A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1175: Traveling across the human world, extremely sinister news

A strange scene appeared!

As soon as the white silk square came into contact with the purple flame, it immediately stopped as if it had been hit hard, and white needles as thin as cow hair appeared.

Han Li waved his arm, and the purple flames on his body rose up by about a foot, and these thin needles were immediately involved in it.

Purple light flashed on the needles, and several pieces were wrapped in layers of purple ice, and then they fell down one after another, losing their spirituality.

As for the green jade hammer that also struck, Han Li just casually flicked his sleeves and robes. After a flash of purple light, the hammer rolled directly away as if it had been struck by a huge force.

Master Miaohe hurriedly made a hand to stop it, but it had no effect at all. Instead, the surface of the hammer flashed with crystal light, and in the blink of an eye it was sealed by a piece of purple ice.

The Taoist priest suddenly looked extremely ugly!

At this time, the old man in yellow robe could hardly believe his eyes.

The heavy treasure that I usually relied on was so easily broken with one blow. It was so unbelievable to him!

Seeing Han Li rushing toward him in the purple flames, he shook his sleeves and robe in panic, and a silver wheel shot out.

But Han Li moved like the wind, and as soon as the purple flame rolled down, he was in front of the old man in yellow robe.

Just as the silver wheel flashed twice, there was a flash of golden light, and the silver wheel silently slipped in half and fell straight to the ground.

The pupils of the yellow-robed old man's eyes shrank, and yellow light flashed when he opened his mouth, about to spit out his own magic weapon.

But just for this moment of delay, Han Li smiled sinisterly, and one of his arms suddenly blurred, and then disappeared from his eyes in a flash.

Almost at the same time, the old man in yellow robe suddenly felt his neck tighten, and a cold palm was placed on it strangely. Purple light flashed in front of his eyes, and the magic weapon that was about to be sprayed suddenly lost contact with his spiritual consciousness.


The old man was so frightened that he just had time to let out a scream before his entire body was wrapped in purple ice that spread from his neck, and he could no longer move at all. The face sealed by crystal ice was filled with a frozen expression of extreme fear.

Han Li sneered, holding the human-shaped ice sculpture in one hand, turning his eyes and looking at the others expressionlessly.

The four monks at the elixir formation stage knew that they could not intervene in the battle between the Nascent Soul monks. Although they had already sprayed out magic weapons to protect themselves, they only watched with fear from a distance. Seeing that the old man in yellow robe was restrained by Han Li in the blink of an eye, they looked at each other, yelled, and dispersed, turning into a ray of light and driving away the treasure.

But Han Li's main target, Master Miaohe, turned around and ran away faster than the four pill-forming monks.

The moment the old man was captured by Han Li, Master Miaohe was obviously shocked. Only then did he realize that Han Li's magical power was far beyond his imagination. He was the only one left to pay, and there was no chance of victory at all. He immediately and decisively turned into a green rainbow and shot away in the direction of Stone City.

The old man was originally worried that the golden beetles scattered around would come up to entangle him, but who knew that these spiritual insects were motionless in the air like puppets, and actually allowed him to rush out of the encirclement in a flash.

This surprised Miaohe, and after a few flashes without thinking, Dun Guang appeared more than a hundred feet away.

When Han Li saw this situation, he didn't say much nonsense. He swung his long sleeves in the direction of the four pill-forming monks, and four rays of golden light shot out. He escaped so fast that he almost caught up with the four of them instantly.

Screams came one after another!

After the four pill-forming monks and the protective magic weapon were surrounded by golden light, a large rain of blood was shed, and the corpses and ruins of the destroyed magic weapon fell from the air.

At this time, Han Li took one more look at Miaohe Zhenren, who had almost disappeared from the horizon, and sneered. Instead of moving to chase him, Han Li held the ice sculpture in one hand with a thunderous sound, and several thick golden arcs emerged. When it came out, it instantly turned into a golden net and covered the ice sculpture.

Under the wild flash of lightning, the ice sculpture collapsed and shattered in the golden light. At the same time, an inch-high yellow Nascent Soul was revealed, with the same face as the old man in yellow robe.

The Nascent Soul looked panicked, and quickly made a hand seal. After a flash of inspiration, he disappeared on the spot.

But the next moment, there was a rumble somewhere in the golden net, and the Nascent Soul emerged in the beating of the golden arc. The teleportation technique could not penetrate the restrictions created by the evil-proofing thunder.

Han Li didn't say anything. He grabbed the golden net in the air with one hand, and the golden net suddenly shrank. With each breath, it turned into a golden ball of light and imprisoned the Nascent Soul within it. Yang, several talismans flew out and stuck to Nascent Soul.

Yuanying Ti's spiritual power condensed, and he was suddenly unable to mobilize it at all.

Han Li clasped his hands behind his back, no longer paying attention to what happened to the Nascent Soul, but narrowed his eyes and looked again in the direction where Master Miaohe disappeared.

At this moment, Master Miaohe was already hundreds of feet away. With the rapid flow of mana in his body, his escape speed was almost as fast as lightning. But just like that, this monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul still looked back from time to time, as if he was afraid that Han Li was chasing him.

When he saw that it was always dark behind him, Miaohe felt slightly relieved, but his escape speed still did not slow down at all. Instead, he turned his hand with one hand, and there was a green talisman in his hand. He was about to activate it with one hand. look.

But what Miaohe didn't know was that the moment he turned around, a faint silver light flashed behind him, and a cyan figure emerged like a ghost.

