A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 138 The Way to Make Talisman

Han Li was extremely happy and carried the wooden box containing the "Golden Zhu Brush" on his way back upstairs.

He used three bottles of "Huanglong Dan" and four bottles of "Golden Marrow Pills" to replace this treasure and the bag of Seven Star Grass seeds from the girl's hands. Afterwards, he randomly bought some cinnabar from other stalls and rushed back excitedly, ready to start his great business of drawing talisman.

After breaking the forbidden rules and entering the small building, Han Li saw that the young monk was still meditating. Without disturbing him, he went up to the second floor and returned to the house.

After placing the talisman paper and cinnabar on the table, Han Li took out his golden pen and began to work on the "Calming Talisman".

He followed the method of making talismans mentioned in Dingshen Technique and slowly poured his spiritual power into the penholder through his right hand holding the pen. He then used the tip of the pen to dip some cinnabar into it, and drew on a piece of talisman paper. Got the spell.

A quarter of an hour later, Han Li straightened up with a happy face, stretched his aching waist, and couldn't help but feel elated when he looked at the silver talisman on the table.

From the appearance point of view, this spiritual talisman is exactly the same as the one used by Doctor Mo. Although the spiritual energy contained in it is a bit lighter, in any case, it is much stronger than the fake ones Han Li made during his previous practice. . After all, those training items are only similar in appearance and do not contain any spiritual power.

Han Li took the newly released talisman and observed it excitedly. After he was satisfied, he was ready to try the calming technique. Unexpectedly, before he could cast his spell, the spiritual power on the paper talisman suddenly became chaotic and showed signs of explosion.

Han Li was startled and hurriedly threw the talisman out without thinking.

With a "pop" sound, the calming talisman spontaneously ignited in the air for no reason and turned into a ball of fire, burning everything.

Han Li stared blankly into the air, speechless! After a while, he sighed, it seemed that the talisman still failed.

Han Li was a little frustrated, but he had not lost his confidence. After all, he felt that the talisman just now was very close to success. He believed that if he worked harder and made it a few more times, he would definitely succeed.

In this way, in the next half day, Han Li made one talisman after another, but failed again and again.

Those magic talismans that were made would either burn on their own or explode suddenly, and some would simply lose their spiritual power as soon as they were painted, turning them into a piece of waste paper.

When Han Li looked at the last paper talisman that had just been completed and exploded to pieces with a "pop", he, who had always been calm, could no longer hold back. He looked up at the roof and suddenly opened his mouth and cursed:

"Damn it, you're kidding me! A dozen of twelve talismans should be successful once. These are just elementary and lower-level calming talismans! Could it be that I didn't choose the right day today?"

After these words were spoken, Han Li suddenly felt that his depression was much lighter and he felt more relaxed.

After that, he tilted his head and thought for a while, and glanced sideways at the cinnabar box with only half of the stock left on the table, as well as the gold pen, and felt that this was not the reason. Because his spiritual power was injected into the pen very smoothly, and when the cinnabar was drawn on the talisman paper, it was very spiritual and did not look like a fake.

Han Li couldn't figure out the reason for the moment. After thinking for a moment, he decided to ask the young monk to see if he could solve his doubts. At this time, Han Li felt that it was really important to have someone like a master to give guidance on the path of cultivating immortality, and he had some thoughts of becoming a disciple.

After listening to Han Li's complaint about his failure to draw the talisman, the little monk stared at him with an extremely strange look, as if a beautiful white flower suddenly bloomed on Han Li's face.

When Han Li saw the monk looking like this, he felt a little frightened. He didn't know what was wrong with what he just said, causing the other party to stare at him like this.

"I'm afraid Donor Han knows very little about making talismans!" the young monk finally spoke.

"Master Kusang is right. This is my first time making a talisman." Han Li admitted honestly.

"Among us immortal cultivators, not many of us can actually make talismans ourselves. If there are any talismans that we need, we usually go to trading places in various places to buy them. Even those from big families do the same."

"Why?" Han Li was surprised.

