A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 167 Fierce Fight (Part 1)

Now that it has been exposed, there is no point in hiding here.

Han Li took a deep breath, held up a dazzling shield, held a magic weapon in each hand, and walked out of the stone.

"It's you"

After seeing Han Li's face clearly, "Senior Brother Lu" shouted in surprise that he actually recognized Han Li.

Han Li's heart sank slightly as the other party exclaimed.

This "Senior Brother Lu" had only seen him once on the hill that day, and it was still in the middle of a chaotic fight. But now, several months have passed, and he can still recognize him at a glance. This shows that this person does not have an amazing memory and can look at everything. Don't forget, that means being thoughtful and calculating.

But no matter which situation it is, it is not good news for Han Li.

In fact, he had a vague feeling that the "Senior Brother Lu" in front of him was in some respects the same kind of person as him, with the same scheming and the same ruthlessness.

Especially that kind of arrogance in front of others is definitely the same kind of smoke as Han Li's low profile. It's just that Han Li doesn't want to attract other people's attention, but "Senior Brother Lu" deliberately makes others look down upon him in order to hide his true face. That’s all.

However, Han Li believed that he could not be as shameless as the other party, nor could he be as ruthless and vicious as the other party. He had always followed the golden mean of taking care of himself.

Just when Han Li was feeling awe-inspiring, "Senior Brother Lu" also looked serious, as if he had thought of something. He looked at Han Li with a fierce look in his eyes, not hiding his murderous intent at all.

Han Li sighed. He originally wanted to spend some time to see if he could fool him, but now judging from the other party's demeanor and his scheming, there was no room for detours. He and he must only have one who can survive. When living in this world, it is better not to waste your breath and strike first.

Thinking of this, without saying a word, Han Li raised his left hand and a fine steel ring made a strange whistling sound, and rushed straight towards "Senior Brother Lu". Then he flashed his right hand, and a green-black gourd appeared in his hand, and from Five or six black balls spurted out from the gourd's mouth and followed closely behind the steel ring.

After doing all this, Han Li did not stop. He gestured with his free left hand in the void, and several red fireballs appeared in an instant. He moved his sleeves slightly to roll up these fireballs, and then rushed towards "Senior Brother Lu" suddenly. With a flick, he whispered the word "go" in his mouth.

Suddenly, with a burst of hot air, the fireballs dispersed in four directions, hitting Senior Brother Lu from different angles.

In this move, Han Li almost used all the offensive methods that he had used before he obtained the new magic weapon, especially the quick-fire method of firing multiple bullets at the same time. It took a lot of effort for Han Li to get the weapon from Wu Feng. The purpose of learning skills there is to catch the opponent off guard and kill the opponent with lightning in one fell swoop.

In fact, if he hadn't felt that he was not familiar with the new magic weapon and would not necessarily be able to use it quickly, Han Li would have used them all in a swarm without any courtesy. After all, the new magic weapon was much more powerful than the old magic weapon.

But almost at the same time as Han Li took action, "Senior Brother Lu" was not idle. He turned his hands and found a large blue flag about ten feet long. The flag was covered with green light and embroidered with a long fang and claws. The vicious green dragon.

At this time, "Senior Brother Lu" saw Han Li's series of offensives clearly. Unexpectedly, he couldn't help but feel extremely angry.

You must know that the reason why he showed his most powerful magic weapon, the Green Dragon Flag, first was because he wanted to be like Han Li, so he could use his killing moves to kill people and silence them.

But they never expected that after Han Li showed up, he immediately attacked aggressively without saying a word, and he also attacked with vicious attacks, showing that he would not stop fighting until death.

In desperation, "Senior Brother Lu" did not bother to attack again. He handed the green flag to his right hand to hold alone, but moved his left hand to his waist and took out a yellow talisman from the storage bag.

He glanced at this high-level talisman with some reluctance, gritted his teeth, threw it in front of him, and began to mutter something quickly.

In an instant, Han Li's steel ring was already glowing with a faint yellow light, and he rushed not far in front of "Senior Brother Lu" first, and smashed it at him.

"Senior Brother Lu" then pointed at the yellow talisman with one hand and shouted loudly:

"Wind Wall Technique, start!"

Following the shout, the yellow talisman suddenly emitted a white light, and suddenly turned into a white hurricane, about ten feet high, lying in front of "Senior Brother Lu", blocking the way of the steel ring.

With a "pop" sound, the steel ring plunged into the hurricane unceremoniously, but was immediately blown around and tossed back after somersaults.

As for the ball that arrived later, it was even worse. It could only keep spinning outside the hurricane, and it didn't even have the ability to rush into the strong wind.

Seeing this scene, Han Li's expression changed slightly, and he hurriedly stretched out his fingers to pull the last few fireballs that arrived. They immediately turned in two large arcs and flew to both sides flexibly, trying to avoid them. Wind Wall, attack "Senior Brother Lu" again.

"Hehe! What a beautiful thought!"

"Senior Brother Lu" sneered, and with an extremely skillful pinch with one hand, he pointed towards the middle of the wind wall. The hurricane immediately broke into two pieces from the middle, and sprang out very quickly, blocking the fireball again.

"Bang bang"

Several explosions were heard, and the fireball could no longer avoid it and crashed into it.

The hurricane only trembled for a few times before the fireballs were swallowed up and disappeared without a trace within the hurricane. Han Li felt horrified.

At this time, under the control of "Senior Brother Lu", the wind wall came together again and returned to its original state.

"How dare you show off your trivial skills! This junior brother, although he doesn't know your name or your origin? But tonight, you are dead!" Senior Brother Lu laughed wildly.

Then I saw him clasping his hands together, holding the green dragon flag again, and waving it desperately.

Han Li was a little nervous. The opponent was far more difficult than he expected, and such a fierce series of attacks was easily broken. Although nothing unusual has happened to the big flag waved by the opponent so far, one can tell from the solemn appearance of the opponent that this "Senior Brother Lu"'s counterattack is definitely not a joke.

It seems that it is impossible not to use "talisman". Han Li thought coldly.

But now, because he does not have the ability to condense the "talisman", every time he uses the "talisman", he must gain a certain amount of casting time, so that he can drive the "talisman" to defeat the enemy. For this reason, one's own defense must be absolutely tight.

Thinking of this, Han Li looked at the opposite side again, and saw that the green flag waved by "Senior Brother Lu" was gradually becoming more dazzling. A dazzling green light emitted from the flag, making the green dragon even more ferocious and terrifying. It seemed that The opponent's offensive is about to be launched.

Han Li no longer hesitated, and with a move of his hand, the steel ring flew back with a "whoosh", stopped a few feet above his head, and began to hover.

"Long", with a soft shout, the steel ring burst into yellow light and expanded rapidly. When it reached the size of a tabletop, it stopped growing in size.

"Fall", the steel ring fell down obediently, trapping Han Li in it, and slowly rotated, forming a giant ring for protection.

Han Li did not stop there. After putting away the gourd, the newly acquired shield was also sacrificed. It was magnified several times outside the blue light shield, and it was emitting black light and floating gently in front of him.

In this way, Han Li formed three layers of defense outside his body. The outermost layer was the giant ring of fine steel, the middle was the black iron flying shield, and the innermost was the blue light mask used from the beginning.

(Book friends, if you find it interesting, please don’t forget to collect this book)

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