this!

What Han Li needs are these seedlings that no one else will touch!

The reason why he was willing to take risks and enter the forbidden area was because he was so sure that he would be able to steal the food from so many "masters" and obtain the "Elixir of Heaven and Earth"! The main reason is that we initially targeted the immature elixir seedlings! Only in this way can he try to avoid conflicts with the younger brothers of other factions, and can he visit as many places as possible and collect more useless things in the eyes of others.

After he picks these elixir seedlings back, he can use the mysterious vial of Green Night to induce their growth. In this way, it is no different from picking the ripe elixir directly.

Although Uncle Ma told me that these seedlings could not be stored outside the forbidden area for very long and could only live for a year or two. But this time is enough to ripen them for several rounds. After all, as the main medicine of the Foundation Establishment Pill, they do not need too long and can be used as medicine in only four to five hundred years.

The only trouble now is that he doesn't know if the remaining three days will be enough for him to pick a sufficient amount of elixir. Because these places where the seedlings of elixirs grow are scattered here and there, plus the possibility of being blocked by monsters on the way, and possible conflicts with disciples from other sects, all this makes Han Li feel unsure.

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