A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1786 Hundreds of Clans in the Spirit World, Mountains, Palaces, Stone Steps

"Then Han, I would like to thank you two fellow Taoists for giving in." Han Li cupped his fists at the two of them and said with a smile.

"This is just a trivial matter. Now that the restriction has been broken, it is important for us to enter as soon as possible and find the treasures. As long as I wait for Master Zhenneng and Senior Duan to find those few things, there will naturally be great benefits after we get out." Liu Shui'er said with a condensed expression.

Then she also put away the gray flag, and it turned into a blue light and shot towards the hole below.

Seeing this, Shi Kun didn't dare to neglect and turned into a ball of yellow light and followed closely.

Han Li seemed unhurried. He raised his head and scanned the surroundings with narrowed eyes. After confirming that there was indeed nothing wrong, he slowly floated downwards.

At this time, Liu Shui'er and Shi Kun had already escaped into the cave entrance with a flash of light.

Han Li calmly flew into this huge milky-white hole, and suddenly balls of bright rays of light appeared all around him, rolling towards him.

He was startled, and a green light flashed across his body, and a layer of crystal light protected him within it.

But after a pause, those bright rays of light immediately condensed into runes of varying sizes, and then circled around Han Li, forming a small five-color light array.

He was right in the center of this light array.

Then the light array buzzed, and waves of space fluctuations emerged.

When Han Li saw this, his expression changed. He lowered his hands behind his back, showing no intention of dispersing the light array.

Sure enough, the next moment, the light array suddenly burst into five-colored auras.

Han Li only felt that the surrounding scenery was slightly blurred, his head was slightly dizzy, and he disappeared from the light array.

The next moment, Han Li opened his eyes and found himself on an unfamiliar high platform.

The entire high platform is made of huge bluestones. There are some patterns on the surface, but they are not exquisite, giving people a rough and primitive feeling.

Under his feet was a teleportation array with a diameter of only two feet, and not far away there was a sloping staircase that led directly to the bottom of the stage.

Han Li only glanced at the teleportation array and the stone platform, then immediately raised his eyes and looked around carefully.

He seemed to be in another space at the moment. Not only was the sun high in the sky, it was cloudless and blue, but the ground around him was covered with all kinds of exotic flowers and plants. There were also gentle breezes blowing by from time to time, bringing bursts of light. The fragrance of flowers and plants.

But all of this is not as eye-catching as a hill hundreds of feet high near the platform!

Although this mountain is not high, it is spread over an area of ​​more than ten miles, and the mountain shape is strange and unusual. From top to bottom, the entire mountain peak is as steep as a knife. The mountain is pale and unremarkable, but from the top of the mountain, the silver light is dazzling, and there is a huge purple palace that almost occupies the top of the entire mountain.

Han Li focused his gaze and looked at the palace up and down for a while, then turned his gaze away and returned to the grass under the steps of the stone platform.

There, Liu Shui'er and Shi Kun remained motionless, as if they were also carefully looking at the purple palace on the mountain peak.

Han Li's expression changed, his body swayed, and he was about to fly directly into the air and fly down from the stone platform.

But as soon as his feet were a few feet off the ground, he suddenly fell back to the ground with a shock. As soon as his feet landed in the magic circle, he made a dull and loud noise, which made the entire stone platform shake. shake.

His body seemed to become extremely heavy all of a sudden.

Han Li raised his arm and waved it into the void a few times, but it was light and he didn't feel anything strange.

A trace of surprise flashed across his face, but he immediately remembered something, a green light flashed across his body, and his figure slowly floated away.

But just when his feet were less than a foot off the ground, a huge force suddenly overwhelmed his body without any warning.

Han Li's figure swayed slightly and immediately became calm, but his expression couldn't help but change.

He didn't say anything. With his strong body, he continued to slowly fly into the air. When his feet were more than two feet above the ground, his body trembled again, and the green light on his body flashed violently.

Although this time, Han Li's expression did not change much, but he could not help but frown, and then his eyes flashed with blue light, and he stared at himself.

Under the magical power of the spiritual eyes, his body was wrapped in a series of pale yellow rays of light at some point. Even with the power of the body-protecting spiritual light, it was unable to block these rays of light.

At this time, Shi Kun, who was under the stone platform, looked back and smiled bitterly at Han Li and said:

"Brother Han, you have also noticed. The air restriction here seems to be different from the ordinary restriction. Every time it is one foot above the ground, the force of the restriction will be doubled. I can only fly seven or eight feet high, so It’s unbearable anymore.”

"For each foot of height, the power of the restriction is doubled. This restriction is really overbearing. If it flies more than a few feet above the ground, even the saints may not be able to withstand such a huge force." Han Li slowly said He said, then a flash of blue light appeared on his body, and he fell back to the ground.

