A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1259 It’s been updated, please give me your monthly votes!

This month's update is not very stable, but I have calculated that there are only two chapters missing. There was no way, we encountered something and needed time to deal with it, so we had to take two half-day leave. And in addition, we are already preparing for the chapter in the spirit world and thinking about some details, so I was a little distracted. You must have seen some hints of the spirit world in the recent updates. However, the chapter on the spiritual world should be coming soon.

Haha, not only everyone, I also look forward to what kind of new world I can bring to everyone.

Okay, after talking so much nonsense, I finally have to ask everyone for a monthly ticket. It's the end of the month now, and those book friends who haven't voted yet, please support us with your votes! The current position in the mortal monthly vote list is really not optimistic.

Although the words are a bit cliché, I still want to thank all the book friends for their support all the way. Without everyone's help, I would not be where I am today.

Wangyu sincerely thanks everyone!

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