A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1581 Hundreds of Clans in the Spiritual World Jade Platform

When the black lightning struck Han Li, Han Li felt that his surroundings were slightly blurred, and he was teleported out in a burst of spinning.

Fortunately, he was extremely familiar with teleportation. When Fang Yi emerged from the teleportation, he immediately endured the dizzy discomfort and returned to his human form with a pinch of the hand, while twitching one of his sleeves.

The gray rays of light swept out, instantly protecting him and the girl beside him, Yanli, who had not yet recovered.

At this time, he carefully looked around.

I saw that they were on a high platform made of beautiful jade.

Around the high platform, there are more than ten blue stone pillars standing, each of them is carefully carved, with runes hidden on the surface.

This high platform is actually a small magic circle.

As these stone pillars flashed, they formed an unusually thick layer of white misty light, covering the entire high platform beneath it. But outside the light curtain, there was a billowing black fog, making it impossible to see anything clearly.

Fortunately, all the fog was blocked out. Looking above the head, it's the same situation.

Han Li couldn't help but frown.

"Brother Han, this is..." Yanli finally woke up from the teleportation dizziness. After taking a look at the strange scenes around her, her face turned slightly pale.

"It seems that we were taken to other places by the ghost fog." Han Li seemed quite calm.

"Isn't this the land of the Styx?" Yanli couldn't help but feel happy when she heard this.

"It's hard to say. But based on my past teleportation experience, it doesn't seem like it's a super long-distance or cross-border teleportation. It should still be in the land of the Styx." Han Li shook his head and said cautiously.

Upon hearing this, Yanli's face was disappointed, but then she suddenly remembered something and suddenly her expression changed and she shouted softly.

"No, Junior Sister Yuan is still outside the black mist and has not been teleported here. Could it be that she has been separated from us."

"Fellow Taoist, don't worry. With Miss Yuan's wit, there won't be any problem even if we are alone. But we must first find out where we are. As long as we have not left the land of the Styx, it is not possible to find Friend Yuan." What's the matter?" Han Li said in a deep voice.

Hearing what Han Li said, the anxious look on Yanli's face lessened slightly.

"Junior Sister and I have rarely been apart since we entered the Tao. I suddenly didn't see Junior Sister Yuan just now, so I was a bit rude. I hope Brother Han won't laugh."

"It's nothing. Fellow Daoist Yan and Miss Yuan Yuan have a deep love for each other. This is human nature. But even if you are worried about Fellow Daoist Yuan, you have to solve your own troubles first." Han Li replied with a wry smile and glanced at Finally, he took a few steps forward and came to a stone pillar.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at the runes on it, then turned his head and stared outside the light curtain.

The blue light flashed slightly in his eyes, and the magical power of the Ming and Qing Spiritual Eyes was instantly activated.

Even though the black mist was unusually dense, his spiritual eyes could still penetrate it, and he could clearly see the situation in the black mist.

"Hey!" Han Li's expression changed and he let out a light sigh.

"What did Brother Han find?" Yanli also walked over and asked worriedly.

"In addition to the high platform we are on, there are six other similar buildings nearby, forming a circle. Moreover, this place seems to be within a mountain." Han Li took a deep breath and said slowly.

"The heart of the mountain! If we hadn't left the land of the Styx, who would have built these things in a place like this." Yanli frowned and murmured.

"It's really difficult to guess. But what I want to know more is how this person manipulated the ghost mist to photograph us out of thin air. Maybe it has something to do with the Rahu beast." Han Li also had no clue and was not sure. said.

"It's impossible to make any judgment based on random guesses. But we can't just wait like this." Yanli asked with a sigh.

"Of course I won't do that. Who knows whether the owner of this place is good or evil. This place is called a shield, or it can be said to be a prison. Let's leave this place first. I just looked at the runes on the pillars, and it turned out that It's extremely profound. With my knowledge of formations, most of them can't be understood. I can only use brute force to break through this place." Han Li touched his chin and said with certainty.

"This restriction is really so mysterious. My little sister also studied some formation methods in the past. Let me take a look at it too." Yanli pondered for a while and said with some confidence.

"Oh, it would be best if Miss Yan could really unlock this restriction." Han Li was startled when he heard this, then smiled and stepped aside.

Yanli was not polite, and immediately walked to the pillar and looked at it carefully. As her eyes flashed, her whole body was attracted by the runes on the pillar.

Han Li put his hands behind his back and continued to look at various places outside the light curtain, with a thoughtful look in his eyes from time to time.

After a cup of tea, Yanli took a breath, looked away with a pale face, and gave Han Li a forced smile:

"Brother Han made me laugh. This restriction is far more profound than I expected. My little sister has no clue, so I'm afraid there's nothing I can do about it.\

,""It doesn't matter, since it doesn't work. Let's try my flying sword." Han Li didn't take it seriously and seemed to have expected this. With a flick of his sleeves, a clear sound suddenly came out, and a small golden sword that was about an inch long flew out.

