A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1253: Across the human world, spiritual roots and the five elements unite

The three skulls were even worse.

As soon as the black air came into contact with the five-color flames, it also slowed down and was immediately swept away by the rolling flames.

The three skulls saw the five-color flames approaching gradually. Although the black energy kept coming from their mouths, they finally became a little afraid and whined loudly.

Seeing this scene, the Five Sons of Tongxin Demon let out a cold and strange smile, and then the cold flames in his mouth stopped at the same time, and his body suddenly turned into five gray air and rushed into the sea of ​​fire.

The next moment, when the five-color flames reached the top of the bone flag and reached the place where the three skulls were close at hand, five gray-white air shot out from the sea of ​​fire, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into five ferocious ghost heads with big wheels.

They seemed to be extremely excited. After a moment of fraying their fangs, they pounced without using any magical powers.

There is a loud "bang" sound!

The five ghost heads opened their mouths viciously and bit into the three white skulls.

The three skulls naturally refused to be swallowed up like this, and they also opened their mouths to bite the five demons.

Suddenly there were strange screams and endless roars. The five ghost heads and three skulls bit each other.

Because there was so much black energy spewing out from the front, the three skulls seemed to be running low on energy. Coupled with the fact that there were three against five, it was naturally even worse.

In the blink of an eye, two of the three were bitten on one side by four of the ghost heads, and they began to gnaw at them. The remaining one, under the coercion of the last ghost head, could only parry.

Seeing this scene, Han Li smiled slightly, showing a hint of satisfaction.

At the same time, a faint sigh came from the small cauldron in his hand.

"Why, does fellow Taoist Tianlan have any advice for my five-color cold flame?" Han Li asked with his eyes moving.

"I can't talk about advice! But your five-color cold flame reminds me of several five-element attributes in the spiritual world. After these exercises are performed, the body also has five colors, which is somewhat similar to your cold flame. It's very similar. But the cold flames like yours are extremely cold. If an uninformed opponent mistakenly thinks it's the Five Elements Kung Fu, I'm afraid he will suffer a big loss?"

A blue light flashed, and a child in a green shirt with red lips and white teeth appeared on the Xutian Cauldron. He stepped on the cauldron cover with a pair of white fat bare feet. He spoke leisurely while looking at the five demons in the distance. .

"Five Elements Cultivation Technique?" Han Li was startled after hearing this.

"That's right. When I came to your human world, I actually discovered that there seem to be very few exercises in your world that can cultivate multiple attributes. Most of them are exercises with a single attribute. Hehe, if this continues, even if there are real people If you can ascend to the spirit world, I'm afraid there is no hope of advancing to the Void Refining Stage." The boy smiled and said with a trace of sarcasm on his face.

"What does Fellow Daoist Tianlan mean by this?" Han Li asked, his heart trembling.

"Nothing, it's a little too early to talk to you about refining the Void Stage. But I can give you a few words. The key to advancing to the Void Refining Stage is the unity of the five elements. If you can advance to the Divine Transformation stage, it's best to do it right away. If you change your major in Kung Fu to practice multiple attributes, you can make do if you can't also practice a special attribute Kung Fu such as wind and thunder. In this way, the chance of breaking through the void cultivation will be greater. Of course, this kind of multi-attribute Kung Fu Naturally, magic is much more difficult to cultivate than ordinary skills, and the progress of magic power is far less than that of a single attribute. If you don't expect to break through the void practice, it is better to practice single attribute skills. This way, the magic power will increase faster, and it will be easier to endure. A small catastrophe that occurs once every three hundred years!" The boy said these words casually.

Han Li was stunned when he heard this, and after a while he asked in surprise:

"Five elements in one? This is really troublesome. The Qingyuan Sword Technique below is a single wood attribute technique. It is understandable to practice wind and thunder attribute techniques. After all, the mutated attribute is originally a fusion of multiple attributes. But if you practice any kind of martial arts, shouldn’t you possess the spiritual root of that attribute? Could it be that the Heavenly Spiritual Root cultivators have become mediocre in your spiritual world? What about the so-called small heavenly tribulation? We humans are In the spirit world, like you demon cultivators, do you also want to survive the thunder tribulation?"

"Hey, I didn't expect that my mere words would cause so many questions from fellow Taoists. In this case, I would like to explain a few words to fellow Taoists." The boy said to Han Li with a half-smile but not a smile.

