Han Li raised his hand and made a move in the air. The giant sword immediately turned around and flew back. When it was in front of Han Li, it returned to its talisman form and fell lightly into his hand.

Han Li was just about to reach out to pick up the talisman, but as the talisman was falling, it burst into flames for no reason. A moment later, it turned into a ball of ashes and disappeared without a trace when blown by the mountain wind.

Seeing this scene, Han Li was stunned for a moment, but then a wry smile appeared on his face.

This "talisman" was completely scrapped, and its little remaining power was finally exhausted in this tug-of-war that took too long. This made Han Li, who already knew the value of the talisman, greatly... I feel heartbroken, but there is nothing I can do about it.

After all, it is possible to kill such a powerful enemy as "Senior Brother Lu" without paying some price! However, the opponent's green dragon flag is a very good trophy, which can make up for the loss of this talisman, not to mention there are two Foundation Establishment Pills waiting for him to loot!

Thinking of this, Han Li couldn't help but feel elated and felt that this fierce battle was worth it.

If he could successfully build the foundation by taking this foundation-building pill, then he wouldn't have to take any risks to participate in the "Blood Trial". After all, there must be a lot of strong immortal cultivators like "Senior Brother Lu" there! There are probably a lot of people who are even more difficult than him.

After a while, Han Li felt that his magic power had recovered a little by absorbing the spirit stone in his hand, so he stood up and tried to pick up the green dragon flag not far from him.

But as soon as he straightened his back, he felt a sharp stabbing pain in his Dantian, as if countless steel needles were piercing there. Han Li, who was in pain, bent down again, and his face turned extremely pale. Grinning his teeth.

Han Li remained motionless. After a cup of tea, he took a deep breath and felt that the pain had subsided.

Han Li's expression was a little depressed, and the corners of his mouth twitched a few times.

He knew exactly why this was the case. This was caused by swallowing a large amount of medicinal herbs of a certain age just now. Although some of the spiritual power in these medicinal herbs was absorbed by him in time, more of them gathered in the Dantian and became foreign objects, mixed with There are many unexplainable other medicinal impurities that will definitely cause endless troubles if they are not removed in time.

Although Han Li knew that this method of swallowing the spiritual grass was not advisable and would definitely backfire on him, in order to save his life at that time, he had no choice but to take the risk. Sure enough, this method of forcibly absorbing spiritual energy helped him a lot in this protracted war.

But swallowing herbs alone was not enough for Han Li to persist to the end. In addition to the mid-level spiritual stones that provided spiritual power faster than the opponent, another key to his victory was to use his own defensive spell "Water Cover Technique" "Cancelled.

While studying spell-casting skills in the past two years, Han Li accidentally learned from Wu Feng that most low-level disciples now have a misunderstanding when using talismans, that is, they all think that except for the spiritual power when stimulating the talisman, Except for the power, the talisman will not consume any mana from the user. This is actually a wrong understanding.

In fact, once the talisman is activated, the spell it casts is always connected to the user through a trace of spiritual power. This is to facilitate the caster to control and use the spell. If the spell does not disappear, the user will automatically continue to lose it. Mana to maintain this spiritual line.

Because this kind of spiritual thread cannot be seen by disciples in the Qi refining stage, let alone sense it, and the magic power to maintain its existence is very small in a short period of time, so most disciples just ignore the past, and this is how the above comes into being. misperception.

Even if there were a few disciples who knew the truth, they felt that this kind of thing was not important, so they did not spread it among the lower-level disciples with much fanfare, and Wu Feng was one of the insiders. He said it casually while chatting with Han Li, but Han Li remembered it carefully. In the end, he did several tests and experienced it personally, and it turned out to be true.

As a result, during this fierce battle, Han Li immediately thought of this as soon as he realized that it would be a protracted battle, so he decisively canceled the defensive spells in order to save more mana, although at first glance it seemed insignificant. , but over time, its mana consumption is not light. Obviously, "Senior Brother Lu" didn't know about this. He was cautious and always maintained the fatal "Wind Wall Technique". Little did he know that it was this "Wind Wall Technique" that drove him further down the road of despair.

In this way, Han Li finally relied on the mana he saved to outlast his opponent. Otherwise, he might not be able to outlast his opponent just by relying on the two advantages above.

