(Haha! Voting reminder!)

"First of all, those who sign up for the competition must pass the seventh level of basic Five Elements skills, which is also the minimum requirement for taking the Foundation Establishment Pill. Secondly, those who sign up must be under the age of forty, and those over this age should not be fooled. Pass the test, because the person in charge of registration at the conference will use bone analysis to check the true age of each applicant."

"As long as you meet the above two conditions, anyone can sign up. There are no other restrictions! But because of this, this arena competition becomes even more fierce!"

"Do you think it's normal for there to be so many people in Tainan Valley now? Most of the people here are actually here for the Ascension Society. You know, our Tainan Society was originally just a trade fair for local young immortal cultivators in Lanzhou. In previous years, this meeting When it was held, there were only a few hundred people in total! But now you see, there are more than a thousand people gathered in the valley. In the last few days, people from further away will gradually arrive. This is the highest peak of Tainan Society’s trading.”

"The reason why these people came to our Tainan Valley to participate in the Tainan Meeting first is that on the one hand they want to buy and exchange some needed items, and on the other hand they want to take this opportunity to observe what they are about to encounter at the Shengxian Meeting. Opponent, so that you know yourself and the enemy!"

Hu Pinggu said the above words with a wry smile.

When Wu Jiuzhi heard this, his expression changed greatly, and he said in shock: "According to what Mrs. Hu said, the masters I saw in the valley who had reached the tenth level of their kung fu were also here to participate in the Ascension Conference? What else is that? If people of lower level go up there, aren’t they looking for death?”

"This is not necessarily true. Who says that a person with a higher level will definitely win against a person with a lower level? If a person with a weaker magic power uses some powerful talismans or carries some powerful magic weapons with him, the person with a higher level of magic power will still be defeated. People were beaten all over the place." Hei Jin, who had been silent since entering the room, suddenly said this, making everyone in the room look at him with suspicion!

"Yes, what Brother Heijin said makes sense. In the fight between immortal cultivators like us, it is not the most important thing whether the magic power is deep or shallow. The most important thing is to look at the power of the spells mastered and the flexible use of them, and The power of the portable artifacts that can be used!" Qingwen Taoist also said in great agreement.

"What Brother Heijin and Taoist Qingwen said is indeed on point. Otherwise, there would be no need to hold the Immortal Ascension Conference at all. All the participants would do is go to that station and compete to see whose magic power is deeper." Aunt Hu Ping laughed

After hearing what Mo Jin and others said, Wu Jiuzhi did not become happy, but kept mumbling with a sad face.

"A powerful magic weapon... a powerful talisman..."

Hu Pinggu ignored Wu Jiuzhi this time and continued:

"Because there are too many people participating in the arena competition, the Shengxian Association will set up seven arenas at the same time, representing the seven immortal sects of the Yue Kingdom. Whoever wants to become a disciple of which sect can go to which arena to compete. The arena selection adopts It is a two-win system, two people compete, the winner can advance to the next round, the loser is eliminated immediately, and then the other two people compete again. This goes on until the full announcement is made and no one else participates in the ring. The competition ends, and then the next round of competition among the winners begins. This cycle goes back and forth, and the last ten remaining winners are the new disciples of this immortal sect. They can obtain the prize without having to see the same fierce competition within the sect. Being qualified to take the Foundation Establishment Pill can be described as reaching the sky in one step! The process of the competition in the arena of the Immortal Ascension Conference is like this. But don’t look at what I say is simple, but the tragic scene on the actual stage is simply indescribable!"

Hu Pinggu became emotional as she spoke.

"I remember that in the last arena battle, there were more than a dozen tenth-level immortal cultivators who died, and even a pair of eleventh-level masters collided with each other. As a result, they both died together! As for the ninth-level and eighth-level immortal cultivators, Or, even more people died in the ring, I heard that there were hundreds of them. After all, in the last few rounds, no one would give up easily on the road to becoming a dragon, so the casualties would be even worse!"

Hu Pinggu said this with a look of regret on her face!

"If you have mastered the basic skills to the eleventh level, do you still need to go on stage to compete? I heard someone said, doesn't the Immortal Cultivation Sect automatically recruit such highly qualified geniuses? Then why do these two people have to go on stage to fight!"

A female voice suddenly sounded. It was the taciturn girl Honglian Sanren, and she actually opened her mouth.

Hu Pinggu laughed when she heard this.