"The Heavenly Spiritual Root is also rare in our spiritual world, and it is not a mediocre talent. It is also the disciple that all the major sects and large and small forces are trying to recruit. After all, those with a single spiritual root will only encounter the Five Elements Combination during the Void Refining Stage. It’s a question. Before this, those with Heavenly Spiritual Roots must have been much stronger than those with ordinary Spiritual Roots. In our spiritual world, monks in the Void Refining Stage are also the sect leader or the overlord of a place. And those with Heavenly Spiritual Roots, really When it comes to breaking through the Void Refining stage, most of them will practice or modify multi-attribute exercises. As for the problem of spiritual roots, it is easy to solve. In our spiritual world, someone has long created a method that uses a specially made inner elixir of monsters to replace oneself. The secret technique of the missing spiritual root. This kind of spiritual root is also called "Elixir Root". The effect is naturally worse than the real spiritual root, but it is still not a problem to use it to practice other attributes. Of course, this kind of 'Elixir Spirit' The "root" is only useful to monks who already have spiritual roots of other attributes. Mortals cannot refine elixir spiritual roots. In fact, in the past, there was another "weapon spiritual root" in our spiritual world, which was made from some kind of magic weapon. , to replace the effectiveness of spiritual roots. However, this method of refining spiritual roots from objects not only takes too long to practice, but also is extremely dangerous once the refining is successful. Therefore, few people in our spiritual world use it. . As for monks who are born with three or four spiritual roots or even five elements, who can break through to the realm of refining on their own, it is natural that our spiritual world is like this. But these people are all people with great perseverance, and they are really not comparable to ordinary monks. Yes. Hehe! As for the so-called 'little heavenly tribulation', this is what every monk above Nascent Soul must experience in the spiritual world."

The boy's voice paused, and then he said:

"The Nascent Soul and Spirit Transformation monks in the lower realm experience a heavenly tribulation once every three hundred years, so they are called 'small heavenly tribulations'. The heavenly tribulations in the middle realm of refining the void, integrating the body, and the Mahayana period occur once every three thousand years, so they are called 'small heavenly tribulations'." "Great Heavenly Tribulation". As for those who have cultivated to the last level and ascended to the True Immortal Realm, they will naturally experience the Immortal Tribulation! Of course, even if it is the same type of natural disaster, each stage and even each person's experience will be somewhat different. But generally speaking, even if your cultivation level stops where you are and makes no progress, the next catastrophe will be far more severe than the last one. Therefore, although the spiritual world is full of spiritual energy and its cultivation speed is much faster than that of the human world like you, once the Nascent Soul is successfully condensed, it will be like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will perish. There are an unknown number of well-known monks who die from various catastrophes every year. Fellow Daoist Han, don’t think that you will be able to sit back and relax after advancing to the Void Refining Stage. Although in theory, as long as there is a sufficient supply of heaven and earth energy, monks in the Void Refining Stage will have endless lifespan. But if you have never heard of it, there is no monk above the Void Refining Stage who can live forever without any worries. As long as he doesn't ascend to the immortal world, it will only be a matter of time before he dies under various catastrophes. "At this point, the boy's face darkened, and there was a deep fear in his eyes.

Han Li also looked serious.

The other party didn't say much, but the words he revealed clearly showed that the spiritual world was not a real paradise. However, when he heard that there was no limit to the longevity of monks in the Void Refining Stage, Han Li couldn't help but feel overjoyed.

Although he had occasionally read in some classics that it was said that monks in the Void Refining Stage seemed to have endless lifespan, it was only after he got the exact information from the other party that he really became at ease.

Listening to the other party's tone, this kind of infinite longevity can only be truly realized in the spiritual world. Otherwise, even in the advanced stage of refining the void in the human world, the vitality of heaven and earth cannot be supplied in sufficient quantity, and life span will naturally be limited. In the stage of transformation into gods, one can initially communicate with the vitality of heaven and earth. Presumably, in the spirit world, one's longevity will not be just a mere two thousand years. No wonder those old monsters who turned into gods were thinking hard about how to ascend to the spirit world.

As for the heavenly calamity mentioned by the other party, Han Li was a little wary, but he didn't take it too seriously.

Things like this are a bit far away for him. It's simply not something to worry about now.

After casually asking some questions about the Danlinggen and the Equipment Spiritual Root, Han Li finally nodded and shut up, but with his eyes flashing, no one knew what he was thinking.

After a while, Han Li played with the green bottle in his hand and flicked the cap with one finger.

Under the flash of blue light, the bottle turned upside down and the cap ejected on its own.

But for a while, the bottom was empty, and nothing came out of it.

Han Li was stunned for a moment, and just when he was about to make another move, a green light suddenly shot out of the bottle, and he seemed to be running away after a flash.

Although Han Li was caught off guard, how could he really let him escape? He immediately let out a muffled snort and grabbed the enemy with his backhand!

A big cyan hand appeared out of thin air above the green light and fished it down.

The green light that escaped seemed to have been weakened for a long time. Although I tried my best to avoid it, the escape speed was not very fast. The big hand grabbed it easily.

I saw the green light flashing, and it turned out to be a female cultivator Yuanying with a blurred face!

Han Li couldn't help but touch his chin, with a hint of surprise on his face.

"Which fellow Taoist are you? How could you be imprisoned in a bottle by the Six Paths?" Han Li stared at the female cultivator Yuanying and spoke slowly.

"Who is this fellow Taoist? Where is the old demon of the Six Paths?" Although the Nascent Soul was firmly grasped by the big hand, he asked unceremoniously.

"Six Paths! If fellow Taoist want to see him, I'm afraid you will be a little disappointed! I have already sent him on his way." Facing a mere Nascent Soul, Han Li smiled lightly and replied directly without bothering to think about it.

"What, you killed that old demon? How is this possible? Hey, you are..." The Nascent Soul trembled, and an incredible voice came from his mouth.

(Second update!)

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