A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1122 Tongtian Lingbao Zhenhai Bell

"In the past, before the Ice Soul Fairy ascended, she used her great magical power to freeze the Ice Abyss Island for hundreds of years, forcing me and other members of our lineage to avoid the monks from the Xiaoji Palace. But now that so many years have passed, and It involves the matter of ascension to the spiritual world, so I can only take action once. However, Brother Che spent a lot of effort to cultivate this incarnation. If it is damaged, aren't you afraid that the gain will outweigh the loss?" The woman in silver said calmly, without any trace of emotion in her expression. The smell of fireworks.

"Giggle! Just like what Fellow Daoist Feng said, this trip is important. As long as we can get accurate information, no matter how big the loss is, I will be willing to do so. But I didn't expect that the space node that was most likely to survive in the human world was actually in Xiaoji Palace. In the space crack torn by the Void Spirit Palace. If I hadn’t sent people to investigate several times and finally confirmed that the situation was correct, I would not have taken action rashly. After all, the Xiaoji Palace is not weak and cannot be killed easily. ." The boy said after a strange laugh.

"Only in the space cracks that can accommodate such a huge thing as the Void Spirit Palace, can the space nodes be preserved stably to this day. I heard from Brother Che that he has already searched in several other places, but there is no harvest. If it is still possible this time If you get nothing, what will fellow Taoist plan for the future?" The silver-shirted woman's eyes flashed.

"It's very simple, keep looking for space nodes. In the past, the ancient monks could find them by themselves, why can't I. At most, I can talk longer." The boy was silent for a while and replied with a sneer.

"But we don't seem to have much time. I heard that fellow Taoist is a descendant of some kind of ancient demon in the spiritual world. Not only does he have amazing magical powers, but his lifespan is much longer than that of ordinary monsters. But after so many years, fellow Taoist, I'm afraid You're almost like me, and you've probably started using secret techniques to seal your true body a long time ago. This is how you can extend your lifespan."

"Since Fairy Feng knows about this, why should she know about it?" The boy's face darkened, as if he had been stabbed in a sore spot.

"But this kind of deception can't be maintained for much longer. I received news from Wulonghai a few days ago that the old monster Bailu has passed away. He is also a descendant of the heaven and earth spirit beasts, and also came from Wulonghai. Those who have mastered cultivation during the ancient battles will never use their true bodies unless their lives are in danger. But like this, it is just an ignoble existence until now, and it is inevitable to return to the reincarnation of heaven and earth." The woman in the silver shirt sighed. With a sound, he glanced at the forbidden formation in the distance, with a trace of confusion flashing in his eyes.

"So, as long as the location of the space node can be determined, no matter how dangerous it is, I will take the risk. If Fellow Daoist Bai is willing, we might as well join forces and try it out." A strange light flowed on the boy's face, and he suddenly said this to the boy the woman said.

"Let's wait until Brother Che really finds the space node to discuss this matter. The Xiaoji Palace in front of us is probably not that easy to defeat." The woman in silver shirt had a noncommittal look on her face.

"Please rest assured, Fairy Feng. In the past, we from Ten Thousand Demon Valley attacked Xiaoji Palace alone and broke into the opponent's ice city several times, forcing the human monks to hide in the Void Spirit Palace. This time, with the help of fellow Taoists, it will be even more... It's not a problem anymore. But after the opponent uses the Void Spirit Palace to tear apart the space and escape, we have to rely on the magical power of fellow Taoists." The old man said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry about this. We, the Ice Phoenix clan, are born with a certain ability to tear apart space. We will not let you down." The woman in silver shirt said with a slight smile.

At this time, although the other transformed monsters nearby heard the words between the three of them very clearly, no one dared to interrupt the conversation casually. They all seemed to have forgotten their mouths at home.

A smile appeared on the boy's face, and when he opened his mouth to say something, his expression suddenly changed and he looked up into the distance.

The old man and the woman in silver clothes sensed something almost at the same time, and looked in the same direction in astonishment.

All of them felt that in the white cold mist, an astonishingly huge amount of spiritual pressure suddenly shot out of the sky, and immediately spread rapidly to the surroundings.

The next moment, a bell that sounded like a dragon's roar and a tiger's roar came rolling from the edge of the sky. The expressions of the eight- and nine-level ice sea monsters surrounding Bingfeng changed drastically when they heard this voice, and they all became a little unsteady on their feet.

The transformed monsters in the Valley of Ten Thousand Monsters were safe and sound, and all looked at the ice sea monsters with incomprehensible expressions.

As a level 10 monster, the silver-robed woman didn't care about the bell at all, but when she heard it, she made a frightened and angry sound:

"The Zhenhai Bell, the treasure of our Binghai clan, actually fell into the hands of the Bingso Fairy."

When the old man and the boy heard this, they looked at each other with a hint of surprise on their faces.

However, the impact of this bell on level eight and nine monsters like Binghai was obviously only for a moment.

After the group of demons who had suffered a small loss released their demonic energy and sprayed out magic weapons to protect themselves, the impact of the bell was immediately reduced to the minimum. Apart from some dizziness, it is almost negligible.

Seeing this situation, the woman in the silver shirt looked better, but something suddenly occurred to her mind. She immediately swayed and turned into a ball of crystal light rising into the sky.

