A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1851 The War in the Demon Realm: The Hidden Worries of True Blood

After hearing the words, the young woman blinked her eyes and was completely stunned.

The other party did not agree to join the Gu family, but instead wanted to obtain the Gu family's true spirit blood refining technique, which really left her speechless.

After the woman's expression changed several times, she finally replied with a forced smile:

"Senior Han's proposal, I'm afraid I can't agree to this. Our Gu family's bloodline skills will not be easily spread to others. No matter how impressive the skills and treasures that senior brings out, I can't agree to it. Unless senior is willing to agree to what he said earlier. Things."

"In this case, there is no need to say anything about joining the Gu family. Not only the Gu family, but also Han from other factions will not join. It seems that this time, the two fellow Taoists made a trip in vain." Han Li was not satisfied with the young woman's rejection. He didn't care, but said calmly.

The young woman could only sigh softly, her eyes flashing slightly and she said nothing more.

Qi Xubing on the side also frowned and did not mention the invitation to Han Li.

For the rest of the time, the three simply exchanged some skills and cultivation experiences. The originally awkward atmosphere gradually eased.

After a few more hours, the two stood up and said their goodbyes.

Han Li naturally tried to persuade them to stay, but since the old man and the young woman had already decided to leave, he could only send them out of the house in person.

Not long after, two rays of light shot out from the sea of ​​fog. After the light faded, the figures of the old man and the young woman in green robes reappeared at the edge of the sea of ​​fog.

"Senior Qi, it seems that we are going back empty-handed this time. The junior will return directly to the Gu family. Will the senior also return to Tianyuan City?" the young woman said with a smile to the old man.

"Fellow Taoist Xiaofeng, please take care of yourself. I won't go back to Tianyuan City first. I heard that there is also a monk in Xuanwu who has recently advanced and merged. Although I heard that this person has agreed to the Overlord's invitation, I still plan to run up. Let’s take a look.” The old man in green robe pondered for a moment, then replied like this.

"In this case, I will take the first step." The young woman nodded, bowed to the old man, and then a flash of inspiration appeared on her body, turning into a silver rainbow and flying towards the sky.

In the blink of an eye, a spiritual light flashed across the horizon, and the silver rainbow disappeared without a trace.

After the green-robed old man stared at the direction where the young woman disappeared for a while, he sighed softly, raised his hand and released a green flying boat. He moved and stood on it.

With a single hand seal, the flying boat turned into a ball of green light and poured away thousands of miles away.

In an instant, the place became empty and silent.

But only half an hour later, there was a flash of light on the horizon, and the Yinhong family appeared strangely again. After circling, it landed on the edge of the sea of ​​fog again.

In a flash of light, the young woman's figure flashed out.

The goddess looked calm, and she softly opened her mouth and whispered something to the sea of ​​fog.

As a result, the next moment, the sea of ​​fog rolled in front of him and once again gave way to a passage.

The Xiaofeng Fairy escaped from the light without hesitation and disappeared into the sea of ​​mist.

Then the sea of ​​fog closed up again.

Time passed little by little, and after a full two hours, the passage in the sea of ​​fog flashed again, and the silver rainbow flew out of it. After a few flashes, it disappeared.

At the same time, Han Li was sitting in the hall of the cave, holding a silver-white jade tablet in one hand and stroking the surface of the jade tablet with his fingers, a look of deep contemplation on his face.

The jade medal is shining with silver light, with the word "Valley" imprinted on one side and a red pattern of three monsters on the other side.

The body of this monster is like a horse, covered with red scales. One of the three heads is indeed a horned horse head, while the other two heads are a black tiger head and a blue lion head respectively. head.

It is exactly what the rumored true spirit "Li Hou" looks like.

It is rumored that although this beast ranks only in the middle among true spirits, its three heads can simultaneously control three different attributes of power, and each one has incredible magical powers.

These magical powers are not only extraordinary in fighting against enemies, but also have magical effects in assisting and other aspects.

This jade tablet was delivered to him by Fairy Xiaofeng after she came to visit him again.

The Gu family also inherited the bloodline of Zhenling Lihou.

Han Li was also a little surprised by the young woman's departure and return, recalling in his mind what she said after she came to visit her again.

When the woman saw him, she not only threw him the jade token in her hand, but also proposed a deal that he couldn't refuse.

She actually said that Han Li did not need to formally join the Gu family for ten thousand years, as long as he temporarily joined more than ten years later at the True Spirit Ceremony where many True Spirit families gathered, and helped once.

As long as he can obtain enough benefits for the Gu family, she can make the decision to teach him some of the Gu family's bloodline secrets.

Of course the young woman also made it clear. Although this part of the secret technique is not the core secret technique of the Gu family, it cannot be easily produced by other families other than the Gu family. That's why they were exchanged for Han Li's temporary move.

Han Li was really moved when he heard that he didn't need to join the Gu family for a long time, but only helped once.

