A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1287 Across the human world to capture the essence of fire

The silver-winged pony transformed from the sun's essence fire had already caught up to this place. Naturally, it would not give up easily. It immediately spread its wings and rushed upwards in pursuit.

Both of these objects are fire spirit bodies, so naturally they will not be blocked by the thick layer of soil.

After a moment, there were two puffs, and the two fire spirits rushed out of the ground one after another, and just entered the huge light cage.

As soon as the sun essence fire rushed out, he immediately realized that something was wrong, but at this time, the humanoid puppet had already suddenly placed one foot under the blue cauldron, and suddenly a blue flame flew out from the cauldron with a roar, and in the blink of an eye it disappeared. He pounced hard on a blue cold dragon.

The Taiyin Firebird that was originally escaping also circled and faced the silver-winged pony below. When it opened its mouth, the white snow crystal bead spurted out of its mouth and fell down.

At the same time, the entire magic circle began to activate under the pointing of the humanoid puppet.

Upon seeing this scene, the Sun Essence Fire immediately turned around without thinking and shot downwards, intending to escape into the lava again. The place where it and the Lunar Firebird flew out was the only area in the crater that was intentionally not covered by blue ice. But at this moment, the magic circle made a buzzing sound, and a blue light appeared in that area, and it began to look frozen.

However, no matter how fast the magic array is activated, it is naturally far inferior to the speed of the pony transformed from the sun's essence fire.

Seeing a flash of silver light, the silver-winged pony was about to sink into the ground, but its eyes suddenly showed a look of fear. With its wings spread out, it suddenly disappeared from the place and appeared more than twenty feet away. in the air outside.

Almost at the same time, five beams of light of different colors erupted from the ground and hit the void.

Then five strands of gray-white demonic energy sprang out and rolled down, revealing a five-foot-large ghost head. ,

It’s the Five Sons of the same mind!

Han Li also slowly rose from the ground.

At this time, under the influence of the magic circle, the ground was also submerged in blue light and turned into a thick layer of ice.

Han Li stepped on the blue ice and looked up into the sky, with a trace of solemnity on his face.

I saw the cold dragon transformed by the blue ice flame, the lunar firebird, and five ghost heads, all swarming around the silver-winged pony.

The fire spirit transformed by the sun's essence fire was indeed as clever as Master Hanli remembered it, turning into a ball of silver light and flying across the sky without stopping at any place.

Except for the Taiyin Fire Bird, this fire spirit's escape speed is obviously faster than the Five Demons and Han Jiao. As for the Taiyin Firebird, thanks to the help of Han Li's Snow Crystal Beads and the fact that it was currently trapped in a cage of cold air transformed by dry blue ice flames, it was contrary to the situation in the lava land and was faster than the Sun Essence Fire.

If the silver-winged pony's movement wasn't so nimble and cunning, and unable to capture its escape trajectory, it would have been blocked by the firebird.

But just like that, the silver-winged pony was hit several times by the red light from the fire bird's mouth in a short period of time, and suffered some minor injuries. But Ma would rather take a few hard blows than fight back in case the Five Demons and Han Jiao catch up.

Han Li stood still below with his hands behind his back, while high up in the sky, the humanoid puppet was urging the magic circle and controlling the cold dragon, with the same expressionless face.

Suddenly the silver-winged pony seized an opportunity. After taking a hard blow from the Lunar Firebird, it retracted its wings and turned into a silver light without any warning. It fell down and landed on the ground in a flash. Guang DaFang planned to use his escape technique to escape.

But Fang Yi came into contact with the blue ice on the ground, and the silver-blue light intertwined for a few times, and the silver-winged pony was stunned.

Just after this delay, a red light and a blue cold mist instantly sprayed from behind. At the same time, strange whining sounds also sounded.

There was fear in the pony's eyes. It was obviously too late to dodge, but his reaction was not unpleasant. He stopped running downwards in a flash, his wings flashed wildly a few times, and blossoming silver flowers appeared out of thin air near his body. The body was wrapped in it, and it seemed that he was going to take it hard.

Two muffled sounds of "rumbling" came, and the red light and blue cold mist hit the silver flowers one after another, and they exploded immediately.

Much to Han Li's expectation, the silver-winged pony shot out of the silver flower with a "whoosh" sound, as if struck by a huge force. It was more than ten feet away in an instant, and then stumbled. , turned into silver light and shot straight to the other side of the cage to escape.

Although the fire spirit's escape speed was still extremely fast, Han Li's pupils flashed with blue light, and he found that one of its wings was obviously a little shorter than before, and one of its legs was also blurred, with a faint flash of silver flames. Constantly moving.

A smile appeared on Han Li's lips, and he finally took action.

A blue-white light flashed behind him, and a pair of wings appeared. Then he flapped his wings gently, and a breeze blew up. Han Li disappeared where he was.

At this time, Taiyin Fire Bird and others discovered that Sun Jinghuo had escaped, and chased after him without hesitation. But because of this slight delay, the silver-winged pony maximized its escape speed in the air. After a few flashes of silver light, it reached the edge of the cage.

A blue light pillar blocked the front, and the fire spirit immediately planned to go around it.

But when the humanoid puppet in the sky saw this scene, without saying a word, he made a seal with his hands. All the light pillars suddenly shined brightly, and countless light filaments spurted out from the pillars, turning into a huge light network, densely blocked. The path of the sun's essence fire.