Then the crystal light exploded in the air, turning into countless slender crystal strands and disappearing in the void.

After a while, the crystal light faded, and the woman fell back onto the iceberg lightly, her face a little livid.

"What happened? Why did Fairy Feng expend so much mana to use the Dasou Shenfen Nian Dharma?" The old man frowned and said slowly.

"These people from Xiaoji Palace actually sent out a large number of monks to kill the low-level beings of our Binghai clan while using the Zhenhai Bell. Although they only sensed a small area, many of them have been poisoned." Yinshan The woman snorted coldly, her bright eyes extremely cold.

"Is there such a thing? I have heard about it in the past. The nobles had a rare treasure back then, which could make monsters with cold attributes. After hearing it, their bones would soften and their muscles would become soft and unable to move at all. Could it be that this is called "Zhenhai" The bell is a treasure. But how did it fall into the hands of a human monk?" the boy said thoughtfully.

"It's nothing. This treasure is not as powerful as the rumors say. It is just an imitation of a spiritual treasure. The impact on people above level eight is minimal. You can resist the sound of the bell with your own magic. But below level eight it is indeed. We must be greatly intimidated by it. When the Ice Soul Fairy froze our Ice Abyss Island, she disappeared inexplicably." The woman in silver took a deep breath, and her expression returned to the same state in the blink of an eye.

"It seems that this should be the method used by Fairy Bingso to restrain you Binghai Clan. What are you going to do next, Fellow Daoist Feng? Do you want to send someone to rescue your noble family?" The old man twirled his beard and asked calmly. road.

"No need, the influence of these Zhenhai Bells is only for a stick of incense at most. By the time we arrive, these human monks will have already evacuated. And even if they are all killed, it will not be a big deal. These There are a lot of low-level beings in our Binghai. They can’t hurt the vitality of our Binghai at all. Besides, this is impossible! Even with the help of Zhenhai Zhong, it would be extremely lucky if they could find half of them and attack them in time. But this hatred of me I have remembered it. Listen carefully. After rushing into Xiaoji Palace, those low-level monks who have not entered the Void Spirit Palace must not be spared. Kill them all." The woman in the silver shirt lowered her head and pondered for a moment, then suddenly He raised his head, with a strong murderous intention between his brows.

The ice sea monsters beside him all took orders in unison.

"Haha, that's good. Let's break the formation now. Although the nobles can't arrive in time, our low-level passage in the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons is still intact. As long as the cold air on the island dissipates, you can rush in and help me. Waiting for a helping hand. But before that, we still need to break the big formation in front of us." The kid said with a smile. Then he opened his mouth, and a ball of black air spurted out, and then turned into a gray flag that appeared in front of him.

When the woman in silver shirt saw this flag, her heart moved and she looked at it carefully.

The small flag was only five or six inches in size and was shrouded in a ball of gray light. The palm-sized flag was covered with demonic shadows, as if there were countless demons, snakes and ghosts all over the flag. However, the flag was silent and there was no sound at all. upload out.

"Could this be Guigu's Ten Thousand Demon Banners?" After looking at it for a moment, the silver-shirted woman looked away and asked the boy.

"Fellow Daoist Feng has a keen eye! It is this flag. After being soaked in the evil spirit for so many thousands of years in the valley, the power of this flag is really unimaginable. Although it is only a clone, it cannot exert the full power of this flag. But just like this, with the cooperation of all fellow Taoists, I believe that within a few days, we will be able to use the demonic energy in the flags to turn the restriction in front of us into nothing." The boy said with some pride.

Then he rubbed his hands together, and a gray spell hit the flag.

Suddenly gray light flashed, the small flag turned around, and the phantoms of various monsters and beasts on it swayed wildly, becoming more and more dense and numerous.

Seeing this, the silver-robed woman nodded, and then gave a command, and immediately the demons around her flew into the air, spraying clouds and mist, or offering demonic weapons and magic weapons.

The old man also gave the same order with an expressionless face. ,

The group of monsters in the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons also turned into various kinds of escaping lights and shot up to the sky, using the same method to drive away treasures.

For a moment, the demonic wind burst out, covering almost half of the sky

When the boy saw this, he laughed wildly, and then his face suddenly tensed up, and he uttered an incomprehensible chant. The demon flags in front of him suddenly rose up out of thin air amidst the sound of magic spells.

As soon as the spell sounded, it lasted as long as a cup of tea. A giant flag as thick as a water tank and about a hundred feet high stood on the top of the iceberg out of thin air, like a giant pillar holding up the sky. The phantoms of monsters on this flag are also life-size, circling and dancing on the surface of the flag, ready to move.


The boy shouted loudly like thunder, and the magic spell was urged in his heart.

Immediately the sound of flags was heard and the roars of countless monsters were heard. All kinds of monsters, wrapped in various kinds of monster clouds and monster auras, were like a torrent flowing out of their mouths. The white mist and cold air poured out straight to the opposite side, and the swarms of monsters in the sky poured out. The demon didn't dare to show weakness and also swept down overwhelmingly.

Almost at the same time, a dozen figures of different sizes suddenly appeared in the cold air. They hid in the restriction, emitted various brilliance from their hands, and directly faced the group of monsters.

In an instant, a war began.

(First update!)

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