A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1124: Tongtian Lingbao Suspicion

"Brother Han, what do you think? Although what Fellow Daoist Han Li said makes some sense. But the poor monk still has some concerns. For the sake of safety, how about you and I advance and retreat together. As for Fellow Daoist Long, as far as I know she and Xiaoji Palace has quite a connection, so you and I should be more careful." The gray-robed monk quietly transmitted a message to Han Li.

Han Li felt a shiver in his heart, turned his eyes, glanced sideways at the monk, and found that the monk was smiling at him.

His mind was racing, and when Han Li was thinking about whether what the other party said was true or false, suddenly a loud rumbling sound came from the Void Spirit Hall above the Xuanyu Cave, and the entire cave trembled slightly, as if he had been hit by something. A strong impact.

Everyone's expressions changed.

At this time, if they were on the top of the giant mountain in Xiaoji Palace, they would see an ice and snow phoenix with a body of several dozen feet and a body as white as jade, hovering outside the forbidden light curtain of the giant mountain. It spread its wings and let out a gust of cold wind. Whistling past, the cold air actually condensed an iceberg of more than a hundred feet out of thin air beneath him, and then he let go of his claws.

Suddenly, as if Mount Tai was pressing down on the top, the iceberg crashed down, hitting the light curtain with an earth-shattering noise.

Countless white lights burst and flashed. The originally thick light curtain was strangely distorted, but it was not broken in the end. Even so, the giant mountain still trembled slightly under the impact, and some of the weak buildings on the mountain even collapsed and collapsed.

This giant phoenix was transformed by the woman in the silver shirt.

Because of the previous incident where most of the low-level ice sea monsters were destroyed, she couldn't get rid of the anger in her heart. She actually insisted that she was a world spirit beast with cold attributes, ignored the outer ice prohibition formation, tore through the space and broke into the sky above the ice city. And used magical powers to attack the protective restrictions of Xiaoji Palace.

Although it succeeded in a sneak attack, causing the monks in the giant mountain to panic for a while, the high-level monks from the Xiaoji Palace below naturally would not let it continue to attack like this.

Just when the white halo on the demon bird flashed and it started to condense the next iceberg again, a silver rainbow and a ball of white light flew out from the light curtain below. The figures inside were shaking, it was Bai Yaoyi and the gray-haired old man.

Before approaching the icy wind, Bai Yaoyi let out a sweet scolding and slashed away with two silver flying swords. The gray-haired old man rubbed his hands with a serious look on his face, and a treasure flew out of his sleeves in the wind. When they came out, they turned out to be crystal clear jade bottles.

The bottle's spiritual light flashed, but a roaring sound came from the mouth of the bottle, which seemed mysterious and unusual.

When Bingfeng saw this, a pair of light green eyes flashed, a pair of giant wings suddenly flapped, and a dozen huge ice spears more than ten feet long emerged from under the wings and fired towards the two of them.

When the gray-haired old man saw this, he snorted coldly, and made a seal with his hands in the white light. The jade bottle suddenly trembled, and dozens of black and white rays of light spewed out from the mouth of the bottle, and then disappeared in a flash. Strangely entangled on those ice spears.

I don't know what is the mystery of these rays of light. When all the ice spears touched, they shivered and shrank sharply. In the blink of an eye, they were reduced to the size of chopsticks. They were rolled up by these black and white rays of light and sucked into the jade bottle.

A trace of surprise flashed in Bingfeng's eyes, but without much thought, his body swayed and turned into a boundless wind and snow, overwhelmingly sweeping towards the two people opposite.

Not to be outdone, Bai Yaoyi and the gray-haired old man stepped forward with two silver rainbows and a ball of black and white aura, lowering their light.

Suddenly, rumbling sounds came one after another from the top of the giant mountain, the wind and snow merged, and the light flashed sharply. But the strange thing is that the beautiful woman and other Xiaoji Palace elders are not seen coming out to help. It seems that they are either presiding over the forbidden circle or going to fight other high-level monsters.

The fight outside was in full swing. Han Li and others in the Xuanyu Cave in the Void Spirit Hall felt the impact of the battle and looked at each other in shock.

Master Hanli also glanced at the entrance of the cave, with a trace of solemnity on his face.

"It seems that those monsters have really started to take action. In this way, the hole cannot be opened easily. Otherwise, if they are disturbed at the critical moment of breakthrough, all previous efforts may be wasted. I also plan to use the power of several Taoist friends to resist the group of monsters , I will never do anything detrimental to the three fellow Taoists." The Great Elder of Xiaoji Palace said in a heavy tone, with a hint of determination.

"Brother Hanli, we can understand what Taoist Taoist said. However, if we help Taoist Taoist break through the bottleneck, if we succeed, Taoist Taoist's cultivation will further weaken our vitality. Being so closed underground is a little too unsettling. A gentleman must be on guard against others if he doesn’t build a dangerous wall. When we have friendship with your palace again, we can’t put ourselves in danger with just a few words. Leave your life to your fellow Taoist for a moment." The monk frowned and said slowly.

"It's no wonder that several fellow Taoists are so careful. If they were a different master, they wouldn't put themselves in such a situation. But does Master Mojiu have any solution to both problems?" Master Hanli asked helplessly.

"Let's do this. If you Taoist friend has no other thoughts, how about you give this dry blue tripod to the three of me for safekeeping temporarily? As long as this matter is over, the three of us will return this tripod to you Taoist friend. In this way , I can safely help fellow Taoists break through the bottleneck." The gray-robed monk suddenly said this with a flash in his eyes.

