A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1182 Across the human world, the fierce flames of the golden dragon

The old man's move seemed to be a signal, and the other Yuanying monks who were still fighting suddenly used various incredible secret techniques, or disappeared on the spot after a burst of white light, or sprayed blood from their mouths and turned into strange blood light to escape. Yuan Dashu also tried his best to abandon his opponent and escape.

"Huh!" A cold and piercing snort came from mid-air, and a ferocious look appeared on the face of the Golden Dragon King. He waved one hand, and after a thunderbolt, a golden and silver light shot out.

This demon actually threw the golden spear in his hand directly at the thin old man.

As soon as Yimangfang made his move, it suddenly disappeared in the void.

"not good!"

The thin old man in the distance had been paying attention to every move of the Golden Dragon King. When he saw this scene, his heart trembled and he suddenly threw back the cyan mirror in his hand.

As the blue light emitted, a full moon appeared, several feet in size, covered in green light, and the old man's figure was completely submerged in it.

And almost at the moment the Qingyue was formed, a golden gun that transformed into a body of more than ten feet appeared very close at hand. The silver lightning flashed on it and struck the center of the Qingyue with a thunderous sound.

The surface of the clear moon shattered inch by inch like a mirror, and the giant gun sank into the middle of the moon and scattered it with one blow.


Seeing this scene, the thin old man was shocked. Purple light flashed on his body, and he wanted to use some secret technique to escape.

But at this moment, the golden gun, which had shrunk by nearly half, shot out from the remaining moon shadow, flashed and then pierced strangely into the purple light.

There was a loud "bang"!

The brocade handkerchief was an ancient treasure of unknown rank, but it turned into purple light and blocked the attack. But even so, the thin old man's whole body felt like he was being shocked by electricity, and he flew several feet away without being able to control his figure at all.

The Golden Dragon King, who was in mid-air, raised his leg and his body spanned an incredible distance of more than ten feet. With just a few shakes, he instantly caught up with the thin old man and raised his hand to grab him without saying a word. five

Refers to the golden light, as if made of pure gold.

The thin old man had just recovered from the blow. When he saw the move of the Golden Dragon King, his face suddenly turned bloodless. He opened his mouth in a hurry, and a green light spurted out, which turned out to be an emerald green ball with a fist and a laugh.

With a "dang" sound, the golden claws unceremoniously grabbed the ball into the palm of his hand, but when the two collided, there was a crisp sound of metal rubbing against the plate. But Luzhu's body suddenly grew in size, as if he was about to shoot out of his hand.

The eyes of the Golden Dragon King flashed with cold light, and nails several inches long suddenly appeared on his five fingers. At the same time, gold scales the size of copper coins appeared on the back of his hand.

After a muffled sound of "poof", the demon actually crushed the ball to pieces with his bare hands.

After a dazzling green light flashed by, the golden claws turned out to be as if nothing had happened, with no damage at all.

"Dragon Transformation Jue!"

The thin old man screamed out loud at the moment the bead was destroyed, and at the same time he spat out a mouthful of blood. However, after this delay, the purple light enveloped him and shot out again. In an instant, he was more than ten feet away from the Golden Dragon King.

But this time, the Golden Dragon King did not chase. Instead, his face under the armor sank, and he slowly punched out at the purple light in the distance with one hand.

In the sky above the purple light, a golden fist about ten feet tall appeared strangely and struck downwards like lightning.

After a loud "boom", the thin old man was knocked away by the giant fist. He crashed onto the stone peak like a meteorite. He actually punched a huge hole several feet in a certain attic, and was then crushed by countless rubbles. Submerged in it.

A sneer appeared at the corner of the Golden Dragon King's mouth. He moved and appeared on the top of the attic the next moment. He stood at the edge of the big hole and looked away.

As soon as he raised his arm, his palm was shining with golden light, and he was about to kill the thin old man in one breath.

But at this moment, his expression changed, and the direction of his arm suddenly changed, and he grabbed it somewhere in front of the attic door, and at the same time shouted loudly:

"Who is there, get out of here!"

Five golden rays of light shot out in a flash, then disappeared into the ground.

After several "Puff" sounds, five grooves several feet long appeared in front of the attic. They were dark and extremely deep, but the ground nearby was not strange at all, and no human figure emerged.

Seeing this situation, the eyes of the Golden Dragon King in the attic flickered a few times, and there was a hint of surprise on his face.

Just now, without any warning, he felt an inexplicable shudder, which actually made his whole body shiver, and he almost launched an attack without hesitation.

This demon didn't really discover anything, but the sense of being a spiritual beast in heaven and earth prompted it to make such a subconscious move.

This premonition of danger had saved his life several times during his tens of thousands of years of cultivation.

But now that the attack failed, King Jin Jiao hesitated a little, unsure whether it was just a temporary illusion.

After all, it is not uncommon for premonitions to go wrong before.

It's just that the trembling just now was too strong, as if something extremely dangerous was peeping at him, which made him still have lingering fears.

Just when the demon was thinking about whether to expand the search further, the pile of rubble at the bottom of the large hole in the attic moved, and then returned to normal.

