A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 184 The Power of Golden Light Brick

When Bearded Man saw Han Li approaching with his talisman still open, he was not worried. The wood-type shield on his body had amazing protective power, and ordinary attacks would not be noticed at all.

Moreover, even though the opponent was a rookie with eleven levels of skills, he didn't believe that he would have any powerful talismans. At most, he would be a junior or intermediate level talisman.

So he continued to move forward without paying attention, and opened the mouth of the bag, as if he wanted to let something out.

But when he was unexpectedly trapped in place by the yellow light shield and recognized the "Dungeon Technique", Beard's expression changed slightly and he felt that something was wrong.

At this time, a strange green snake with a pair of purple wings jumped out from his pocket. As soon as the snake appeared, it immediately made a few strange "croaking" sounds, and violently hit the yellow mask, causing the mask to tremble. It seemed to have a lot of strength.

When the bearded man saw this, he felt a little happy and took off another bag to release another spiritual beast so that they could work together to smash the dungeon. He believes that he can get out of trouble without spending too much time!

When the time comes, he must pull out each other's ribs one by one to vent his hatred.

Han Li ignored the trapped enemy and rushed towards the man in Tianque Castle in a flash. His movement was so fast that he seemed to be looming along the way, and even brought out a series of phantoms, making him look extremely ghostly.

At the same time, he tapped his hand on the storage bag on his waist, and the original "Golden Cockroach Mother Blade" was suddenly replaced by another small magic weapon, which he held tightly in his hand.

At this time, the man from Tianque Castle finally woke up from his dream, and saw such a strange scene at a glance. His face changed greatly, and he hurriedly stepped back, and turned his palm, and a talisman appeared in his hand. On hand.

At this time, Han Li was still at least eight or nine feet away from him, which made him feel relieved because he had enough time to cast the talisman.

However, before he could use his spiritual power to activate the talisman, he was surprised to see Han Li rushing towards him. He suddenly gave him a mysterious smile, and then waved his hand gently at him, just like greeting an acquaintance. The same leisure. At the same time, he also felt a slight itch on his neck, as if he had been bitten by a mosquito.

The people in Tianque Fort were startled. Before they understood the other party's intention, they started to spin for a while, and then their eyes went dark, and they didn't know what was going on.

"Brother Yan!"

Standing on the other side, Lingshou Shan had a beard and his eyes were wide open, but he could see everything clearly and couldn't help but cry out.

He saw with his own eyes that when Han Li rushed to a distance of several feet away from his friend, he just waved his hand lightly, and his best friend for many years tilted his head, and his head rolled to the ground, split into two parts. The headless body continued to take a few steps back before falling to the ground, spurting out a fountain of blood several feet high.

He had a beard and felt his hands and feet were cold, and the cold air was coming from his back.

The other party's method of killing his friends was so weird! He could clearly see how he could kill someone from a distance, and the other party really had no use for any spells.

"Boy, wait until I get out, and I will cut you to pieces!" Although he could feel the cold sweat oozing out from his forehead, and was filled with the sadness of a rabbit dying and a fox dying, the bearded man still pretended to be fierce in order to embolden himself. It looked like he was holding on with all his strength.

But in fact, he has already decided in his heart that as soon as he breaks out of the dungeon technique, he will escape immediately. It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years!

The kid in front of me is so evil. Not only does he have a high-level dungeon magic talisman, but he can also kill people invisible. He is really difficult to deal with! Revenge for your friends is important, but your own life seems to be even more important!

The seemingly vicious bearded man is actually a cowardly guy who bullies the weak and fears the strong! This is really surprising!

Of course, Han Li didn't know what the other party was thinking. All he saw was that the other party released another pangolin-like beast and attacked the yellow light shield together with the strange snake. And he himself also used a pair of iron rod-like magic weapons to help the two monsters slam into the light mask together, causing the light mask to flicker on and off.

It seems that the earthen prison technique can't last long!

