A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1207: Across the Human Realm The Second Nascent Soul and the Demonic Corpse of Heavenly Evil

"I have planted a restriction on you, so don't try to use magic. Now you are no different from an ordinary mortal." A lazy voice suddenly came out, and the woman named Song looked in shock.

In the corner of the cave, there was a tall dark figure sitting there, and because he was motionless, she didn't notice it at all at first.

Almost at the same time, the woman also discovered that the magic power in her body was indeed unable to be condensed and raised. She looked like she was really severely restrained, and her heart suddenly sank.

"Who are you, Your Excellency? Why did you arrest my sister?" The woman surnamed Song glanced at her side and found Mu Peiling and Liu Yu lying behind her. Although they were in a coma, they did not appear to be seriously injured. Suddenly relaxed.

"Hehe, I didn't expect to meet the three of you in the inner valley. I blame you for not meeting me and being of some use to me. Master Nephew Song, as long as you stay here honestly, I think in the past In terms of my love, I won't make it difficult for you for a moment. But if you want to escape, you will be blamed for my ruthlessness." The tall figure said coldly.

"Senior Nephew Song? How come the young lady doesn't remember that there is an elder of the sect like you? Or the senior simply recognized the wrong person." Song Yu was startled and asked in astonishment.

"It's nothing strange if you don't recognize me. I just need to recognize you, my nephew. Is Zi Ling okay?" the tall figure asked calmly.

"You know Zi Ling! Who are you?" Song Yu was even more horrified and scolded.

"It's not easy to know who I am." The black shadow murmured, suddenly stood up, and actually raised his legs and walked towards the woman named Song.

After just a few steps, the man walked out of the darkness, and his figure fell into the eyes of this woman.

Wearing a jet-black robe, a skull-like head, and a pair of huge fangs slightly exposed in the mouth, it looks extremely terrifying. Moreover, this man's exposed arm seemed to be made of gold and silver, and it was so bright and enchanting.

"Who are you? I have never seen you before." Although the other person's appearance made the woman surnamed Song feel a "thump" in her heart, she asked with a look of shock on her face.

"Really, you can't tell what I look like." The man in black robe was not angry, but said calmly, but the look in his eyes towards the woman surnamed Song suddenly changed, and she seemed a little strange.

As soon as the woman surnamed Song came into contact with this gaze, she suddenly felt that the other person's gaze was strangely familiar, and she suddenly thought of that person.

"You...you are...impossible!" The woman surnamed Song suddenly exclaimed.

"You finally saw it. But don't be surprised. I'm not that person yet. But it won't take long, and I will become his." The man in black robe gave a weird low laugh, then swayed and retreated back to In the original place, he sat down cross-legged again, no longer paying attention to the woman named Song.

The jade face of the woman in palace attire was full of disbelief, and she couldn't calm down in her heart. From time to time, a shadow of a young man flashed in her consciousness, becoming one with the man in black robe in front of her, and then split into two again.

"Is it really Uncle Han, but he obviously doesn't look like this. Could it be that he encountered a catastrophe while traveling and was forced to seize his body and be reborn? No, although my uncle is in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, he has magical powers. It is almost impossible to encounter such a thing under the great monks of the later period. And even if the body is really destroyed and the Yuanying is forced to seize the body, why not return to the sect to rest, but hide in the Falling Demon Valley and treat the three of them You're not polite. What do those last few words mean?" Even though the woman surnamed Song was extremely talented, she was staring blankly at the black shadow at this moment, and her mind couldn't help but become confused.

"Hmph, you two are also awake, why continue to pretend to be unconscious." The man in black robe suddenly opened his eyes and snorted.

When the woman surnamed Song heard this, she was suddenly startled. Before she could look back in surprise, Mu Peiling's voice rang out from behind her.

"You are not the Young Master, you are the Second Nascent Soul of the Young Master! How could you escape from the Young Master's control and gain your own spiritual consciousness? Where is the Young Master now?" The woman's words were full of unspeakable weirdness, and there was something strange about it. Worried and a little scared. .

"Junior Sister Mu, you are not mistaken. This person is really the second incarnation refined by the master!" The surprised voice of the woman named Song also came over, with the same unbelievable look.

The woman surnamed Song looked back and saw that the other two women had indeed sat up, and one of them, Liu Yu, covered her mouth with one hand, her face full of shock.

"I don't know much about it, but I heard that the young master has practiced a secret technique that is rare in the human world, which can condense the second Yuanying. However, this second Yuanying is also extremely dangerous. If you are not careful, you can easily create a god by yourself. The knowledge will backfire on its owner." Mu Peiling stared at the black shadow and said with an uncertain expression.

When the woman surnamed Song and Liu Yu heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other.

"You can recognize me. Oh, I remembered it. It turned out to be Yin Yue's girl. However, I didn't intend to hide anything. I was indeed that person's second Nascent Soul. But wait for me After you have achieved great success in cultivation and devoured that person's soul, I will be that person, and that person will be me. You stay here obediently. If everything goes well, I will let you go. And here, It's an extremely secret place I found in the inner valley. Even if that person came to find it himself, he would never be able to find you." The man in black robe didn't bother to hide anything, and admitted it happily.

