A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 164 The Secret of the Talisman

"Mr. Ding, could you please take a look at this thing? Although I think it is a thousand-year-old elixir, I am not very sure. I also hope that Mr. Ding can sign the year." Shopkeeper Tian said in a humble tone. , and then handed over the brocade box.

"Millennium Spiritual Grass?" Mr. Ding was a little unbelievable when he heard this, but he still took the brocade box.

"Please take a closer look! Is it really the thousand-year-old Huang Jingzhi?" Shopkeeper Tian suppressed the excitement in his heart and said a little hastily.

The old man had no words to say, but narrowed his eyes and looked at the shape, color and even texture of the things in the box with concentration. From time to time, he put the box under his nose and sniffed it a few times.

This herb was created by Han Li, so he knew whether it was a thousand-year-old elixir or not, so he sat aside with a calm expression and turned a blind eye to the old man's actions. All he was thinking about was how to bargain with Wanbao Tower.

Shopkeeper Tian was the opposite of Han Li. He watched every move of the old man without blinking. The calm demeanor when he met Han Li was completely gone. At this time, his face was full of expectations, anxiety, and worries about gains and losses. complex expression.

Finally, Mr. Ding gently placed the box on the table, then twirled his beard, closed his eyes and meditated for a while, then opened his eyes and said calmly in a very affirmative tone:

Congratulations to the shopkeeper, this is indeed Huang Jingzhi that is more than a thousand years old, and it is also the best thousand-year-old grass that has just been unearthed and has not lost its medicinal properties at all. I can guarantee this! "

Shopkeeper Tian was overjoyed when he heard this, and then sent the old man down the stairs. Then he picked up the box containing the spiritual herbs with great joy, and looked at it several times.

"Shopkeeper Tian, ​​it's time for you and I to talk about the transaction!" Han Li saw that the other party seemed to have forgotten that the master of the spirit grass was still sitting nearby, so he couldn't help but remind him.

"Oh...ah!...I'm so confused, I hope Brother Li can forgive me!" Shopkeeper Tian was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that this spiritual grass did not belong to Wanbao Tower, and his face couldn't help but blush slightly.

"Haha, it's nothing! But how do you plan to deal with it? Seeing that Shopkeeper Tian likes this thing so much, I guess he won't disappoint me!" Han Li said with a chuckle, giving the other party a slight squeeze.

At this time, Shopkeeper Tian's expression returned to normal, he put the things in his hands back on the table, and then said:

"Since Brother Li can produce the Millennium Spiritual Grass, he must be no ordinary cultivator of immortality. Then I don't have to deceive you like a businessman, and I will give you a fair price!"

When he said this, he thought for a moment and continued in a very sincere tone: "This spiritual grass can be exchanged for any two of the treasures in the brocade box I showed Brother Li, or it can be exchanged alone for the treasures in the last brocade box. Things. If you still don't like it, then we can also sell you the spiritual stone that you are absolutely satisfied with. Buy the spiritual grass. Brother Li, what do you think?"

Han Li felt the sincerity in the other party's words. After turning it over and over in his mind, he felt that the price was quite reasonable and did not exceed his limit, so he secretly agreed to it. But before that, he still wanted to see what was in the final brocade box?

But before Han Li could speak, Shopkeeper Tian wisely opened the lid of the last brocade box, pushed it in front of Han Li, and said with a smile: "What's in this box is one of the most valuable items in this building." Treasure. But it just depends on whether you know the goods or not!"

Han Li's curiosity aroused, and he looked inside the box and was stunned. There was actually a solitary talisman inside the brocade box, with a golden brick pattern painted on it. The golden light was shining and lifelike.

After seeing this object clearly, Han Li's mind kept spinning, and he immediately thought of his own talisman with a small gray sword on it. Could it be the same thing?

"Fu Bao?" Han Li took a deep breath and asked uncertainly.

Shopkeeper Tian's look of astonishment flashed past, and then he said in surprise:

"I really didn't expect that Brother Li could recognize this object! Logically speaking, very few immortal cultivators should know about this treasure. Brother Li is really well-informed, I admire you!"

