(This is the third update today, writing three chapters in one day.)

As soon as they reached the second floor, before Yan Ge knocked on the door, Yan's voice came from inside the house.

"Are they Han Li and Yan Ge?"

"Yes, Fourth Master's Wife!" Yan Ge stopped in a hurry and replied respectfully.

"Yan Ge, please go back first and let Han Li enter the house alone." Yan's faint voice came, and the cold smell made Han Li's heart move.

"Yes." Yan Ge obviously respected Mrs. Yan and did not hesitate at all to her order. After smiling at Han Li, he quietly retreated to the second floor. Han Li was the only one left upstairs.

Han Li looked at the door coldly, and did not push the door open immediately. Instead, he let go of his spiritual consciousness to feel the situation inside the house. He did not want to be attacked by ambushes all over the room as soon as he entered. To hack him to death, it’s better to be careful!

The room was very quiet, and there were not many people there. There were only the breathing and heartbeats of Yan and a few other people. It seemed that no one should be out there, which made Han Li feel relieved.

So he stepped forward and knocked on the door twice, then opened the door and looked inside, intending to go in. As a result, the scene inside the room made Han Li's expression change drastically, and the steps he took suddenly stopped in mid-air.

The room was still the same one he had visited last night, and the tables, chairs, and decorations inside were all the same as before. The only difference was the dress of the beautiful women. Mrs. Yan and other ladies were all wearing white clothes and plain mourning clothes. They were sitting on several chairs and staring at him coldly.

Han Li's face turned a little pale, but he was not afraid, but angry at the dead Doctor Mo.

It was obvious that he had let Dr. Mo's old fox trick him again. The letter seemed to be as he had guessed. There was another mystery in it, and these tigresses had learned about Dr. Mo's death from it. It seemed that he was Here I am waiting for my husband-killer to come to my door automatically!

Han Li took a deep breath and his expression returned to normal. Then he strode into the room and unceremoniously found a single chair. He sat down opposite the women in a dignified manner, and then looked at them without saying a word, planning to Let's see how these women deal with themselves.

Obviously, Han Li's unscrupulous and ready-to-get-faced approach caught Yan and the others completely by surprise, causing them to be confused, with different expressions on their faces.

The second lady, Mrs. Li, turned blue. She was obviously angry at Han Li, a junior who dared to look directly at her and others after talking about "Master's Mother" just yesterday. You must know that she comes from a scholarly family, and she is very particular about seniority. However, now that I met Han Li, a guy who didn't respect his teacher, how could he not tremble with anger?

The third lady, Mrs. Liu, was very different from Mrs. Li. Instead of being angry, she looked back at Han Li with interest. However, with her amazing charm, Han Li did not dare to look closely at her. He only looked at her from her side. It swept across his face.

Yan's behavior was similar to that of the cold and charming Wang. She faced Han Li calmly and coldly, her eyes filled with a chill that froze everything.

"You are very courageous, my husband's close disciple!" After the two sides looked at each other for a cup of tea, Yan finally spoke, but the sarcasm in her words was clearly heard by everyone. .

"Master wives, if you want to know something or want to say something, just say it directly. I don't want to hear nonsense, and I don't want to talk nonsense!" Han Li said expressionlessly.

Han Li knew very well that if there was anything worse than arguing with a woman, it would be having to argue with several women at the same time. Instead of struggling to distinguish the facts, it would be better to get straight to the point and get to the core of the problem. Han Li Think so.

Moreover, there are no ambush masters with swords and swords in the house. This shows that these women have no plans to attack him now. It seems that they either have some scruples or are asking for it. In this case, there is no need to be too polite to them. Anyway, Dr. Mo's death was his own fault, and he has nothing to be ashamed of.

"You..." Even someone like Yan, who has seen all kinds of battles, was almost speechless by Han Li's harsh tone.

"Okay, let me ask you! Did my husband die at the hands of a traitor like you!" The second lady couldn't help it anymore, her beautiful eyes almost burst out with fire, and the bookish aura on her body was gone. A look of resentment remained on his face.

"Second sister," Mrs. Yan frowned and shouted softly, as if she wanted to stop the second lady from asking such a question that would immediately make both parties fall out.

"This Mr. Li is very frank and puts the most critical issues on the table directly." Han Li thought with a secret sneer.

"You can say he died by my hands, or you can say he committed suicide!" Han Li said calmly.

As soon as these words came out, the women across the street, including Yan, were stunned. They thought that Han Li would either deny it outright or admit it unscrupulously, but why did he say something confusing.

The second lady, Mrs. Li, was stunned for a moment, but then she became furious, apparently thinking that Han Li was teasing them again.

"What nonsense are you talking about? It was clearly you who did the harm." Li said tremblingly.

"How do you know it was me who killed him? Did you see it with your own eyes?" Han Li asked without being polite. He knew very well that the letter was written before Dr. Mo himself was killed. Naturally, he couldn't be absolutely sure that he died in his own hands. It was estimated that what was left to his wives and his wife in the letter were just speculations, so Han Li could not do anything about it. Refute without scruples.

"Since you said that, then tell us women the story of my husband's murder. If it really had nothing to do with you, we wouldn't deliberately accuse you wrongly." The fifth lady Wang, who had always been silent and silent, suddenly suddenly Here he spoke. (Book friends, if you find it interesting, please don’t forget to collect this book)

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