He turned out to be the second Nascent Soul that was transformed into the Zhimu Spirit Baby that was lost during the battle between Han Li and the great immortal masters of the Tubul people.

Back then, this Yuanying was seriously injured by one of the great immortal masters, and it should have collapsed and disappeared. But it happened that the second Nascent Soul had practiced some of the Xuanyin Demonic Qi taught by Han Li, and as a result, it inspired the guardian magical power of the Ghost Luo Banner that had been infused with the demonic Qi. It took the initiative to put it into the flag and infuse it with pure demonic Qi. be treated.

If Han Li is not too far away from this Nascent Soul, after the second Nascent Soul wakes up, it will automatically return to Han Li based on the induction.

However, Han Li was also seriously injured at that time. He was forced to escape into the water and freeze himself, and floated down the river to Dajin.

As a result, after the second Nascent Soul recovered, it was no longer possible to find traces of Han Li, and it began to wander everywhere on the grassland.

Twenty or thirty years later, it finally developed a sense of autonomy on its own, and immediately returned to Dajin quietly, and sneaked into the Valley of Fallen Demons, easily finding the corpse of the Demonic Demon that was walking like a zombie in the inner valley.

Although this demon corpse was severely injured by the ancient demon, it did not really disappear from the world thanks to its corpse mandrill body, but slowly recovered as before.

But without Han Li's control, the demonic corpse relied on instinct to move around. If this continues, hundreds of years later, this demon corpse will not be able to generate its own consciousness again.

But after being found by the second Nascent Soul, this Nascent Soul relied on the prohibition of the year to easily occupy the demon corpse's body and swallow up the corpse's only original soul.

This is also the reason why the Second Nascent Soul did not find other monks to seize the body, but went directly to the Falling Demon Valley.

After all, it is so easy to seize the body of a Nascent Soul cultivator of the same level. If you are not careful, you may be killed by the opponent. This demon corpse itself has the cultivation level of a Nascent Soul cultivator, but it has no independent spiritual consciousness, making it almost a perfect target to seize it.

The second Nascent Soul naturally came to the door without any thought.

This Yuanying relied on the residual demonic energy in the crack in the space where the ancient demon stored its body, and based on the corpse energy of the Tiansha demon corpse, and with the help of the Yinluo Banner, it actually cultivated the Xuanyin demonic energy in just a few decades. It became more than half of it, and successfully broke through to the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

The demon below found a few ownerless treasures in several secret places in the valley. After some sacrifices, he was ready to leave the valley, but he happened to bump into the three girls of Mu Peiling.

He didn't know they were the three girls at first, but because he first cultivated the Xuanyin demonic energy, and then was filled with pure demonic energy, and swallowed a little of the soul of the Tiansha demonic corpse, this Nascent Soul is naturally the same as the original Han Li It was completely different. He suddenly became fierce and wanted to catch the three mere pill-forming monks to death, firstly to prevent them from revealing his whereabouts, and secondly, to relieve the evil spirit accumulated in his heart.

But as soon as he recognized the three girls, Han Li's memory copied by the second Nascent Soul immediately came into play. After only a moment of hesitation, he changed his mind, captured the three girls, placed a restraint on them, and locked them up here.

"How long do you want to lock us up?" Mu Peiling secretly complained in her heart, but she still mustered up the courage to ask.

The reason why this woman could recognize the Second Nascent Soul at a glance was actually because when Yinyue gave her the elixir in the past, she had given her an unknown jade pendant, which she kept hidden close to her body.

And on this jade pendant, Yin Yue, as a weapon spirit at that time, had hidden a trace of the second Yuanying breath in it, and could sense the existence of the second Yuanying at close range.

Mu Peiling was puzzled for a long time at that time, but now she finally understood the other party's intention.

The other party probably anticipated that the second Nascent Soul might lose control and gave her the jade pendant just in case. Now, relying on the strange change of this treasure, she immediately recognized the other party's identity.

When the man in black robe heard Mu Peiling's question, he looked at her coldly and said lightly.

"Of course it's when there's only one Han Li left in the world!"

"With Uncle Master's magical powers and the speed of his cultivation, do you think there is hope?" The woman surnamed Song also calmed down, and after sorting out the whole story, she said slowly.

"It is true that I am no match for him now, but I am still somewhat certain of escaping. Moreover, with the three of you behind me, I feel more at ease. As for how I will succeed, I don't need you three to worry about it. Yes." The man in black robe chuckled, but he didn't say anything.

"Then you..." Liu Yu rolled her eyes and was about to say something, but the man in black robe suddenly interrupted rudely:

"Okay, I know very well what the three of you have planned. But don't have any illusions. You can go out from here. Either I will devour that person, or I will be wiped out by that person and become his again. The second Nascent Soul. Now, you just need to sleep for a while before we talk."

As the man in black robe spoke these words, he made a hand gesture and uttered a spell.

Suddenly, all kinds of spiritual lights flashed on the ground near the three women, and a large amount of black energy came out.

The three Mu Peiling girls were shocked when they realized that they were actually in the middle of a huge magic circle.

As a result, as soon as the black energy submerged them, the three women were spinning for a while and fell into coma again.

The man in black robe sitting cross-legged in the corner stopped the spell and released the spell, but his eyes looking at the black energy flickered and became extremely complicated.

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