A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1815 Hundreds of Clans in the Spirit Realm and Jiao Chi’s Plot

There was a "boom", but the moment the body fell down, it burst with blood and burst.

The flesh and blood and the remaining real power in the body turned into countless blood rains, shooting out in all directions like a torrential rain.

The sound of breaking through the sky resounded throughout most of the sky.

In the blood rain, an extremely pale shadow flashed out, like a ghost, rushing towards the small snow-white clock not far away.

It is the escaping light transformed by the young Nascent Soul!

He knew very well that after losing his body, the Nascent Soul alone would never be able to escape Han Li's poisonous hands. Instead, he thought of attaching the Nascent Soul to a small silver bell, hoping to use the clock's mysterious power to escape with his life.

The giant ape did not dodge at all when faced with the blood arrows coming towards him. Instead, a stern look flashed on his face, his chest puffed up, and he let out a loud roar.

This roar was like the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder. As soon as Fang came out, the sky nearby was buzzing. The large void in front was swept by the sound wave, distorted and deformed one after another, and countless white marks appeared out of thin air. .

The roar of the giant ape transformed by Han Li seemed to shatter the void, which shows the great power contained in it.

The rain of blood instantly exploded into nothing. At the same time, the phantom within the range of the roar's power only had time to let out a scream before being annihilated by the same flying ashes.

But what was a big surprise was that at the moment when the young Nascent Soul was shattered, the small snow-white bell suddenly buzzed and exploded in a flash of light.

However, the self-destruction of this treasure showed no power at all. It just turned into a ball of white light, flashed for a few times, and then strangely disappeared into countless light spots.

When the giant ape saw this, a blue light flashed in his eyes, but without any hesitation, his body moved and disappeared into the void.

The next moment, the giant ape suddenly appeared in the sky above the six-legged lizard that was still entangled with the white giant python.

The two giant fists came down like a storm.

The poor lizard also had the cultivation level of the middle stage of Void Refining, but when Han Li transformed into a giant ape and attacked, he had almost no resistance and was smashed into a piece of meat pie. In the end, even the demon pill was grabbed by force. out.

The demon soul that flew out of the body was swallowed into the belly by the white python, and it completely disappeared.

As soon as the giant ape saw that the last enemy had been killed, golden light flashed on its body and its body quickly shrunk.

Han Li instantly regained his human form in the air, then turned his head and stared at the place where the small snow-white clock disappeared, his eyes flashing thoughtfully.

Just as Xiao Zhong blew himself up in the Guanghan Realm, somewhere in a mysterious palace far away in the spiritual world, a cry of surprise suddenly came from the top floor of a pavilion surrounded by many restrictions.

"How can it be!"

The cry was full of surprise and anger.

At the entrance to the attic, several soldiers in golden armor stood upright, but their faces were expressionless, as if they had not heard the sound coming from the attic at all.

In the upper level of the attic, there were three Jiao Chi people of different shapes, looking at a giant snow-white clock enshrined on an emerald jade table, their expressions all showed solemnity.

Among them, the one who exclaimed was a beautiful middle-aged woman in her thirties, with a pair of small green horns on her head, but she covered her apricot mouth with one hand, and there was an angry look in her beautiful eyes.

The huge clock on the table is about one foot tall. Except for its size, its shape and color are exactly the same as the small clock driven by the golden-horned youth.

On the ground under the jade table, there are five miniature magic circles with flashing golden light imprinted side by side.

Four of the magic circles were empty, but the one closest to the giant bell had a ball of white light floating in it.

The white light and the giant clock flashed, as if they were echoing each other.

"A Xuantian Holy Artifact was actually destroyed, and even the Divine Bell True Spirit, which was the main material of the Holy Artifact, flew back on its own. It seems that the disciple holding this Xuantian Holy Artifact has died in Guanghan Realm No doubt." The beautiful woman murmured.

"What's so strange about this? I don't know how many powerful clans in the Guanghan Realm have sent people into it. It's not impossible for this little guy to encounter several opponents with incredible supernatural powers, or accidentally be poisoned by the vicious beasts native to the world. ." Another old man, wearing a white robe and a green spot between his eyebrows, said while twirling his beard, looking disapproving.

"Brother Shi Xin, this is not quite right. With the Xuantian Holy Artifact that replicates the Mysterious Bell in hand, you should be able to protect yourself even if you encounter a saint-level being. Besides, I have strictly ordered in advance that all teams must Acting as one, I really can't think of any dangers that could be encountered, so that the core disciple holding the Xuantian Sacred Artifact fell to death under the escort of so many people. And it is now half a year later, even if he was teleported at the beginning No matter how far they are, they should have reached their destination by now and started to act according to the plan." The last person, a middle-aged man in blue robes with a white face and no beard, said with a faint smile.

Hearing what the middle-aged man said, the old man's eyes flashed in thought and he fell silent.

