A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1621 Hundreds of Clans in the Spirit World Blue Lake Island

"What, that piece of empty cloud crystal was swallowed into the body by the sea beast, and the sea beast is still wandering in the nearby sea area." Han Li was really unbelievable.

"That's right. Back then, the sea beast used the tide to make waves, so it could rush to the teleportation array and swallowed most of the teleportation array. The Kongyun Crystal was among them. Originally, the beast had left the sea area at that time, but in Baidu More than a year ago, for unknown reasons, someone discovered this beast again in the deep sea in the south. Of the dozen or so clan members who were discovered together at that time, only two escaped and the rest perished. In the following decades, I In order to reopen the teleportation array, the people in the sea area gathered their forces several times to kill this beast. However, this beast has great magical powers and is extremely cunning. When there are many people, it will hide deep in the seabed and never show up. When there are few people, it will not show up at all. I launched an attack on those who were alone, but I lost a lot of people." Qingxiao sighed and said helplessly.

"What kind of magical power does this beast have that makes it so troublesome?" Han Li said with a strange look in his eyes.

According to common sense, no matter how high a sea beast's cultivation level is, if it is hunted down by a group of cultivators, it will never survive.

"We can't identify the type of this beast yet. It seems to be a mutated sea beast. It looks like a giant whale from a distance, but it can enlarge or shrink its body at will, and the water escape technique it performs has also been mutated. Strengthened, it can travel thousands of miles away in the sea. Even if we push this beast into a desperate situation, it can easily break out of the encirclement as soon as it uses this technique, and there is no way to really trap it. Moreover, this sea beast is extremely ferocious, except for us Except for the number one person in the sea, the Silver Shark layman, the rest of them dare not face this beast alone." The woman frowned and said, seeming to be extremely depressed.

Hearing these words, Han Li's face dimmed and he felt that something was a bit difficult.

But he thought about it carefully and asked suspiciously.

"After so many years, is that piece of empty cloud crystal still intact in the sea beast's body? It couldn't have been absorbed or refined long ago, right?"

"Senior Han, please rest assured. The Sky Cloud Crystal has spatial attributes and cannot be destroyed unless it is attacked with the same spatial power. And although the sea beast has more complex attributes, it does not have spatial magical powers. In this regard, After so many years of hunting, we can be absolutely sure." The woman said with great certainty.

Han Li nodded, finally removing all worries from his heart, and began to ponder in silence.

"Fellow Daoist Qing, do you know the approximate location where the sea beast appears?" Han Li asked.

"Senior Han wants to kill this beast." The woman's eyes flashed and she asked solemnly.

"Yes, it is naturally impossible to fly directly back to the Thunder Continent. Even if I travel all the way to the Thunder Continent without stopping, it will take at least half a year. Walking in the deep sea for such a long time, unless my magical power increases again Ten times, otherwise there is a high probability that you will perish on the way. But if you want to return to the original continent, you have to go to the nearest Thunder Continent first. Only there can be a super teleportation array across the continent. You guys have been there again and again The purpose of plotting against that sea beast was probably to repair the teleportation array." Han Li touched his chin and said calmly.

"What the seniors said is absolutely true! Although the spiritual veins in this sea area are still good, some elixirs and some auxiliary materials used in cultivation are already extremely scarce. Many people's cultivation is stuck at the bottleneck and cannot make progress. In another thousand years, If you think about it, there are very few elixirs left here. If senior really wants this beast, why not join forces with us." After saying this, the woman paused, smiled, and then said calmly:

"I won't hide it from you, senior. I left the cave this time because Master Silver Shark, the number one person in this sea area, wanted to organize manpower to kill the sea beast again. I came here to see you, and actually I had originally wanted to invite you. of."

"If you can really repair the teleportation array, Han will naturally not mind joining forces once." Han Li smiled and replied without thinking too much.

"Senior, don't worry, we will not be short of other materials and formation masters. As long as we have the Kongyun Crystal, we can definitely restore the teleportation formation to its original state." Qingxiao was overjoyed when he heard this.

"This is the best thing!" Han Li nodded.

"If seniors help me this time, I think it is very likely to succeed. The Silver Shark layman has agreed to gather at the Blue Lake Island in the south in four months, and then we will set off together to find the sea beast. If sir, you are really interested in this matter , just take this Silver Shark Token and go there. Qingxiao turned his palm, took out a silver shark token, and handed it over.

Han Li made a move with one hand, and the token was immediately captured in his hand. He lowered his head and looked at it twice.

The whole body is shining with silver, as if made of pure silver, with a huge "shark" printed on the surface.

There was nothing strange on Han Li's face and he put the token away.

Seeing that Han Li agreed so happily, Qing Xiao was extremely happy. After chatting with Han Li for a while, she finally stood up and left respectfully.

