A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1590 Hundreds of tribes in the spiritual world return home

When the young man saw Han Li's strange appearance, he was slightly startled, but his figure did not stop at all. Before he could rush forward, he crossed the two blades in his hands and slashed into the air.

Suddenly, two black and faint sword lights cut out in a cross shape.

As soon as the sword light appeared, the nearby black mist rolled and rushed towards the sword light.

In an instant, the two sword lights doubled in size and appeared in front of Han Li in a flash.

Han Li's eyes twitched, his hands blurred slightly, and suddenly two golden swords appeared. With a flick of his wrist, he faced the sword light and went away without ceremony.

There was a sound of thunder, and golden arcs of electricity wrapped around the surface of the long sword.

"Puff" and "puff" were heard twice. The black sword light Fang Yi and the golden thunder light collided together, and immediately disappeared inch by inch, as if they were completely restrained.

"Ah" the young man was shocked.

There was a sneer on Han Li's lips.

Obviously, the sword light released by this man actually contains a lot of evil spirit, otherwise even if his Green Bamboo Bee Cloud Sword is sharp, it will never be able to defeat it so easily.

In this way, this person is seeking death by attacking him.

Han Li's thoughts were racing, and before the young man could react from his shock, the five-color crystal wings behind his back flapped, and a five-color halo suddenly erupted from his body.

This halo is dazzling and dazzling. When it turns down, the five colors of rays of light all sparkle, as if a scorching sun emerges from within the Han Dynasty.


Even though the young man was half-demon and half-ghost, he could not help but subconsciously close his eyes when he saw this bright light. At the same time, knowing that something was not going to happen, he hurriedly paused as he rushed out, stamped his feet hard, and a crossbow arrow was fired. Like shooting back.

Judging from his body shape, he seemed to be a little faster than when he rushed up.

At this time, a thunderclap sound came from the five-color halo, and then a blue-white electric arc flashed behind the young man, and Han Li's figure suddenly appeared strangely.

The two arms moved, a loud sound broke through the air, and the two long swords turned into two golden lights and slashed down.

The young man had not yet opened his eyes, and his spiritual sense was a little late, but of course he would not be unaware of such a brazen attack.

Without thinking, he threw both blades behind him at the same time, turning into two black lights and shooting out.

Then he made a seal with his hands, and the muscles on his body instantly collapsed and disappeared, revealing a frame that was as crystal clear as white jade.

After the whole body trembled, the skeleton released a layer of white light, completely covering its figure.

"Rumble" After two thunderous sounds, the golden light from the two long swords was blocked by the double blades.

Han Li was not surprised by this!

It would be a bit strange if the weapon transformed by a Void-refining-level monster from its body does not have some power. He had no hope that two flying swords could kill this monster.

The true magic form of the Brahma Saint behind him was as early as the moment when the two swords were slashed out. After waving his six arms, countless fist shadows bloomed around him like golden lotus flowers. With another movement, white like raindrops appeared. The light mask flew away wildly.

The seemingly ordinary fist shadow contains Han Li's inhuman divine power that overwhelms his physical body in every blow.

This time, Baofengxuben's attack relied entirely on brute force.

The moment the white light shield hit it, the surface that originally seemed thick and abnormally thick immediately started to tremble under the interweaving of white light and golden shadows.

The entire mask cracked open with a crisp sound under the violent blow of the fist shadow.

And all this is just a breath of time. The monster just turned around and opened its eyes.

All the flesh and blood on its surface had melted away, its eyes were completely gone, and only two balls of green fire were left flickering.

When he saw that the protective shield he relied on was so vulnerable, the demon was immediately frightened and opened his mouth without thinking.

Several streaks of jet-black black light shot out at Han Li, and at the same time, the skull cap burst open with a muffled sound, and a green bead spurted out and shot into the air.

The white bone body that was left on the spot disassembled and flew around, condensing into a white bone shield, and flew away after the ball, looking like it had been broken off.

This monster was quick enough to see the opportunity. When it saw that Han Li had amazing magical powers and that he was no match for it, he immediately thought of escaping.

It has been practicing in this dark mist for many years, and it believes that as long as it distances itself, it can definitely throw Han Li away without a trace.

But at this time, Han Li was already murderous. The monster in front of him escaped, leaving behind a serious problem.

After a cold snort, a gray glow flashed in front of him, and a few black lights flickered in the gray light before disappearing without a trace.

The golden fist shadow that filled the sky suddenly disappeared, and the true magic form of the Brahma Saint behind him flashed with golden light. The six arms paused for a moment, and six thick arcs of electricity appeared on the palms with a loud thunderclap.

At the same time, after concentrating, the six golden arcs turned into six golden thunder guns.

The arm blurred again, and the six-sense golden gun shot out in a straight line.

The golden spear flashed away and arrived near the bone shield. The runes around it were flowing unsteadily, and the sharp tip of the spear struck hard on it.

After three loud "rumbling" sounds, the shield trembled and actually blocked the three golden guns in front of it.

When the fourth one pierced it, the shield could no longer support it and burst open.

The last three golden spears passed through the hole one after another, and in a flash, they hit the green bead not far away at the same time.