"I also had the question of Sister Honglian back then, and I was puzzled about it. Later, I met an old senior of our casual cultivator, and after a little guidance, I suddenly realized it!"

"Brothers Wu and Han, I'm afraid they also have this question!"

"Not only do they not understand, but we brothers are also confused. Why do the eleventh-level wizards have to squeeze on this small single-plank bridge when they have a bright road? If they accidentally fall to death!" Kuroki He also frowned, looking puzzled.

"I see that Taoist Priest Qingwen is calm and composed. He must have already made up his mind about this. It would be better for Taoist Priest to come and explain it to them!" Hu Pinggu chuckled a few times and threw the question to the Taoist priest lightly.

Qingwen Taoist Priest was a little surprised, but then he admitted it silently. After pondering for a while, he said:

"Actually, those two people are from the Immortal Cultivation Family. I'm afraid they spent a lot of elixirs to reach the eleventh level." He shook his head, as if he didn't agree with what these two people were doing. "

"Isn't it normal to use elixirs to improve one's realm? They can still join the Xiuxian Sect!" Wu Jiuzhi opened his eyes wide, confused.

"Brother Wu has forgotten one thing. People who can master the eleventh level of Kung Fu before the age of forty may be geniuses to us, but in the eyes of those sects that have been passed down for countless years, these people They are only reserve disciples with ordinary qualifications who have just met their requirements for joining the sect. Otherwise, these people would have been accepted as formal disciples by the Immortal Cultivating Sect when they were young. Even people in their family feel that it is difficult for people like them to reluctantly enter the Immortal Cultivating Sect. There was no future. Ken had no hope of winning the qualification to take the Foundation Establishment Pill among the many disciples with better qualifications than them, so he simply left them behind and trained them specially. He had been lurking for decades, just to be able to This Immortal Meeting was a blockbuster, and he directly won the qualification to take the Foundation Establishment Pill, which can be regarded as another shortcut. However, their family did not expect that two people with the same intention happened to meet together, and they ended up dying together. Otherwise, they will definitely get what they want!”

Qingwen Taoist priest kept sighing as he spoke! Wu Jiuzhi and others had already heard this with their eyes straight.

"I told you how the recent Immortal Ascension Conference has become more and more intense. Experts from the tenth and eleventh levels who have never heard of it before have all appeared one after another." Kuroki murmured to himself.

The girl and Wu Jiuzhi were also silent, obviously this information surprised them.

"Think about it, on one side are the masters who are carefully trained and well-armed by the cultivating family, and on the other side are us casual cultivators who are short of money and materials. How many of us casual cultivators do you think can succeed in seizing the throne?"

Hu Pinggu's expression was cold and a bit self-deprecating!

"According to this, those cultivating sects who were overjoyed to get disciples as they wished through the Immortal Ascension Conference are also fake. Are they trying to be fat?" Han Li touched his nose and looked thoughtful.

"Brother Han is right. There is no good thing in the world that has the best of all three. It would be great to have the best of both worlds!" Hu Pinggu glanced sideways at Heimu, which made Heimu's face turn slightly red. "

"Are we casual cultivators really inferior to the disciples of the Immortal Cultivation Family? Even the remaining people from their immortal sect are so much better than our ordinary casual cultivators?" Honglian Sanren asked unconvinced.

"Although I don't want to admit it, the probability of a master among our casual cultivators is indeed much lower than that of the other party. What's more, we alone cannot compare with other people's clan in terms of manpower and material resources. In terms of external conditions, we are better than the other party. That's a long way to go!" Qingwen Taoist's voice sounded bitter.

"I have also heard from friends that even if some of us casual cultivators are lucky enough to become disciples of the Immortal Sect, there are very few who can successfully build the foundation after taking the foundation-building pill!" Kuroki also said in frustration.

"Okay, don't be despondent, everyone! We are all still young. If it doesn't work this time, there will be another time ten years from now! Maybe the identity of the introductory disciple of the Immortal Sect is waiting for you in the future! Let's talk about getting together after the meeting. And do the right thing!”

After the Qingwen Taoist priest finished cheering up the people in the room, he changed the subject again.

"There's nothing to say. I'll just go with everyone when the time comes. After hearing that there are so many powerful guys in the world of immortality, I really don't dare to go alone!" Wu Jiuzhi was still a little listless.

The Qingwen Taoist shook his head helplessly and looked at Honglian Sanren again.

(Book friends, if you find it interesting, please don’t forget to collect this book)

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