A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1656 Hundreds of Clans in the Spirit Realm Meet Old Friends Again

Han Li's voice was not loud, but it sounded like thunder in the old man's ears, enough to wake him up from his deep sleep.

"Ah, it turns out that a guest has come to the door. I will find a room for my senior." The old man shook his prone body, woke up and sat up straight, and hurriedly took out a white account book from under his body. The strange magic weapon, I quickly searched it.

Han Li frowned when he saw this!

The old man in front of him is also a cultivator. How could he not be wary at all? He seemed to have really fallen asleep just now and was not just pretending.

His heart moved, and he casually glanced at the old man's face. The next moment, he lost his voice in surprise:

"You...you are Senior Brother Xiang! You are still alive, how can you be here!"

The old man's face was sallow and slightly sickly, but his eyebrows were slightly rounded. He was actually Xiang Zhili who entered the space node earlier in the human world. His nominal "Senior Brother Xiang".

The soul lamps of him, Hu Laomo, Feng Laoguai and others were all extinguished shortly after entering the node. It was long thought that he should have perished.

Now that he saw it suddenly, Han Li was shocked and his voice changed a bit.

When the old man heard what Han Li said, he was looking for something for a moment. After a while, he slowly raised his head and looked across.

"Junior Brother Han, it's really you!" the old man murmured, with an expression on his face that seemed to be crying or laughing, which looked weird.

"It's Han, what's wrong with your current cultivation and aura..."

As Han Li replied, his mind subconsciously scanned Xiang Zhili's body carefully, and his expression became uncertain again.

Xiang Zhili, who was already a god-transformation monk in the human world, was suddenly reduced to about the pill formation stage, and his aura was extremely weak, as if his vitality was severely damaged.

"Junior brother Han, you also came to the spirit world from the space node. Judging from your cultivation, your magic power has improved greatly. However, this is not a place to talk. There will be no guests coming right now. Follow me first, and find another place. Let's talk somewhere." Hu Xiangzhili looked at Han Li blankly for a while, and the expression on his face changed for a while, then he suddenly remembered something, got up in a hurry, and led Han Li towards a side door of the hall.

Han Li hesitated for a moment, but still followed.

After entering the side door, there is a long corridor with some exotic flowers and plants planted on both sides. Hu Qinglei didn't lead Han Li very far, but directly opened a stone door nearby and invited Han Li to enter.

"Junior brother, please sit down. I never thought that I would see Junior Brother Han again in my lifetime. But with Xiang's desolate appearance, he was really ashamed to see others." The two of them sat down. Xiang Zhili said this with a wry smile, his voice was extremely deep, completely different from the appearance of the great monk when he was in the human world.

"What happened to you when you passed the node? Are they still alive?" Han Li was silent for a moment and asked directly what he wanted to know.

"The old monster Feng and the old monster Hu fell. When we passed the adultery node, we were really unlucky. We encountered space storms several times in a row. The last time, two waves of space storms overlapped and erupted together. The three of us I was the only one who survived. But because of my frequent use of life-preserving secrets, I almost lost all my cultivation. What I have now is the result of hard training over the years." Xiang Zhili sighed. , said somewhat helplessly.

"That space node is indeed extremely dangerous. Senior Brother Xiang's survival can be regarded as a great blessing among misfortunes. However, the natal lamp you left in the human world has been extinguished. And how did you appear in the Thunder Continent? Why didn't you Appearing in the place where the human race ascends." Han Li comforted him, but asked doubtfully.

"The fact that the natal lamp was extinguished is probably related to the secret life-saving technique I used. Using that life-exchanging method is indeed similar to changing my life. As for why I am in this continent, I don't know much about it. When I was involved in the space storm, I saved my life by relying on secret techniques, but as soon as I left the space node, I was in Tianyun. If I hadn't met someone to save me, I wouldn't have survived even now. Junior brother listen Tongue, coming out of the node is the human area of ​​the spirit world. In this case, the storm in the node space was too weird and blew our route away." Xiang Zhili recalled his experience in the space node, His expression was extremely ugly.

This time, Han Li didn't say anything, but nodded with understanding.

"Why is Senior Brother Xiang working here? What is his relationship with the owner of this inn? Have you ever thought about returning to the human race?" Han Li asked with a calm expression without delving into further details.

"The owner of this inn is a member of the Stone Cocoon Tribe, and he was also the one who helped me save my life. He has a good heart, is not weak in cultivation, and seems to have some status in the Stone Cocoon Tribe. On the one hand, I want to repay my kindness, and on the other hand, I There is really nowhere to go. I can only help him temporarily. As for returning to the human race, Xiang has long given up on this. Although the Thirteen Tianyun Clan does control a teleportation center that can cross continents. But the teleportation array Every time it is turned on, it is said that the consumption is so high that it can bankrupt the saints. It cannot be driven by ordinary spiritual stones. Even if Xiang is as good as before, he is far from qualified to use this magic circle. Besides, even if he is lucky, Is there really a way to teleport to Feng Yuan Continent? My current cultivation level is so low, and my vitality is greatly damaged, there is no hope of returning to the human area through the barbaric world. Xiang's current situation has completely lost the possibility of impacting the refining world. , I don’t plan to take any more risks, I already plan to live here for the rest of my life." Xiang Zhili shook his head and said with a slightly gloomy expression.

