A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1572: Hundreds of Races in the Spirit World, Wheel-turning Yin Gathering Formation

A few quarters of an hour later, several earth-shaking loud noises were heard from the area enveloped by a black light curtain.

Then the light curtain trembled violently, and rumbling explosions were heard one after another from the ground. Then, with the above-ground palace as the center, the ground for several miles around was stirred up into the sky by several thick light pillars, and then suddenly collapsed. .

The palace completely collapsed and disappeared, and a huge pit finally appeared in its place.

On the surface near the big pit, there are several long cracks about several feet thick, extending to more than ten miles away.

Then several roaring sounds came from the pit, and several groups of spiritual lights shot out from inside chasing back and forth.

One of them was more than a hundred feet in front, and the other spiritual lights were behind. In a flash of lightning, they flew to the entrance of the blue channel, and they all rushed out of the black light curtain.

Then the sound of breaking through the air was loud, and it shot into the distance again.

Suddenly, a fight broke out among several groups of spiritual lights.

They attacked each other while chasing the group of light at the front.

One of the light groups paused, suddenly broke away from the fierce battle, and unexpectedly changed direction and left alone...

In the blink of an eye, the area near the black light curtain became quiet again, and there was silence everywhere.

While Han Li used Qingxia to roll up the two Yuan Yao girls and fly away, he carefully looked inside to check the seals in their bodies.

fine! The mark is still as solid as ever and has no intention of loosening.

Han Li finally felt at ease, but he still could not completely let go of his worries. He knew very well that this was because several demon kings were currently busy with important matters and had no time to distract themselves from him. When Liuzu and the others were free and thought of him, they activated the mark.

He simply couldn't suppress it for long.

Therefore, Han Li and his two daughters had no intention of running away like this.

After flying more than a million miles, a hilly area filled with black energy appeared in front of him, and the Yin energy condensed and broke the weight.

Han Li's heart moved, and after a moment's thought, he took the two girls into hiding.

After a few flashes, Qinghong disappeared into the black air.

The scene in the hills was not as desolate as Han Li imagined. In addition to low gray shrubs, there were also several tall trees growing on the ground of varying heights.

These trees are a bit dull in color, but their branches and leaves are extremely lush, covering almost half of the hills.

After Han Li flew for a while in the faint black air, he stopped at a hill that resembled a small rocky mountain.

After scanning his surroundings with his spiritual thoughts and confirming that there was indeed no powerful ghost nearby, he immediately shook his sleeves and fired out a small golden sword.

In a flash, the small sword turned into several rays of golden light and slashed towards a stone wall.

After a low and muffled sound of "rumbling", a huge hole immediately emerged. The golden light rushed in like a spiritual snake.

Han Li stood in front of the cave entrance with his hands behind his back.

After a cup of tea, the golden sword flew back.

Han Li's expression changed, and he turned his palm, and a stack of small flags of different colors appeared in his palm.

He raised his hand and threw it, and the colorful light disappeared near the entrance of the cave.

Suddenly, a seemingly ordinary black mist rolled out and condensed with the nearby Yin Qi, no longer distinguishable from each other.

Han Li waved to Qingxia behind him with one hand, and flew into it in a flash.

The two girls flashed in the green clouds and disappeared into the black air.

The deepest part of this temporary hiding place is not very large, only about ten feet in radius. On the contrary, it is extremely deep, leading straight to the center of the belly of the hill.

When Han Li's figure suddenly appeared at the end of the cave, he sat down cross-legged against one end of the stone wall.

The two girls were also swept up by Qingxia and slowly lay flat on the ground.

The glow flashed, completely disintegrating and disappearing.

The two women's eyes were closed tightly and they were still unconscious.

Han Li is not surprised by this!

Those bloodshot eyes looked like something strange and evil, and in order to get them out of control in a short time, he forcibly focused on the bodies of the two women with the evil-proof thunder. And the two girls were half-ghosts, so they couldn't bear the pain of being washed away safely.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the two daughters of Yuan Yao are not physically strong enough. If he had a body as strong as Han Li's, he wouldn't care about this pain at all.

However, if Han Li dared to use this thunderbolt method, he must be confident and have another way to wake up the two girls immediately.

I saw a flash of inspiration in his hands, and a dozen slender silver needles and a stack of cyan talismans appeared in his hands.

With one hand raised, more than a dozen silver threads shot out with a "chichi" sound, and disappeared into the bodies of the two women in a flash, leaving only half of them exposed.

Although the two girls did not wake up, pain immediately appeared on their faces.

Han Li turned a blind eye to this, but the talisman in his other hand turned into a green light and covered the two girls' heads.

In the green aura, the pain in the two women slowly disappeared, and their complexion improved greatly.

And Han Li made a seal with both hands, and a series of mysterious spells penetrated the two women's bodies through the cyan light curtain. The dozen or so silver needles were trembling very regularly as these spells were fired. At the same time, the silver needles themselves flashed dimly and brightly.