After the flying sword circled above Han Li's head, it turned into a three-foot long sword in a flash, shining with golden light and a chilly air.


Han Lichong pointed at the white light screen in front of him and gave a low drink.

I saw a flash of golden light above my head, and the flying sword turned into a shocking rainbow and shot out, striking hard on the light curtain.

There was a muffled sound of 'Bang', and as the golden white light flashed, the golden rainbow suddenly showed its original shape and was bounced back unceremoniously.

Han Li's expression changed drastically, and he pointed quickly to reposition the flying sword in mid-air.

Although he guessed that this light screen was of great importance, he never expected it to be so tough. It seemed that the Green Bamboo Bee Cloud Sword had no effect on it.

When Yanli saw this, her face was full of surprise. Without thinking, she opened her mouth, spit out a black banana fan, and aimed it at the light screen and slapped it hard.

The dark flames rolled away, but the same scene appeared.

As soon as the flame came into contact with the light curtain, it was immediately bounced away by a flash of white light. There is nothing that can be done about the appearance of the light curtain.

Yanli took a breath of cold air.

"Why is this restriction so powerful and so difficult to break?"

Han Li pondered for a moment, then raised an arm, revealing a palm as black as ink.

With five fingers pointed, he clung to the light curtain.

In almost an instant, gray clouds surged out from Han Li's hands.

The light that originally seemed indestructible began to hum in a low tone after the gray clouds passed by.

The surface of the light curtain rippled.

Han Li raised the corner of his mouth and revealed a smile.

Sure enough, as he thought, as long as it contains the restriction of the Five Elements, the Yuanci Divine Light cannot be without effect.

With this thought in his mind, Han Li mobilized all his magic power. The glow from his hand became more and more dazzling, and the white light curtain fluctuated violently. .

The entire light curtain was twisted and deformed with Han Li's palm as the center.

Seeing this, Yanli's beautiful eyes widened a bit, her face full of surprise.

Although this woman had seen Han Li use Yuanci Divine Light before and knew that it was quite powerful, she had never thought that this divine light could have such a miraculous effect in breaking restrictions.

After a while, a muffled sound was heard, and the entire light curtain was finally shattered inch by inch by the twisted divine light of Yuanci.

The black mist from outside immediately rolled in towards the jade platform.

Without thinking, Han Li jumped up and transformed into a blue roc again and flew up. Yanli was also prepared to flick the long green feather, turning it into a ball of blue light to protect herself, and then flew into the air to follow Han Li.

Han Li had already observed the situation nearby, so after transforming into a roc, he fled in a certain direction in the black mist without hesitation.

After a few flashes, his eyes suddenly lit up, and another layer of green and yellow barriers appeared.

However, Han Li could see at a glance that this barrier was just a simple and abnormal isolation restriction, so the transformed Dapeng grabbed it with one claw without hesitation.

"Bah!" a crisp sound came out, and the barrier was easily torn apart.

Han Li's body swayed, and he reached a piece of stone ground on the other side of the barrier. Then in a flash of blue light, he transformed into a human form again and stood firm.

Yanli didn't take a step away, and she fell to the ground soon after.

Han Li quickly turned around and took a look.

I saw that the green-yellow barrier that was originally broken closed up again in an instant. The black mist that wanted to follow the trend was once again isolated from the outside.

Han Li felt slightly relieved.

At this moment, Yanli whispered:

"Hey, Brother Han, there is an entrance here! Do you two want to go in and have a look?"

When Han Li heard this, his heart trembled, and he hurriedly turned around and looked at where Yanli said.

They saw a passage emitting milky white light on a bluestone wall dozens of feet away from them.

Han Li raised his eyebrows and looked around carefully. This was a bit of a surprise!

They were actually on a raised platform on a cliff. But those jade platforms look like they are at the bottom of this cliff.

Looking at the entrance of the cave, Han Li did not go over immediately. Instead, he thought about it briefly and flicked his fingers out of his sleeves.

After two "Puff" sounds, two groups of golden flowers flew out. After a circle, it turned into two fist-sized golden beetles and shot towards the entrance of the cave.

Han Li then sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes and became silent.

Seeing this, Yanli knew that Han Li was actually driving away insects to explore the situation in the cave, and immediately waited quietly.

After a full meal, Han Li suddenly turned pale, his eyes suddenly opened and he jumped.

"No, there is someone in the cave, and his cultivation is unfathomable. My spirit insect was easily taken down by this person and trapped to death."

As soon as Han Li finished speaking, an unusually old man's voice sounded from all directions.

"I said there was something wrong with the Seven Door Lock Yin Formation. It turns out that there are guests in the mansion. Since you two are here, you might as well go into the cave to talk!"

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