After realizing this, Han Li immediately took out the talisman "Golden Light Brick" and held it in front of his eyes with one hand, staring at it with both eyes, concentrating on driving it. Han Li is really worried about using other ordinary magic weapons! After all, the opponent is a master of the thirteenth level. If he can't be killed with a stick, he will be in big trouble when he gets out of trouble! He still remembers the hard work of that battle with "Senior Brother Lu". "Senior Brother Lu" was only on the twelfth level at that time!

Although he now unexpectedly killed a guy with the same level 12 with a transparent silk thread, this did not mean that the beard, who was already on guard, would let him succeed so easily!

The bearded man under the dungeon technique saw Han Li's strange behavior of holding the talisman in his hand, and became nervous. A pair of black iron rods urged him even more urgently! But the yellow light mask of the "Dear Prison Technique" is really powerful! Even though it has become dangerously deformed and dim, it still maintains its integrity! Jean Beard was so angry that he almost vomited blood!

At this time, he was suddenly moved by an astonishing spiritual energy, rising into the sky from Han Li's side. He couldn't help but slow down and look up.

I saw Han Li's hand glowing with golden light, and a golden rectangular object slowly rose and floated in mid-air. And the aura that soars to the sky comes from this thing!


He had a beard, his face changed drastically, and he screamed in fear. He actually saw the origin of the golden brick.

But he didn't know that Han Li was also pale and frightened at this time. Because the floating object was desperately extracting the mana from his body, it was continuous and unstoppable, and it was impossible to stop. It seemed that it would not stop until it sucked Han Li into a man.

Han Li, who was secretly complaining, cursed the Wanbao Pavilion who sold him this item, "What kind of talisman is this? It's clearly a deadly vampire!"

However, when one-third of the mana in his body was extracted, Fu Bao finally stopped his crazy behavior and became calm, and control returned to Han Li's hands again.

At this time, Han Li didn't hesitate at all. With a finger, the golden light brick talisman immediately shot out and went straight towards the bearded man who was still trapped in the earth prison technique, making his face turn pale with shock and his soul was gone.

The gold bricks grew in the wind, and in the blink of an eye they became as big as a room, surrounded by spiritual energy and shining with golden light. The momentum was truly astonishing. When it reached the top of the bearded head, the gold brick was like a hill, and it was slapped down without ceremony.



After a loud noise and a scream from Bearded Beard, the entire ground shook violently.

Han Li was surprised and happy, with a strange expression on his face.

Could it be that the guy on the thirteenth floor was killed like this? Han Li was a little unbelievable.

As soon as he put away the talisman, the golden light brick immediately returned to its original shape and flew back to Han Li's hand. Wherever the golden brick hit, a huge pit appeared that was more than ten feet wide and more than one foot deep! And the bearded man and his spiritual beast have already become a ball of mud, and you can't tell the difference between you and me.

Really hung up! Han Li was a little confused. It was like a punch thrown out, but it was so soft that it felt no force at all.

Is the beard too unhelpful, or is this "brick of gold" too powerful? Han Li couldn't tell for a moment. However, it is true that it is not advisable to stay here for too long after making such a loud noise!

Han Li was only dazed for a short while before he woke up. As soon as he destroyed the two corpses, he took the five or six storage bags that he accidentally found and left the place, walking out of the Xiantian area.

Going forward, there should be a large forest. This is also a good place for ambush and killing. Maybe there will be some fierce battle waiting after entering. Before going in, it's better to find a place to rest and recover the lost mana so that you can protect yourself.

You can take a look at my friend's A-signed works of "Lord of Slaughter"

Drunk and lying on the knees of a beautiful woman, wake up and hold the power of life and death. In the heaven and on earth, those who obey will prosper, and those who go against will perish! A large-scale fantasy masterpiece, with domineering killings and stunning beauty all over the world.

(Book friends, if you find it interesting, please don’t forget to collect this book)

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