Despite this, Han Li still felt that the victory this time was extremely dangerous. He only managed to save his life by using all kinds of tricks. The opponent's strength was really superior to his!

But no matter what, he was the one who survived in the end.

After Han Li felt that the pain was getting lighter, he still couldn't hold it in anymore and slowly moved over. When he reached the place where the Green Dragon Flag fell, he reluctantly lowered his body and picked up the magic weapon, and then looked at it happily. I read it several times and happily put it into the storage bag.

Next, he came to the body of "Senior Brother Lu". After browsing the extremely bloody picture with slight disgust, he staggered around to search for the loot.

The other party's storage bag was easily found on half of the body.

Han Li rudely dumped everything out of the storage bag on the spot. He saw the green bottle and box containing the Foundation Establishment Pill at a glance.

He was so happy that he didn't care to look at other things. He hurriedly bent over to pick up the box and bottle, then opened them for inspection. Sure enough, there was a blue pill inside. Although the smell was a bit pungent, the pill contained He could still feel some of the powerful spiritual power it contained.

The smile on Han Li's face grew stronger. Now that he was sure that the Foundation Establishment Pill was real, he had no intention of identifying other items now. After all, a war had just happened here. It was not a place to stay for a long time, so he had better run away quickly. superior.

Han Li quickly put everything back, and carefully hid Senior Brother Lu's "storage bag" close to his body. He felt a little more at ease and couldn't help but straighten up and want to stretch.

But at this moment, there was a sudden sound of wind behind him, and something seemed to pounce towards him. Han Li was taken aback, and hurriedly tried to avoid it, but suddenly there was a sharp pain in his dantian, and his body suddenly stagnated, and then his whole body was hit by a The smooth and fragrant female Dong body was hugged vigorously.

Han Li was shocked and struggled a few times, but due to the stinging pain in his dantian and the weakness of his limbs just after the battle, he couldn't get away.

Seeing this scene, although Han Li had vaguely guessed the person behind him, he still couldn't help but look back. But as soon as he turned his face halfway, a delicate and beautiful face was already close to him. He kept kissing Han Li wildly with his fragrant lips. As expected, it was "Junior Sister Chen" who was originally unable to move.

At this time, Junior Sister Chen's face was red, her beautiful eyes were shooting out the fire of lust, her limbs were like an octopus, she hugged Han Li tightly from behind, and her amazingly plump and delicate body was rubbing against Han Li's back. He stopped, and his mouth was filled with desire, and he moaned uncomfortably, "Yeah".

It turns out that not long ago, although this "Junior Sister Chen" could not move due to the "Wind Binding Technique", the battle between Han Li and "Senior Brother Lu" did not affect her at all. All the battles avoided the place where this girl was lying. After the battle, she was not injured at all.

Before the fight started, the power of the healing pill had actually taken effect. "Junior Sister Chen" was so burned by love that she became delirious, full of hallucinations, and wanted nothing more than to beg for healing. However, because the binding spell was still there at the time, she could not He didn't move at all, but he seemed honest, but deep inside, he was becoming more and more hungry and thirsty tormented by lust.

But just now, the time limit of "Wind Binding Technique" finally passed. The newly freed "Junior Sister Chen", stimulated by her passion, rushed towards the only man here - Han Li without thinking, and took him Hugging her tightly, the extremely fragrant scene above appeared.

Han Li was a real virgin. After being kissed by "Junior Sister Chen", he felt his heart tremble and a strange feeling came over him. In addition, he never flaunted himself as a gentleman, and he didn't bother to do anything like sitting still, so he was a little moved and unceremoniously covered "Junior Sister Chen's" naked body with his fingers. He even stroked his smooth and silky skin vigorously.

After Han Li's response, "Junior Sister Chen" felt even more uncomfortable. Although she had never experienced anything between a man and a woman, her natural instinct to seek change still made her start to tear Han Li's clothes off.

This move by "Junior Sister Chen" made Han Li, who was a little obsessed, sober up a bit. He didn't dare to play with fire anymore, so he hurriedly turned his right hand, and a "Calming Talisman" appeared in his hand. Then he reluctantly used the little magic power he had just recovered, and used the Calming Talisman to restrain "Junior Sister Chen" again. stand up.

Then with a slight effort, he broke free from "Junior Sister Chen's" arms and gently placed her on the ground.

(Book friends, if you find it interesting, please don’t forget to collect this book)

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