A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1824: Hundreds of Clans in the Spiritual World - Stone Wall Spiritual Texts

"It seems that I am really over-attended." The dark Rong tribe member said with a twitch in the corner of his mouth.

"Haha, but in this way, you and I can really feel at ease." The Xuebairong tribe member smiled slightly, as if he was not surprised by his companion's sudden attack.

The dark Rong clan member nodded and slowly closed his eyes.

The snow-white alien scanned the front of the passage again. After finding nothing, he smiled and closed his eyes.

Han Li moved and silently passed between the two Rong tribesmen.

The two aliens, black and white, did not open their eyes at all, allowing him to enter the giant blue door in a flash.

Only then did Han Li truly relax.

Fortunately, the Rong tribesman just used a physical attack, which could not have any impact on his current incarnate body. If it were to be a spell attack, even the simplest fireball would cause him to appear in one blow.

As his thoughts turned, Han Li turned like a ghost in the passage behind the door and disappeared around a corner.

This secret cave is truly a masterpiece!

The deep passages are densely packed, with large and small passages spread all over the ground like a spider web, most of which are naturally formed.

In this way, it will be easier for people who enter this place to feel like they are falling into a maze.

Fortunately, Han Li had the secret cave map given by the old man Xu, so he didn't need to take any detours. After flying for a short time, he finally arrived in front of a natural stalactite cave.

In this cave that is more than thirty feet wide, there is a pale white stone wall.

The surface of the stone wall is printed with rows of golden runes, flashing with mysterious light.

Han Li was suddenly startled, but when he glanced around, he saw a Rong man wearing a bamboo hat sitting in front of the stone wall.

He had a thoughtful look on his face, as if he was studying the words on the stone wall.

Han Li raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling a little troubled.

The thing on the stone wall was naturally the goal of his trip.

But if you want to use secret techniques to copy the above scriptures, it is impossible not to alarm this Rong tribe member.

Han Li stood quietly at the entrance of the cave, his expression gloomy and he began to ponder without saying a word.

The Rong people wearing bamboo hats would raise their hands and make gestures at the stone wall from time to time, as if there was nothing else around them.

When Han Li saw the appearance of the Rong people, he finally made a decision.

He moved and quietly floated towards the Rong tribesman. In a blink of an eye, he was only four or five feet away from him, and he was still approaching slowly.

But the Rong people still stared at the stone wall without turning their heads, obviously their minds were focused on the stone wall.

Han Li was overjoyed, and when he was only two feet away, he took action decisively.

I saw a flash of golden light on his body, and his figure appeared in an instant. With one hand raised, a black hill whizzed out with a gray haze. At the same time, a golden body with three heads and six arms appeared in a flash from behind. The six arms blurred, and six golden palms simultaneously pressed into the air of the Rong people who were close at hand.

When the Dou Li Rong clan members woke up, they were shocked and green light flashed on their bodies, and they wanted to use some secret technique to escape in a flash. .

But almost at the same moment, six golden palms from behind suddenly flashed with light, and each was covered with an invisible force.

The Rong people felt their shoulders sink, the air around them tightened, and they could not even move their fingers. Even the magic power in their bodies was condensed, and they could not function as expected for a while.

However, the black hill grew rapidly above its head, and with a twist, a large gray ray of light flew out, and countless silver runes rushed out from the bottom.

The face of the Dou Li Rong clan member showed an extremely frightened and angry expression, but he was not an ordinary person after all. After a flash of lightning in his mind, he suddenly took a deep breath, and a long roar burst out from his mouth.

He actually planned to speak out to warn other clan members in the cave, regardless of the consequences.

However, as soon as the sound wave formed by the roar hit the surrounding gray light, it was silently absorbed into it and could not spread beyond the range of ten feet.

The Rong people's hearts sank. Before they could think of any other methods, a golden thread suddenly shot out from six golden palms.

With one twist, the Rong people were tied up tightly.

At the same time, the silver runes sprayed out from Yuanciji Mountain also turned into a silver light array and fell downwards.

With a muffled sound of "bang", the light array collapsed and disappeared, but the Rong people disappeared without a trace in the distance, as if they had never appeared here.

In fact, if someone uses great supernatural powers to see through Yuanciji Mountain, they can clearly see that the Rong people appear unconscious in the belly of the mountain. Not only are their bodies tightly bound by the golden threads, but they also have Yuanying tubes in their bodies. Just now, a layer of silver runes were plastered all over his body, and he seemed to be forced into a deep sleep.

From the time Han Li showed up and took action to using Yuanciji Mountain to collect the aliens into the mountain, it only took a few breaths. Whether it was the attack of the golden body or the sacrifice of the Yuan Magnetic Mountain, they were all silent and reduced the fluctuation of spiritual pressure to the extreme.