As the arc flashed, the green bead flashed wildly for a few times, then shattered with a "bang".

The phantom of a bull-headed beast flew out of it in panic.

At this moment, the golden arc shrank to the middle and turned into a weather-proof power grid, covering the monster soul within it.

A shrill scream came from the electric light, and the phantom of the Hao Beast flashed a few times in the electric arc package, then collapsed and disappeared.

This monster, which had just advanced, was actually killed by Han Li in three strokes.

Among them, of course, on the one hand, the demon saw that Han Li only had the ability to transform into gods, so he started to be too trusting. On the other hand, Han Li's magical power is really different from when he just left the giant island.

Although he didn't really spend a long time practicing anything, he first obtained the Twelve Jue of Jingzhe from the Tianpeng Clan, and then obtained the Thunder Sacrifice Technique from the Abyss of the Earth, which greatly increased the power of the evil-fighting God Thunder, and then In addition, he took the true spirit blood of Kunpeng and Five-Colored Peacock before and after, which caused his mana to increase a lot.

Before advancing to the late stage of divine transformation, Han Li could kill the Void Refining-level being, and now he would no longer take this half-demon and half-ghost into his eyes.

In addition, this demon does not seem to have any treasures, so it is naturally not a match for Han Li.

Seeing that Han Li had killed the monster in front of him, he looked coldly at the bones and bones that had fallen to the ground. With a flick of his finger, a red fireball popped out.

With a "pop" sound, all the remains of the monster burned fiercely in the flames, and disappeared without a trace in a moment.

Han Li strode away from the place without lingering. After a while, his figure disappeared into the black mist.

This time, although he easily killed his opponent. But after such a fight for no reason, he was still very depressed.

But of course he didn't know that in this attack, he actually regarded the several mid-level monsters in the Black Hidden Mountains as his backers and dependences, and killed them at will.

The plan of those monster beasts to use the power of this half-ghost and half-demon to get rid of the Tianpeng tribe's slave marks and gain freedom was wiped out in one fell swoop.

However, these matters naturally have little to do with Han Li. He still walked towards the edge of the fog while continuing to think about the new sword technique.

More than half a month later, near a barren mountain on the edge of the foggy sea, the black fog suddenly rolled, a gray light flashed, and a figure shot out from inside.

Then it flew up high into the air. After a few flashes, it reached the top of the barren mountain, and its original shape appeared with a dimmed light.

It was Han Li who had just stepped out of the Black Sea of ​​Mist!

He finally walked out of the Black Sea of ​​Mist, and immediately stood on a white boulder with great excitement, raising his head and letting out a long roar.

The whistling sound shot straight into the sky, causing the nearby air to buzz and the white clouds high above to tumble.

At this time, Han Licai glanced around and quickly found the location of the giant island where he was, and immediately turned into a big green rainbow and shot out.

After a few flashes, the escape light turned into a black spot on the horizon, and after a few more flashes, it disappeared.

Deep in the Hein Mountains, in front of a large mountain obscured by white mist, the green light dimmed, and Han Li's figure appeared at the foot of the mountain.

He looked up at the mountain, and it seemed that nothing had changed, just as it was when he left.

Han Li took a long breath and made a hand seal with one hand.

Suddenly, the white mist in front of him rolled, and then a passage appeared.

With a movement of his body, Han Li calmly controlled the escape light and flew into it.

As soon as he entered the cave, Han Li went to the medicine garden to check it out.

He felt completely at ease when he saw that everything was safe and sound, and that all the spiritual trees and grasses he had planted were still there.

Afterwards, Han Li dove into his bedroom, lay down on the bed without saying a word, and immediately fell asleep.

This sleep lasted for two days and two nights!

Even though I took a short rest at the old man surnamed Jiang before, how could it compare with my own cave.

When Han Li opened his eyes again, all physical fatigue and mental fatigue were gone.

Han Li stood up from the bed in a flash. After washing himself for a while, he walked out of the bedroom in high spirits.

After resting, he naturally had to enter the secret room to reflect on what he had gained from this outing, and continue to take the True Toad Spiritual Liquid and seclusion, so that he could cultivate until he reached the Great Perfection state after becoming a god, and begin to enter the Void Refining Stage.

The spiritual power in the Tianpeng relic must be refined as soon as possible in order to obtain the refining formula for the blood of the true dragon and the phoenix, so that the two kinds of true spirit blood can be integrated into the body as soon as possible.

As for the understanding of the new sword formation and the refining of the flying swords, they seem to be urgent matters and must be solved as soon as possible.

Thinking to himself, Han Li suddenly touched the back of his head with his hand while walking towards the secret room.

Suddenly a ball of black light shot out from the top of the head. After a flash, it turned into a small black man several inches tall suspended in the low air.

It is the second Nascent Soul.

Then with a flick of his sleeves, the crying soul and leopard lin beast were released respectively.

Han Li waved to the three of them with a smile, threw the mysterious vial at the second Nascent Soul, and left.

After the second Yuanying took the vial, he also smiled and said nothing in the air. After Han Li turned around and disappeared, he gave a few instructions to the two beasts in a thin voice, and then flashed in the other direction. Flying away slowly.

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