This figure seemed to be flying lightly, but it actually stayed close to the back of the escaping light without falling behind. He is naturally the humanoid puppet that Han Li secretly released a long time ago.

But the old Taoist didn't notice all this and still focused on the talisman in his hand.

The puppet raised his hand numbly, and a silver fist struck forward silently.

"Zila!" There was a crisp sound, and the red shield on Lao Dao's body was like paper. It was penetrated by the silver fist and hit Lao Dao's back directly. The protective aura directly shattered and dissipated.

When Master Miaohe discovered the abnormality behind his back, his heart sank, but he had no time to react.

With a "Puff" sound, his fist appeared on Lao Dao's chest with bright red blood stains. Then he pumped it suddenly, and a blood hole as big as a bowl appeared.

Master Miaohe let out an earth-shattering scream, but his body collapsed limply and fell.

The humanoid puppet coldly rubbed its hands together, then raised it downwards, and a silver light net covered its head...

After a cup of tea, Han Li, who had leisurely landed on a nearby hilltop to kill, saw a silver rainbow appear from the horizon and shoot towards here, and he couldn't help but reveal a smile on his face.

With a muffled sound of "bang", Miaohe, who was covered by a silver light net and had colorful talismans attached to his body, was dropped directly from a low altitude and hit hard at Han Li's feet.

Then the figure flashed, and the humanoid puppet stood behind Han Li.

Only then did Han Li look at Miaohe again, his body covered in blood and half-dead, with a half-smiling look on his face...

Two hours later, a green rainbow quietly escaped from Lei Kong Island, then shot straight in a certain direction, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Han Li, who was out of sight, was weighing two azure storage bags in his hands, his face full of contemplation.

Inside the bags were two storage bags obtained from Miaohe and the old man in yellow robes. Each contained more than a hundred high-level spiritual stones, which were originally to be secretly sent back to Biling Island.

It turns out that Miaohe, who seemed to be in harmony with other forces on the island, had already secretly defected to the Counter Star Alliance, and planned to secretly control several islands near Biling Island with the support of the Counter Star Alliance. This Thunder Sky Island was one of his targets. . .

The high-level spiritual stones sold by Miaohe's sect on Leikong Island were directly mined by the monks from the Counter Star Alliance on Biling Island and then secretly given to Miaohe to support him in secretly developing his power and expanding his presence on Leikong Island. Impact. The old man in yellow robe is another Nascent Soul casual cultivator who was bribed by the Counter Star Alliance. He was originally the person in charge of controlling another island, and his status is similar to Miaohe.

The reason why this person appeared on Thunder Sky Island was because, like Miaohe, he suddenly received an incredible order, asking them to immediately collect all the high-level spiritual stones in their hands and rush to Biling Island as soon as possible. There was an extremely important To do this, we need to rely on the power of these high-level spiritual stones and Nascent Soul monks, and try not to alarm the monks from other forces.

Because this matter was really strange, and the island where the old man in yellow robe was staying was very close to Leikong Island, he was surprised to meet up with Miaohe first, and then set off to Biling Island together so that they could take care of each other.

But they never expected that Han Li would overhear a few words of the conversation between the two of them in Fangshi about recovering the spirit stones. Although he didn't hear too much details, Han Li understood that the two had joined the Counter Star Alliance, brought a large number of spirit stones with them, and were about to leave Stone City.

Han Li already had an old score to settle with Miaohe, and when he heard that the two of them had high-level spiritual stones, and that they had been hunted by many veteran monsters from the Counter Star Alliance for a long time, they naturally became even more unkind. . Immediately after leaving Shicheng, he used the secret technique of transforming spiritual consciousness into a thousand, and released tens of thousands of gold-eating insects, scattered around Shicheng, closely monitoring the movements of Miaohe and others.

As a result, tonight, he stopped several people who wanted to leave the island in time, and with his late-stage Nascent Soul supernatural powers, he easily captured two mere early-stage Nascent Soul monks.

Originally, by this point, he had achieved the purpose of his trip and could return to the Inner Star Sea immediately. But it happened that after he searched the souls of Miaohe and Miaohe, he got an important piece of news. The Jiyin Patriarch who almost killed him back then had also come to the nearby sea area, and the Counter Star Alliance was stationed on Biling Island to guard the mineral veins. One of the elders.

Needless to say, Patriarch Jiyin is definitely one of Han Li's most hated enemies in the Chaos Star Sea. Back then in the Xutian Palace, if he hadn't been clever and lucky, he would have been tortured to death by this old demon. In the end, it is difficult to escape the fate of falling and dying.

Therefore, Jiyin Patriarch is definitely one of Han Li's targets that must be destroyed.

Now that he heard that the old devil was on Biling Island not far away, Han Li would certainly not let go of this good opportunity to avenge him. Through soul searching, he already knew that there were four Nascent Soul cultivators in the Counter Star Alliance in Biling Island Mountain, one in the middle Nascent Soul stage and three in the early Nascent Soul stage. These manpower may be enough to intimidate the other two forces on the island, but for Han Li today, they are naturally not worth mentioning.

He was absolutely sure that he could sneak into the island quietly, kill the Jiyin Patriarch without anyone noticing, and then leave quietly without alerting anyone.

With such thoughts in his mind, Han Li naturally did not hesitate any longer and immediately headed straight for Biling Island.

Three days later, Han Li finally arrived at the sea near a Biling Island.

(Second update!)

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