This strange sound immediately attracted the attention of King Jin Jiao. After scanning the pile of rocks, a hint of murderous intent appeared on his face.

He grabbed it in front of him with one hand!

After a roar, the golden spear emerged from the entanglement of the electric snake.

Without saying a word, the demon grabbed the gun and swung it fiercely.

The golden gun flashed in the silver arc, and suddenly turned into a dazzling rainbow that shot down, and disappeared strangely on the way. When he appeared again, the spear was already stuck on the ground somewhere more than twenty feet away from the attic.

With a "boom", the golden gun sank into it and disappeared.

Immediately, a muffled sound came out, and then the ground nearby shattered into pieces. Countless gravels shot out everywhere, and at the same time, a ray of purple light broke through the ground among the rocks. It was the thin old man.

But at this time, the old man's face was pale, with blood at the corner of his mouth, and the purple light all over his body flickered, showing signs of an imminent collapse. It seemed that although this purple light was miraculous, it was hit hard by the Golden Dragon King one after another and finally could no longer hold up.

As soon as the old man was forced out, he immediately fired hastily outside the stone peak.

The grim smile on the corner of the Golden Dragon King's mouth became thicker, and he grabbed it again, and the golden spear emerged from the void again.

After waving one arm again, the thin old man's escape speed slowed down a lot. Although he threw out a shield and an iron ruler, it had no effect in front of the golden gun that was in front of him!

After two loud noises, the two treasures were shattered by one blow, and the golden gun struck without stopping.

Although the thin old man tried his best to dodge, he could not avoid it due to the speed of his spear.

As a result, the golden gun penetrated the thin layer of purple light and flashed past his chest.

The monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul screamed and fell down. The whole person fell to the ground and became motionless in the blink of an eye. On his turned chest, there was a thick black hole with a thick burnt mouth. There were several slender silver arcs around it, and there was a faint smell of burning coming out.

"Hmph, even a mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator wants to escape from this king. It's just a daydream!" King Jin Jiao raised his hand to recall the golden spear again and said expressionlessly.

Then he waved one hand, and a sound of breaking through the air came. Several nails shot out, and when they rose up in the wind, they turned into huge golden nails about a foot long, and nailed the old man's limbs and neck to the ground. .

Immediately, the nailed runes flashed, and several golden chains emerged, sealing the old man here. Nascent Soul could no longer escape.

The Golden Dragon King felt relieved and grabbed the old man's body with one hand. The storage bag on his waist was directly captured in his hand. Then he swept his mind inside and his expression suddenly turned calm.

He raised his head gloomily and glanced around in the air!

In just a moment, several other Yuanying cultivators escaped. Two of them were once again entangled by the original demon cultivators. Another gray-robed old man holding a gourd and another group of blood mist escaped. In the blink of an eye, only two of them were seen. Looks like a black spot.

However, behind the gray-robed old man, the newly appeared demon cultivators joined forces and chased him, seemingly in hot pursuit. However, the blood mist pushed the other two demon cultivators farther and farther away, and their escape speed was far faster than the opponents behind them. .

The corner of the Golden Dragon King's mouth twitched, and he looked at the blood mist in the distance. After a moment of pondering, his body moved, and a golden light shot straight in the direction of the blood mist.

Looking at the golden light in the distance, Han Li, who was standing by the door of the attic, let out a sigh of relief.

After witnessing the Golden Dragon King knocking the thin old man into the attic, his mind was moved and he wanted to take action to restrain the thin old man and directly search his body to see if the top-quality spiritual stone was on him.

But in the end I felt it was not safe, so I endured it.

But I didn't expect that the Golden Dragon King's spiritual sense was so sensitive. In this moment of distraction, the other party sensed something and suddenly grabbed him where he was standing.

Fortunately, his escape skills were now extremely good. In a blink of an eye, he was on the other side of the attic door, and his grasp naturally fell into the empty space.

Judging from Jin Jiao's expression just now, it turns out that the thin old man did not have that top-quality spiritual stone in his storage bag, and it was even less likely that the old man would hide the spiritual stone directly on his body.

After all, spiritual energy is such a pure thing, if it is not placed in the storage bag, anyone can see where it is at a glance.

Han Li ignored the thin old man on the ground and looked at several places in the air.

At this moment, under the blue demon mist, there was only an unknown eighth-level demon cultivator, suspended motionless in the air. It seemed that the Golden Dragon King had left behind to monitor Shi Feng.

This demonic cultivator has a pale blue complexion and a ferocious face. There are blue scales all over his bare arms and thighs, and he looks really vicious.

Suddenly the demon cultivator turned his head and stared to one side.

When Han Li saw this, his heart flashed, and he also turned his head and looked around.

Not far away, I saw a ball of yellow light flying towards here, and there was a faint appearance of a monster holding something in its hand.

Han Li's eyes flashed, and blue light suddenly flashed in his pupils. He actually used the magical power of Mingqing Spiritual Eyes to see the monsters in the yellow light clearly.

(First update! In the past two days, the weather has been changing. It’s been cold and hot for a while. I’m really not feeling well and my head is a little aching, so the update has been a little slow. Please forgive me!)

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