While the leaders of each faction were discussing the steps to open the forbidden area, Han Li was still looking around for the hotshots of each faction.

For some masters whose skills were at the peak of the thirteenth level, Han Li had the idea of ​​hiding if he could, running away if he could, and attacking from behind if he couldn't. He never wanted to have another battle with "Senior Brother Lu" where he had no mana left.

You know, this place is completely different from last time. What we face this time is not an opponent, but a large number of red-eyed immortal cultivators. If he doesn't leave any remaining strength and maintains the power to counterattack at all times, he will definitely be among the first to be eliminated.

While watching and thinking to himself, Han Li suddenly felt that someone seemed to be watching him. He was slightly startled and couldn't help but look towards the gaze he sensed.

A female disciple of the Spiritual Beast Sect looked at Han Li with some evasion, and her beautiful face seemed somewhat familiar.

Han Li was surprised. He filtered through all the women he knew in his mind, and a slender figure emerged.

"It's her, the girl who sold him the golden Zhu pen at the Tainan Society. How did she become a disciple of Spirit Beast Mountain and come to participate in this bloody trial!" Han Li finally recognized the girl who was even more handsome than before. The girl had some doubts in her heart.

But the way the other person always blushed was still fresh in his memory, and he had a good impression of him!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile at the girl.

The girl obviously saw it clearly, her cheeks suddenly became flushed, and she was as shy as before!

A bearded man stood behind the girl. He seemed to have noticed the actions of the girl and Han Li. His face darkened, and he suddenly said something sternly to the girl. The girl immediately looked pale, lowered her head and said nothing, and did not dare to speak again. Feel free to look over at Han Li!

The man still refused to give up and glared at Han Li with a vicious look. His warning was extremely clear.

Han Li frowned. It seemed that the girl was having a hard time in Spirit Beast Mountain. This bearded man was actually one of the dangerous people he noticed just now, with thirteen levels of skill. The girl must have suffered a lot if she was targeted by such a person.

However, Han Li insisted that he was not from Spirit Beast Mountain, and as soon as he entered the forbidden area, he was not an enemy but an enemy. Naturally, he did not show off his anger and suddenly made a face at the other party without caring.

Han Li's actions made his beard and face dripping with blood in anger, but there was nothing he could do about it, so he turned around and yelled at the girl, causing the nearby Spirit Beast Mountain disciples to look at him sideways. Most of them looked at the girl with disdain.

Han Li was sullen in his heart and felt pity for the girl, but because he was too far away, he couldn't really hear what the beard was saying.

In order to prevent the girl from being wronged again, Han Li stopped provoking this reckless man who didn't know how to show mercy. Otherwise, Han Li was confident that he had enough means to make this popular Qiqiao smoke, and there was nothing he could do.

At this time, the ancestors of each sect completed their discussions and returned to their respective queues, then took the juniors into the sky and flew towards the legendary forbidden land.

This time it was very short. After flying for a few hours towards the border of Yuanwu Kingdom, we landed in front of a broad and boundless loess slope. Apart from piles of stones, there was not even a blade of grass here. You can't see them at all. At a glance, there are yellow colors everywhere.

"Is this where it is?"

Han Li was as surprised as everyone else. This really didn't look like a place that could breed spiritual beings from heaven and earth.

Several experts at the Dan Formation stage gathered together for a few words, and then the burly expert from the Giant Sword Sect suddenly walked out alone and walked forward for more than ten steps before stopping.

He stretched out his left hand, and yellow light emerged from it. He grabbed it on the ground, and a stream of mud like a yellow dragon was lifted up, and condensed into a giant sword made of yellow mud in his hand.

The fingers of the other hand were lightly touched from the handle to the tip of the sword, and a white light lit up wherever the fingers touched. The clay sword suddenly turned gray-white and turned into a heavy stone sword.

The disciples of the seven sects were astonished by this intermediate spell of turning mud into stone, and it opened their eyes a lot.

But after doing all this, the master of the Jujian Sect did not stop there. Instead, he held the sword in both hands, stumbled, shouted, and threw the stone sword out as fast as a meteor, shooting straight into the air directly in front of him. And go.