The yellow glow surrounding his body disappeared strangely the moment his feet stepped on the ground again.

"Fellow Taoist Shi's powerful physical body can only lift seven or eight feet off the ground. For ordinary seniors like us, I'm afraid three or four feet off the ground is the top of the limit." Liu Shui'er said without looking back.

His eyes still haven't left the palace on the mountain in the distance at all!

When Han Li heard the words of these two men, his face became a little solemn, but after thinking about it for a moment, he walked out of the magic circle without saying anything and walked down the stairs to the stone platform and came to Shi Kun and Liu Shui. Beside my son.

"It seems that the palace on the mountain should be the place where the treasures are stored. What are you two fellow Taoists waiting for?" Han Li asked directly and calmly.

"There are other restrictions here, so you need to be careful." Liu Shui'er finally twisted her head, looked back, looked at Han Li and said solemnly.

"There are other restrictions, which shows that there is really a treasure here. But since it is a restriction such as air restrictions, according to common sense, the danger should not be great." Han Li said with a smile.

"Brother Han also knows that it is just based on common sense! Since the owner of this place may be a real immortal from the immortal world, how can it be calculated based on common sense." Liu Shui'er couldn't help but sigh softly and replied.

"If you two fellow Taoists don't take the risk, you won't be able to get the treasure just by looking here. In this case, why should we take such a big risk to come here." Han Li's eyes flashed slightly. Kind words.

"Brother Han's words make sense. There are people from the Jiao Chi tribe wandering nearby, so we won't be allowed to waste too much time." Shi Kun seemed to not see any danger anymore, and actually agreed with Han Li's words.

"Since the two fellow Taoists have said so, I don't have any objections. Let's go." Liu Shui'er's face changed a few times, and finally she agreed with her dark center.

Hearing that Liu Shui'er no longer objected, Shi Kun laughed, and suddenly his sleeves shook, and a black thing shot out from the cuffs. However, as soon as Fang left the cuffs, he immediately fell heavily to the ground.

It was a fine iron puppet that looked like a giant black wolf.

"The restriction here is also effective on magic weapons!" Liu Shui'er whispered, looking a little embarrassed.

In this case, if she faced any unexpected danger, she would have no choice but to use her own magic power and secret techniques to resist it.

When Han Li saw this, his expression changed, and he became a little more cautious.

Shi Kun laughed, and suddenly took the lead in striding towards the mountain peak.

When a relatively ordinary cultivator can no longer use magic weapons and treasures, his physical physical strength has naturally become a big killer weapon and a big advantage.

Han Li smiled slightly and followed him quickly.

Liu Shui'er turned her eyes and walked over silently.

Facing their mountain peak, there is a nearly straight mountain road leading directly to the summit.

The entire mountain road is composed of white stone steps that are about 10 feet wide. From a distance, it looks like a white python lying on the top of the mountain. It’s quite shocking to see!

However, even though Han Li and the others dare not fly off the ground, their physical bodies are far more powerful than ordinary beings, so they are not afraid of the strange dangers of this mountain road.

The three of them stepped onto the stairs one after another and headed straight to the top of the mountain.

But as soon as Shi Kun, the leader, stepped onto the first step, his expression suddenly became a little strange.

But in fact, his footsteps did not stop at all, and he walked up the mountain step by step, but his speed suddenly became a little slow, far from as fast as at the beginning.

Han Li, who was behind, noticed this scene, and his thoughts suddenly changed, and he was naturally a little strange.

But the moment he stepped on the white stone steps, he suddenly understood.

An extra suction force suddenly appeared on the stone steps, making his legs weigh more than 10,000 kilograms, which was really difficult.

And after walking a few more steps, I immediately discovered that the suction force generated by these stone steps was slightly greater than that of the first step.

Although this point is increased, it is so faint that it is almost impossible to detect between several stone steps.

But just thinking about the tens of thousands of stone steps from the foot of the mountain to the top is enough to make one's hair stand on end.

Fortunately, as long as you stand still on these stone steps, the huge suction force generated from the top will weaken little by little, and even if it takes a little longer, it will all dissipate.

Han Li was secretly amazed, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

With his physical strength after practicing the Brahma Saint's True Demonic Art, even the ordinary saints may not be able to match it.

Even though these stone steps were weird, he thought they were enough to reach the top of the mountain without stopping.

As for whether Shi Kun can do this without stopping, it depends on how physically strong he has shown previously and whether he has concealed some other strength.

As for Liu Shui'er, if there were no other means, she would never be able to reach the palace in one go with her physical strength alone.

With this thought in his mind, Han Li walked up a dozen steps without stopping, then turned back and glanced at Liu Shui'er behind him.

The woman's figure stopped motionless on the first stone step, as if she was thinking about something, but her flashing eyes clearly showed an expression of extreme irritation.

(Second update)

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