Han Li took a breath and made a move with one hand.

The surface of the woman's body flashed with silver light, and more than a dozen silver threads shot back and disappeared into the cuffs of her sleeves.

Han Li opened his mouth and said lightly:

"Two fellow Taoists, don't wake up yet!"

Han Li's voice didn't seem loud, but he used some shocking and piercing magical power in his words. Of course, it's only very slight and won't hurt the consciousness of the two goddesses at all.

But this was enough to wake up the two girls.

Yuan Yao said "嘤四", her long eyelashes twitched, and she opened her beautiful eyes. Her eyes were a little confused, but she remembered something, and suddenly she sat up in surprise.

"Fellow Daoist Han, is that you?" Upon seeing Han Li so close, Yuan Yao's expression relaxed, and her mouth opened as she wanted to say something else.

But Han Li waved his hand and said solemnly:

"Miss Yuan will elaborate on what she has to say later. First, check to see if she is okay."

Yuan Yao looked stern, nodded, and immediately crossed his legs and closed his eyes again.

Yanli also woke up after a while, but under Han Li's instructions, she also looked inside to see what was going on inside her body.

After a short while, the two women took a long breath and opened their eyes again.

"Everything has been removed from my body. This time, it's really thanks to Brother Han that he took action. Otherwise, junior sister and I would have been doomed." Yanli stood up, bowed to Han Li and said.

Before they fell into coma, although their bodies were unable to control themselves, their consciousness was unusually clear. After being restrained, the two women were naturally extremely frightened, thinking that this time they would really be attacked by the beautiful white-haired woman. But they didn't expect that Han Li would show up to rescue them under such circumstances.

After falling into coma, Yanli didn't know how Han Li could do such an impossible thing, but the process was definitely extremely dangerous.

Therefore, this woman's words of thanks were extremely sincere.

Yuan Yao also bowed in the same way as Yanli. Although he didn't say anything, the expression of gratitude on his face was naturally not less.

"You two fellow Taoists, you don't need to be polite. I'm actually doing this for my own sake. Now I forcefully suppress the mark in my body, but it won't last long. The ghost woman and others may activate it at any time. You two might as well Let's first see if the Yin Qi here can be used to help me get rid of the mark." It was a matter of his own life, so Han Li didn't say any polite words and directly mentioned the matter of the mark.

After hearing what Han Li said, the two women looked at each other, then looked around and sensed the yin energy in this place.

"Although the Yin Qi here is not as dense as the two of us want, there is a 60-70% chance of driving the mark. Brother Han thinks we should find another place where the Yin Qi is more dense, or should we just Let’s take a risk here.” Yuan Yao lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then said slowly.

"Sixty to seventy percent? This is enough. If we look for another place, I'm afraid it will be too late. Those demon kings already know that we have not fallen. Once they calm down, they will definitely activate the mark to find us." Han Li thought for a moment. , he said resolutely.

Although he never did anything he was unsure of, when it came time to take a gamble, Han Li would not hesitate at all.

"Okay, Junior Sister and I will follow Brother Han's wishes and immediately set up the 'Wheel-turning Yin Gathering Formation'. With the power of this formation, we can gather astonishing amounts of Yin Qi in a short period of time. Borrowing the power of these Yin Qi, With the three of us working together, we can get rid of those marks at once." Seeing Han Li's decisiveness, Yanli showed some approval on her face.

Obviously this woman also intends to act here.

Yuan Yao's beautiful eyes flickered for a few times and she nodded.

Time is so tight, so the three of them naturally won't waste any more time. As soon as they reached a consensus, the three of them immediately flew out of the cave and reached a low altitude.

Yanli glanced at the nearby area, and immediately raised one hand, a ball of sinister wind suddenly appeared in her hand and condensed into a small gray flag in the blink of an eye.

Throwing the flag into the air, the woman began to mutter something.

The small flag was driven by the spell and kept spinning in the air. At the same time, it sprayed out countless gray vaginal threads, flying all over the sky.

Han Li looked at the small flag in the sky and narrowed his eyes slightly.

As a result, so many vaginal threads suddenly condensed in the same direction and turned into a straight pointed cone. Pointing straight to another small hill not far away.

"Found it! It should be the point with the strongest yin energy nearby. It is most suitable to be used as the eye of the wheel-turning yin-gathering array." A beautiful and pleasant voice came from the air.

Yuan Yao, who was standing side by side with Han Li, also looked happy when he heard this.

Immediately, the three of them flew over, and then Han Li continued to hover high in the sky on guard, while the two Yuan Yao girls began to set up a super large magic circle centered on the hill.

The area of ​​​​this magic circle is enough to include the entire hill below.

Han Li looked at the formation that was gradually taking shape in the air, and touched his chin with one hand, with a thoughtful look on his face from time to time.

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