As soon as these words came out, Han Li and the old woman standing on the light pillar were startled, but then they suddenly became enlightened. .

"Okay, this is indeed a solution that has the best of both worlds." Han Li agreed.

The old woman thought about it carefully and nodded slowly.

The middle-aged man in green shirt's expression changed when he heard this, and he couldn't help but interjected:

"Master Mojiu, this is inappropriate. Master should be very clear about the origin of this dry blue cauldron. It is my special weapon for practicing dry blue ice flames. How can it fall into the hands of others so easily."

As he spoke, he shook his head repeatedly.

"We are only keeping it temporarily. Before leaving this place, we will return it to the original. We have no intention of taking it for ourselves. What's wrong with this? Fellow Taoist Ouyang has filtered it a bit." The gray-robed man who has always been affable The monk did not let up at all at this moment.


When the middle-aged man in blue shirt was about to use his mouthpiece to say something more, Master Hanli interrupted him:

"Forget it, Junior Brother Ouyang. Master Mojiu's words are not unreasonable. Okay, I agree to this matter. But I don't know which of the three Taoist friends I should give this blue tripod to for safekeeping?"

The great elder agreed to the matter, but the last question made Han Li hesitate, and he couldn't help but look at the other two.

The same was true for the monk and the old woman, who were silent for a while.

"Since it was Master Mojiu who raised this matter, I will leave this cauldron to the master for safekeeping. I have always trusted the master." The old woman's expression changed and she said this.

Han Li's eyes were half-squinted, and after thinking quickly, he finally nodded casually.

"Since the two fellow Taoists trust me so much, the poor monk will temporarily keep this cauldron." The gray-robed monk did not refuse and solemnly agreed.

Seeing that the three of them had already made their decision, Master Hanli didn't waste any more time. He immediately pointed at the small cauldron high in the sky. After the cauldron spun around, the blue flames around it converged and slowly fell downwards.

When the gray-robed monk saw this, he didn't dare to neglect it. With a flick of his sleeves, a green glow flew out of his sleeves, and the small cauldron was caught in it, temporarily imprisoning it.

Although it is said that this cauldron can produce dry blue ice flames, he also possesses a kind of extremely cold flame, so there is no need to worry about anything wrong.

This time, Han Li took the initiative and turned into a beam of escape light that shot towards the purple light pillar. To be honest, through observing and practicing in the past few days, Han Li had a good understanding of this secret technique. But the final breakthrough method is the most important, and it must be personally witnessed in order to finally understand the entire secret technique.

So even though Han Li felt a little uneasy about the cave being sealed, he didn't have much fear when the Self-Containment God passed through people. Even if the Great Elder of Xiaoji Palace really succeeds in breaking through to the Divine Transformation stage, there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of until he has a stable state.

What's more, the restrictions of the Divine Transformation Stage in the current human world were also mentioned in the jade slip left by Linglong when he flew away. After understanding it a little bit, his fear disappeared a lot.

However, for the sake of safety, with a thought, he quietly called the Taiyin True Fire into the magic circle and lurked under a certain rock. Others did not notice anything during this process.

At this time, the gray-robed monk smiled and flew up, and others also flew into the magic circle.

Master Hanli did not hesitate to flick his fingers together to activate the magic circle again.

Immediately, rays of light appeared all around, and a layer of light curtain emerged again, covering everyone in it. A white misty hurricane also blew up, covering up the light curtain.

Han Li blinked and looked around carefully. Although the activated restriction seems to be the same as the previous days, it is obvious that the spiritual energy fluctuations are still somewhat different. With his attainments close to that of a formation master, he immediately saw some of the mysteries. He analyzed them silently in his heart, but his face remained calm.

"Let's begin! Hehe, if I really succeed this time, I will never forget the kindness of these fellow Taoists." Master Hanli said with a deep laugh in the milky white cold light, and then he made a seal with his hands , the blue ice flames on his body swayed sharply, and turned into a deep blue color. The color was as deep as the blue sea, making people reluctant to move away at first glance.

"Eh! I didn't expect that the dry blue ice flames of fellow Taoist Hanli have been refined to such an extent. This is probably the limit of how pure the cold flames can be in our human world." When the old woman saw this scene, a look of confusion appeared on her face. He murmured enviously.

"Is this the completely refined extreme cold flame?" Han Li's heart moved and he looked at Master Hanli for a while.

At this time, several other people began to sit down cross-legged, and a huge light lotus slowly unfolded under them.

Han Li calmly sat down with the corner of his mouth raised, and activated the magic technique with a pinch of his finger.

Suddenly, cold flames of various colors appeared on several people at the same time, but this time Han Li and others did not do anything immediately. Instead, low spells came from their mouths.

The light lotus under them continued to grow in size amidst the sound of the spell, and in the blink of an eye it became twice as big as before. The cold flames on their bodies also became dazzling and swelled under the blessing of the light lotus.

Han Li felt a slight burning sensation coming from his body. At this moment, his body seemed to be in a scorching sun, and the violet fire in his body was completely aroused.

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An inaccessible, strange and mysterious thousand-year-old mountain burial mound!

In order to investigate the truth and save himself, a reporter became half human and half ghost with infinite spiritual power.

A soldier was injured all over his body in order to excavate the battlefield in search of historical relics, and suffered a lot of bad luck.

In order to explore the way of heaven and crack the formation, a young heavenly master created a lot of loopholes and dangers! Three people in different situations started a death game that challenged fear.

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