A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1131 Tongtian Lingbao Double-tailed Human-Faced Scorpion

The yellow-green light ball was wrapped in a fist-sized bead.

This bead is milky yellow in color, and when it comes out, it makes a faint sound of thunder. It looks like a rare treasure at first glance.

But Han Li did not stop the giant sword at all. Instead, he pressed the sword secret, and the golden light of the giant sword rose several feet, and he slashed down with a roar.

At this time, those thick and unusually thick milky-white light pillars also flashed in front of Han Li.

Han Li took a deep breath, opened his mouth and a ball of purple flame shot out. As soon as this ball of violet fire was exported, it roared in the wind with a pop, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a giant fireball half the size of a wheel.

After a muffled "bang" sound, the purple fireball split and shot out, turning into several smaller purple flames in the blink of an eye, facing the milky white light pillars respectively.

There was a loud "rumbling" sound, and those light pillars collided with Zi Yan without stopping at all.

Purple light flashed, two kinds of extreme cold exploded in the entire space, countless crystal lights emerged in the void, and waves of two-color cold air spread to the entire space in the blink of an eye.

In one direction, with an earth-shaking loud noise, the golden giant sword had steadily slashed into the creamy yellow bead.

The collision between the two resulted in a completely different scene.

Surrounding the giant sword and the ball, two different-colored arcs of gold and blue burst out at the same time. The two intertwined and flashed together, instantly forming a huge electric ball with a diameter of more than ten feet. The electric light was dazzling and at the same time it made a deafening roar.

This round bead is actually a rare ancient treasure with thunder and lightning attributes.

Han Li didn't care about the cold air that hit him. He just waved one hand and a layer of purple flame appeared on his body. The icy cold air turned into nothing as soon as it approached him, but he was really surprised by the appearance of the huge thunder ball.

What kind of thunder and lightning is this? It looks like it has some origin. It can withstand the power of the evil thunder.

Han Li did not activate the power of the giant sword, but instead used one hand to point the Xutian Cauldron in front of him. After a "bang" sound, a fluff of black hair shot out, and instantly wrapped around the ball, as if it wanted to take the ball by force and put it in the bag.

When the middle-aged man in blue shirt outside the restriction saw this scene, his heart was shocked. He didn't care about saving mana anymore, and suddenly fired several spells, pouring all his spiritual power into the bead.

This thunder bead is a rare treasure he obtained in the past. Although he has not been able to fully understand it, its power is already astonishing, and he will never give up on it.

Suddenly, the two colored thunder balls were evenly matched. Under the mad urging of the middle-aged man in green shirt, a burst of green light suddenly appeared, which was about to overwhelm Jin Hu and force him to retreat.

But Han Li's expression darkened.

His giant sword was made of more than a dozen flying swords, and the power of the evil-proof divine thunder contained in it was naturally far beyond the cyan thunder and lightning contained in a mere bead. Therefore, with just a thought in his mind, the giant sword shook, and several thick golden arcs appeared on the sword. Then they turned into several golden pythons and pounced toward the thunderball below.

The cyan arc that had just gained momentum was attacked by these golden giant pythons, and was immediately defeated by the lightning and roar. In the blink of an eye, all the cyan arcs were torn into pieces, and the naked body of the milky yellow ball emerged. .

And at this moment, the green silk from the Xutian Cauldron seemed to be shot at the right time. As soon as it was entangled, the ball was rolled into the green silk like lightning, and then shot back.

In the distance, the middle-aged man in blue shirt became very anxious, with a look of anxiety on his face. He grabbed Fa Jie with both hands one after another and refused to let go. The ball in the blue shirt started to struggle and sway, as if he wanted to break free.

Bai Mengxin also frowned. Without saying anything, she touched the mirror in her hand and threw it into the air.

A cold moon rose above the woman's head, and the mirror surface was completely white.

Bai Mengxin opened her mouth without saying a word, and spat out a ball of extremely pure white air, which hit the mirror.

There was a hiss like a snake's cry from the mirror, and then there was a flash of green light, as if something flashed out of the mirror, but because it escaped so fast, no one could see the shape of the object clearly.

Han Li, who was directing the Xutian Cauldron to capture the bead, suddenly turned his head, his pupils glowed blue, and several rays of golden light hovering in front of him suddenly shot out.

The goals are all in the same direction!

With a "boom" sound, several rays of golden light exploded more than ten feet in front of him, as if they had hit something.

Han Li ignored these, but quickly flicked his sleeves and forcefully grabbed the green silk-wrapped ball into his hand. He turned it over and put it into his storage bag, then narrowed his eyes and stared at the golden light explosion.

I saw the golden light over there dimming slightly, and I could vaguely see several golden flying swords surrounding a strange-looking spiritual insect, rolling up and down in a fierce fight.

This insect looks like a giant scorpion, but it has two tails and four wings on its back. The pattern on its back is actually a pattern that closely resembles a human face. It makes people’s hair stand on end after watching it!

