A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1859 The War in the Demon Realm Cold Flames and Golden Talisman (Second Update)

"Treasures? Before our ancestors disappeared, they took all the treasures with them and left nothing for our descendants. As for the skills, our Xu family has always kept several secret techniques that our ancestors used to shock the human race. , but because of the harsh conditions for cultivation, only a few people are qualified to practice. Fortunately, Uncle Yan is one of them. Uncle, please show me a thing or two to my seniors." After Xu Jiao pondered for a moment, he turned around and rushed aside. The old man said.

"Since the senior wants to see it, the junior will show off his embarrassment." The old man hesitated for a moment and then nodded.

Then he saw his arm raised, a skinny palm protruding from his sleeve, and his fingers slightly pointed upwards.

In an instant, a ball of blue flame emerged from the palm of his hand, and under the flow of spiritual light, it transformed into a crystal clear blue light lotus. This ice lotus is extremely delicate, as if it was born from scratch.

"Blue Ice Flame!" Han Li's eyes flashed and he couldn't help but murmured.

"Senior, you have good eyesight. This cold flame is the famous magical power of our ancestors. It has been cultivated to the extreme. It can freeze thousands of miles and freeze the void. Of course, this junior is far from cultivating to this state." A smile appeared on Xu Yan's thin face, and he held it in his hand. The blue ice lotus rolled around and suddenly turned into a stream of blue clouds and rolled into the void in front of it.

Wherever the blue clouds passed by, the void suddenly shone with blue light and became a little blurry and distorted.

At this time, another old man from the Xu family threw the teacup in his hand into the air and disappeared into the void in a flash.

A strange scene appeared.

I saw that the tea cup not only turned into an ice sculpture with a flash of blue light, but also froze in the void.

Han Li's pupils shrank, his expression remained unchanged, and there was still a hint of surprise at the corner of his mouth.

It was somewhat beyond his expectation that Qin Lan Bingyan could possess such magical powers after he had advanced in cultivation.

But if you think about it carefully, this is normal.

The blue ice flame he obtained from Xutian Cauldron was not cultivated by himself, but was directly absorbed and refined, and its power has never been improved by itself.

As for Xu Yan's Hanyan, he has completely cultivated his own supernatural powers, and with the subsequent oral formulas, he can naturally improve his power step by step.

Both approaches have their own pros and cons.

By directly absorbing the ready-made cold flames, you can directly obtain magical powers without spending time on practicing. But if you want to increase the power of this magical power in the future, you can only borrow the power of external objects or integrate other extreme cold flames.

Although it takes a long time for people like the old man and the Ice Soul Fairy to cultivate it on their own, as long as they follow the instructions, they can always cultivate this cold flame to the great stage.

And the blue ice flame he absorbed was still in the human world.

At that time, the blue ice flame left by the Ice Soul Fairy was at best only a magical power in the transformation stage, and naturally it was far from being comparable to the old man in the Void Refining Stage now.

After Han Li's mind quickly turned a few times, he understood the mystery, and the surprise on his lips disappeared in a flash.

However, the blue color in the void in front of the old man lasted only a few breaths before it shattered like glass.

The tea cup that was originally stagnant in the void immediately fell to the ground.

Another old man named Xu Huo was well prepared. With one move, he immediately took the teacup wrapped in blue ice into his hand again.

At the same time, with a flash of red light in his hand, the layer of blue ice melted and disappeared instantly. .

The teacup suddenly reappeared intact.

"Senior, what do you think? Can Uncle Yan's magical power prove that our Xu family is a direct descendant of our ancestors?" The man in white asked Han Li with a smile on his face.

"It is indeed the blue ice flame. Moreover, fellow Taoist Xu Yan has become extremely proficient in this magical power. It is extremely rare to be able to control the power of extreme cold to the point where it is not released at all." Han Li smiled and tapped lightly. Head down.

"What does senior mean..." Xu Jiao was refreshed.

"Hehe, fellow Taoist, don't worry. Since the Xu family is the direct descendant of fellow Taoist Bingpo, I will naturally hand over the things." Han Li smiled softly and suddenly flicked his sleeves on the table beside him.

In a flash of green clouds, two things appeared on the table.

A light blue jade slip and a pure white jade box.

Both objects were sealed with a golden talisman, and the seal was tight enough to prove that Han Li had never opened or seen the two objects.

The man in white glanced around, his expression a little solemn, but he did not take the two objects immediately, but asked cautiously:

"Senior, can you tell me now who entrusted me with this thing?"

"It's not that I don't want to tell you. It's just that if I tell you, several fellow Taoists won't be able to know. I can only tell you fellow Taoists that this senior is not a member of our human and demon tribes. He has a level of cultivation that even I can't hope to achieve." It's one or two on the back." Han Li frowned and spoke slowly.

"What, a foreigner."

"Even the seniors consider themselves inferior. Could it be that..."