Therefore, as long as there is no third person in this cave, it will never be possible to discover that a person in the peak stage of refining the void was captured alive in such a silent and instant manner.

When he saw that he had succeeded, Han Li breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there is only one member of the Dou Li Rong tribe here, and his attention is still focused on the gold seal script on the stone wall. Otherwise, it would never be possible to succeed so easily.

If it were the other two pairs of aliens outside, it would be easy for him to kill them, but there would be no chance of capturing them alive.

As long as the other party does not die, other foreigners will not notice anything strange here for a while.

The magical power that this mountain directly absorbs people into is the spatial magical power possessed by Yuanci Mountain after it was refined into Ji Mountain.

If the Wuji Mountain is completely refined, this magical power can even absorb rivers and seas, which is impossible for ordinary people to imagine.

Even the power of the current single-pole mountain is extraordinary. As long as the opponent is included in it, the opponent will be unable to fly.

Han Li didn't hesitate any longer. He put the golden body and the black mountain peak away and immediately shook his sleeves.

A black ring flew out, circled, and then released a green glow, which rolled downwards.

The spiritual light flashed, but the stone wall emitted a faint golden light. It was motionless and could not be contained by the storage bracelet.

Han Li sighed inwardly, but there was no surprise on his face.

If this thing could be collected easily, it wouldn't be kept here forever. What he did just now was just a precaution.

In a flash of white light, a palm-sized jade slip flew out of the black ring, circled, and then floated in front of the stone wall.

He made a seal with one hand and quickly moved one finger towards the storage bracelet.

Suddenly, the jade slip flashed with light, and a piece of silver light shot out from it, covering the entire surface of the stone wall.

The next moment, the golden runes on the stone wall twisted, and seemed to come alive in the flash of silver light. Then balls of golden light flashed out from the stone wall and disappeared into the jade slips one after another.

A moment later, when all the golden light groups flew into the bamboo slips, Han Li narrowed his eyes and suddenly closed the spell in his hand.

Immediately, the silver light on the jade slip condensed and turned into a ball of white light and fell into his hand.

Han Li held the jade slip with one hand, swept his spiritual thoughts into it, and couldn't help but reveal a smile on his face.

There are indeed golden runes in the jade slips that are the same as those on the stone wall.

He immediately put away the storage bracelet and jade slip carefully, turned it over with one hand, and a purple talisman appeared again, and patted it on his body.

Under a flash of purple light, Han Li's body became insubstantial again...

In this way, Han Li's search in the secret cave led him to find three other caves one after another, all of which had the same stone walls with gold and seal scripts.

Except for one of them, which was also guarded, the other two were empty.

This made Han Li very happy. He used the same technique to steal another Rong clan member behind Yuanciji Mountain, and also copied the gold seal characters from these three places into the same jade slip.

According to the mark on the map of the old man surnamed Xu, only the last part of the golden seal script is left to complete the entire set of skills.

But at this time, Han Li became more and more cautious.

Since no other Rong people were encountered in the previous places, they must have gathered in this last cave.

According to what I overheard earlier, the restriction on this last golden seal script has not been broken yet. No wonder so many people are guarding this last place.

Thinking about it in his mind, Han Li had already arrived at a crossroads, which was the only way to the final cave.

Han Li glanced around, touched his chin, and suddenly raised his hand. Suddenly, dense formation flags surged out from his sleeves, with as many as hundreds of them.

This is the most powerful set of array equipment in his hand. The power of the formed array is not weak, and it can trap the formation of the Void Refining level for a while.

In addition, he released a set of Nine Palaces Tianqian Talisman, and the huge palace shadow flashed and disappeared above the magic circle.

Even though the refining materials for this talisman were extremely scarce, when he was in Yuncheng, he finally scraped together some more and had him refine two more sets.

In this way, even if the Rong people outside know that there is a sudden change in the cave and want to rush back to join the others, they will be temporarily trapped by these two sets of restrictions for a while, which can buy them enough time.

After doing all this, Han Li nodded with satisfaction and slapped the Tianling Cover with one hand. Golden light flashed, and a golden body with three heads and six arms suddenly appeared behind him.

When he opened his mouth again, a ball of black air spurted out and disappeared into the golden body.


Han Li gave the order without hesitation.

A ferocious look appeared on the golden body's face, and suddenly his body swayed and disappeared into the void nearby, like a ghost.

Then he flicked his fingers in his sleeves, and a ball of silver flames and two silver talismans shot out.

"Puff!" he said several times, then turned into a silver firebird and two faint silver shadows, and disappeared into the ground in front of him in a flash.

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