It was this strange green scorpion that used its two black poisonous tails to turn into a black shadow to protect itself. The originally extremely sharp Green Bamboo Bee Cloud Sword made a harsh sound of metal impact when it was slashed on it. It was unable to break through the defense and kill the scorpion.

"Twin-tailed human-faced scorpion!" Han Li murmured, seemingly surprised.

This strange scorpion is actually the 29th ranked spiritual insect on the spiritual insect list. Because there were strange lines on its back that looked like a human face, Han Li was quite impressed by this insect, so he recognized this spirit insect at a glance.

However, the human face on the back of this scorpion is still a little blurry. It is obvious that it has not completed its growth and is still in the larval stage.

With Han Li's current magical power, unless he encounters the top twenty complete spirit insects, he has no fear of other ranked spirit insects.

After being surprised, his expression darkened, and he patted the bag of spiritual insects on his waist with one hand. Suddenly, there was a loud buzzing sound, and a cloud of golden insects flew out and flew straight towards the strange scorpion.

The two-tailed human-faced scorpion seemed to feel something bad when it saw the insect cloud. After letting out a low roar, its figure blurred for a while, and then disappeared without a trace under a few flying swords.

But the next moment, it appeared in another place more than twenty feet away. This spiritual insect with four wings can escape extremely fast.

But Han Li sneered and didn't say anything. He just touched the insect cloud lightly.

Suddenly, a muffled sound of "bang" came from the golden insect cloud, and countless golden flowers flew in all directions. In the blink of an eye, they were spread over a radius of more than a hundred feet. Golden beetles several inches in size were ferocious in shape. A two-tailed scorpion was suddenly trapped inside.

When Bai Mengxin, who was using a treasure mirror to control the scorpion in the distance, saw this situation, she secretly screamed something bad and immediately wanted to control the two-tailed scorpion to escape from the swarm of insects.

But it was already too late. All the gold-eating insects buzzed together and rushed toward the scorpion from all directions. Although the speed cannot be said to be very fast, it is so densely packed in all directions that there is not even an open space left.

The spirit scorpion had no choice but to turn its pair of hooked tails into black shadows to protect its whole body. Then it trembled, pointed in a certain direction, and plunged into the swarm of gold-eating insects, trying to rush through it. A swarm of insects emerges.

If it were an ordinary spiritual insect, this would naturally be the most appropriate move for this scorpion. But facing ancient strange insects like the Gold-eating Insect, it is just seeking death.

Because it had to dance its tail hook, the scorpion's escape speed was obviously reduced by more than half, although it used the momentum to knock away countless beetles and rush out more than ten feet. But more golden beetles swarmed up without any fear and moved with the spiritual insect.

These gold-eating insects are not afraid of scorpion venom or the sharpness of the hook scorpion. The more beetles bite the hook tail, the slower the double-tailed scorpion's escape speed and hook tail dance will be.

In the blink of an eye, the two-tailed human-faced scorpion was dyed a golden color, and finally made a shrill insect sound.

A moment later, the scorpion was submerged by the sea of ​​insects without a trace, and was devoured cleanly.

When all the beetles flew back under the influence of Han Li's spiritual thoughts, only the pair of black poisonous hooks were left shining and floating in the void. Because this hook is too hard and contains huge poison, even gold-eating insects have no interest in forcibly swallowing it.

Han Li was very interested in the pair of poisonous hooks. He reached out and grabbed the pair of monster materials in his hands. After looking at them briefly, he put them into his bag. Then he glanced at the golden giant sword that made people levitate in the distance.

As soon as his spiritual thoughts moved, the golden giant sword slashed down. The golden arcs on the sword flashed around, adding to the three-point power of this slash.

As a result, after a loud rumble, the cut void suddenly emitted a bright white light, and then the wind and snow in the sky turned into wisps of light.

After the surrounding scenery changed again, Han Li reappeared in the original magic circle, finally breaking away from the cover of the illusion.

Han Li was overjoyed, but he quickly glanced at

The middle-aged man in blue shirt was taking out a gong-like treasure from his storage bag and was about to sacrifice it. Bai Mengxin, with a cold expression on her face because the spiritual insect in the mirror was destroyed, fired several spells one after another at the white mirror floating above her head, as if she wanted to use this environment to display some magical power.

When the two men saw Han Li breaking out of the formation, their movements slowed down and their expressions changed drastically.

On the other side, a large piece of five-color light flashed unsteadily, and Sanskrit sounds kept crackling inside. The gray-robed monk was fighting with the old woman to a critical point, but he did not lose even in the restraint. This surprised Han Li.

But what caught Han Li's attention the most was Master Hanli who stood on top of the boulder and kept chanting incantations.

He was staring at Han Li with eerie eyes. Above his head, a white unicorn phantom had taken shape, and in the center of the phantom was the unknown mysterious jade token.

Seeing all this, Han Lim's eyebrows moved slightly, and then he silently patted the storage bag on his waist.

Suddenly, a ball of black light shot out from the bag, hovered before hovering in front of Han Li.

It was actually a jet-black jade bottle several inches in size!

(Second update!)

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