"No matter how that disciple died, that team lost the Xuantian Sacred Artifact and also lost the chance to obtain that thing. This will have a great impact on the clan's grand plan." The middle-aged beautiful woman recovered instead. He calmed down and said coldly.

"It doesn't matter, the thing was divided into five parts. As long as the other four teams get it, the next time the Guanghan Realm is opened again, it will not affect our plan." The middle-aged man said.

"I'm afraid that the other teams will also have problems. If one part is missing, we can still make up for it. If one or two parts are missing, it will be a big trouble!" The old man said slowly after pondering.

"How can such a coincidence happen? What if it really is like this? It just means that the time for our clan's great prosperity is destined to have not come yet, and there is nothing to complain about." The middle-aged man replied with a smile.

"Having said that. However, the few of us who used a lot of rare materials in the clan and also paid attention to the Mitian Divine Seed to refine a few Xuantian Holy Artifacts were a bit wasted. You must know that these Holy Artifacts But it is a temporary treasure specially refined to seal the seals of those things. Although its power is not much worse than the official Xuantian Holy Artifact, it will disintegrate and disappear after one year. If there is no harvest, I will be responsible for taking the lead. It’s not easy for us to explain this plan to other old guys.” The old man frowned.

"Is there anything to explain? Have you two forgotten that our plan is to connect one link with another and kill two birds with one stone? Even if the Guanghan Realm fails, our plan will most likely succeed." Mei The woman said with a cold light in her eyes.

"That's true. It's time to end this battle with Tianyun." Upon hearing the beautiful woman's words, the middle-aged man and the old man looked at each other and both laughed.

The beautiful woman didn't say anything anymore. She pointed her finger at the white light floating in the golden circle. Suddenly, a pleasant bell sounded from the white light, and she flew straight towards the giant bell and flew away. It flashed into it.

The giant bell buzzed, and silver runes emerged layer by layer on the surface.

Naturally, Han Li didn't know that by killing the Golden Horn youth, he unintentionally ruined a major plan of the Jiao Chi tribe.

At this moment, his entire mind was immersed in the realization of killing a powerful enemy with one punch after transforming into a giant ape.

Obviously, the power of the Jingzhe Jue also doubles as the practitioner's realm improves. Different from the last transformation, the terrifying power of this magical power was truly revealed when he advanced to the late stage of Void Refining.

After transforming into a giant ape, the increase in his physical body and divine power almost gave him the urge to fight with a being in the combined stage.

Fortunately, his state of mind has finally become calmer than before after years of washing in the illusion of the starry sky. Only in this way can we still maintain the balance of body and mind and avoid losing control of our mood.

However, compared to this matter, he also felt extremely regretful about the mysterious disappearance of Xuebai Xiaozhong.

This treasure, which is suspected to be from Xuantian, is really magical. If he can get it, it can greatly increase his strength.

But since the treasure disappeared mysteriously, he had no choice but to give up his thoughts. After collecting the treasure left by the young man, it turned into a blue rainbow and left.

In a short time, Han Li appeared tens of thousands of miles away in the sky.

In the light, Han Li began to think carefully about his next plan.

Although he had assisted Liu Shui'er and the others in getting what Duan Tianren and Cai Liuying wanted, some of the weapon refining materials that he had promised the Stone Cocoon Tribe had not yet been obtained.

Although Duan Tianren said that as long as he helped him get the restricted treasure, he didn't need to take it to heart. But he didn't want the Stone Cocoon Clan to use this as an excuse to thwart their plan to borrow the super teleportation array.

Therefore, I thought about the location of the mineral point and the remaining time, and realized that I still had enough time, so I had to make a trip to that mineral point.

But before that, he must recover the mana he had previously lost.

This Guanghan world is so dangerous, even if he has greatly improved his cultivation, he would not dare to be careless at all.

After Han Li thought about it in his mind, he immediately adjusted his direction and shot away in the distance.

Half a day later, Han Li stopped his flight above a seemingly ordinary grove and revealed his figure.

He hovered in the air for a while, and after glancing around a few times with flashing blue eyes, he seemed to feel that there was no danger, and immediately turned into a ray of blue light and fell directly into the dense forest.

Han Li found a towering tree that could not be carried by many people, and submerged it into a tree hole at the root of the tree. Then he raised his hand and shot out several array flags, which disappeared at the entrance of the hole, forming a simple concealment circle. Cover the tree hole.

The sleeves of the robe shook, and a ray of yellow light flew out from the sleeves. After a flash, a small furry beast fell to the ground.

It's the leopard beast!

This beast had been sleeping in the spirit beast ring since it had devoured several demon pills from the three-eyed dark beast, and it seemed that it had just woken up not long ago.

Although it has refined those demon pills, it does not seem to have changed much in appearance. It only has some dark patterns on its body, and the aura it emits is slightly different, which makes Han Li feel a little bit different. Dangerous look.

This made him take a closer look at the beast.

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