Hearing Xiang Zhili's words, Han Li didn't know what words of comfort to say and was speechless for a moment.

"By the way, I haven't asked about my junior friend's experience yet. Although I can't return to the human race, I also want to hear about the situation of the human race in the spirit world. Junior brother, can you give Xiang a brief introduction?" Xiang Zhili suddenly remembered. What, asked with a slightly better look.

"There is nothing to say about my experience. I just followed the coordinates sent by my senior brother and found that node after cultivating to the realm of God Transformation. Then I entered the node together with the ice phoenix who also advanced to the realm of God Transformation. But my luck is slightly better. Although I also encountered a space storm, I finally managed to escape with the help of Bingfeng's space magical power. As for the situation of the human race, as far as I know, they can only gain a foothold in the spiritual world. , barely able to protect himself! The specific situation... Han Li briefly talked about his own affairs, and did not mention that he had also lost all his cultivation. And the affairs of the human race are not something that needs to be kept secret. Han Li also picked some things to tell the other party.

"Three Realms and Seven Lands! Holy Emperor and Demon King! It turns out that we human beings in the spiritual world also have many combined-level beings. In this case, I can finally feel more at ease." Xiang Zhili listened very carefully and took a long time to finish. Han Li said and let out a long breath.

Han Li was silent again, but after a moment, his eyes flickered a few times, and he suddenly asked:

"The Thirteen Tianyun Clans really have a super teleportation array! Senior Brother Xiang, where did you know about this?"

"Haha! Why, junior brother also wants to pay attention to this teleportation array! The matter of the super teleportation array is not something worth keeping secret. Not only Tianyun has one, but the Jiaochi Clan and Ye Clan also have one. The nearby big clans, Probably only the Baoming clan has not built one. If I tell you, junior brother, forget it. The cross-continental teleportation array is not qualified for use by people below the level of Fusion. Besides, you are not from these clans, so it is even harder to have a chance. . Fortunately, the Tianyun Thirteen Clan does not reject other foreigners. Junior Brother Han might as well live here to practice, and he can also be with Xiang Mou for a while. When his cultivation level greatly improves in the future, he can try to return to the human race. It's not too late. By the way, what level has Junior Brother cultivated to now? I just feel that Junior Brother's aura is much stronger than when he was in the human world, but I can't sense what his cultivation level is." Xiang Zhili After smiling slightly, he asked curiously.

"I have to think more about the teleportation formation before I talk about it. As for my cultivation, I was lucky enough to advance to the realm of virtual refining not long ago." Han Li did not hide his intention of cultivating, and said it calmly. .

"Refining the void? Junior brother can practice so fast. So, junior brother no longer has the trouble of longevity!" Upon hearing this, Xiang Zhili's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but feel envious.

"It is nominally said to have unlimited lifespan. But with the great catastrophe that occurs once every three thousand years, how can one really live forever? The catastrophes become more and more fierce each time. If one does not ascend to the true immortal world, he will still fall sooner or later." Han Li said with a slight smile.

"You can't say that. Once junior brother advances to Void Cultivation, he will have at least tens of thousands of lifespans. From now on, he can take a long breath and practice slowly. With junior brother's qualifications, how do you know that you can't practice to the last step? Finally, he was able to ascend to the immortal world." Xiang Zhili grinned and shook his head repeatedly.

"Ascend to the True Immortal Realm! We, the human and demon clans, have been filled with people with extraordinary talents and qualifications for so many thousands of years, but there are only a few who can reach the last step. I can only take one step at a time and watch one step at a time!" Han Li said with a wry smile.

"Haha, let's talk about this later. Junior Brother Han is staying in my hotel now. I still need to take care of the inn. When I am free in the evening, I will go to Junior Brother's room to discuss it in detail. Junior Brother will not refuse the little old man. Let’s visit.” Xiang Zhili glanced outside the door and suddenly said with a gentle smile.

"Yeah, that's fine. I also have some things when I first arrived in Yuncheng. I need to ask my senior brother for advice." Han Li nodded with a flash of his eyes and agreed.

So Xiang Zhili chose a good, quiet room for Han Li, located in a remote corner, and personally invited Han Li to live there.

And he returned to the hall.

Han Li arranged an isolation barrier in the room, sat down cross-legged, and began to think with a deep expression on his face.

He unexpectedly met Xiang Zhili here, and he had to think about it!

(Second update!)

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