After hearing this, Han Li smiled bitterly, then shook his head and sighed:

"Your Excellency, you think too highly of Li. This talisman is only famous among me, and very little is known about it. But since Shopkeeper Tian can take out this object, he must know a thing or two about the talisman. I hope you can give me some advice. !”

What Han Li said was true. He really wanted to take the opportunity to fully understand the ins and outs of the "talisman treasure" and avoid being confused.

Shopkeeper Tian looked at Han Li with some surprise. He felt that this was not something that needed to be kept secret. It was just that fewer people knew about it. It was not worth offending the big customers in front of him, so he readily agreed and told them one by one. Everything about "Fu Bao" was revealed.

The "talisman treasure" really has a great origin. It is actually a unique item that can only be made by monks at the alchemy stage or above.

It is a high-level monk who refines a magic weapon and seals part of the power of the magic weapon into a special talisman, allowing other cultivators to temporarily use the power of the magic weapon. It has the dual characteristics of both a talisman and a magic weapon. , was nicknamed "pseudo magic weapon" by immortal cultivators who knew of its existence, and was highly sought after by them.

This "pseudo magic weapon" is very special. To make it requires a monk at the elixir formation stage or above, but it can be used by any level of immortal cultivator. Even practitioners of third- and fourth-level techniques like Master Jin Guang, whom Han Li killed, can still use it in a similar way.

However, the immortal cultivators before the Foundation Establishment Stage did not know the art of condensation, and could only exert one-tenth of the power of the talisman when using it. Compared with the top magic weapons, it seemed not to be much higher.

After the foundation is established, the immortal cultivator can use the mind condensation method to exert all the power of the "talisman". Although the power cannot be as earth-shattering as the real magic weapon, causing tsunamis and landslides, it is enough to despise all other powers. Magical weapons and the like. Therefore, every monk after the foundation-building period hopes to own a "talisman", which will give them an upper hand in battles and make them look superior to others.

Although the power of the "talisman" is amazing, its use will continuously consume the power of the magic treasure inside it. If the power is exhausted, the talisman will be completely useless. Therefore, how to control the power of magic weapons is an issue that should not be underestimated.

In addition, the production of "talisman treasures" is not a simple matter.

Because magic weapons are originally things that can only be refined by monks in the elixir-forming stage. Not only are they rare in quantity, but they also have to be tempered day and night in the monks' true essence to increase their power. They will not be shown to others easily, so let alone use them. What kind of "talisman" did he make?

You must know that making a "talisman" is equivalent to a self-destructive act that takes away part of the power of the magic weapon. Every time a "talisman" is made, the owner of the magic weapon has to re-temper it for a long time before the power can be refined again. This But it is a typical behavior that benefits others and harms oneself. Therefore, under normal circumstances, no monk above the elixir formation stage would do such a stupid thing.

But as the saying goes, nothing lasts forever. Refining a "talisman" seems like a stupid move, but most high-level monks will do it crazily before their deadline. The purpose is just to leave a lot of help to future generations or younger generations.

You must know that after a magic weapon left by the predecessors has been refined for a long time and then inherited by others, the new owner will not be able to completely unite with the magic weapon. Most of the power of the original magic weapon will be lost. This also requires that this person must also Only when the elixir formation stage is reached. Otherwise, you can only stare at the magic weapon without being able to use it at all. In this way, rather than leaving the magic weapon intact, refining the "talisman" would be more suitable for their descendants.

However, there are many restrictions on refining "talisman treasures".

First of all, the power of the magic weapon that each "talisman" can seal can only be one-tenth of the power of the magic weapon at most. It can only be reduced but not increased. Therefore, even if the "talisman" sealed by the same magic weapon, its power is uneven and different.

Secondly, refining talismans will not only reduce the power of the talisman, but also cause the owner of the talisman to lose a lot of vitality, so it is impossible to continue to refine "talisman". Every time a talisman is refining, the owner of the talisman has to take a rest for three to five years to recover. This is assuming that he does not waste his true energy and does not plan to re-refining the talisman, otherwise the time will be even longer.

Therefore, such scenes often occur in the world of immortality.

When a high-level monk before his death has passed the preparations before his death, the most valuable thing left behind after his death is often a magic weapon with greatly reduced power and several "talisman treasures" that seal the same power. ", this cannot but be said to be a very helpless thing!

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