When the woman turned into a ray of white light and shot into the sky from the courtyard, the wooden house once again lit up with forbidden spiritual light, and at the same time the wooden door slowly closed.

More than two months later, a clear and long roar came from the bottom of the hill. The sound was continuous and reached into the sky.

Almost all the snake people of the Huoyang Tribe on the island heard this roar, and regardless of their status, they all looked at it in surprise.

The woman who was discussing matters with some high-level snake men in the main hall heard this sound and walked out of the main hall with an expression on her face. She stood in the square and looked towards the hill.

Her eyes flickered, and her expression changed uncertainly.

After a while, the roar suddenly stopped.

Immediately, a green rainbow shot out from the bottom of the mountain. After a flash, it reached a very high place, then circled and flew towards the edge of the island.

Not long after, Qinghong appeared on the sea thousands of miles away from Huoyun Island, and headed south without stopping at all.

Han Li, who was in the escaping light, had no expression on his face. He changed his escaping light and moved forward quickly while silently thinking about his own affairs.

It would be best if we could unite with the people in this sea area to kill the sea beast successfully this time, so that we can reach the Thunder Continent, and then find other ways to return to the Feng Yuan Continent.

If he failed, he would have to temporarily stay in this sea area and wait for other opportunities or continue to chase the sea beast in the future.

Anyway, judging from the vials he owns and the large amount of elixir he carries with him, it is enough to support his practice for a long time.

But then again!

After being away from the human race for such a long time, Han Li really didn't know what the current situation of the human race was like.

Has there been a war with other alien coalition forces? Is Tianyuan City safe?

As a member of the human race, although he did not stay in Tianyuan City for a long time, he never wanted to see the human race be annihilated.

However, another important reason why he wanted to return to the human race was because he was concerned about Nangong Wan's possible ascension to the spirit world.

Although it is speculated that Nangong Wan also uses the power of nodes to ascend to the spirit world, it is unlikely in a short time.

But there are some things that no one can be absolutely sure of.

If there is another chance for his beloved wife to become a god in a short period of time, it is not impossible that she has now appeared among the human race.

And with his current magical power, he is enough to stand on his own among the human race, and he can directly protect Nangong Wan.

When he thought of his beloved wife's voice and appearance, even a man like Han Li, who had cultivated to the point where his heart was as dry as water, couldn't help but become a little distracted.

But after a while, he gathered his thoughts and concentrated on his way.

This time, the journey went smoothly beyond Han Li's expectations.

Apart from killing two ungrateful demonic birds on the road, they didn't encounter any sea beasts at all. More than a month later, he followed the chart and finally arrived at an unfamiliar sea area.

Now, while he was galloping, he was searching the sea with his mind.

According to the chart, he should be near the so-called "Blue Lake Island". But looking from a distance, the nearby sea is empty with no trace of an island.

Han Li felt a little strange in his heart, but after flying forward for more than a hundred miles, his expression suddenly changed, and he adjusted his direction and speeded up his escape.

As a result, just one meal later, Han Li entered a strange sea area.

The weather suddenly turned around, and it snowed heavily on the sea. Countless white snowflakes whizzed in the cold wind, giving people a biting feeling.

The strange thing is that the sea surface below shows no sign of solidification, and there is a faint appearance of hot air billowing out.

The two strange airs, hot and cold, intertwined and rolled, and the white sea mist gradually became thicker.

After Han Li flew for a certain distance in the wind and snow, he grabbed Void downwards, and a stream of sea water was directly captured in his hands. It was actually very hot and the temperature was very high.

Han Li raised his eyebrows and looked at the increasingly dense white mist in the distance. The light did not stop at all, but flashed deeper into the sea of ​​mist.

As Han Li went deeper, the wind and snow in the sky became colder and colder, while the sea water below, on the other hand, was as hot as boiling water.

There are even some places on the sea where the water is rolling.

But Han Li turned a blind eye to this strange vision and just moved forward in the sea of ​​fog.

After flying for dozens of miles in the fog, my eyes suddenly lit up and the fog disappeared.

A crystal clear Iceland appeared on the sea ahead.

The wind and snow in the sky have stopped, but the temperature of the air is three points colder than before. The seawater also began to condense into ice, and a thin layer of ice appeared, with no heat at all.

Han Li didn't think much about it. He rushed to escape and shot straight towards Iceland.

From a distance, this island is not too small, and is even several times larger than the Huoyang Clan's Huoyun Island.

This island should be the 'Blue Lake Island' marked on the chart.

With Han Li's escape speed, he naturally reached the edge of Iceland in the blink of an eye.

But before he could fly into the island, a deep roar suddenly came from the depths of the island in front of him.

As soon as Han Li heard this roar, his expression suddenly changed, and the blood in his body began to beat like boiling.

(Second update!)

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