Several members of the Xu family suddenly lost their voices. Obviously this answer was far beyond their expectations.

Xu Qianyu, the old man and others all looked surprised.

Han Li's reaction to them, on the other hand, was not surprising and seemed unusually calm.

Xu Jiao's eyes flashed and he said thoughtfully:

"When the ancestors left, they had just broken through the realm of integration. It was possible that they entered the wild world and traveled throughout the Fengyuan Continent. If this is the case, it seems normal to meet one or two seniors from foreign races. Could it be that there are clues to the disappearance of our ancestors?"

"It's not impossible." Xu Yan and the other two old men looked at each other, their faces flashed with joy, and they agreed almost in unison.

Xu Qianyu and the giant man looked at each other and couldn't help but show excitement.

"This is just a guess. Let's talk about it. Senior, please wait a moment or two, and junior will come back as soon as you go. Uncle Yan, you and Yu'er should accompany senior for a while." The man in white took a deep breath, no After hesitatingly taking the two objects on the table into his hands, he said apologetically to Han Li.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, please do as you please." Han Li didn't care at all.

So Xu Jiao stood up with two things in hand, took another old man and a giant man with him, said goodbye and left.

In the blink of an eye, only Han Li, Xu Qianyu, and Xu Yan were left in the hall.

"Senior Han, I heard Yu'er say in the past that when she was in Tianyuan City, she must have received guidance from senior. Otherwise, she might not have been able to break through to the realm of deity so quickly. As my great-uncle, I will tell senior on behalf of Yu'er Thank you very much." After chatting with Han Li for a few words, the old man said with his hands raised.

"It's nothing. This is because Fellow Daoist Qianyu has extraordinary qualifications. I just took care of him a little bit back then." Han Li replied calmly.

"But speaking of this, I heard from Yu'er that the senior seems to have some connection with his ancestors. Is it true?" Xu Yan asked curiously.

"Although I have never met the senior Ice Soul Fairy, I do have some connections. Otherwise, the senior would not have entrusted me to deliver the thing. If you have some doubts in your heart, you will understand after taking a look at this thing. "Han Li glanced at the old man, and after moving the corner of his mouth, a finger suddenly stood up in front of his eyes.

Then there was only a "puff" sound, and a blue flame burst out from the fingertips. It rolled around and formed a blue ice flower.

"Blue ice flame!" The old man exclaimed, staring at the blue ice flower with a look of surprise on his face.

"Is it true that senior is also..." Xu Qianyu on the side also murmured in shock when he saw this scene.

"It's not what you think. I just collected some cold flames left by my ancestors in the lower realm." Han Li said with a slight smile.

"So that's it!" Xu Yan suddenly realized, but there was still some doubt in his eyes, but he couldn't open his mouth and ask more questions carefully.

After all, Han Li is a Fusion Stage cultivator. How can a Void Refining cultivator like him dare to cross-examine easily.

Almost at the same time, in a secret room behind the palace that was strictly protected by layers of restrictions, the head of the Xu family and Ju Han, another old man, were solemnly looking at two things placed on the stone table in the secret room.

"This talisman is so powerful. With your cultivation and mine, I can't force it off with magic power. It seems like what Senior Han said, these things are the Mahayana beings of the alien race who want to hand them over to the ancestors." His name is Xu Huo. The old man seemed to have tried to take off the talisman, and looked at the two objects and said helplessly.

"If it is really the work of Mahayana beings, it is not surprising that these two talismans can be so mysterious. If we use the power of treasures to forcibly destroy these two talismans, we are afraid that the things will also be damaged. There must be some other clever tricks. That's right." Xu Jiao touched his smooth chin and seemed to have thought of something.

"If the clan leader has a way, you might as well give it a try first. If it doesn't work, then think of other ways." Xu Huo was obviously a little anxious and said without thinking.

"My uncle's words are very true, so my nephew will give it a try first." After a while, Xu Jiao nodded solemnly.

Then he suddenly raised his arm, opened his mouth, and a white light spurted out.

I saw Bai Sensen's cold light quickly circle around his wrist, and then he was sucked back into Xu Jiao's mouth in a flash.

But the next moment, a trace of bright red appeared on the wrist, and a few drops of blood slowly fell down, just falling on the talisman that sealed the jade slip.

Under the faint flash of blood, the essence and blood disappeared easily.

The originally motionless talisman suddenly emitted a golden light, and golden inscriptions of different sizes appeared on it one after another.

But in a flash, these golden inscriptions collapsed and disappeared. At the same time, the amazing aura on the talisman was condensed, and all the aura disappeared.

When Xu Jiao saw this, he was overjoyed and knew that he had probably guessed it right. As expected, only those who have inherited the blood essence of the Ice Soul Fairy can safely remove this talisman.

After taking a deep breath, he opened his mouth and blew gently on the jade slip.

The golden talisman trembled and silently fell down from the jade slip.

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