A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1894 Battle in the Demon World Chasing the Enemy

Now that they had made a decision, the two of them had no intention of delaying at all and immediately started acting separately.

The old woman walked quickly, and in a moment passed through a corridor and entered a room with unusually simple decoration.

In this room, a young man wearing a white robe but with a sallow complexion was sitting at a stone table, concentrating on a silver book.

"Mother, why are you here so suddenly?" As soon as he saw the old woman walking in, the young man immediately put down the book in his hand and said with a smile.

"Ming'er, please pack your bags immediately. We are going to the Yingxian Palace where the Long family is located soon." Facing the young man, the old woman changed her previous gloominess and said with a look of love and affection.

"Long family! It seems that the person you captured is really troublesome." The young man frowned when he heard this and said helplessly.

"Why, you also know about this." The old woman looked a little surprised.

"Mother, you have forgotten that although my magic power is not high, I have inspired the blood of the true dragon and gained some supernatural powers. Although I have not left the house, I vaguely heard some of your conversation." The young man smiled. Said suddenly.

"That's it! But don't worry, Ming'er. No matter what, your father and I will move that person's inherited magic weapon safely into your body. In this way, not only can stubborn illnesses be cured, but bottlenecks can also be broken through with the help of this inherited spiritual power. , it is very possible to form a golden elixir immediately. As for the person behind the boy, as long as he enters the Long family, he will never dare to come to the door." The old woman said with relief.

"Back then, Mr. Tianjing gave me a prescription to use the inherited artifacts to cure the diseases in my body. You and I have been looking for monks who have inherited magical artifacts and have not yet opened the seal. I had a hunch that I might cause trouble. It's a lot of trouble. Now I finally found such a person. I think it was me who persuaded me, so my mother won't let go easily." The young man was silent for a while, then sighed softly.

"What are you talking about? Your father and I saw that we couldn't withstand the next great disaster, so we decided to finally have your blood. We will never let a white-haired person give away a black-haired person again. As long as that person is not one of the Three Sovereigns and Seven Demon Kings, your uncle and grandfather will definitely ensure that you are safe and sound. Besides, now that you have inspired the blood of the true dragon, you can automatically become a disciple of the Long family. If the Long family doesn't protect you, how can it still be called the number one true spiritual family?" The old woman's face became a little gloomy, and there was a hint of resentment in her words.

"Well, since mother has made up her mind, we'd better leave right away. Maybe the old fused monster will catch up here soon." The young man shook his head, but suddenly his tone changed to a urging one. .

"Impossible. I have carefully searched the boy's body in advance, but there was no mark left on it." The old woman was surprised when she heard this, and was a little doubtful.

"Mother, after all, is not a fusion cultivator. And as far as I know, fusion cultivators have at least three or four ways to make the spiritual mark they plant easily hide from the spiritual scanning of the monks in the Void Refining Stage. Although I have not done anything in recent years. Practicing magic power, but reading so many martial arts books is not for nothing." The young man said with a wry smile.

"Ming'er, what you said makes sense. Then let's not pack anything up and leave quickly. Your father has already gone to pick up that kid." The woman's expression changed and she became a little nervous.

At the same time, in another secret room, the black-browed old man looked at a man lying quietly on the ground with a complicated expression.

"Little Taoist priest, don't blame me and my wife for being cruel. If you want my son to be cured, the only way is to get the inheritance artifacts in your body. And without the inheritance artifacts, your foundation will be completely destroyed, and life will be worse than death. By then, I will send you on your way safely and painlessly." The old man murmured, and the expression on his face suddenly became extremely ferocious.

The person on the ground was surprisingly the little Taoist priest Qi Lingzi.

But I don't know what kind of manipulation was done by the two old women, leaving him unconscious.

The black-browed old man suddenly turned his hand over, a black light flashed between his fingers, and a talisman as black as ink suddenly appeared.

With a flick of his wrist, the talisman immediately turned into a strange gray light. In a flash, it disappeared into Qi Lingzi's body.

Then the old man opened his mouth again and spit out a cloud of black air, inside which was a faintly rotating green copper bell.

The black-browed old man raised his arm and slightly bent one finger.

A soft "ding-dong" sound came from the black air.

A strange scene suddenly appeared.

Qi Lingzi, who was originally lying on the ground, trembled and rolled up from the ground on his own. He faced the old man and stood there with his eyes closed.

At this time, the little Taoist priest had no expression on his face, like a puppet.

The old man muttered something in his mouth, and one magic weapon ejected from his hand one after another. The green copper bell suddenly made a clear sound of different lengths.