"It's very simple. There are too few experienced full-time Talisman Makers, and the cost of training a qualified Talisman Maker is too high. Only the big sects who cultivate immortality can afford to train them." The monk smiled. said.

"Donor Han feels that he is a loser after failing more than ten times in a row, right?" the monk asked.

"Yes, the material money alone is enough for me to buy several ready-made calming charms!" Han Li said angrily.

"But, does the donor know? It is normal for novices who want to learn how to make talismans to fail hundreds of times in succession. If they meet people with less qualifications, it is not uncommon for them to fail hundreds of times in succession! Only! Only after making thousands of talismans can the success rate gradually increase. This only refers to the drawing of the same talisman. If you change to another talisman, although it cannot be said to be the same as a novice, the failure rate at the beginning is still high. It is astonishing and breathtaking. Therefore, it is impossible to cultivate a qualified Talisman Maker without tens of thousands of Talisman Making Practices. But Donor Han, think about it, how many people can bear such a loss of materials? Not to mention the Xiuxian family, even the Talisman makers trained by the Xiuxian sects can only make achievements in elementary talisman making. If they are asked to practice making intermediate talismans, I am afraid that those big sects will also go bankrupt and cannot afford it. .After all, the higher the level of the talisman, the more expensive the materials used to make the talisman are."

What the monk said made Han Li stunned.

"Then why are there people selling cinnabar and talisman paper at the stall?" Han Li thought about it again and felt something was wrong.

"Haha! Those cinnabar and talisman papers are sold to people who practice talismans." The young monk said with a smile.

"Spells?" Han Li was puzzled.

"It's the same as the Concentration Technique you have learned. You must use a pre-drawn talisman before it can take effect! It is different from those talismans that store spells in talisman paper and are intended to be convenient for people to use. The talisman used in the talisman cannot be used. Simply stimulating it with spiritual power requires a certain amount of chanting and casting spells, but it is generally not complicated and is easy to get started."

"Because the same kind of talismans are often used in talismans, these people think that it is not cost-effective to buy them. So like the donor, they practice drawing talismans by themselves. Because the varieties are relatively single, although the cost is not small, they can finally It’s affordable. So if the donor really wants to practice the Calming Talisman, in the long run, it’s best to make his own talismans, but if he doesn’t use this technique often, it’s better to spend a little money and just buy a few Calming Talismans for later use.” The young monk preached carefully and finally gave Han Li some suggestions.

"Thank you, Master Kusang, for your advice!" Han Li bowed sincerely.

"What a courtesy, donor!" The monk hurriedly responded with a courtesy.

"This young monk is very easy to talk to. If you still have any questions in the future, you might as well continue to ask him for advice." Han Li thought to himself on the way back to the house.

Now it is impossible to practice specifically making talismans! It’s better to take the time to buy a few calming charms for later use! However, the Changchun Gong in his body has already reached the peak of the eighth level. Now that he has mastered the mental skills of the later levels, it seems that it is time to break through the bottleneck and enter the ninth level. In addition, you need to practice some new spells. If you master them early, you can also increase your strength. "

The moment Han Li opened the door, he had already thought about his future arrangements.

In this way, Han Li took a lot of medicine in the house during the day, meditated, practiced Qi and practiced Changchun Gong. At night, he went to a deserted place in the valley to practice the newly learned spells.

They are "Quicksand Technique", "Freezing Technique", "Lifting Technique", "Entanglement Technique", "Sound Transmission Technique", "Concealment Technique", "Spark Technique", and the most difficult to practice "Earth Stab Technique" .

After more than ten days of hard training, Han Li finally broke through to the ninth level of Changchun Kung Fu in the last few days before the end of the Tainan Conference. Wu Jiuzhi and others were stunned, and the Qingwen Taoist even called Han Li a San A genius in cultivation!

But Han Li knew very well that if he hadn't consumed the dozen or so bottles of elixirs, he wouldn't have been able to break through the barrier so easily! But speaking of it, he doesn't have many elixirs left on him, so it looks like he should mix some more!

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