The pony was startled, but without thinking, it moved its wings, and dozens of silver flowers shot directly towards the net, and at the same time, it plunged headlong without stopping.

It actually plans to break into this optical network.

However, the fire spirit did not notice that in the sky above its head, two clouds of white mist floated there for no apparent reason. At this moment, the clouds suddenly rolled, and two white and cold winds spurted out from inside. Two snow-white centipedes suddenly jumped out, their movements were like lightning.

They were two of the six-winged frost centipedes that Han Li had already placed around them.

As a result, the silver-winged pony below naturally had no choice but to sway, hovering to temporarily avoid the two cold winds, and at the same time shoot away to the other side. Because the Fire Birds, Five Demons and others from behind were besieging and chasing them again.

But the moment it turned around, a black light suddenly appeared in front of its eyes, a black crystal flying knife appeared out of thin air, and the black line instantly slashed across the pony's body.

Pony Fang's eyes showed a look of fear, the same silver line appeared on his eyebrows, and his body immediately split into two halves.

After two sounds of "Puff" and "Puff", the two bodies turned into flames, shining with silver light, and then gathered in the middle, instantly melting into a whole pony again.

But the body is still vague and cannot be restored to its physical form immediately.

Obviously, the strange slash of the magic marrow flying knife severely damaged the fire spirit's vitality. At this moment, there was a dull thunder in the sky above his head, and with a flash of green arc, Han Li appeared strangely. As soon as he appeared, he flicked his fingers unceremoniously.

A shrill sound broke through the air!

Ten fire threads shot out, and after a flash, they pierced the body of the silver flame pony that could not move.

Han Li muttered something in his mouth at the same time. After wrapping the fire thread around him, he immediately circled Xiao Maran several times and tied him up tightly.

This fire spirit was caught off guard and seemed to have no power to resist at all.

Han Li was naturally overjoyed when he saw this.

Turning the palm of his hand, a stack of forbidden talismans that had been prepared appeared, and when raised, they turned into a dozen rays of light of different colors and shot towards the sun's essence fire.

As long as these forbidden talismans are affixed to the opponent, even if the opponent is a fire spirit, he will never be able to fly.

But something unexpected happened.

The silver flame pony, which was tied tightly, suddenly opened its mouth and neighed, followed by a silver light from its body. The fire threads actually relaxed and fell off on their own, turning into ten lines of fire to meet the incoming forbidden talisman.

There was a sudden explosion, which turned all the talismans into ashes, and fired directly at Han Li.

Even though Han Li had always been extremely calm, his expression changed slightly when he saw this scene. But he immediately raised one hand and made a serious move towards Huo Lingsi.

All of a sudden, these red threads condensed, and then they all fell into his palm reluctantly.

The Silver Flame pony took this opportunity to turn around and seemed to want to run away again.

Han Li's expression darkened, and he suddenly let out a cold snort.

When the pony who had just turned his head heard this hum, his body suddenly trembled, and he couldn't help but fell straight down from the air.

It turns out that he actually used the secret technique of shocking the gods!

Han Li's wings flickered behind his back, and the person disappeared from his eyes, and the next moment he appeared below the fallen pony. He didn't use any magic weapon. He grabbed it in the air with one hand, and a big hand condensed with purple flames appeared out of thin air, and forcefully took the silver flame pony into his hand.

Then the cold light of purple flames exploded, and a giant piece of purple ice immediately wrapped the fire spirit in it.

At this time, the Taiyin Fire Bird and the Han Jiao finally pounced, and without hesitation, they plunged into the purple ice, and merged with the ice in a flash of spiritual light.

Almost at the same time, the silver flame pony in the ice seemed to wake up from the dizziness of the shocking sting. The silver flames on its body suddenly surged, trying to melt the ice and escape.

But after the same level of Taiyin True Fire was added to the ice, how could it escape from the binding in a short time? I saw the blue cold dragon and the red firebird taking to the ice like a fish in water, surrounding the pony, and bursting into the mouth. chill. The silver flame was suppressed for a moment.

The five demons also arrived.

They were urged by the fire spirit's divine thoughts, and they immediately sprayed out five kinds of cold flames from their mouths, which merged into five colors of cold flames, and also shot towards the pony in the purple ice. As a result, after the light flames passed by, the Silver Flame Pony's movements suddenly became extremely slow, but the Han Jiao and Taiyin Firebirds that were also affected did not seem to be affected at all. Instead, the power of the cold air breathed from their mouths suddenly increased.

Attacked by so many extremely cold forces, the pony transformed into the sun's essence fire became slower and slower in the purple ice, and its aura gradually weakened.

Seeing this, Han Li immediately took the opportunity to flick his sleeve and shoot out more than a dozen talismans. As a result, these talismans penetrated the purple ice and just stuck to the pony's body.

Huolin suddenly stopped struggling with a look of despair on his face, and the silver light on his body dimmed. He could no longer maintain the form of a pony and turned into a ball of silver flames suspended in the ice.

(This is the second chapter yesterday. Let’s continue with today’s chapter. Sigh, I can’t help it! We didn’t expect that after a long trip, we still have things waiting for us at home. We are already in a hurry, and the update time is a little long. There is a delay, I hope you can bear with me.)

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