But when the seemingly ordinary ringtone entered Qi Lingzi's ears, he slowly opened his eyes.

His eyes were blank at first, but gradually became somewhat clear, but there was still no expression on his face.

Seeing this, the old man with black eyebrows breathed a sigh of relief. He raised his hand to grab it, put the bell in his sleeve, turned around and left without saying a word!

Amidst the faint sound of bells coming from his sleeves, Qi Lingzi's footsteps moved numbly and he followed closely.

After a short while, two frightening rainbows, one black and one gray, flew out of the hill, circled briefly, and then shot away in the direction of Jiuxian Mountain.

In the two escaping lights, the thin yellow young man and Qi Lingzi were both among them.

After a few flashes, the two startling rainbows disappeared without a trace in the horizon.

Almost a meal later, a dazzling green rainbow also shot out from the other direction. After the light faded over the hill, two men suddenly appeared.

One has an unusually handsome face, while the other has an unremarkable appearance.

It was Young Master Hai and Han Li.

"It's not here anymore!" Han Li muttered to himself in surprise after sweeping his mind across the hill below like a wind-swept cloud.

"What, they took junior brother to another place! Is there any way, master, to find them again?" Young Master Hai asked nervously after hearing Han Li's words.

"Don't worry, although the spiritual mark I planted in you and Qi Lingzi is extremely weak, there will be a strong reaction every once in a while. Then I will know where they are." Han Jingping said abnormally said.

"That's good! But this man is really brave. He dared to publicly rob others at the Wanbao Conference. Do those law enforcement monks not care about this at all?" Young Master Hai looked relaxed at first, but then he added Some are getting angry.

"Hey! If ordinary monks do such a thing, there will naturally be law enforcement monks who will step forward to stop it. But if it is a person who is above the level of refining the void, most of these law enforcement monks will have to think carefully. If everything exists in the integration stage , most of these law enforcement monks will turn a blind eye and leave immediately when they see it." Han Li sneered.

"Could it be that that old woman is a monk in the integration stage?" Upon hearing this, Master Hai's expression changed.

"It shouldn't be possible for a fusion monk. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been so careful to avoid it." Han Li shook his head.

"That's true." Young Master Hai thought for a while and couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

After the two of them were delayed in the air for about half an hour, Han Li suddenly raised his eyebrows:

"Found them, they went to the Fairy Mountain. Let's go!\

,"As soon as he finished speaking, Han Li didn't even wait for Young Master Hai to show his joy before he swiveled around and a wave of cyan glow engulfed the two of them.

A green rainbow appeared again and shot out in the direction of Jiuxian Mountain.

Three hours later, Han Li and Master Hai quietly appeared in the sky above a huge and magnificent palace.

This palace is divided into ten floors, and it is one of the nine Yingxian Palaces.

Han Li frowned slightly and stared at a certain floor of the palace with unusually gloomy eyes.

"Master, am I right? Qi Lingzi was really brought here." Young Master Hai's face turned slightly pale and he asked with some difficulty.

Obviously he understands very well what it means if Qi Lingzi appears here.

"That's right. At such a close distance, some restrictive shields can't block my senses at all." Han Li said with a flash of his eyes.

"Could that man really be a fusion cultivator? If so, why did Junior Brother appear outside Jiuxian Mountain in the first place?" Master Hai murmured.

"It's very simple! Either that old woman is really a fused monk, and the cave in Jiuxian Mountain is just her temporary cave, specially used to do some shameful things. Or, although that person is not a fused monk, but he lives with There is a certain fusion cultivator here who has some connections, and he came here specifically to serve as a supporter. He wants to use this to frighten away our pursuit!" Han Li said calmly.

"Then what will Master decide to do?" Young Master Hai hesitated for a while before asking in a low voice.

"Go down first and find someone to find out which family lives on the ninth floor here." Han Li gave the order without answering directly.

"I obey, master!" Upon hearing Han Li's words, Master Hai couldn't help but perked up and agreed hurriedly and respectfully.

"I'll send you down, and after you try to find out more about it, come find me on the hilltop nearest here. I'll wait for you there." Han Li gave another instruction, and with a flick of his sleeve, a green light suddenly appeared. The one who got the most out of it sent Master Hai directly to the ground.

But he himself changed direction and flew towards a low hilltop dozens of miles away.

Although Jiuxian Mountain is composed of nine giant peaks, in addition, there are naturally some inconspicuous nameless mountains that exist among the entire mountain range.

As soon as Young Master Hai's feet landed on the ground, he glanced in the direction of Yingxian Palace, but did not walk towards his horse. Instead, he took a deep breath and ran towards the nearest lively place.

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