Although he has mastered the blood refining part of the Jingzhe Art, this technique was created for the Feiling Tribe after all, and there are still some imperfections for the Human Tribe.

Before the advanced integration, he hadn't noticed anything yet. However, during this year of intensive training, he finally accidentally discovered that the blood of the true spirit that he thought was completely refined still had many mysterious remnants, extremely secretly hidden in the body.

This time, he was naturally shocked and immediately studied it in detail.

It turned out that according to the situation in front of him, it would be okay if he relied on his own magic power to suppress the remaining parts of the true blood. But if we continue to absorb the blood of other true spirits in the future, unforeseen major problems may arise.

Either the remnants of the true blood backfired on his body, or he could no longer perform the transformation technique of Jingzhe Jue.

Therefore, these days, while consolidating his cultivation during the integration period, he was also thinking about the solution.

Therefore, when the young woman mentioned the Gu family's true spirit blood refining technique, he became very interested.

Although the refining techniques of these aristocratic families cannot directly help him completely refine the remaining true blood, they are certainly of great reference use.

If he hadn't mastered the Jingzhe Jue, it would be useless to just ask for some superficial refining techniques. But with the Jingzhe Jue in contrast, he could solve this serious problem as long as he found out the difference between the human refining technique and the Jingzhe Jue's refining technique.

But then again, like I said before. He would also not forcefully tie himself to the Gu family and be restrained for ten thousand years just because of this matter.

And even if he couldn't get the refining techniques of the Gu family, he would use some evil ways to get similar refining techniques from other true spirit families.

Of course, if you do this, there will definitely be some trouble, and you may endanger some true spirit families.

So after listening to the young woman's explanation of the True Spirit Ceremony, he just needed to compete with other monks from the True Spirit family in the ceremony to gain some benefits for the Gu family, and he nodded in agreement. This fairy Xiaofeng left with great joy.

As for the jade plaque in his hand, it is naturally proof that he is temporarily the elder of the valley.

After thinking it over several times in his mind, he felt that there was nothing wrong with it, so he temporarily put the matter behind him and returned to the secret room to continue to consolidate his combined state.

In the following period, several major forces came to visit, and even envoys of the Tianyuan Holy Emperor were included among them.

Han Li made a decision in his heart, and naturally declined politely.

Several years passed in the blink of an eye like this.

One day three years later, Han Li walked out of the secret room and turned into a blue rainbow and left the cave.

After these short periods of retreat, he felt that he had completely mastered the physical magic power, and naturally came out to deal with the things he was worried about.

Tianyuan City, which is closest to him, is of course the place he goes to first.

Nothing happened along the way. Two months later, Han Li's figure appeared in the empty space on the wall of Tianyuan City. After a moment of pondering, he flew straight to a certain place.

The large pavilion building between the two Sky Stone Towers deep in a certain area is a well-known place in Tianyuan City specially designed for temporary stay of monks from outside.

For monks with lower cultivation levels and tighter pockets, it would be natural for several or even a dozen people to live in a loft. A high-level Void Refining monk can exclusively occupy a certain attic.

One of the attics was occupied by four god-transformation monks who came together.

These four god-transforming monks are said to have strong supernatural powers, and have lived here for more than a hundred years. In addition, they have escaped unharmed several times into the wild areas, so naturally they are quite famous in Tianyuan City.

However, in the past few years, these four people rarely left the attic and spent most of their time in seclusion in their residence.

Some of the other monks living nearby who were well-informed vaguely heard that a few years ago, these four people went deep into the wilderness and suffered a big loss, losing a lot of energy. That's why it became like this.

But this kind of thing is so common in Tianyuan City. At most, it will make other people sigh once again about the dangers and horrors of the wild world, and no one will mention it again.

But on this day, two men and two women who were practicing in seclusion in the attic suddenly heard a faint voice in their ears at the same time:

"Four fellow Taoists, could Mr. Han come to visit us?"

This voice actually ignored the layers of restrictions placed by the four people outside the attic, and the four people heard it extremely clearly.

The four of them were naturally shocked when they heard this, but they immediately remembered one person, and immediately their expressions changed greatly as they all stood up and flew down to the attic floor.

The man dressed as a Confucian scholar had his broken arm restored to its original state. As soon as Fang appeared on the first floor, he opened the attic door in a flash.

I saw a young man in green robe with a calm expression standing outside, it was Han Li.

"Junior pays homage to Senior Han! I didn't know that Senior is here, but I hope you will forgive me!" The Confucian scholar's face was full of surprise, and he quickly bowed deeply and invited Han Li to enter.

Han Li was not polite, nodded to the Confucian scholar, and walked in.

At this time, the big man in red armor and the other two women also appeared on the first floor. When they saw that it was Han Li, they greeted them with the same respect.

"Forget it. Several fellow Taoists and I are old acquaintances, so there is no need to be so polite!" Han Li said with a slight wave of his hand, and calmly sat on the main seat.

The four Confucian scholars did not dare to say anything and stood aside with respect.

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