Then a shocking scene appeared. The stone sword only flew dozens of steps away, as if it had touched something. After a sudden shock, it turned into powder. Then a large swath of green light emerged in the void, overwhelming the sky and turning everyone's skin into a blue color.

While the disciples were trembling with fear, the blue light began to churn violently for no reason, whistling and turning into countless wind blades, blowing wildly everywhere, forming a wind-impermeable wall of wind blades. Looking to both sides of the wall, it was all boundless. I didn’t know where it extended, and there was the sound of green wind whistling everywhere.

I believe that if anyone enters the wall, he will immediately taste the death of Ling Chi and be cut to pieces with thousands of knives.

This is the restriction here. It really looks amazing. I wonder what kind of magical power ancient monks have to set up such a huge and powerful magic circle. Compared with this, the gate-protecting formation in Yellow Maple Valley is like a child's toy, not worth mentioning. Han Li sighed secretly.

At this moment, the master of the Giant Sword Sect shook his head, turned around and walked back. The rest of the team leaders announced that it was not time to fight and asked the disciples to rest for a while and then open the forbidden area later.

In this way, every hour or so, the people from the Giant Sword Sect would do the same thing to test the strength of the restriction. Until the fourth stone sword was thrown, the green light gushing out of the forbidden area and the formation of The wind blade was significantly reduced.

Upon seeing this scene, the other six monks in the alchemy stage jumped out in unison and stood side by side.

Master Li stretched out his hand, and a ruler-shaped object slowly emerged from his palm, and then emitted a silver light and shot out. The Taoist priest patted the back of his head, opened his mouth, and an inch-long green light spurted out from his mouth. , and grew in the wind, turning into a flying sword several feet long.

A dazzling thing flew out from each of the other five people: a pink ribbon, a dragon-shaped crutch, a black giant sword, a long knife with red light, and a large seal with flashing yellow light.

Seven people and seven items complemented each other, formed a ring shape, and rushed directly towards the wind blade formation.

They are the magic weapons that these people have achieved after years of hard work and tempering after entering the elixir formation stage.

The disciples of each sect did not dare to neglect. Under the orders of Feng Ren, an elder in the Foundation Establishment Stage, they all stood behind the seven people and divided into seven columns, ready to enter the forbidden area at any time.

There was a loud "rumbling" sound, and the seven magic weapons and the wind blades were in close combat. Various rays of light flew in all directions, and strange whistling sounds were made from time to time, making the disciples watching on the side extremely nervous.

Master Li's ruler kept spinning, and the silver light on it was getting bigger and smaller, like a psychic, smashing countless wind blades into pieces.

The green flying sword transformed into a dragon that was more than ten feet long. Every time the sword was struck, there was a strange sound, which shocked the soul.

The other five magic weapons also show their magical powers. In particular, the big yellow seal of the master of Tianque Castle was the most powerful. Every time it was hit, it grew as huge as a hill, and at the same time it erupted with the sound of wind and thunder, but it shrank back to its original shape when it flew back. But when it flies, it seems a bit clumsy and slow.

Although the power of the seven magic weapons was astonishing, it was still extremely laborious compared to the much weakened Wind Blade Formation. Each step of advancing through the wind wall took a while, and soon the seven people's foreheads were faintly visible. Brought out sweat stains.

After fighting fiercely for three or four hours, the seven people were sweating like rain, but the magic weapons they drove finally gained the upper hand and forced a circular passage about ten feet high on the wind wall. The passage was completely dark. Nothing can be seen clearly.

"Quick forward, we can't last long!" The Taoist priest was the first to shout, because he had the least magic power among the seven and sweated the most.

When the disciples of the seven sects heard this, they didn't dare to neglect, they all crossed each other and flew into the passage one after another.

At this time, everyone was silent and looked gloomy. Everyone knows that once entering the forbidden area, everyone will immediately become a life and death enemy. Even fellow disciples will become untrustworthy.

Han Li was in the middle and back of the queue, with the disciples from the Giant Sword Sect in front and the people from Huadaowu behind.

The passage was not long, and the distance of about twenty feet passed by in a blink of an eye. As soon as Han Li flew out of the exit, before he could clearly see the situation in front of him, he felt that the world was spinning for a while, and his eyes blurred, and the person disappeared from the exit. Without a trace.

(Book friends, if you find it interesting, please don’t forget to collect this book)

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